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  1. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from v.2 in The end is near   
    The topic for the theme week is recruitment.  When I think about recruitment, my mind goes to an army recruiting soldiers for war or some kind of criminal organization recruiting new members to join their ranks. The result is that the person is being asked to commit to something and they are being asked to put themselves on the line.  If I now think about the average person out there, they are not going to commit to something unless they see others doing the same thing, they are not going to put themselves on the line for most things, they will much rather follow what everybody else is doing.  To even get someone to stop and listen to whatever you have to say is a hard task as the recruiting efforts can be seen as invasive and even aggressive, which causes so many to tune out automatically.
    I started to wonder how can you reach the average person who might not want to hear what you have to say. Instead of posting a few things here and there to various sites, I think VHL should create accounts on multiple forums and be active members of those communities. VHL should create "forum accounts" that point towards VHL. Then through these community accounts, VHL should aim to get notorious in these forums by posting content that speaks to the members of these communities. The goal is to attract users to VHL as they recognize interesting and entertaining times could be had in VHL as the community accounts put out a fun vibe. In many ways, it is what VHL is doing already with ads and posts to wherever, but this type of work requires more effort. It showcases the creative, fun, and hardworking side of VHL in real-time. Each post in each forum should be seen as a mini-version of VHL.
    The forum and layout of VHL need to be changed. New users are interested in the site and what VHL could be about, so they come to check it out, the brightest thing on the site can not be "donate".  It simply sends the wrong message: "Ahaa, these people are after money. I am not interested in paying for something". There are way too many links and headlines that look identical, nobody has time to read through this much stuff. Highlight the best stuff, and hide the boring stuff.
    As I was thinking of some kind of ending to this article, I got bored. I think it was a mistake highlighting recruitment for the theme week. Just like the donate button on the site, it sends the wrong message.  Seeing comments about advertising in TikTok, Instagram, etc is doing great harm to the members on the site already. The ship is really sinking, isn't it? Nobody has an idea? There is no plan?  Post to social media and hope people see it:  "Noo noo, we have an idea, but it was a hot topic last week, so we thought it would be fun to hear what everybody in the league has to say about it".

  2. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from rory in The end is near   
    The topic for the theme week is recruitment.  When I think about recruitment, my mind goes to an army recruiting soldiers for war or some kind of criminal organization recruiting new members to join their ranks. The result is that the person is being asked to commit to something and they are being asked to put themselves on the line.  If I now think about the average person out there, they are not going to commit to something unless they see others doing the same thing, they are not going to put themselves on the line for most things, they will much rather follow what everybody else is doing.  To even get someone to stop and listen to whatever you have to say is a hard task as the recruiting efforts can be seen as invasive and even aggressive, which causes so many to tune out automatically.
    I started to wonder how can you reach the average person who might not want to hear what you have to say. Instead of posting a few things here and there to various sites, I think VHL should create accounts on multiple forums and be active members of those communities. VHL should create "forum accounts" that point towards VHL. Then through these community accounts, VHL should aim to get notorious in these forums by posting content that speaks to the members of these communities. The goal is to attract users to VHL as they recognize interesting and entertaining times could be had in VHL as the community accounts put out a fun vibe. In many ways, it is what VHL is doing already with ads and posts to wherever, but this type of work requires more effort. It showcases the creative, fun, and hardworking side of VHL in real-time. Each post in each forum should be seen as a mini-version of VHL.
    The forum and layout of VHL need to be changed. New users are interested in the site and what VHL could be about, so they come to check it out, the brightest thing on the site can not be "donate".  It simply sends the wrong message: "Ahaa, these people are after money. I am not interested in paying for something". There are way too many links and headlines that look identical, nobody has time to read through this much stuff. Highlight the best stuff, and hide the boring stuff.
    As I was thinking of some kind of ending to this article, I got bored. I think it was a mistake highlighting recruitment for the theme week. Just like the donate button on the site, it sends the wrong message.  Seeing comments about advertising in TikTok, Instagram, etc is doing great harm to the members on the site already. The ship is really sinking, isn't it? Nobody has an idea? There is no plan?  Post to social media and hope people see it:  "Noo noo, we have an idea, but it was a hot topic last week, so we thought it would be fun to hear what everybody in the league has to say about it".

