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Everything posted by Quik

  1. Quik

    S66 Theme Week

    Submit the Uncapped as other. Doing it all at once will lead to issues if you're claiming other capped TPE later
  2. Quik

    S66 Theme Week

    ITT: People asking the same question over and over ? Yeah, you can submit both this week, and then claim the capped TPE next week if you submitted something before this announcement went up. Anyone who submitted a non-theme PT/VHL.com after do not get that grace, as they were tagged.
  3. Either that, or @Greg_Di might be trying to put TPE into something that costs more than 1? I know I got a similar message when I tested it with ACL to see what would happen.
  4. Quik

    S66 Theme Week

    If both articles are on theme, then yeah, you're fine. Total Uncapped is 8 (6 for the MS, 1 for the VHL.com, 1 for doing both). And yeah, claim exactly that way
  5. Quik

    S66 Theme Week

    Correct. As long as you submit a themed article this week, you can claim the uncapped, and then use the actual article as your capped PT next week. Same goes for VHL.com submissions. If you've already done one, you can submit a second one to claim the uncapped, and claim the capped portion as work done for next week.
  6. So, I don't have my laptop with me, and will be away the rest of the week (and until Wednesday), which means I need to write something, in order to submit a Themed 590 for Bailey (sorry ACL, but you're a scrub and I'm not writing to get you an extra 8 TPE). So, the playoffs are finally here! It's been a weird season, since the Titans have been all but clinched for pretty much the entirety of the season. We went on a fantastic run to start the season, and never really looked back. What's even weirder is that, apart from us, league parity was insane. The competition between Riga and Calgary for 2nd Place went until the last couple sims. Toronto fought with New York for that final playoff spot, again, until the last couple sims. 2-points separated 3rd from 6th. Even the bottom-3 were only separated by 5 points. What that all means is that this could be the wildest playoffs the league has seen in some time. It's impossible to predict which of Calgary, New York, or Vancouver will come out of North America - I mean, it's unlikely New York does it, but you never know! In Europe, while Helsinki is the favourite, neither Riga or Davos are easy marks, and the Dynamo handed us 4 of our 17 losses this season, which means they won't be an easy opponent should they get through Riga. It'll be fun to see what happens once things kick off. Who ya got?
  7. Quik

