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Everything posted by Quik

  1. Euron definitely caught on to Tyrion mentioning Cersei's preggers. He's supposed to have some kind of magic, which explains all his victories at sea, and be really smart. My bet is he plays it close to the chest. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on the throne, either, at this point. He's had no character building, but he's so damn OP that I wouldn't put it past them. I think his magic being pretty unexplained in the show is what throws shit off. Without the explanation of magic, there's no way Dany should have fallen for another fucking ambush. She should have seen them well before they got into position to fire, and there's no way the bolts, with that much power, should have 100% accuracy on a moving dragon, yet comically miss the other one completely. Apparently someone did the math, and they had 3x the amount of force of Saturn V, a fucking rocket engine...
  2. Yeah, like Bek said, we've already said that, as long as the player is asking us to remove the TC TPE, that is fine. We understand that there could be a misunderstanding, as dates needed to change and TC was extended into this week. Ultimately, as it was opened prior to the cut-off, and all eligible players were able to claim before the cut-off, it counts as TPE earned before the cut-off.
  3. Oh, right. Then yeah, you're right at your cap.
  4. The portal doesn't have the ability to identify backup goalies as not counting. The spreadsheet shows, above your cap numbers, that with the backup rule in place, you're at $39.5M right now. It's just keeping track of your backup's salary for book-keeping purposes
  5. I think you're getting confused. I'm saying that, yes, right now, you're at $39.5M..................................................
  6. With his contract counting on the cap, you're at $41M. With him not counting, you're $500k below...
  7. Talk to him, get him to PM me and it can be reverted if he wants to pass up the 9 TPE and stay down. Same thing, get them to PM me and I can cut the TPE. I won't take TPE away from players who aren't confirming they want it gone.
  8. Training Camp is TPE earned prior to the VHLM cutoff, so whether they claimed it yesterday or today, it counts towards the 200 TPE limit. If they were under the cutoff yesterday, they are eligible to claim whatever will get them to 200 at the cutoff (i.e. if they were at 193 at the cutoff, they may claim 7 TPE from TC). @VHL GM @VHLM GM tagging both so you can answer any questions your players/prospects may have.
  9. Ok, so if the Shan trade puts NY over the cap, he should also be on Riga's cap still, which would nullify any moves after that trade, I suspect? (Edit: I actually don't know how the Garrop trade would go, by the rulebook. It does reduce cap, so would still make sense as a means of getting under...) And yeah, I'm not sure when it came in, but between you leaving S52, and me coming back late S55 I think, that's probably when it came in? Unless it's older and you just don't remember lol
  10. I would assume any transactions made after should be null and void until NY complies with the cap, no? For the back-up rule, is it 50%, up to $2M, or free up to $2M, and then $2M is deducted? The rule book is pretty vague, and it predates my return.
  11. @sterling can confirm, purchased STHS License Kronos Bailey Doubles Week Doubles Week +5 Uncapped $1M Player Store Cash @Josh. ACL TEAR Doubles Week +5 Uncapped +5 Uncapped $1M Player Store Cash @Josh.
  12. Let’s end two curses this season @Beketov!
  13. So, uhhh... How long til that pick is gone @Devise? ?
  14. Colour me surprised!!!
  15. Haven't made a new one in months...this is from my rapidly depleting stock of sigs I made a while ago
  16. @VHL GM see above addendum to the S66 Salary Cap.
  17. I mean, I'm 99% sure the point of them being outside the wall was to lure them into a false sense of security while Bran waited for NK. It's just dumb. The fire moat would have been just as effective at slowing them down, if not moreso, and saved the manpower for the 2nd wave. Instead, they were just like "here, take our Dothraki, who have the advantage of being on horses, and add them to your army of wights..."
  18. Haven't watched the trailer, so that's cool I guess lol The entire strategy of charging was stupid, Ghost being on the front lines, instead of something like guarding the women/children/Tryion/Ballless, was just icing on that shit cake.
  19. Probably lost both doggo and draggo on the same night, too
  20. Effective immediately, the Helsinki Titans announce that they have hired @Sonnet to be the team's slave Assistant General Manager!
  21. SEASON 65 EXPERIENCE POINTS Congratulations to everyone for another fantastic season! As always, with the season past, all VHL players have earned some more experience.  How to Claim Claim experience in the Player Management area by clicking the 'CLAIM OFF-SEASON TPE' button and selecting Experience from the dropdown. Enter the amount of Experience you are eligible for as described below and link to this thread.  Once approved, the Experience will be added directly to your player's experience attribute. You do not need to apply it yourself.  NOTE: YOU CAN NOT CARRY OVER EXPERIENCE POINTS EARNED BY A RETIRED PLAYER ONTO A RECREATE  POINTS Full VHL Season - 5 Points VHLM Call-ups - 2 points Playoffs - 2 Points Finals - 1 Point Example: Kronos Bailey plays for Helsinki. He gets 5 for a full season, 2 for playoffs, and 1 for finals. For the most part, members of these teams will receive: CALGARY - 5 DAVOS - 5 HELSINKI - 8 MOSCOW - 5 NEW YORK - 7 RIGA - 7 SEATTLE - 7 TORONTO - 8 VANCOUVER - 5
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