  3. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Triller in The end is near   
    The topic for the theme week is recruitment.  When I think about recruitment, my mind goes to an army recruiting soldiers for war or some kind of criminal organization recruiting new members to join their ranks. The result is that the person is being asked to commit to something and they are being asked to put themselves on the line.  If I now think about the average person out there, they are not going to commit to something unless they see others doing the same thing, they are not going to put themselves on the line for most things, they will much rather follow what everybody else is doing.  To even get someone to stop and listen to whatever you have to say is a hard task as the recruiting efforts can be seen as invasive and even aggressive, which causes so many to tune out automatically.
    I started to wonder how can you reach the average person who might not want to hear what you have to say. Instead of posting a few things here and there to various sites, I think VHL should create accounts on multiple forums and be active members of those communities. VHL should create "forum accounts" that point towards VHL. Then through these community accounts, VHL should aim to get notorious in these forums by posting content that speaks to the members of these communities. The goal is to attract users to VHL as they recognize interesting and entertaining times could be had in VHL as the community accounts put out a fun vibe. In many ways, it is what VHL is doing already with ads and posts to wherever, but this type of work requires more effort. It showcases the creative, fun, and hardworking side of VHL in real-time. Each post in each forum should be seen as a mini-version of VHL.
    The forum and layout of VHL need to be changed. New users are interested in the site and what VHL could be about, so they come to check it out, the brightest thing on the site can not be "donate".  It simply sends the wrong message: "Ahaa, these people are after money. I am not interested in paying for something". There are way too many links and headlines that look identical, nobody has time to read through this much stuff. Highlight the best stuff, and hide the boring stuff.
    As I was thinking of some kind of ending to this article, I got bored. I think it was a mistake highlighting recruitment for the theme week. Just like the donate button on the site, it sends the wrong message.  Seeing comments about advertising in TikTok, Instagram, etc is doing great harm to the members on the site already. The ship is really sinking, isn't it? Nobody has an idea? There is no plan?  Post to social media and hope people see it:  "Noo noo, we have an idea, but it was a hot topic last week, so we thought it would be fun to hear what everybody in the league has to say about it".

  4. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in The end is near   
    The topic for the theme week is recruitment.  When I think about recruitment, my mind goes to an army recruiting soldiers for war or some kind of criminal organization recruiting new members to join their ranks. The result is that the person is being asked to commit to something and they are being asked to put themselves on the line.  If I now think about the average person out there, they are not going to commit to something unless they see others doing the same thing, they are not going to put themselves on the line for most things, they will much rather follow what everybody else is doing.  To even get someone to stop and listen to whatever you have to say is a hard task as the recruiting efforts can be seen as invasive and even aggressive, which causes so many to tune out automatically.
    I started to wonder how can you reach the average person who might not want to hear what you have to say. Instead of posting a few things here and there to various sites, I think VHL should create accounts on multiple forums and be active members of those communities. VHL should create "forum accounts" that point towards VHL. Then through these community accounts, VHL should aim to get notorious in these forums by posting content that speaks to the members of these communities. The goal is to attract users to VHL as they recognize interesting and entertaining times could be had in VHL as the community accounts put out a fun vibe. In many ways, it is what VHL is doing already with ads and posts to wherever, but this type of work requires more effort. It showcases the creative, fun, and hardworking side of VHL in real-time. Each post in each forum should be seen as a mini-version of VHL.
    The forum and layout of VHL need to be changed. New users are interested in the site and what VHL could be about, so they come to check it out, the brightest thing on the site can not be "donate".  It simply sends the wrong message: "Ahaa, these people are after money. I am not interested in paying for something". There are way too many links and headlines that look identical, nobody has time to read through this much stuff. Highlight the best stuff, and hide the boring stuff.
    As I was thinking of some kind of ending to this article, I got bored. I think it was a mistake highlighting recruitment for the theme week. Just like the donate button on the site, it sends the wrong message.  Seeing comments about advertising in TikTok, Instagram, etc is doing great harm to the members on the site already. The ship is really sinking, isn't it? Nobody has an idea? There is no plan?  Post to social media and hope people see it:  "Noo noo, we have an idea, but it was a hot topic last week, so we thought it would be fun to hear what everybody in the league has to say about it".

