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Everything posted by Quik

  1. Should definitely try out for Canadian Idol (if that's still a thing?) with those notes you hit on the Whitney Houston joke ? Also, you can probably re-use my questions about names in your next one if you need more, I meant actual names rather than draft rankings lol (and ACL TEAR is in the draft )
  2. Joseph McWolf @uphillmoss
  3. I'll go with Sebastian Ironside @Rocketman04 / @Bushito
  4. 50 Moscow Menace @ New York Americans 51 Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks 52 Moscow Menace @ Helsinki Titans  53 Vancouver Wolves @ Seattle Bears
  5. EASTERN CONFERENCE (A2) Boston Bruins vs. (WC1) Carolina Hurricanes Winner: Carolina # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE  (C3) St. Louis Blues vs. (P2) San Jose Sharks Winner: San Jose # of Games: 7
  6. I had originally tagged members in the post, but removed the tag when I edited it as I didn't think people would want a 2nd notification for the same post lol
  7. Yes, wording was a bit wonky, since this is the S65 thread, but it's not really an announcement that predictions are open. S66 Predictions are open now, and can be submitted HERE
  8. Make team play with a bit more defensive strategy...get outshot 44-19 by shitcouver and score 6 goals
  9. Since there was some confusion last time, we will leave S66 predictions open until tomorrow (Friday) night at 11:59PM EST. At midnight, predictions will close. Also, since @pennypenny and @tfong messaged me saying they had issues last time, they will receive the average (pre-multipliers) payout as compensation for last season's predictions. Cumulative points won was 185 over 75 players, so you two may claim 2 TPE by linking this post.
  10. Since there was some confusion last time, @Members we will leave these open until tomorrow (Friday) night at 11:59PM EST. At midnight, predictions will close. Also, since @pennypenny and @tfong messaged me saying they had issues last time, they will receive the average (pre-multipliers) payout as compensation for last season's predictions. Cumulative points won was 185 over 75 players, so you two may claim 2 TPE by linking this post.
  11. HAHAHAHA So I try and build an enforcer and the guy gets a 3-point night before a fight...none of these kids want to mess with ACL?
  12. haha, the way you worded it seemed you were claiming 13. With Trivia and now this, I'll technically be getting 15 capped per week for half the season ? "Must be used in the season it was purchased (No Carryover)"
  13. FMK: Scotty Campbell, Kevin Brooks, Brett Slobodzian Top 5 names in S67 Draft? Bottom 3 names in S67 draft? Now that you've had some time to settle in, how're you feeling about the 'new' VHL? Favourite expansion logo? (VHL and/or VHLM) What random bit of VHL history do you remember that you think others might find interesting? Or, just a random bit of history that you remember for no real reason? How does Lady Gaga like her steaks? What's Whitney Houston's favourite type of coordination? What's worse than ants in your pants? What do you do after your drug test comes back negative?
  14. lol wasn't attacking anyone Also, you better not be getting 13 capped from jobs, or somebody's gonna have some splainin' to do
  15. So, you've recently purchased the VHL's 20 Uncapped TPE Package, which costs a pretty penny at $10-million, but hate writing and haven't submitted a VHL.com article, graphic or podcast in weeks, because you're also a commisioner/GM, and hit 11 TPE with a Point Task and job pay, so that 1 extra TPE per week isn't really worth the time...but now it's 1 TPE + 4 Uncapped TPE, which is a lot juicier, and doesn't feel as tedious to complete. Still, what are you to write about? You could talk about the incredible parity in the league, where almost any team has a chance to win on any given night. You could also talk about the incredible depth in the VHLM, a result of an amazing S66 Draft class that looks to be followed up by just as good of a S67 Class. Hell, you could talk about the fact that the biggest Free Agent signing in a LONG time decided to sign with your team, and you feel like a favourite to once again make the Finals, and hopefully win it all this time. Or, you could just mention all of that, because you're now nearing 200 words, and all of this is related to the league, and is basically a blog post. Yeah, that's what we'll go with here.
  16. @Rocketman04 can pick when he comes back on. Matt Thompson @uphillmoss you're up
  17. Player Name: Kronos Bailey VHL/VHLM Team: Helsinki Cash you have: $17,750,000 (Bank + S66 Contract + S66 Donation) Purchase Name: TPA Recall (Passing [50 > 40]) Coat of Purchase: $500,000 Purchase Name: Uncapped TPE Package (20 TPE) Coat of Purchase: $10,000,000 Purchase Name: PT Doubles Week Coat of Purchase: $4,000,000 Cash Left: $3,250,000 Tagging @Quik to remove the TPA
  18. Yeah, I'm fine with either way. I would just say that, if you're leaving them in, denote them as GM Players so that other members know where they rank against other draftees.
  19. @rjfryman just a note, Pavlov and Nygren are GM players, so they won't be in the draft.
  20. Honestly, I was just busting your balls lol, but maybe soundcloud? Glad to hear things have gone well since you left! My younger brother is in a similar field to you, he just got a job in an outpatient clinic in Barrie (don't ask me exactly what though, because I'm very much confused by everything he says when talking about his career lol). Congrats on the wedding, too! Did you tell her about the VHL on your own, or did she kind of stumble on it like my lady did lol
  21. @Phil has been banned for uploading to a site with pop-ups, like it's 1999 or some shit
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