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  1. Like
    Victor reacted to TurnDaddy in Bruno!   
  2. Like
    Victor reacted to scoop in Next Media Article   
    Victor and I like to eat together, if that matters at all. It's okay because I dumped Munk for loving sterling.
  3. Like
    Victor reacted to Mark Money Mayweather in Regression vs forced retirement   
    Keep it how it is.
  4. Like
    Victor reacted to emidas in Blair tries a new sport   
    That I did, lol.
  5. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Mike in S40 VHL Entry Draft Discussion   
    Sixth knowing Vasteras' playoff history.
  6. Like
    Victor reacted to sterling in Regression vs forced retirement   
    Is it fair for you to question meh authoriteh?
  7. Like
    Victor reacted to Alpha1 in PEI's #1 Export   
    No, it's not the red headed bitch named Anne. Not by a long shot.

    It's one of the latest recruits for the Victory Hockey league, namely Alecs van der Merder. The young center from PEI is currently on waivers and is awaiting a team from the VHL's minor league affiliate to add him to their roster so he is able to begin showcasing his talents for the VHL GM's.
    He projects to be a prototypical forward, blending speed, agility and one hell of a powerful shot. He has already stated that he would be more then happy to play for any of the VHLM teams as he would be glad for the opportunity to get some ice time and demonstrate his abilities.

    "I see the VHLM as the ideal platform to improve my game and contribute in any way possible for my team, hopefully in a successful capacity."

    So move over Anne, PEI has someone new to feature in their Vacation brochures...plus "Alecs of the VHL" has a nicer ring to it.
  8. Like
    Victor got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in GM 139: Calgary vs. Riga   
    Gow 2 hungry
  9. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Phil in GM 131: Toronto vs. Riga   
    RIG G with a godly sim.
  10. Like
    Victor reacted to .sniffuM in =Hurley Trade Request   
    lol at newbs saying Minot was 701/Meg's doing
  11. Like
    Victor reacted to Kesler in =Hurley Trade Request   
    Probably 701, what a fucker he is.
  12. Like
    Victor reacted to Doomsday in VHL Editorial   
    Hello, VHL. I am very excited and pleased to be writing the Offside Editorial, especially being the community's selection to carry the torch. I can't say I expected to receive your support and backing, but I'm not going to complain, for this is an opportunity I very much wanted and very much will enjoy. So before I do anything, I want to say thank you to the entire VHL community for not only making this magazine and editorial possible, but for making this entire league possible. It just doesn't work without you guys.
    My career in sim leagues began as the summer loomed in 2006, with a baseball league that died about a week after I joined it. However, that league led me to the FSL, with none other than Da Bearfan as the commissioner. However, it wasn't really until late 2006/early 2007 that the story of Jethro Novacek began when I joined the Madden Simulation Football League Reborn. In an attempt to give a more professional, journalistic edge to my media spots, I began to add a two or three sentence description of a writer named Jethro Novacek (named after classic rock band Jethro Tull and former Dallas Cowboys tight end Jay Novacek), which always listed roughly how long the MSFL Times had existed (or how long he had written there) and what he enjoyed to do. Often times this was my favorite section of my media spots to write, for even if the subject I had covered was somewhat serious, I could go nuts and release all the humor I wanted to into this outro. 
    Unfortunately, all good things must end (except for the VHL seemingly), and the MSFL Reborn eventually died. However, Jethro Novacek did not die with the MSFL, nor did the MSFL Times. As I moved on to different leagues, so did Novacek and the bizarre outros to my media spots. My username may have changed from time to time, but Jethro Novacek always let those know who I really was to those who knew, ultimately becoming a tradition that I've adhered to to this very day. But today, however marks a new beginning for my tradition, for today, Jethro Novacek writes for a new publication: the VHL Magazine. It has been a long road filled with absurdities, bizarre jokes and premises beyond comprehension, but it has all culminated in joining the staff of this esteemed publication.
    Here's to many more years of the writing of Jethro Novacek, the VHL Magazine, and the VHL.
  13. Like
    Victor got a reaction from 8Ovechkin8 in S39 Discussion   
    I have updated these beasts:

    and I am also pleased to announce that no one here is using one of Davos' retired numbers. Although Jones and Yumalatopinto are both using #91.
  14. Like
    Victor reacted to 8Ovechkin8 in S39 Discussion   
    I touched my nose first
  15. Like
    Victor reacted to CoachReilly in New Member Tutorial Video   
    I'll be making a better version next week sometime.
  16. Like
    Victor reacted to solas in GM 116: Quebec vs. Vasteras   
    It was all willpower.
  17. Like
    Victor got a reaction from solas in GM 116: Quebec vs. Vasteras   
    Willem wills wilfully.

    Shit son.
  18. Like
    Victor reacted to BOOM in Edition 202   
  19. Like
    Victor reacted to Beketov in Regression vs forced retirement   
    With a few exceptions I'm seeing the trend I was expecting with this. The old farts want to keep things, the young bloods want to change things. I'm not going to break this mold.

    It isn't that "if something isn't broken, don't fix it" as Mike implies it is, but rather that history does matter after 40 seasons. I want a chance to break Scotty's records as much as anyone else does and I'm sure there are GM's that would chop off a nut to have a better record than the S1 Wranglers but the fact is that we shouldn't change the rules so that people have a chance to do it. Has the landscape changed since then? Hell yeah it has but the rules shouldn't. Scotty managed all his records with 8 seasons so why should we get 10 seasons to break them? Hell, Scotty only wound up with 630 TPE which is easy by today's standards. Nothing saying an elite wonder the sim loves can't come up again.

    8 Seasons in the VHL is quite a long time, I'd be just coming to the end of my 5th player if I had gone all 8 seasons and that's saying something with how long I've been around. I don't see why there is a reason to keep players longer aside from giving them a better shot at records which, frankly, is a terrible reason. That would be like if the NHL looked specifically at Gretzky's goal records and said "man, no one has beaten these in awhile, maybe we should extend the season by 20 games so someone has a chance." Arguing that it's so people can enjoy their players longer doesn't seem valid to me. No one is going to enjoy being regressed to the point of nothing UNLESS they can get records out of it.

    In my view it would literally be changing the rules for the express purpose of destroying history books and that doesn't seem right at all. Besides, as someone pointed out above (Victor? I wasn't fulling paying attention) there have been career records broken within the last 10 seasons. Records that had stood since early seasons. If it could be done then, why can't it now?
  20. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Kendrick in Regression vs forced retirement   
    Yeah just a couple weeks ago a first gen (STZ) got inducted into the HOF. He started from 0 TPE and that worked out alright.

    Chasing records is fine, I see your point, but after 40 seasons that's a bit unfair to players in the past. It's too late to make such a change.
  21. Like
    Victor got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in Yukon make Waiver Claim on Zoidberg   
    I've already confused you with eaglesfan three times today. 2 much
  22. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Phil in Regression vs forced retirement   
    It's not that unrealistic to hit those records within these conditions. Well, not Campbell's, but if you look at career points and goals leaders - Rafter, Rybak, Baldwin, Reikkinen, Chershenko all retired within the past 10 seasons (less than that). Smalling got a new career hits record in S34, Larsson almost beat him in S35. Valiq scored the most goals of any defenceman ever, by a large margin too.

    I don't think that all the possibilities within 8-season limitations have been used up.
  23. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Doomsday in S39 Discussion   
    I have updated these beasts:

    and I am also pleased to announce that no one here is using one of Davos' retired numbers. Although Jones and Yumalatopinto are both using #91.
  24. Like
    Victor reacted to lere2001 in Looking, Thinking, Maybe I'll Join :)   
    I'm big on hockey, so the knowledge isn't the problem.
    I was on SHL but the community turned me off.
  25. Like
    Victor reacted to Fire Tortorella in Looking, Thinking, Maybe I'll Join :)   
    Then you'll do great here.
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