  5. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from v.2 in Bonus TPE for AI checks?   
    The VHL enjoyment of the good people of VHL was violated by a Members-tag on a thread where AI and point tasks were discussed. I decided to do some investigating of my own. I asked ChatGPT to write a short story about a hockey player resting on Sunday. I then went around the internet and used different tools that help analyze whether the text was written by AI or a human. To my surprise, not all of the tools detected anything wrong with the text. Some tools said the text was AI-written, but then some said there was about a 50% chance it was AI-written, some even went on to say it was 100% written by a human.
    If you read the text as a human, it is quite obvious the text is written by AI as the words used are something you rarely see anyone use. The sentence structure is also almost identical in all of the paragraphs.
    To make life easier for the updaters, I think VHL should start to demand the users to make AI detection checks themselves. The users should post a screenshot of the results to the post for 1 bonus TPE. We would have to use some specific tool that everybody uses, and the updaters would have to still do the normal AI checks, but I think this way we could all together fight against the AI.
  6. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from McLovin in Bonus TPE for AI checks?   
    The VHL enjoyment of the good people of VHL was violated by a Members-tag on a thread where AI and point tasks were discussed. I decided to do some investigating of my own. I asked ChatGPT to write a short story about a hockey player resting on Sunday. I then went around the internet and used different tools that help analyze whether the text was written by AI or a human. To my surprise, not all of the tools detected anything wrong with the text. Some tools said the text was AI-written, but then some said there was about a 50% chance it was AI-written, some even went on to say it was 100% written by a human.
    If you read the text as a human, it is quite obvious the text is written by AI as the words used are something you rarely see anyone use. The sentence structure is also almost identical in all of the paragraphs.
    To make life easier for the updaters, I think VHL should start to demand the users to make AI detection checks themselves. The users should post a screenshot of the results to the post for 1 bonus TPE. We would have to use some specific tool that everybody uses, and the updaters would have to still do the normal AI checks, but I think this way we could all together fight against the AI.
  7. Sad
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. Are you happy with your player so far this season?  No
    2. What skill/skills are you trying to push? More points to fighting! If we all put in the work we will get into more fights. In the end, putting points to fighting is the only way you get into fights, and if we all want to get into fights, we all must put points to fighting.
    3. Are you going to do anything fun over the holiday weekend? Nothing special planned, relaxing weekend with some nice foods. Might do some Christmas shoppings also.
    4. How does it feel to be on a team that is rebuilding? No comment
    5. Do you think we will be contenders in the next two seasons? Yes, no, maybe, probably.
    6. What would you change in the league if you were in charge for a day? I would make grapics to be point tasks that you need to do by hand, you would need to draw them on piece of paper or canvas of some sorts, then you would need to take a picture to submit. I would also make writing articles be something you need to do by hand, you would have to write them on piece of paper. To submit you would have to take a picture. 
  8. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Bonus TPE for AI checks?   
    The VHL enjoyment of the good people of VHL was violated by a Members-tag on a thread where AI and point tasks were discussed. I decided to do some investigating of my own. I asked ChatGPT to write a short story about a hockey player resting on Sunday. I then went around the internet and used different tools that help analyze whether the text was written by AI or a human. To my surprise, not all of the tools detected anything wrong with the text. Some tools said the text was AI-written, but then some said there was about a 50% chance it was AI-written, some even went on to say it was 100% written by a human.
    If you read the text as a human, it is quite obvious the text is written by AI as the words used are something you rarely see anyone use. The sentence structure is also almost identical in all of the paragraphs.
    To make life easier for the updaters, I think VHL should start to demand the users to make AI detection checks themselves. The users should post a screenshot of the results to the post for 1 bonus TPE. We would have to use some specific tool that everybody uses, and the updaters would have to still do the normal AI checks, but I think this way we could all together fight against the AI.
  9. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to v.2 in AI and Point Tasks   
    As you may have noticed from the TPE bans that have been handed out recently, AI use in point tasks is becoming a bit of an issue. I would just like to remind you all that using these tools in an attempt to earn TPE is against the VHL Code of Conduct, as stated below:
    Our lovely crew of updaters will also be taking this matter more seriously, and will begin to use detection tools before approving submissions.  This goes for both AI generated media spot content AND graphics.
