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Everything posted by Quik

  1. Yeah, if they rewind and show his death in all its glory, I'd be happy with that. I don't know if they'll go with that device though, I think next episode will heavily feature King's Landing and the Iron Islands, and possibly a Bran connection to NK. One theory I read, which I don't know if I love or hate, is that Bran is the LoL, and his warging was going back in time and making sure all the events that lead to Battle of Winterfell occurred...Driving the Mad King mad, his assassination attempt, the boar killing Robert, Arya's arc, bringing back Thoros, Beric, Jon and the Hound, literally everything. It'd be a bit of a curveball to make 3ER the Lord of Light, but is an interesting theory.
  2. If he's dead, then it was off-screen, which...I don't know which is worse lol
  3. Honestly, I'm hoping there's some kind of purpose for most of the remaining mains, because a lot of them could have died in this episode. Sam - You already said it Brienne - She defended house Stark, became a knight, could easily have taken an honourable death Pod - I was 50/50 on him living as a successor to Brienne, after this battle Tyrion/Davos - Both have served well as Hands, but if Jon and Dany aren't going against each other, I thought one could die, probably Davos since Tyrion/Jaime will be needed in the next battle Arya - Only reason she's still alive, I'm assuming, is to die trying to kill Cersei. There's no way she kills both the big bads, so she could have probably eaten it after killing NK, but they don't want to waste the hype of her trying to cross that name off her list Tormund - No giants left to kill. Also, of the main mains, he's easily the most easily discarded (though he's one of my faves) Grey Worm - Was at the front lines, should have died and nobody would have complained. If he has a happy ending, sipping Mai Tai's on the beach, I'm gonna be pissed
  4. I don't have a big problem with it in this instance, since that's basically been known how it would go for a while, it was literally their plan to take him out, and all the Walkers with him. My only issue with his death is that the battle was hyped from pretty much episode 1, and it ends in one episode, with a surprise attack jump from Arya. Also, they basically used that exact same killing with Lyanna Mormont on the Giant. It was a fine killing/death there, but basically copying it with Arya/NK was a bit weak to me. I think next episode will be mostly exposition again, with Yarra presumably having taken the Iron Islands back, and the Northerners basically gathering as many banners as they can to join them. I'm thinking ravens will be sent out, detailing how Cersei deserted the living, breaking an oath, and most houses will join the North in the march on King's Landing. I'm hoping that we see some background on NK, but won't hold my breath on that one. Yeah, it was pretty lame that he just warged into a raven and followed NK, but I'm 99% sure that's exactly what he was doing the whole time. Keeping tabs on him to know exactly when he got to the godswood. It's possible he was also placing traps to delay NK for Arya to get there, but given how lame he's been, I'll go with just watching lol. My only issues were the flashes of fire covering the whole screen. Other than that, it was just a darker episode. I was watching pretty much pitch black, at 11 instead of 9, though, so maybe that contributed haha
  5. Does Glade know that defence is a thing? Also, I haven’t checked, but where does this put Davos at the Prime maximum?
  6. +12 for ACL (donation doubles 2/2)
  7. I actually don't remember this, so if it's true, it's news to me haha
  8. Best of luck in Toronto @Romaris!
  9. @Devise sees draft picks: "Achoo"
  10. For a minute, I thought you said "he who should go unnamed asking for 50 sigs from GFX people" and it gave me PTSD ?
  11. Quik

    HFX/MEX: S66

    @Nykonax @Thranduil your assets are now available on the portal, can you guys make the trade through there, just so there's a proper record keeping of transactions.
  12. Quik

    HFX/MEX: S66

    lol MEX / MIS / SDM / MAL
  13. Also, where is the @Members tag? People gotta know how the off-season is laid out...
  14. What do you guys mean? It's already on Sunday...
  15. Lol the portal mislead me, forgot about depreciation ?
  16. Right, damn player two... Shankly had 564, so you can claim 23 TPE (22.56)
  17. Honestly, I just kept getting promoted without any real reason, kinda fell upwards into the position ? I think Bennington was your last player, and he had 190. Carryover has changed to 4%, so that would give you 8 TPE Carryover (7.6 rounded up). Just link to this post and claim it as other in the portal. And that is my commishly duty for the day.
  18. How've you been? Why did you leave just as I was getting back? How's David doing? Were you at the square for Game 7? Anything you thought should be changed, when you left, that still hasn't been changed?
  19. @Phil things have changed since you left! Also, with that name, you looking to get bought out? ?
  20. @Victor can you confirm if I've submitted for last week's trivia?
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