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  1. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from mattyIceman in Honoring a real G   
    From Vancouver Wolves
    Vancouver OJ's

    Because they also got away with it
  2. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Honoring a real G   
    From Vancouver Wolves
    Vancouver OJ's

    Because they also got away with it
  3. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from OrbitingDeath in Honoring a real G   
    From Vancouver Wolves
    Vancouver OJ's

    Because they also got away with it
  4. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Ahma in Honoring a real G   
    From Vancouver Wolves
    Vancouver OJ's

    Because they also got away with it
  5. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. Moscow looks to be in a potential 5 way race for the top of the conference, how will we do?
    The way I see it is there are 5 teams and Moscow is one of them. We want to finish first but so does everybody else.

    2. What team is our biggest threat in your opinion?
    I will say Malmo because they are a good away team.

    3. The lines have seemed to settle down a bit and sim more stable, do you agree?
    We have been solid defensively especially, couple shutouts in the last three games for example.

    4. Have any ideas about any changes the team should look at?
    Travel more via bus or train, so we don't get too comfortable out there.

    5. Syko has shown some elite skills in recent games. Can he lead us to the promised land?
    I think so, most shutouts in the league, best GAA number!

    6. If you could have one league related change, what would it be, if any?
    Force everybody to create one 2 TPE point task with AI each week, so we can all learn together to cheat the system.
  6. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Defending not allowed in the NA?   
    When you take a look at the standings more closely you might make the following observation: teams in the European division allow fewer goals than the teams in the North American division. At the moment, six teams in the European division have allowed less than 100 goals. The number of teams that have allowed less than 100 goals in the North American division is one. While the differences might not be huge, but when you also look how the teams in the European division are performing in general over the NA teams, it is fair to speculate why the teams in the EU division are better. One potential reason could be that those players with less motivation and determination prefer the less tactical, free-flowing, and less pressure-to-perform type of hockey that the NA division has to offer. Meanwhile, those players who are the opposite: equipped with determination and hunger for success, they want to challenge themselves and improve while also appreciating the competitive nature of the EU division, these types of players tend to automatically be found more likely in the EU division.
    When the level of competition in the NA is so much weaker, the teams and players in the NA division are well-rested by the time playoffs take place. This type of advantage has been a key reason behind the last two championships being won by NA teams. While the teams in the EU battle hard every single game, the teams in NA can take it easy, feasting on weak teams. It will be interesting to see if we see yet another NA team winning the championship this year. Early signs say no as so many of the EU teams have played extremely well in the first 36 games.
  7. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Comparing the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade to a classic Nigerian Prince scam.   
    May I add that actually there was a few more hints than say spacing of text when you look at the actual trade:
    1. Posted by - as (mentioned) by a member; in this situation the AGM of Vancouver; who most GM around the league know doesn`t actively take part in open trade talks but has some say in larger deals behind the scene. 
    2. (88) D - Liv Slater - small but noticeable mistake by the Prince when completing the trade as (88) shouldn`t have been added.
    3. Same pick trade twice - S95 VAN 2nd as it was actually the pick that Vancouver traded to Calgary earlier in the day!!
    4. And yes the spacing between the two teams is missing!!
    Looking deeper on would notice the joking nature of the message sent to said GM of other team and said player involved in the trade; while subtle they should have still be noted:
    1. "happy that we could agree to let Slater out of Jail" - reference of a comment made by the Moscow GM at some point last season; again I cannot find the former post so might have been missed by others but it did lead to a funny post by Vancouver GM during the awards:
    In reference to previously made comments!!
    2. "But the Captains Curse has once again claimed a victim as we were about to name you Captain for the Vancouver Wolves in S93 with Jens Lekman and Larry Abass Jr!!" - While references two other players actually traded one might not that Jen Lekman was not named a captain yet the statement made suggest that Liv Slater was about to be named Captain with these two players. Yet She was named Captain while only one of the other two was named assistant captain. Again subtle but should have been noted.
    3. Condition in a spoiler tag .....?? - Should have thrown huge flags but I am guess most didn`t both checking the conditions
    4. Conditions themselves - Get out of Jail free card changes already trade S95 VAN 2nd  to S95 VAN 4th and a bag of pucks; I have never heard of items actually trading hands between GM before but I guess a bag of pucks could be transferred if they live close enough together!! LOL!!
    5. April Fools Day gif - Yup, to those that still might have missed it; there was a April Fools day gif posted along with the comments of Happy April Fools day!!
    Than looking at the comments:
    - Moscow GM comments: "Overpay tbh" - slight hint that he might not have agreed to the terms of said trade but also allowing the joke/fake trade some room to grow!!
    - Vancouver GM comments: "Ya by Vancouver." - again subtle but enough to note that both didn`t actually agree with the asking price of said pieces in the trade but once again subtle but allowing the joke/fake trade to grow!!
    And there you have it; One Sweat Prince!!

  8. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Comparing the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade to a classic Nigerian Prince scam.   
    The media, VHL teams, and fans gathered together to witness a historical press release on Tuesday. The league officials announced that the games completed in the previous sim were going to be played again due to a "fake trade thread" and "STHS not saving a backup".  According to sources close to the inner circles of VHL, the fake trade was the sole reason for the re-sim. The STHS backup save problem was used to cover for the fact that the simulation team fell for the VHL version of a Nigerian Prince - scam.
    To get a better understanding of what happened, I have briefly analyzed the "MOS/VAN; S93" trade. As you enter the trade thread, you see exactly what you might expect to see when you click a trade thread, the title looks official,  facts about the trade are presented, and the first comments are from general managers of both teams. Especially, the tagging of those involved in the trade in a heartwarming message is a nice touch and something that perhaps tricked some of the commentators in the thread.

