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Everything posted by Quik

  1. S64 World Cup Predictions Worst Team: Scandinavia Bronze Medal: Mercenaries Silver Medal: World Gold Medal: Canada
  2. S65 -4T404089AC470402E Kronos Bailey Doubles Week Doubles Week 5 Uncapped $1M Player Store ACL TEAR Doubles Week Doubles Week 5 Uncapped $1M Player Store @Josh.
  3. Here If a contract ended in S66 or S67, it will now only run through the S65 tournament. If it ended in S68 or 69, then it will run through the S67 tournament. Anyone without an endorsement for S65 will need to sign a new deal to participate in next season’s tournament.
  4. After surprising the hockey world by beating the Reigning Champs in Riga, the Titans were riding high with many selecting them as the favourites for the Continental Cup Finals. Unfortunately for them, future Hall of Famer Norris Stopko (likely a first ballot after his incredible performance in these playoffs) was an unbreakable wall, and they were ousted in 4 quick games. With retirements and Free Agency stripping the team of 4 of its veteran players, expansion costing them defender Paolo Nano, and a trade sending out Vaydar Odinsson, the Titans will go into S65 with a very different look. Armed with youth and cap space, the team is likely looking to make a big splash in player additions, as they hope to not only return to the heights accomplished this past season, but soar past and claim the throne as league Champs in S65. After last winning the Continental Cup in S60, should the Titans win a Continental Cup before Davos, they would become the first franchise to have won 11 Cups in their history.
  5. @TacticalHammer passed go, collect 10 TPE
  6. Mercenaries lowkey gonna win this thing lol
  7. Yes, another announcement incoming! After taking the first couple of seasons into consideration, as well as the inaugural Sponsor's Shield Tournament, the @BOG has decided to make some changes to how Brands operate. First, there will be a couple of Brand Executive replacements, as @Stoffiday and @AndrewWarren13 have stepped down from their positions. Replacing them will be @Enorama (Jolt Juice) and @Thranduil (True North Gear). Ryan Kastelic and John Madden will take over as their respective Brand Players, while Oleksiy Revchenko will be treated as a Mutual Termination, free to sign with any Brand, including TNG. Next, there will be two new brands introduced, as we look to alleviate some of the brand rosters. The Brand Executives for these two new brands are @DilIsPickle and @Nykonax, taking over Over Armour and FERDA, respectively. As both Diljodh and Dahlberg were endorsed by other Brands, they will be treated as Mutual Terminations when becoming Brand Execs of their new Brands. As for the actual changes to how Brands operate, they are as follows: 1. Endorsement Contracts There will be two changes to Endorsement Contracts, going forward. The first is that they will now run only during tournament seasons, with a maximum length of 3 tournaments. (i.e. the next 3 tournament seasons are S65, 67, and 69). The second is that the salary brackets will see a slight change. Going forward, the maximum will drop from $3M to $2M, while the minimum will rise from $250k to $500k. Anyone who was set to make $3M for this season will still receive their full salary, while anyone who was set to make $250k will see a bump up to $500k. A full list of endorsement slots can be seen in the spoiler tag below: 2. Roster Sizes With the addition of two new Brands, Roster Minimums will also be lowered. Teams may still fill their roster, if they wish, but minimums will now be 6 Forwards, 4 Defenders, and 1 Goalie. Teams will still need to play a backup goalie, however, and if they do not have one on their roster, a VHLM Bot will be their backup. 3. Brand Executive Pay With contracts running only during tournament seasons, Brand Executives will also see a slight change in pay structure. During tournament seasons, they will still receive 2 TPE per week. However, during non-tournament seasons, they will now receive 1 TPE Job Pay. 3. Brand Tournament Theme PT During Sponsor's Shield Tournament seasons, all members will be allowed to claim 2 Uncapped TPE for a 6-TPE Point Task completed that is focused on Brands and/or the Sponsor's Shield. Point Tasks must be submitted between the start of the Regular Season and the End of the Sponsor's Shield to qualify for the TPE Bonus. One Last Thing: Any players who did not receive an endorsement offer during S64 may claim $500k in a thread to be posted in the Brands Section. Any player who made only $250k from Endorsements in S64 may claim an additional $250k in that same thread.
  8. My biggest takeaway is that your using the old skin for the forums lol - Black VHL = GOAT But yeah, Roux is retired in the portal, so not sure why you got that notification...
  9. SEASON 64 EXPERIENCE POINTS Congratulations to everyone for another fantastic season! As always, with the season past, all VHL players have earned some more experience.  How to Claim Claim experience in the Player Management area by clicking the 'CLAIM OFF-SEASON TPE' button and selecting Experience from the dropdown. Enter the amount of Experience you are eligible for as described below and link to this thread.  Once approved, the Experience will be added directly to your player's experience attribute. You do not need to apply it yourself.  NOTE: YOU CAN NOT CARRY OVER EXPERIENCE POINTS EARNED BY A RETIRED PLAYER ONTO A RECREATE  POINTS Full VHL Season - 5 Points VHLM Call-ups - 2 points Playoffs - 2 Points Finals - 1 Point Example: Roger Sterling plays for Seattle. He gets 5 for a full season and 2 for playoffs. For the most part, members of these teams will receive: CALGARY - 5 NEW YORK - 5 QUEBEC CITY - 7 SEATTLE - 7 TORONTO - 8 DAVOS - 5 HELSINKI - 8 RIGA - 7
  10. Didn’t think I’d have to make an official rule for this, because until now it’s been understood, but apparently I need to, so here goes: If a player is above the 200 TPE VHLM Cap by the cutoff, but is not yet draft eligible, they are allowed to play in the VHLM for that season. I.e. If a player is a S66 Draftee, and is over 200 tpe for the S65 cutoff, they will still be allowed to play in the VHLM during S65. @VHLM Commissioner @Commissioner
  11. 1. With the disappointment coming from the Finals, how do you plan to prepare to come back stronger next season? 2. With retirements and player movement already changing a large portion of the locker room, what are your expectations for next season? 3. How often are you in the ice during the off-season? 4. Will you be attending the VHL draft on Friday to see who will be the new Titans? 5. What is your favourite food to order in? 6. What is your favourite holiday destination?
  12. Just to clarify... Ironside cannot sign in Toronto until after S66, as there’s a 2-season minimum waiting period on returning.
  13. blame the edit glitch For some reason lately whenever something that has a group tag is edited, the group is notified again - maybe @Will or @Josh. can fix it?
  14. As with regular doubles weeks, it must be a PT submitted here. TPA recall is basically you can take 10 TPA from any attribute under 70 (forgot to add that part), and redistribute it after it is added back to your bank.
  15. Moscow Legend Ryan Zabby Goodnight sweet prince
  16. Hey everyone, Starting next season, there will be some changes made to the Player Store. The cost of free weeks will be lowered to $1M, while a few more purchase options will be added to the store. The additions/changes are as follows: Free Week - $1,000,000 (Changed cost) -Limit of twice per season -You earn 6 Capped TPE in place of a point task for the week. First Gen Doubles Week - $1,500,000 -Limit of once per career -Can only be purchased by players with no carryover -Can only be purchased by first-gen players, or returning members who have been without a player for at least 3 seasons -You earn 6 Uncapped TPE with submission of a point task for the week. PT Doubles Week - $4,000,000 -Limit of twice per season -You earn 6 Uncapped TPE with submission of a point task for the week. Full Doubles Week - $7,500,000 -Limit of once per season -All capped TPE earned for the week may be doubled, for up to 12 Uncapped TPE for the week TPA Recall - $500,000 -Limit of twice per career -Contact @Quik when purchasing -You may recall TPA added to a single attribute that has been updated as far as 70, recalling up to, and including, 10 TPA.  @Members
    1. eaglesfan036