    Thank you all for understanding, I know AI tech is moving at an exponential rate and is an amazing resource, however maintaining the integrity of the league and an even playing field for all members is paramount.
  10. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from tcookie in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    People who play NHL games and especially EASHL are some of the worst people, they are not fit to go through the "VHL ride". The whole game mode is made to team up with your mates, so you play against lesser opponents. Even in the "competitive" leagues, you see tactics that are as far from hockey as possible. It is a game, but think about the mindset. The average EASHL player writes maybe 50 words per week, and that is replies to messages through gaming apps to hate messages they get or to write hate messages they send. The odds of the average EASHL enjoyer making it to 1000 TPE is as good as someone in VHL dunking a basketball, it could happen but we all know it won't happen.
    VHL has a far better chance of recruiting new active users by posting to forums about baking, where bored old people share recipes and discuss what on earth is going on around the world.
  11. Like
    jRuutu reacted to Rin in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Yeah, this is a pretty based take. Running an ad on EA NHL channels hits a demographic of teenagers that play video games. Bring them over to the VHL and inform them that they're going to need to write essays and put together decent graphics in order to make their player better and you run into a retention nightmare. Combine that with the letdown that they can neither watch the games being simmed, nor can they directly impact them in any way, and you've got an incredibly hard sell.
    It's a good idea if you're looking for pure numbers, and you're certainly bound to find some needles in the haystack, but the literal ONLY commonality between us and EA NHL players is "hockey good."
  12. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Rin in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    People who play NHL games and especially EASHL are some of the worst people, they are not fit to go through the "VHL ride". The whole game mode is made to team up with your mates, so you play against lesser opponents. Even in the "competitive" leagues, you see tactics that are as far from hockey as possible. It is a game, but think about the mindset. The average EASHL player writes maybe 50 words per week, and that is replies to messages through gaming apps to hate messages they get or to write hate messages they send. The odds of the average EASHL enjoyer making it to 1000 TPE is as good as someone in VHL dunking a basketball, it could happen but we all know it won't happen.
    VHL has a far better chance of recruiting new active users by posting to forums about baking, where bored old people share recipes and discuss what on earth is going on around the world.
  13. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Zetterberg in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    People who play NHL games and especially EASHL are some of the worst people, they are not fit to go through the "VHL ride". The whole game mode is made to team up with your mates, so you play against lesser opponents. Even in the "competitive" leagues, you see tactics that are as far from hockey as possible. It is a game, but think about the mindset. The average EASHL player writes maybe 50 words per week, and that is replies to messages through gaming apps to hate messages they get or to write hate messages they send. The odds of the average EASHL enjoyer making it to 1000 TPE is as good as someone in VHL dunking a basketball, it could happen but we all know it won't happen.
    VHL has a far better chance of recruiting new active users by posting to forums about baking, where bored old people share recipes and discuss what on earth is going on around the world.
  14. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from rory in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    People who play NHL games and especially EASHL are some of the worst people, they are not fit to go through the "VHL ride". The whole game mode is made to team up with your mates, so you play against lesser opponents. Even in the "competitive" leagues, you see tactics that are as far from hockey as possible. It is a game, but think about the mindset. The average EASHL player writes maybe 50 words per week, and that is replies to messages through gaming apps to hate messages they get or to write hate messages they send. The odds of the average EASHL enjoyer making it to 1000 TPE is as good as someone in VHL dunking a basketball, it could happen but we all know it won't happen.
    VHL has a far better chance of recruiting new active users by posting to forums about baking, where bored old people share recipes and discuss what on earth is going on around the world.
  15. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from Triller in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    People who play NHL games and especially EASHL are some of the worst people, they are not fit to go through the "VHL ride". The whole game mode is made to team up with your mates, so you play against lesser opponents. Even in the "competitive" leagues, you see tactics that are as far from hockey as possible. It is a game, but think about the mindset. The average EASHL player writes maybe 50 words per week, and that is replies to messages through gaming apps to hate messages they get or to write hate messages they send. The odds of the average EASHL enjoyer making it to 1000 TPE is as good as someone in VHL dunking a basketball, it could happen but we all know it won't happen.