     There are still a few points that might have led someone to smell foul play. Those with sharp eyes might have spotted that the spacing of the text is slightly different in the first post than in traditional trade threads,  and the thread itself is posted by a VHL member and not by the "VHL Bot". Overall the scam trade is carefully made and as we saw the scam trade was able to trick multiple users, including the simulation team.
    To deepen my understanding of scams and how to potentially spot them in the future, I looked at a classic Nigerian Prince scam and compared it to the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade. In the example, we can see a prince from Nigeria in trouble, they need a small loan to unlock their bank account. As a thank you they promise to send 1 million dollars back to you. 

    When comparing the scams, both share similarities. On the surface, everything makes perfect sense, there is no need to think of foul play as banks are notoriously strict if you get on their wrong side. Perhaps the prince had their bank account unfairly locked due to inactivity, all you would have to do is send one transaction to show the bank the account is active, and great fortune would follow. Similarly, perhaps the simulation team thought the portal was not working and a VHL member posting the trade thread was just them being helpful.  When it comes to the finer details, if you have your assets frozen unfairly, you would more than likely want to move them as far as you can. Similarly, the finer detail in the scam trade, Moscow trading two first-round picks makes the perfect sense as the rebuild is pretty much completed. In both scams, the stories add up.
    In the Nigerian Prince scam "sir" is used when talking to the reader. That can be a deal-breaker for some as pronouns are serious business in the modern world. When creating a scam, you do not want to take unnecessary risks. In the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade the spacing of the text is similar to the use of "sir". A risk that could backfire. It is the smallest of details that can make the biggest difference.
    In the end, I would still like to say that despite small risks, such as the layout of the text or the pronouns used, it is still better to live your life believing in the goodness of the people. Next time you see something that makes you think this is a potential scam because a small point is off, please, don't think about the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade or about the Nigerian Prince scams, if you start to look for monsters, soon you will start to see monsters everywhere.
    Trust - have faith.  Help a prince out, ask from your GM if you could also be traded.
  9. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Comparing the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade to a classic Nigerian Prince scam.   
    The media, VHL teams, and fans gathered together to witness a historical press release on Tuesday. The league officials announced that the games completed in the previous sim were going to be played again due to a "fake trade thread" and "STHS not saving a backup".  According to sources close to the inner circles of VHL, the fake trade was the sole reason for the re-sim. The STHS backup save problem was used to cover for the fact that the simulation team fell for the VHL version of a Nigerian Prince - scam.
    To get a better understanding of what happened, I have briefly analyzed the "MOS/VAN; S93" trade. As you enter the trade thread, you see exactly what you might expect to see when you click a trade thread, the title looks official,  facts about the trade are presented, and the first comments are from general managers of both teams. Especially, the tagging of those involved in the trade in a heartwarming message is a nice touch and something that perhaps tricked some of the commentators in the thread.

     There are still a few points that might have led someone to smell foul play. Those with sharp eyes might have spotted that the spacing of the text is slightly different in the first post than in traditional trade threads,  and the thread itself is posted by a VHL member and not by the "VHL Bot". Overall the scam trade is carefully made and as we saw the scam trade was able to trick multiple users, including the simulation team.
    To deepen my understanding of scams and how to potentially spot them in the future, I looked at a classic Nigerian Prince scam and compared it to the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade. In the example, we can see a prince from Nigeria in trouble, they need a small loan to unlock their bank account. As a thank you they promise to send 1 million dollars back to you. 

    When comparing the scams, both share similarities. On the surface, everything makes perfect sense, there is no need to think of foul play as banks are notoriously strict if you get on their wrong side. Perhaps the prince had their bank account unfairly locked due to inactivity, all you would have to do is send one transaction to show the bank the account is active, and great fortune would follow. Similarly, perhaps the simulation team thought the portal was not working and a VHL member posting the trade thread was just them being helpful.  When it comes to the finer details, if you have your assets frozen unfairly, you would more than likely want to move them as far as you can. Similarly, the finer detail in the scam trade, Moscow trading two first-round picks makes the perfect sense as the rebuild is pretty much completed. In both scams, the stories add up.
    In the Nigerian Prince scam "sir" is used when talking to the reader. That can be a deal-breaker for some as pronouns are serious business in the modern world. When creating a scam, you do not want to take unnecessary risks. In the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade the spacing of the text is similar to the use of "sir". A risk that could backfire. It is the smallest of details that can make the biggest difference.
    In the end, I would still like to say that despite small risks, such as the layout of the text or the pronouns used, it is still better to live your life believing in the goodness of the people. Next time you see something that makes you think this is a potential scam because a small point is off, please, don't think about the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade or about the Nigerian Prince scams, if you start to look for monsters, soon you will start to see monsters everywhere.
    Trust - have faith.  Help a prince out, ask from your GM if you could also be traded.
  10. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Frank in Comparing the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade to a classic Nigerian Prince scam.   
    The media, VHL teams, and fans gathered together to witness a historical press release on Tuesday. The league officials announced that the games completed in the previous sim were going to be played again due to a "fake trade thread" and "STHS not saving a backup".  According to sources close to the inner circles of VHL, the fake trade was the sole reason for the re-sim. The STHS backup save problem was used to cover for the fact that the simulation team fell for the VHL version of a Nigerian Prince - scam.
    To get a better understanding of what happened, I have briefly analyzed the "MOS/VAN; S93" trade. As you enter the trade thread, you see exactly what you might expect to see when you click a trade thread, the title looks official,  facts about the trade are presented, and the first comments are from general managers of both teams. Especially, the tagging of those involved in the trade in a heartwarming message is a nice touch and something that perhaps tricked some of the commentators in the thread.