    S66 Theme Week

    Uncapped can be claimed this week, the actual submission can be claimed next week. Gustav- you can push your MS by one week starting next week (i.e. claim theme week next week, then resume claiming the MS)
  8. Victory Cup Champs wait for opponent Helsinki, FINLAND - With the VHL's 66th Regular Season wrapped up, and a first-round bye giving them a break before action resumes, the Helsinki Titans, owners of the league's best record (55-14-3) patiently await their next opponent. While most would expect that the team is hard at work, running drills and video sessions 24/7, to prepare for either scenario - Davos or Riga - that is not actually the case. In fact, Hartwall Arena has not seen its lights turned on for days, as the team has been getting some much needed rest and relaxation. To go a step further, not only is the team getting some time off, but Captain Kronos Bailey, knowing the team would have the week-long break, managed to schedule a team retreat, taking the entire group to Santorini, in Greece. Having some fun in the sun, the group is celebrating its Victory Cup Championship, as well as its two known award winners in Julian Borwinn and Matt Thompson, as the pair shared the Kevin Brooks award as co-leaders in league goal scoring with 51-apiece, while Borwinn took home the Mike Szatkowski Trophy as the league's run-away scoring leader, finishing 10-points ahead of 2nd place Jake Davis with 114 on the season. Both marks are team-highs since GM Matt Bailey re-took the role in Season 62. Perhaps most in need of a break from hockey activity is starter Alexander Pepper, the team's star goaltender who looked strong going into the final game of the season, before being pulled for the first time in 64 starts. While the netminder holds all the confidence of his teammates, he was happy to be able to get away from past demons quickly after that start, hoping to buck past trends: "Maybe my head was already on the island, but it's definitely good not to have to focus on that. If we were back at the 'Wall, I'd probably be overthinking what happened in that game against Moscow, and driving myself mad trying to fix it. Instead, we're here, having a great time as a team, and getting some much needed mental relaxing. One of our goals this year, when we got on the roll we did, was to break 55 wins, so while we had the V-Cup locked up for a while, we were going hard to accomplish that, and it took, probably, more mental fortitude than just getting into the playoffs the last couple years." Newcomer Matt Thompson is no stranger to regular season success, having been on the Victory Cup winning Bears the past 2 seasons, and finishing 1-point behind Riga for the league's top spot in Season 63. For him, the real work begins now: "It's nice to win the Victory Cup, as it's a 72-game grind, but nobody remembers the Regular Season Champs. I came here for one reason, and one reason only: to win a Continental Cup. This group has been unbelievable, right to the last man on the roster. We've put ourselves in the best position possible, but, from experience, I can tell you it doesn't guarantee anything. While it's nice to get away, I think Bails had a great idea bringing us out here. Every day the whole group has been together, so it's nice for everyone to continue bonding. To a man, everyone here puts the Titans ahead of themselves, so now it's time to finish what we started!" The Titans will return to Finland after the first three games of the European Semi-Final are played, and then begin their on-ice preparations for their eventual opponents. Whether that's Davos or Riga, neither opponent seems to scare the Finnish side, as they are confident they can continue their winning ways. Only time will tell, for sure, but these Titans look poised to reach the VHL's ultimate summit: the Continental Cup! Theme Week for Bailey
  9. Hey @Members So, this is a little late (after already being a little late), but this week, ending June 23rd is VHL Theme Week! By now, if you've been here for a while, you know the drill. If you're new, theme week means Uncapped TPE for submissions based on the season's "Theme," in this case, the Playoffs are the S66 Theme. This means you can write a Media Spot about anything to do with the playoffs, make a graphic about a team (or teams) in the playoffs, or submit a Podcast talking about the playoffs. It can be predictions, observations, hype, whatever you want, as long as it is clearly related to the playoffs. As this is only being announced on Tuesday, there will be an allowance for people who have already submitted this week, to submit their Themed Point Tasks this week, and claim them next week. These submissions must still be made by the end of the week, in order to qualify.
  10. What the shit, sometimes Simon gonna Simon ? Hopefully that’s Pepper getting any jitters out before the playoffs. Nice finish for @Jubo07 and @Beketov though, so close to being 1-2 in points race too
  11. Considering you didn’t even put Bailey on the ballot... screw Beau!
  12. You thought you had us in that first minute, but then HSK G came in to save the da- wait a minute, @Sonnet cleaned up the bot's mess!?!?!? Aside from that blip to start, great all around game! PP is rolling, PK doing it's job and then some, Pepper coming in and being Pepper, JuBo keeping his spot atop the league. Just an all around fun game.
  13. @CoachReilly...the hero we needed, but did not deserve
  14. 1) The Titans clinched the Victory Cup with a good number of games to spare. What does that say about this year's roster? It's a great group, with a bunch of great guys who put greatness above all else. Greatly unselfish, working for each other on and off the ice. Just a great team, all around! 2) How many Titans will end up leading in their respective categories by the end of the season (goals, assists, points)? As a General Manager, I'd love to see Titans atop every leaderboard. Goals. Assists. Points. D-man points. Wins. Sweep the stage! 3) Do you treat these last few games any differently than the ones that mattered?  They all matter! As cliche as that sounds, we're going for some team pride here. We've had the lowest GA for most of the season, and recently took over the highest GF. We're also gunning to close out the season strong. So, while our place is set at the top of the table, we've still got some work to do before taking a bit of a break during the Conference Semi-Finals. 4) What's the #1 thing Helsinki needs to fix in practice, going into playoffs? Keeping the tempo up. It's not so much a fix, as a reminder. It's easy to get lackadaisical when you clinch top spot with a dozen games remaining, but as we saw in the NHL, with Tampa, it's easy to rest on your laurels and expect the wins to come. In practice, and our remaining games, the focus is to, well, stay focused on the task at hand, and not take any games lightly, 5) Which would look the best for a crowd of Finland fans- whiteout, blackout, or all-blue?  Definitely Blue. All the best things are blue. Gatorade. Commissioners. The Sky. Balls - ok, maybe not that last one, but that can be for the opponents. 6) Home ice is usually an advantage come playoff time. Does it help to play in front of a crowd that's cheering you on?  Eh, fans don't matter. This is for us, not them! They're not even real people, they're just 0s and 1s who may, or may not, even cheer!
  15. So damn happy!!! Lowry going off and finally getting past the Trash Bros curse. Kawhi coming in and committing to the cause. FVV Sr. becoming a MAN. Gasol finally getting his. Ibaka too. Siakam growing every damn game. This team is such a great group! Want Kawhi to stay, but if he leaves, I can't complain, this was everything I was hoping for this season and more! Feel a little bad for DeRozan, because the team isn't here without him, but wtf was Doris thinking asking about him on the stage lol. With Masai, I don't think it's about the money. MLSE can match whatever, it's whether he wants to be closer to those political ties. Hopefully he stays, but can't really blame him if he leaves.
  16. Helsinki selects defenceman Jesse Wilson @monkeywrench15
  17. Imagine having 11 shots in a 7-0 win and having 0 points Big game for Line 1 though, keep racking up those points and goals boys, I want Titans atop all the major scoring races
  18. between the volcano, pineapple and inflamed anus, this team might just have a story to tell...
  19. Thank you to all who applied. @Josh. will be reprising his role as World Cup Commissioner, this season.
  20. With teams filling up 3 lines, I expect it'll be the norm for a bit until we're comfortable with further expansion. Less ice-time to the top players eats into their production, even if it doesn't end up with better goalie numbers overall.
  21. split down the middle, 4-4, but you can pretend you've given us half our losses
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