    VHL has a far better chance of recruiting new active users by posting to forums about baking, where bored old people share recipes and discuss what on earth is going on around the world.
  16. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to Mysterious_Fish in Community event: BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson to VHL! #DonateYourFantasyZonePoints!   
    I believe JardyB10 has done Fantasy Zone but just isnt claiming it
  17. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Subject056 in Community event: BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson to VHL! #DonateYourFantasyZonePoints!   
    When we talk about VHLE as a league, you either hate it or love it. Many see the league as an unnecessary step before finally getting to play in VHL. To many VHLM alone is enough to create a "coming up" type of feeling and story, especially since you can not stay down in VHLE for that many seasons as an active user, because you are almost guaranteed to reach the 400 TPE mark fast. Or well you can stay down in VHLE for longer, but you would have to stop earning TPE completely at 400 TPE. Having said that, some players still decide to stay down for longer. They enjoy the league as they get to play in bigger roles and play against teams in Europe. One of the players who has played in VHLE for a lot longer than the average is BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, they have played over 300 games in VHLE already!
    On the surface, you might think BjorkaBjorn is inactive. You might also come to the conclusion that BjorkaBjorn is not inactive but simply choosing not to earn TPE as they sit perfectly at the 400TPE mark, which allows them to stay in VHLE as long as they please. I have been in the game a long time, I know a semi-active player when I see one. BjorkBjorn needs a gentle nudge to get them back to developing as a player at a rate we all know they can. What better way to motivate a player of BjornaBjorkson caliber than gifting them the opportunity to play on the highest of levels? The league where dreams come true? The VHL.
    You might now be wondering what can you do about it. The answer is easy. For your answers in Week 3 of S91 Fantasy Zone, write the name "JardyB10" instead of your forum username. If we all join forces, even if you do not feel lucky -  this week could be your week. If we manage to get 1 TPE, just one! That one TPE can gently push BjorkaBjorn towards VHL as they would be over 400 TPE.
    If you are wondering is something like this the right thing to do? I kindly request that you look at the stats of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson. They have played 26 games with 13 points. Those numbers are numbers for a player in desperate need for a change of scenery. If you then analyze the development curve of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, it points straight down. The trend is not looking positive for BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, but we can change that! We can gift BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson an opportunity, not a guaranteed place in the sun, not money, not glory, but an opportunity.
    Like I said, I have been in the game for a long time. Players like BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson need to be pushed a little to get the best out of them. You need to get them out of their comfort zone, and what better way to do that than to throw them into VHL?
    Donate your TPE - help BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson!
  18. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to rory in Community event: BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson to VHL! #DonateYourFantasyZonePoints!   
    i benched the old fuck
  19. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Community event: BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson to VHL! #DonateYourFantasyZonePoints!   
    When we talk about VHLE as a league, you either hate it or love it. Many see the league as an unnecessary step before finally getting to play in VHL. To many VHLM alone is enough to create a "coming up" type of feeling and story, especially since you can not stay down in VHLE for that many seasons as an active user, because you are almost guaranteed to reach the 400 TPE mark fast. Or well you can stay down in VHLE for longer, but you would have to stop earning TPE completely at 400 TPE. Having said that, some players still decide to stay down for longer. They enjoy the league as they get to play in bigger roles and play against teams in Europe. One of the players who has played in VHLE for a lot longer than the average is BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, they have played over 300 games in VHLE already!
    On the surface, you might think BjorkaBjorn is inactive. You might also come to the conclusion that BjorkaBjorn is not inactive but simply choosing not to earn TPE as they sit perfectly at the 400TPE mark, which allows them to stay in VHLE as long as they please. I have been in the game a long time, I know a semi-active player when I see one. BjorkBjorn needs a gentle nudge to get them back to developing as a player at a rate we all know they can. What better way to motivate a player of BjornaBjorkson caliber than gifting them the opportunity to play on the highest of levels? The league where dreams come true? The VHL.
    You might now be wondering what can you do about it. The answer is easy. For your answers in Week 3 of S91 Fantasy Zone, write the name "JardyB10" instead of your forum username. If we all join forces, even if you do not feel lucky -  this week could be your week. If we manage to get 1 TPE, just one! That one TPE can gently push BjorkaBjorn towards VHL as they would be over 400 TPE.