     There are still a few points that might have led someone to smell foul play. Those with sharp eyes might have spotted that the spacing of the text is slightly different in the first post than in traditional trade threads,  and the thread itself is posted by a VHL member and not by the "VHL Bot". Overall the scam trade is carefully made and as we saw the scam trade was able to trick multiple users, including the simulation team.
    To deepen my understanding of scams and how to potentially spot them in the future, I looked at a classic Nigerian Prince scam and compared it to the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade. In the example, we can see a prince from Nigeria in trouble, they need a small loan to unlock their bank account. As a thank you they promise to send 1 million dollars back to you. 

    When comparing the scams, both share similarities. On the surface, everything makes perfect sense, there is no need to think of foul play as banks are notoriously strict if you get on their wrong side. Perhaps the prince had their bank account unfairly locked due to inactivity, all you would have to do is send one transaction to show the bank the account is active, and great fortune would follow. Similarly, perhaps the simulation team thought the portal was not working and a VHL member posting the trade thread was just them being helpful.  When it comes to the finer details, if you have your assets frozen unfairly, you would more than likely want to move them as far as you can. Similarly, the finer detail in the scam trade, Moscow trading two first-round picks makes the perfect sense as the rebuild is pretty much completed. In both scams, the stories add up.
    In the Nigerian Prince scam "sir" is used when talking to the reader. That can be a deal-breaker for some as pronouns are serious business in the modern world. When creating a scam, you do not want to take unnecessary risks. In the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade the spacing of the text is similar to the use of "sir". A risk that could backfire. It is the smallest of details that can make the biggest difference.
    In the end, I would still like to say that despite small risks, such as the layout of the text or the pronouns used, it is still better to live your life believing in the goodness of the people. Next time you see something that makes you think this is a potential scam because a small point is off, please, don't think about the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade or about the Nigerian Prince scams, if you start to look for monsters, soon you will start to see monsters everywhere.
    Trust - have faith.  Help a prince out, ask from your GM if you could also be traded.
  11. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from v.2 in Comparing the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade to a classic Nigerian Prince scam.   
    The media, VHL teams, and fans gathered together to witness a historical press release on Tuesday. The league officials announced that the games completed in the previous sim were going to be played again due to a "fake trade thread" and "STHS not saving a backup".  According to sources close to the inner circles of VHL, the fake trade was the sole reason for the re-sim. The STHS backup save problem was used to cover for the fact that the simulation team fell for the VHL version of a Nigerian Prince - scam.
    To get a better understanding of what happened, I have briefly analyzed the "MOS/VAN; S93" trade. As you enter the trade thread, you see exactly what you might expect to see when you click a trade thread, the title looks official,  facts about the trade are presented, and the first comments are from general managers of both teams. Especially, the tagging of those involved in the trade in a heartwarming message is a nice touch and something that perhaps tricked some of the commentators in the thread.

     There are still a few points that might have led someone to smell foul play. Those with sharp eyes might have spotted that the spacing of the text is slightly different in the first post than in traditional trade threads,  and the thread itself is posted by a VHL member and not by the "VHL Bot". Overall the scam trade is carefully made and as we saw the scam trade was able to trick multiple users, including the simulation team.
    To deepen my understanding of scams and how to potentially spot them in the future, I looked at a classic Nigerian Prince scam and compared it to the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade. In the example, we can see a prince from Nigeria in trouble, they need a small loan to unlock their bank account. As a thank you they promise to send 1 million dollars back to you. 

    When comparing the scams, both share similarities. On the surface, everything makes perfect sense, there is no need to think of foul play as banks are notoriously strict if you get on their wrong side. Perhaps the prince had their bank account unfairly locked due to inactivity, all you would have to do is send one transaction to show the bank the account is active, and great fortune would follow. Similarly, perhaps the simulation team thought the portal was not working and a VHL member posting the trade thread was just them being helpful.  When it comes to the finer details, if you have your assets frozen unfairly, you would more than likely want to move them as far as you can. Similarly, the finer detail in the scam trade, Moscow trading two first-round picks makes the perfect sense as the rebuild is pretty much completed. In both scams, the stories add up.
    In the Nigerian Prince scam "sir" is used when talking to the reader. That can be a deal-breaker for some as pronouns are serious business in the modern world. When creating a scam, you do not want to take unnecessary risks. In the "MOS/VAN; S93"  - scam trade the spacing of the text is similar to the use of "sir". A risk that could backfire. It is the smallest of details that can make the biggest difference.
    In the end, I would still like to say that despite small risks, such as the layout of the text or the pronouns used, it is still better to live your life believing in the goodness of the people. Next time you see something that makes you think this is a potential scam because a small point is off, please, don't think about the "MOS/VAN; S93" - scam trade or about the Nigerian Prince scams, if you start to look for monsters, soon you will start to see monsters everywhere.
    Trust - have faith.  Help a prince out, ask from your GM if you could also be traded.
  12. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. We seem to be a consistent winner at the moment. Will we keep this pace?
    Yes! We will keep on going, when other teams think they got something on us - we will change things up and surprise them. We are that talented.

    2. Do you think we are peaking too early or it really doesn't matter?
    I don't think it matters that much, it is nice to get positive results early on, especially during regular season. The real test is the playoffs where every game matters. In those games our maturity will be truly tested.

    3. I like the lines and the balanced scoring, thoughts?
    Promises good things for the playoffs!

    4. Do you have any thoughts on line changes you would like the team to try?
    Increase physicality to toughen up the younger players

    5. How is your player playing? As expected or better/worse?
    Better than expected, I was expecting point per game maybe, but start to the year been well over that pace.