      you should have left it unlocked so we could reply :(


      Also can we see who was left unprotected?

    2. Quik


      I left it locked because the last one was locked. Most discussion happens/happened on discord though.


      And I'll leave it to GMs if they want to reveal their protection lists.

  17. Moscow Menace (@Victor) Select the following Players: Calgary Wranglers : Karl von Moltke @alecbama + S65 3rd Round Pick HC Davos Dynamo : Dan Baillie @wcats Helsinki Titans : Paolo Nano @leafsman New York Americans : Ryan Zabby @RyanZabby Riga Reign : Kyson Blake @TMI Seattle Bears : Evgeni Komarov @Gooningitup Toronto Legion : Lew Bronstein @troy Vancouver Wolves : Nathan N @NathanN
  18. Mutually exclusive events. With or without WC, Draft wouldn't be until Friday either way
  19. S64 OFF-SEASON SCHEDULE Dates Subject to Change Saturday, February 16th  VHLM Expansion Draft VHL Expansion Draft  Sunday, February 17th Depreciation S65 Finance TPE Cut-Off (all TPE earned, up to, and including, this date will affect salary brackets for S64)  S65 VHLM Dispersal Draft @ 8PM EST Experience Points Allocated  Monday, February 18th S64 Hall of Fame Induction Tuesday, February 19th S64 VHLM Awards Ceremony Wednesday, February 20th S64 VHL Awards Ceremony   Thursday, February 21st  World Cup Day 1 World Cup Day 2 Friday, February 22nd Training Camps Open S65 VHL Entry Draft @ 8PM EST Free Agent Discussions Open @ 10 PM EST World Cup Day 3  World Cup Day 4 Saturday, February 23rd Free Agency Opens Noon EST World Cup Day 5 World Cup Quarter Finals Sunday, February 24th 65 VHLM TPE Cut-Off (Any players who have earned 201 TPE or more, up to and including this date, will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLM for S65 - Training Camp may not be claimed after this date if you are at the Cap; if you are within 10, you may claim up to the cap, i.e. If you are at 194, you may claim 6 TPE from Training Camp)  World Cup Semi-Finals Monday, February 25th VHL Pre-Season Starts  Pre-Season Retirement (Players can re-create for S66 and still play S65) Special Event TBA World Cup Bronze & Gold Medal Games Tuesday, February 26th S65 VHL/VHLM Indexes Posted  Wednesday, February 27th VHL/VHLM Regular Season Begins Training Camps Close
  20. S66 R2 P1 for S65 R2 P5 bad trade for Vncvr
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySjUgBSA80g That, but in reverse... 2 Cups, 5 Finals appearances, 2 Wyldes, a Valiq, what should be 2 Labattes, playoff beast... Not how I was hoping to end his career, but a solid one that should hopefully result in a HOF nod. Now to wait until the deadline to create my next project.
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