    If you are wondering is something like this the right thing to do? I kindly request that you look at the stats of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson. They have played 26 games with 13 points. Those numbers are numbers for a player in desperate need for a change of scenery. If you then analyze the development curve of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, it points straight down. The trend is not looking positive for BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, but we can change that! We can gift BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson an opportunity, not a guaranteed place in the sun, not money, not glory, but an opportunity.
    Like I said, I have been in the game for a long time. Players like BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson need to be pushed a little to get the best out of them. You need to get them out of their comfort zone, and what better way to do that than to throw them into VHL?
    Donate your TPE - help BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson!
  20. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Community event: BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson to VHL! #DonateYourFantasyZonePoints!   
    When we talk about VHLE as a league, you either hate it or love it. Many see the league as an unnecessary step before finally getting to play in VHL. To many VHLM alone is enough to create a "coming up" type of feeling and story, especially since you can not stay down in VHLE for that many seasons as an active user, because you are almost guaranteed to reach the 400 TPE mark fast. Or well you can stay down in VHLE for longer, but you would have to stop earning TPE completely at 400 TPE. Having said that, some players still decide to stay down for longer. They enjoy the league as they get to play in bigger roles and play against teams in Europe. One of the players who has played in VHLE for a lot longer than the average is BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, they have played over 300 games in VHLE already!
    On the surface, you might think BjorkaBjorn is inactive. You might also come to the conclusion that BjorkaBjorn is not inactive but simply choosing not to earn TPE as they sit perfectly at the 400TPE mark, which allows them to stay in VHLE as long as they please. I have been in the game a long time, I know a semi-active player when I see one. BjorkBjorn needs a gentle nudge to get them back to developing as a player at a rate we all know they can. What better way to motivate a player of BjornaBjorkson caliber than gifting them the opportunity to play on the highest of levels? The league where dreams come true? The VHL.
    You might now be wondering what can you do about it. The answer is easy. For your answers in Week 3 of S91 Fantasy Zone, write the name "JardyB10" instead of your forum username. If we all join forces, even if you do not feel lucky -  this week could be your week. If we manage to get 1 TPE, just one! That one TPE can gently push BjorkaBjorn towards VHL as they would be over 400 TPE.
    If you are wondering is something like this the right thing to do? I kindly request that you look at the stats of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson. They have played 26 games with 13 points. Those numbers are numbers for a player in desperate need for a change of scenery. If you then analyze the development curve of BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, it points straight down. The trend is not looking positive for BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, but we can change that! We can gift BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson an opportunity, not a guaranteed place in the sun, not money, not glory, but an opportunity.
    Like I said, I have been in the game for a long time. Players like BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson need to be pushed a little to get the best out of them. You need to get them out of their comfort zone, and what better way to do that than to throw them into VHL?
    Donate your TPE - help BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson!
  21. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from tcookie in #FreeLastOneUp   
    We have all witnessed a great deal of injustice. User LastOneUp was given a two-week TPE ban for using the work of another user to create a similar article of their own. According to the authorities of VHL, LastOneUp violated section 1.2 of the Code of Conduct, which says: "All point tasks to be claimed for TPE, including but not limited to, graphics, article posts, and podcasts must be original content. This includes the use of AI assistance".
    I next kindly ask you to analyze the following images I found from the Graphics section, selected randomly:

    On the surface, the premise in all three looks very similar: a hockey player and a name. The effects and coloring are technically different in all three, but they still follow the same style, "wild", "shiny", and "energetic" could be used to describe all three. The pictures of the hockey players were almost certainly not taken by the users who created the graphics, so a level of plagiarism is involved in all three. The premise, followed by the wild, shiny, and energetic effects is shared by the majority of the graphics posted in the graphics section, another level of plagiarism is involved as all three follow the standard of what is widely accepted.
    LastOneUp according to their own words used the info found in the article(s) to learn and to rewrite another version. If you now move your eyes above and look at the pictures again, are these graphics truly unique work, are they original content? Or are they attempts to learn and attempts to make another version of something made before?