    6. Easter Sunday, you looking for eggs and eating chocolate rabbits?
     I found only regular eggs and they were not free either, not the easter I was looking forward to
  13. Like
    jRuutu reacted to Gaikoku-hito in VSN Presents: S93 Weekly Predictions (Apr 1 - Apr 7)   
    April fools day played chaos around the league and delayed these predictions slightly as I had to re-collect some of the data since a fake trade announcement by a person that shall remain anonymous caused the re-simming of a few games. Overall, as far as I can see it didn`t effect the standing or my prediction but just rather altered some stat lines. Without further ado, lets get into this weeks predictions:

    Current Standings:
                        Standings                                        Record             Points                   Last Wk                          Prediction Last Wk                       
    1.     D.C. Dragons                                      20-4-0            40pts                 13-1-0                           🟰      1st North American
    2.     Toronto Legion                                  18-6-0             36pts                 11-3-0                           🟰      2nd North American
    3.     New York Americans                         13-7-3             29pts                  9-4-0                           🟰      3rd North American   
    4.     Seattle Bears                                     14-9-1             29pts                   8-5-1                            🔼      7th North American
    5.     Chicago Phoenix                                11-11-2           24pts                    5-8-1                           🔻      4th North American  
    6.     Calgary Wranglers                             12-12-0           24pts                   8-6-0                           🟰      6th North American  
    7.     Vancouver Wolves                              7-14-3             17pts                   2-9-3                           🔻      5th North American  
    8.     Los Angeles Stars                              1-23-0             2pts                    0-14-0                          8th North American  
    Next Week Predictions:
    🔼     1.    
    The top two teams in the North American conference should really start to pull away from the chasing group behind but we see a change at the top due to a much weaker schedule that saw Toronto led by Diego Machado @Dadam30 (18-28-46pts) and Joel Castle @animal74 (2.30ga & 0.933%) leapfrog the D.C. Dragons in the standings. It would be rather surprising if they didn`t but I have been wrong before.
    🔻     2.    
    The D.C. Dragons will enter a tough stretch of hockey and depending on how they handle it will determine if they hold onto first in the conference at the end of the week or if they fall to second. It might be determined by the head-to-head games between Toronto and D.C. making these games a much watch. The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath (23-29-52pts) and Mark Calaway @Beketov (13-29-42pts) continue to be the best at their current positions offensively forcing teams to look at ways to slow them down; it hasn`t worked so far!!
    🔼    3.    
    A huge trade this week should shake up the group of five teams all fighting over the final playoff spots. Calgary managed to collect Larry Abass Jr @RileyL and Jens Lekman @Bobcat from the Vancouver Wolves for a S94 CGY 1st and Thor Odinson @GoalPlays; which greatly improves this team. Add in what should be easier schedule than other team and I see Calgary starting to climb the standings. How far they make it will be determined by games against New York and Seattle. It will be interesting to see the impact of the trade this week and if Calgary is now a true contender or pretender!!
    🔻    4.    
    All signs point this team to being better than what their record currently shows with scoring stars Jasper Davis @Josh (11-21-32pts) and FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ (13-15-28pts), not to mention a stud defender in Tord Yvel @Trazan (2-28-30pts) but New York just doesn`t seem to generate enough scoring a group and this is keeping them right around mid pack in the conference. Strong goaltending continues for 36W @rory (2.19ga & 0.934%) so the question remains is it time to shake things up in New York?
    🔻    5.   
    I keep expecting Seattle to fall back due to inconsistent or rather rookie goaltending as Giorgiy Costanzov @Mongoose87 (3.68ga & 0.895%) is just trying to keep his head above water. So how are the Bears continuing to win games? Enter former Vancouver Wolves Henry Eagles @Greg_Di (19-25-44pts) and Oreo McFleury @JB123(20-23-43pts); who have been reunited this season in their former rivals uniform. Simple put Seattle have been able to outscore most of their problems and I think this can continue. They will finish the week anywhere from 3rd to 6th this week and could be actually tied in points with a team or two.
    🔻   6.    
    Easy schedule should see Chicago hanging off the back and hopeful of wildcard spot by the end of the week but I am starting to see that this team will fall off the back. Chicago will miss the playoffs this season unless something changes defensively as Yaroslav Trunov @qripll(24-19-43pts) and Babay Shrimp @Blazzer(9-23-32pts) cannot out score the issue on the back-end. Ryan Artyomov @Enorama(3.66ga & 0.902%) continues to hold on but simple needs more assistance.
    Hope to start the season has quickly faded to disappointment as the team has struggled with chemistry and decided to pull the trigger on a trade with Calgary to improve their future bringing in a S94 CGY 1st and Thor Odinson @GoalPlays while shipping out veteran players Jens Lekman @Bobcat and Larry Abass Jr @RileyL just brought in this season to provide guidance to younger Wolves players. What the future hold for the remainder of the season? Likely hood looking at more losses than wins and a date with a lotto pick.
    Mclean Hoover II @McLean Hoover (8-14-22pts) is trying his best to keep Los Angeles from losing all remaining games in the season and that might not happen but only when they face the great HC Davos team from the European conference. Well, That doesn`t happen this week so we will see if they can at least steal a point or two; unlikely!!

