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Posts posted by BeanSobie

  1. Are you kidding me? That's the cleanest jersey change I've ever seen.

    Also, excuse me for thinking these leagues were supposed to be for fun. I could go and waste hours of my life trying to develop a skill that is utterly void of any use in my real life, or I could open up a photo editer and dick around for a little bit and have some fun with it. Either way it doesn't make a lick of difference to you.

  2. Wait a second. Actually taking the effort to add a render, do a little bit of stock work, try my hand at a light source, not to mention cut the render itself (even though there was no way for you to know this and it wasn't that great) earns the same amount of points as copying a picture off the internet and adding text?

    Fuck I know this wasn't a great sig but that's messed up. Sorry you got butthurt over the title of my post, but your grading ability is seriously shit if this gets the same grade as Cuffy's submission.

  3. diamond_ace,Nov 13 2012, 02:23 PM

    One small problem: Beer is terrible. Well, 90% of beers anyway. If I was going to demote you to 3rd pair because of a drink of choice, it would be beer (although I'm not going to).

    Couple of things to try: Rum and Iced Tea (especially Mango Rum or Black Cherry Rum)

    Amaretto and Hot Chocolate in the winter (DiSaronno if you can afford it- the quality difference is very much proportional to the price difference)

    Amaretto Sour (with the Sour mix, it doesn't matter as much here if it's off brand)

    Vanilla Vodka and Vanilla Coke (if you like Vanilla Coke in the first place- some don't)

    Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade

    None of these are coolers, none of them are pink or have a little umbrella hanging out of them, they're all reasonably gender-neutral drinks, but most importantly they taste good. I can't stress enough how little sense it makes that "men" (I take the term loosely in this case) don't make any sense with wanting to drink things that are disgusting just to prove some misguided sense of manliness.

    I demand a trade.

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