    It is time to put a stop to this circus and let LastOneUp update freely. It is time to start asking more from the Graphics creators.
  22. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Lemorse7 in #FreeLastOneUp   
    We have all witnessed a great deal of injustice. User LastOneUp was given a two-week TPE ban for using the work of another user to create a similar article of their own. According to the authorities of VHL, LastOneUp violated section 1.2 of the Code of Conduct, which says: "All point tasks to be claimed for TPE, including but not limited to, graphics, article posts, and podcasts must be original content. This includes the use of AI assistance".
    I next kindly ask you to analyze the following images I found from the Graphics section, selected randomly:

    On the surface, the premise in all three looks very similar: a hockey player and a name. The effects and coloring are technically different in all three, but they still follow the same style, "wild", "shiny", and "energetic" could be used to describe all three. The pictures of the hockey players were almost certainly not taken by the users who created the graphics, so a level of plagiarism is involved in all three. The premise, followed by the wild, shiny, and energetic effects is shared by the majority of the graphics posted in the graphics section, another level of plagiarism is involved as all three follow the standard of what is widely accepted.
    LastOneUp according to their own words used the info found in the article(s) to learn and to rewrite another version. If you now move your eyes above and look at the pictures again, are these graphics truly unique work, are they original content? Or are they attempts to learn and attempts to make another version of something made before?
    It is time to put a stop to this circus and let LastOneUp update freely. It is time to start asking more from the Graphics creators.
  23. Haha
    jRuutu got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in #FreeLastOneUp   
    We have all witnessed a great deal of injustice. User LastOneUp was given a two-week TPE ban for using the work of another user to create a similar article of their own. According to the authorities of VHL, LastOneUp violated section 1.2 of the Code of Conduct, which says: "All point tasks to be claimed for TPE, including but not limited to, graphics, article posts, and podcasts must be original content. This includes the use of AI assistance".
    I next kindly ask you to analyze the following images I found from the Graphics section, selected randomly:

    On the surface, the premise in all three looks very similar: a hockey player and a name. The effects and coloring are technically different in all three, but they still follow the same style, "wild", "shiny", and "energetic" could be used to describe all three. The pictures of the hockey players were almost certainly not taken by the users who created the graphics, so a level of plagiarism is involved in all three. The premise, followed by the wild, shiny, and energetic effects is shared by the majority of the graphics posted in the graphics section, another level of plagiarism is involved as all three follow the standard of what is widely accepted.
    LastOneUp according to their own words used the info found in the article(s) to learn and to rewrite another version. If you now move your eyes above and look at the pictures again, are these graphics truly unique work, are they original content? Or are they attempts to learn and attempts to make another version of something made before?
    It is time to put a stop to this circus and let LastOneUp update freely. It is time to start asking more from the Graphics creators.
  24. Woah
    jRuutu got a reaction from rory in #FreeLastOneUp   
    We have all witnessed a great deal of injustice. User LastOneUp was given a two-week TPE ban for using the work of another user to create a similar article of their own. According to the authorities of VHL, LastOneUp violated section 1.2 of the Code of Conduct, which says: "All point tasks to be claimed for TPE, including but not limited to, graphics, article posts, and podcasts must be original content. This includes the use of AI assistance".
    I next kindly ask you to analyze the following images I found from the Graphics section, selected randomly:

    On the surface, the premise in all three looks very similar: a hockey player and a name. The effects and coloring are technically different in all three, but they still follow the same style, "wild", "shiny", and "energetic" could be used to describe all three. The pictures of the hockey players were almost certainly not taken by the users who created the graphics, so a level of plagiarism is involved in all three. The premise, followed by the wild, shiny, and energetic effects is shared by the majority of the graphics posted in the graphics section, another level of plagiarism is involved as all three follow the standard of what is widely accepted.
    LastOneUp according to their own words used the info found in the article(s) to learn and to rewrite another version. If you now move your eyes above and look at the pictures again, are these graphics truly unique work, are they original content? Or are they attempts to learn and attempts to make another version of something made before?
    It is time to put a stop to this circus and let LastOneUp update freely. It is time to start asking more from the Graphics creators.
  25. Fire
    jRuutu reacted to Grape in #FreeLastOneUp   
    Solution: All graphics are banned
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