    Current Standings:
                        Standings                                        Record             Points                   Last Wk                          Prediction Last Wk                       
    1.     Moscow Menace                               17-6-2             36pts                 10-2-2                      🔼      4th European Conference
    2.     Malmo Nighthawks                           16-6-2             34pts                10-3-2                      🟰     2nd European Conference
    3.     London United                                  15-6-3             33pts                 11-2-1                      🟰     3rd European Conference
    4.     Prague Phantoms                              14-7-4            32pts                  8-5-2                      🔻     1st European Conference
    5.     Warsaw Predators                             14-9-1             29pts                  7-6-1                      🔼     6th European Conference
    6.     Helsinki Titans                                   11-13-0            22pts                 5-9-0                      🔻     5th European Conference
    7.     Riga Reign                                          10-13-2            22pts                 6-8-1                       🟰     7th European Conference
    8.     HC Davos Dynamo                             1-22-1              3pts                 1-13-0                       8th European Conference
    Next Week Predictions:
    🟰     1.      
    Moscow proved me wrong but also shows why I didn`t know what to make of their tough schedule last week as Moscow aced the week with two losses and two overtime losses; in what I would rather view as near perfect week. Moscow put fear into the European conference last week and that should continue for most of the season now. Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu(14-29-43pts) is all set to have a career season and leads the Moscow attack. While Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape(14-23-37pts) is turning into a star on the back-end. Moscow is showing why they are Men with Aces in the pockets!! Ugh!!
    🔼    2.    
    London was the best team in the conference last week and I think this continues as Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ(21-31-52pts) simply has been the one of best player in the league driving the offense that has become London’s calling card. While I think the United are not all that United in offensive ability; it doesn`t effect their United winning ways. It will be close between Malmo and London this week but I am giving London a slight edge here.
    🔻    3.    
    Yup, you guessed; if you actually read the whole article the next team in line is Malmo Nighthawks. Malmo is still one of the most complete teams as shown by having a different leading score again this week in Viktor Jensen @Advantage(16-25-41pts). While Jacob Stone @scoop (10-28-38pts) is showing that he is one of the best defenders in the league. Malmo should continue to roll but might take a small set back this week and fall to third.
    🟰    4.    
    When I seen the trade between Calgary and Vancouver earlier this week I cannot help but feel that Prague missed a huge opportunity to improve their roster and really set the tone for the remainder of the season. They cannot go back and change the past so look at why I think Prague continue to struggle; shot diff!! Prague gives up ton of shots when playing the top teams in the league and have only managed to stay in the playoff hunt thanks to the might and effort of Matt Murdock @Acydburn(2.86ga & 0.931%). If for whatever reason he falters, than Prague could be looking at the playoffs from the outside. John Jameson @Frank (22-29-51pts); Nikolas Kauppi @Tetricide(23-25-48pts) and Skor McFleury @Alex(10-33-43pts) are trying everything to keep Prague playoff relevant but Prague really needs to get a full roster to help them.
    🟰    5.    
    Nothing has changed from last week to this week as a lot of the success of the Predators is down to Lachlan Summers @kirbithan(2.81ga & 0.931%), as another team having issues with shots against shows the lack of true number one defender on the roster. I have Warsaw current locked in 5th and the final wildcard spot but that could change if Warsaw doesn`t find away to secure a strong defensive core and Helsinki actually turns their season around. The Predators are more like a lion without teeth at the moment and have no bite.
    🟰    6.    
    I almost don`t know what to say about the team from Finland as Helsinki should really be fighting for third in the conference and not playing five hundred hockey at best. With $4.5M in salary cap; the team really needs to find depth scoring and close the gap between their star forward Daryl Dixon @Ricer13(13-24-37pts) and Owen Lazaro @traphag(22-22-44pts). Otherwise they risk losing a season that really the Titans should be a playoff team. At the moment the Titans are more like the Titanic!!
    🟰    7.    
    A team that I am not concerned about at all since I don`t have them making the playoff but continue show that the Reign are not far from being ready to compete soon. Shubham Anand @Will3 (18-19-37pts) continue to lead Riga offense. If I do have any concern about this young team, it would be around the lack of true number one defender developing but Lucy Leitner @LucyXpher looks set to fill that role next season but Riga will need to find more defensive help if the team is going to take a step next season.
    Hello we will see you next season!! Okay, I wish I could get away with that but I cannot, right? David Jokinen @Ahma(10-24-34pts) continue to lead Davos; which really should surprise anyone. Carson Walker Jr @Cwalker(10-10-20pts) is struggling in his second season in the league after having a strong rookie campaign. While James MacAvoy @Enraged(9-16-25pts) continues to have his name mentioned around the rookie of the year. Davos does have some depth pieces in place while they wait for future prospect to develop and once again should add a top pick at the end of the season.
    Final Thought:
    Nine for sixteen or a nice 56%!! Not a bad week when you consider that I complete got Prague and Moscow mixed up in the European Conference, While Vancouver and Seattle are completely different thought processes that I need to change; made easier by the fact that Vancouver looks to have moved into the sell now mode while looking forward to adding through next season draft. Prague, Helsinki and maybe New York need to shake a few things up! But overall the season doesn`t have that many surprise but that could change quickly as Calgary has improved and this could shake up the North American conference. We are starting to see groups form in both leagues and this could keep things interesting for most of the season.
  14. Like
    jRuutu reacted to Spartan in Don't Look Away - The Plot In You   
    Credits to @Dom for putting me on to this song!
    Don't look (away) now, but Moscow is enjoying a strong start to the season. Depth has been the key to success this season, as 7 players are at or over a PPG pace (rip Leif Reingaard 1 point shy). The Menace sit 4th in GF and 4th in GA as well which is really nice to see, both sides of the ice are playing as top 5 units in the league. I'm not sure if Moscow can still be called a "young" team considering how many players are off their ELCs now, but with the amount of TPA still yet to be added to builds before the depreciation begins to loom, I think there's still a fair amount of growth to be seen in the future. Adding Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard has given us an immediate injection of physicality that Moscow had been lacking behind Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu, and the team is starting to feel more like the older Moscow teams I ran in the S80's - dominant centers and strong defensemen with excellent complimentary wingers. The main area for improvement seems to be special teams, where Moscow ranks dead last in PK% and 6th in PP%. Will definitely be an area to focus on and try to improve on for the future.
    Overall EU thoughts - WAR and PRG surprising with strong starts, most expected WAR to replicate their middling performance from last season considering they basically tried the same approach. Lachlan Summers definitely putting in work as usual. Prague running a 5-3-1 pulling an LA from a few seasons ago, curious to see how long that lasts. LDN/MAL/HSK all underperforming by a bit, but EU is always competitive so things can change at a moment's notice. HSK is especially concerning due to depth, running 4 forwards at/under 600 TPA. Curious to see if they take advantage of the seller's market depending on how sims go over the next week or so. They've got some fantastic assets that should both fetch a good price, and be eagerly snapped up.
    League wide news is a bit lacking, not too much change appears to be on the horizon. Goalie changes were the main topic in the past and results are going to be re-evaluated at the end of the season. Frankly I think scoring went up but goalies are simming even better than before, which is pretty opposite of how our admittedly limited test sims went. With a large class of goalies facing retirement soon, it might be an opportune time to revisit adjusting the goalie update scale. I feel like goalies can hit around 1.1k TPA and max out their core attributes and get secondaries in a really good spot and just bank, which is pretty counter to how skaters operate right now. 1.1k TPA seems like the threshold for a superstar, with 1.2/1.3k being a true max earner's peak.
    What else should be discussed in the BoG? Feel like we haven't opened up any channels for suggestions recently. Willing to take stuff into the back rooms if anyone has suggestions!
  15. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to rory in Great works of art   
    I agree theirs simply no comparison, one post actually contributes to the league and the other is a simple notification being clicked. Art is in the eye of the beholder (or in this case, @OrbitingDeath )!
    But the music - oh the music! If only the other graphic was exported as a webm as well.
  16. Like
    jRuutu reacted to Gaikoku-hito in VSN Presents: S93 Weekly Predictions (Mar 25 - Mar 31)   
    VSN Presents: S93 Weekly Predictions
    Due to the league not paying the bills this week, these predictions are a bit later than normal but as you read through understand that some of the stats are three days old and some a bit newer due to not being able to collect them all at the same time. I will have more time in the coming weeks so should be able to produce these Predictions/reviews  a bit faster and should also be able to produce a bit different coverage of the VHL than the past two season so watch for some new articles coming in the next few weeks. Thanks for understanding and hopefully you enjoy the read.

    Current Standings:
                        Standings                                        Record             Points                   Last Wk                          Prediction Last Wk                       
    1.     D.C. Dragons                                       7-3-0              14pts                 (7-3-0)                      🔼      4th North American
    2.     Toronto Legion                                   7-3-0              14pts                 (7-3-0)                      🟰      2nd North American
    3.     Chicago Phoenix                                6-3-1               13pts                 (6-3-1)                      🔼      7th North American  
    4.     Seattle Bears                                      6-4-0              12pts                 (6-4-0)                      🔼      6th North American
    5.     New York Americans                          4-3-3              11pts                  (4-3-3)                     🔻       1st North American  
    6.     Vancouver Wolves                              5-5-0              10pts                  (5-5-0)                     🔻       3rd North American  
    7.     Calgary Wranglers                              4-6-0              8pts                    (4-6-0)                     🔻       5th North American  
    8.     Los Angeles Stars                              1-9-0               2pts                    (1-9-0)                      🟰      8th North American  
    Next Week Predictions:
    🟰      1.    
    Defending Champions are showing that they are for real or is that the real deal? The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath (12-12-24pts) continue to domintate the league and Mark Calaway @Beketov(6-12-18pts) was happy being over looked at the awards last season and clearly has a goal to claim at least one this season. Henry Tucker Jr @NSG(2.32ga & 0.930%) showing that the old man still has some life left in his old bones. D.C. Dragons continue to roll and should maintain first in the North American conference.
    🟰     2.    
    If the Dustin Funk was to be award at this point of the season say hello to Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon (1-18-19pts), who has clearly found his step this season. Joel Castle @animal74 (2.47ga & 0.925%) continue to carry the Legion as Toronto is playing a strong team game at the moment. No reason to drop them this week but they might need to watch over their shoulder as New York is coming fast.
    🔼     3.    
    New York will try to keep up with the two top team if they have any chance at winning the conference. Has Jasper Davis @Josh (4-14-18pts) re-found his S91 form? WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWW @rory (2.19ga & 0.940%) show that his rookie season was a fluke and New York should make up ground and move up to at least 3rd this week.
    🔻     4.    
    Yaroslav Trunov @qripll (9-12-21pts) is trying to drag the Phoenix out of the ashes and should keep them within the playoff if he can keep this pace. Lionel Collberg @Masu Chan (0-16-16pts) is currently having a breakout season and showing that he will be a star defender for season to come but I still have Chicago falling back this week as I think they struggle to play five hundred hockey this week.
    🔼     5.  
    Rookie Superstar Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy (2-3-5pts) continue to struggle to adapt to the VHL but luckily for Vancouver they add veteran forwards to carry the team as Left Alone @okochastar (10-13-23pts) has been caring the team on his aging back. Vancouver needs all their rookie firing on all cylinders or they will continue to spin their wheels. Five hundred hockey continues until they can figure it out but they should jump rival Seattle this week as it will remain close between Vancouver, Calgary, Chicago and Seattle.
    🔼     6.    
    Calgary seems to be the same team as last season but worse, if that is possible, well, they did trade most of their roster away during the off-season. Either way Calgary is hunting for goals as Catia Goncalves @cLoWn (4-8-12pts) and Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotWrangler (7-5-12pts) led the team at only a point per game pace. Luckily for Calgary they are getting above average goaltending from Merome Dilson @MexicanCow123 (2.42ga & 0.938%) ; the understatement of the season. Calgary should continue to play around five hundred hockey but don`t make up much ground.
    🔻      7.    
    Seattle Bears are currently led by Oreo McFleury @JB123 (9-13-22pts), Henry Eagles @Greg_Di(9-11-20pts) and Severus Targaryen @Banackock (6-11-17pts). Questions around the teams goaltender seems be ready to set the team back as Rookie Giorgiy Costanzov @Mongoose87 (3.68ga & 0.899%) has been having a tough time transitioning to the league and should see the Bears fall back this week in the standings should this continue.
    Rebuild is about to get ugly as I have Los Angeles running off a rather impressively bad record this week and will be lucky to win a game. Very hard to say anything about a team that I think a VHLE team could most likely beat at the moment.

    Current Standings:
                        Standings                                        Record             Points                   Last Wk                          Prediction Last Wk                       
    1.     Moscow Menace                                7-4-0               14pts                (7-4-0)                  🟰     1st European Conference
    2.     Warsaw Predators                             7-3-0               14pts                (7-3-0)                   🔼    5th European Conference
    3.     Prague Phantoms                              6-2-2               14pts                (6-2-2)                   🔼     6th European Conference
    4.     Malmo Nighthawks                           6-3-0               12pts                (6-3-0)                   🟰     4th European Conference
    5.     Helsinki Titans                                   6-4-0               12pts                (6-4-0)                   🔻     3rd European Conference
    6.     London United                                   4-4-2               10pts                (4-4-2)                   🔻     2nd European Conference
    7.     Riga Reign                                           4-5-1               9pts                  (4-5-1)                   🟰      7th European Conference
    8.     HC Davos Dynamo                             0-9-1               1pts                  (0-9-1)                   🟰       8th European Conference
    Next Week Predictions:
    🔼    1.      
    Prague is simply rolling through most teams offensively as only two players as of writing are not at a point per game pace. Prague not surprisingly are led by John Jameson @Frank (12-16-28pts) and Nikolas Kauppi @Tetricide (13-13-26pts) with new comer Skor McFleury @Alex (4-17-21pts) clearly returning to form as I expected. Add in amazing goaltending for Matt Murdock @Acydburn(2.26ga & 0.943%) and you have a team that won`t be losing too many games in the near future at least. Weird to say Prague will move up when really they tied for 1st last week so I have them either moving into sole first place or staying tied with Malmo Nighthawks (spoilers).
    🔼    2.    
    Malmo doesn`t really have a player that really stands out as Star and the stats don`t really lie as Phillip Rave @tcookie(9-8-17pts) leds the offense for the Nighthawks and a goaltender that real has been only been serviceable in Ash Sparks @DarkSpyro (2.76ga & 0.905%) So how are they still ranked 2nd in the tough European Conference? Malmo Nighthawks is probably the most complete team in the league with depth through out the line-up and don`t rely on star power to win games. While this come back to hurt them a later in the season? I don`t know but for now they should continue their winning ways.
    🔼    3.    
    London continues to heavily relay on Jesse Teno @aimkin (2.35ga & 0.931%) and the offensive duel of Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ (9-19-28pts) and Leonard Triller @Triller (7-13-20pts). The aging team continues to show that London will be a playoff team again this season but the question I guess on everyone lips; is this the last season before London needs to get younger or enter a long rebuild? London did complete a trade this week to get young by trading for Alexandros Mograine @sliceruser giving up a second to Moscow and should join the team as yearly as next season. This week I have London third but could be putting pressure on the top two teams by the end of the week.
    🔻   4.    
    Moscow Menace have a tough schedule this week and I am not sure what really to make of it at the moment as it is too early in the season so I have Moscow splitting a lot of the games playing around five hundred but if continue to get solid goaltending from Olober Syko @Spartan (2.48ga & 0.916%) and continuing to play solid; as team as only two players are below a point per game pace similar to Malmo; Moscow might surprise everyone and finish higher up in the standing this week. Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu (5-17-22pts) led the offense for the Menace with three or four players only three or four point back. (Axle Gunner @Steve, David Rashford @Knight, Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape, George Richmond @badcolethetitan and Jeff Lewis @nerji)
    🟰   5.    
    Helsinki Titans are struggling at both ends of the ice at the moment as they are near the bottom of the league is goal scoring and while closer to mid table in goals against; this feels like it has more to do with Fuukka Rask @Jubis (3.16ga & 0.918%) than the team overall. Almost equal goals for and goals against usually means a five hundred record and that is what I am predicting for the Titans this week; boosted by HC Davos coming to town btw. Daryl Dixon @Ricer13 (10-12-22pts) and Owen Lazaro @traphag (7-14-21pts) continue to lead the offense but Helsinki needs to find some secondary scoring. Also of note YaBoi Oven @Doomsday (5-15-20pts) has also taken a huge step this season and might end up in the conversation for the Dustin Funk by season end.
    🔻   6.    
    The Predators are hunting again and that is largely thanks to new goaltender Lachlan Summers @kirbithan (2.61ga & 0.934%) allowing the team to cheat more towards the offensive side of the puck with Maxim Anisimov @McLovin (12-16-28pts), King Kisslinger @Kisslinger (6-18-24pts) and Thor Reingaard @N0HBDY (8-13-21pts) ripping a part the other teams defensively. Similar to other teams down fighting for a wildcard spot I have concerns about secondary scoring and this keeps Warsaw playing just around five hundred hockey. If they can pull off a few upsets in close games they can easily be as high as maybe fourth or fifth, but I also feel it is just a matter of time before this team fall off the back of the other teams in Europe.
    🟰   7.    
    Young Riga is clearly not ready to make the playoff this season but the Reign will continue to make life tough for any team that takes them lightly. Shubham Anand @Will3 (11-14-25pts) is clearly having a career season and Eric White Jr @Mysterious_Fish (8-14-22pts) looks more comfortable in his second full season in the VHL. Riga biggest issue at the moment is defensively as we would have liked to see Mina @Baozi (1-4-5pts) and Red Panda @Lemorse7 (3.60ga & 0.915%) take a larger step this season but that simply hasn`t happened.
    When your team consists of six players in total and two are VHLE caliber; it is really hard to find any bright spots to take about but rookie James MacAvoy @Enraged (4-12-16pts) was one of them as he was second in Rookie scoring at the end of first week. Does he stay there? No, I don`t think so as this feels more like a boost of due to playing time as in a cruel fate he can play a full sixty minutes, if the team wasn`t force to dress some fans or staff members to give the poor players a bit of a rest. Maybe a single win this week if they can upset someone but I would place any money on it.
    Final Thought:
    Six for sixteen in the first week isn`t that good but isn`t that bad right? 37.5% correct so I take it as the first weeks are always the hardest to predict since we have no visual data and points/standings tend to stay close. So hopefully the tends become clear and the teams start to break away from each other a bit more but I also don`t think that will happen too much since European Conference clearly has five teams fighting for the playoff with Warsaw looking to make it tough on anyone and sneak into the conversation. We are starting to see a bit of split in the North American conference with three teams clear at the top but it is leaving four teams fighting for the final two playoff spots. It could be a great season of unpredictability, which is good for the league but very bad for me the predictor of the weekly standings.
  17. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Misty in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
  18. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from v.2 in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
  19. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. How do you feel about the start to our season?
    Start has been solid, nice to see we have gotten wins and lines seem to be clicking quite nicely, scoring from all around.

    2. Do you feel good about how your player is playing?
    Alright start, was hoping maybe bit more goals, but I have been more of a playmaking center so far. I have liked my performance on the faceoffs.

    3. I feel that we will only get better as the season progresses, do you agree?
    I think so too,  hard work in the practice rink and more games under our belts with the new lines - it will translate to nice things.

    4. Do you think we can make a push in the playoffs with our current roster?
    Yes! We are too talented to miss out.

    5. What player on the team has impressed you the most?
    Syko perhaps, because they changed the settings before the season, I was not sure what to expect, but Syko has been without a doubt a goalie in Moscow this season, Syko got couple shutouts already too.

    6. What happened to Davos? Only six players including their goalie? 
    They are at bottom, so we can be at top
  20. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Thunder in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
  21. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
  22. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from AJW in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
  23. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Victor in Double Standards in VHL?   
    Mine had music on it. I had artistic vision, I had a message that can be heard and understood hundreds of years from now.
    I created a dragon, yours was more like a kitty cat.
  24. Fire
    jRuutu reacted to Spartan in Great works of art   
    Another masterclass
  25. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Great works of art   
    When we see a great work of art we are either amazed by what we see or we don't really understand what the big deal is.  What we see could inspire thoughts and feelings new to us, our perspectives may shift. But then some might say they can do similar work and even better! I am not a great artist, but I got a taste of what it feels like to be an unappreciated artist whose work is seen as something that can be created again and even worse - improved.
    Anonymous artist released the following piece: https://imgur.com/p5FD4ZJ  (Sound on, sorry never mind, there is no sound)
    Their work was met with harsh criticism as the piece was not seen worthy of TPE by the gatekeepers of VHL Art Gallery, a showroom where only the finest of works will be showcased.  The denial sparked a backlash from the anonymous artist who went on to say they have a "similar skill set" than I do and that the work they created was "inspired" by the piece I created. My work was seen as worthy to be presented in the showroom and I also received TPE for my work.
    Here is the piece I created: https://imgur.com/a/TCQDtuY  (Sound on)
    On the surface, both of the pieces look similar. Similar like Donald Trump of 2024 and Pamela Anderson of 1995 are running on the beach side by side, both wearing the classic red Baywatch swimsuit. Similar until you open your eyes and ears to see and hear what the two pieces have to say.  My piece is like an apple covered in chocolate, honey, and toffee. There are so many layers that you need multiple viewings to even get a whiff of them all. By the time you start to feel exhausted from trying to understand and process what you have just seen, all you can say is: "What the f'ck, I have only now reached the apple".  You get a sense of achievement from studying and consuming the piece I have created.  When you look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, you are left feeling weary. Similar to a long fart in a crowded bus. You are amazed you get to witness something like that in person, but at some point, you start to think: "When does it stop?".
    When I look at the piece created by the anonymous artist, I feel proud and a little sad. Just like the music of Marvin Gaye has helped to bring who knows how many new lives into this world, my piece has inspired an anonymous artist to create something that we can all enjoy. That is something I did not expect would happen when I started to plan and draft the outlines of my piece. I am saddened because the anonymous artist is focused on TPE and the approval of the VHL gatekeepers over the fact they have themselves now brought new life into the art world.
    In my opinion, the piece created by the anonymous artist should be given the TPE, but the TPE should not go to the anonymous artist. The TPE should be shared with everybody in VHL equally. If there are 2000 members in VHL, everybody should be given 0,001 TPE.
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