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Everything posted by Arce

  1. With the S83 season winding down, we are down to the final few games of the final. It is almost that time for off-season, which comes with the drama and speculation of what will happen. What a whirlwind of a season it was for the Helsinki Titans. Entering the S83 season, the Titans were highly favored to be a top tier contending team in the European Conference to compete with the Moscow Menace and Riga Reign. By the trade deadline, the Titans found themselves well outside of playoff contention and the locker room started to unravel. Players were calling out management, which resulted in the Titan's AGM, the beloved Mr_Hatter to step down. Rumors were swirling about what the team would do. Would they try to stick it out? Would they try to sell some assets? The deadline came and went very quietly, and the Titans chose to hold the ship, and almost got into the playoffs. It came down to the last set of games, and Helsinki fell just a point short to London for the final spot in the European Conference. With the disappointing season at the end, GM Frank Funk finds himself having quite the offseason ahead. His three star forwards are set to be UFA, as well as his two defensive standouts. Will they be able to maintain most of these deals? What is the latest? Negotiations with Nico Pearce Have Begun Close sources indicate that GM Frank Funk has been in touch with his star center Nico Pearce, and has begun negotiations. Apparently these negotiations have started off on a very sour note, as both camps are very far apart from making progress on a potential deal. Helsinki's initial offer allegedly was not taken well by the Nico Pearce camp. One member close to Peace said he found the offer insulting, and it has left a sour taste in his mouth. This has caused early tensions in one of the most important negotiations, if not the most important negotiation the team will have to draw. Remember Helsinki gave up two important role players to acquire Pearce in S82, so losing Pearce would be detrimental for Helsinki. To make matters worse, it is said that Pearce has high interest in testing the free agency market. He has a list of teams in his back pocket that he has interest in. News the Titans did NOT want to hear, as they were hoping to prevent any of their big 3 from even being able to talk to other teams. It is no secret that Pearce was not happy with the team in S83, and made a vocal effort to try to right the ship. The last thing that was needed here was a weak offer to turn Pearce off from the team. It appears barring some miracle, Nico Pearce will be at least talking to other teams this off-season. The massive bridge between the two parties will have to be taken down in order to prevent this. After the opening meeting at the Helsinki facilities, Pearce flew home to Greece to be with his family to think things through. Now that Pearce isn't even available country side, this is not looking good for a future relationship in the early going. Ripple Effect on Nezuko Negotiations? To add a little salt in the wound, the tensions between Helsinki and the Nico Pearce camp have also had an effect on the early negotiations with Nezuko per source. This is an unfortunate ripple effect as Nezuko has expressed playing with Pearce would be incentive for him to stay. This seems to be a mutual feeling, as without the other Peace and Nezuko's production would suffer as well as Helsinki's chances at being competitive. The Nezuko camp has reportedly been keeping close tabs on what is going on with the Pearce negotiations, and keeping it in mind with their own. This could result in Nezuko testing the market, as there is no indication of a deal with the two parties coming together anytime soon. It also doesn't help that Helsinki is trying to give both team friendly deals so they can secure all their important assets under the salary cap and have some flexibility to make other moves. it makes complete sense from the team perspective, but the player camps are not happy. Many teams find themselves at a crossroads when having to pick between two stars, but what does one do if both could be an all or none stay? Could it Trickle Down Further? The Titans also have Gustislav Nasherov heading for free agency for his final season. It is unknown if he will re-sign with the Titans for his final season. This has to beg the question, could what happens with Pearce and Nezuko trickle down to what happens with Nasherov? It absolutely could if Nasherov is chasing hardware for his final season in the league. Nasherov may play the waiting game and see what the Titans plans are if they are able to get both or one of Pearce or Nezuko, or see what the backup plan could be if both walk. It is almost certain defenseman Erlantz Jokinen is going to walk right? He called out management and blew up the locker room mid season. To this point, there have been no reports of contact between Funk and Jokinen, so it is unknown at this time if the two parties will even attempt negotiations. It would be a surprise with all things considered that Jokinen would want to come back to Helsinki, or even if Helsinki would want him back. It is also unknown if the team will bring back defenseman Flynn Remy, as the team was not overly impressed by his work ethic this past season. After training camp, Remy was very quiet and was not seen at the facilities for practices during the season. He is set to enter free agency, and we have not heard any reports of negotiations between the two parties. The team has star goaltender Xaiver Booberry locked up through S86, so the Titans will always have him to build around which is the one pro we have so far for them. It is amazing how far down the ripple can go just from negotiations with one player. It is still early, and things could take a turn once again. What will the Titans fate be in S84? Updates to follow this off-season! Word Count: 1073 Claim for 6/19, 6/26
  2. The S83 season is down to two final teams, the Moscow Menace and Seattle Bears. Everyone else outside those teams are already looking ahead to the off-season. Some are looking to the drafts, some are looking to stuff away as much TPE as they can to start the new season, some may even be looking for new teams. What I have seen a lot of is people who are going to apply their free re-roll of TPA for their builds. S83 was the first go with the new attributes, which came with a lot of learning and growing pains. I have decided I am going to stick with my build, and be patient despite the disappointing rookie season for Ronan Lavelle. I have faith in the attributes I am buying into, and I think when it's all said and done the build I have for Lavelle will be successful. I believe once the other important attributes I am now working on catch up to what I was doing with scoring, it should balance out (hopefully). Gotta keep the faith, because what fun is it if you don't?
  3. Maybe the team that owns the pick should be playing those games instead then since they’re the ones who control the pick? LA already is in it with their own pick, but they should also be playing the games VAN would.
  4. Dark day, Justin really helped me get back into the swing of things with Lavelle in my return to the league. Joining Mexico City is something I'd do over again in a heartbeat.
  5. A very less than ideal playoffs have occurred for myself as a GM, and as a player. My Houston Bulls and my DC Dragons were both swept in the first round of their respective playoffs. Houston was a massive underdog to a much more talented Halifax 21st. The Dragons on the other hand should have been able to win, or at least lose a close series. The results were very surprising. The Bulls enter this offseason with two first round picks, their future is looking on the brighter side to get back to be the serious side of competing. I am very optimistic about the Bulls in S84. Lavelle is entering the last season in his ELC. After a very underwhelming rookie season, I expect Lavelle to bounce back and continue to be patient with my build. I think DC will improvement immensely and hopefully a gold offseason will help that. What happens with Lavelle beyond that is a mystery, I am going to play everything by ear. Now, the focus is to help DC win.
  6. 1. This may sound simple, but I would give my kids money to last them the rest of their lives so they can be happy. If it has to be an object, it would be a house that is already paid off and they could sell it together or live there. 2. I wanted to to be a sports journalist. I always had a passion for sports and writing about them. Mainly football at first then hockey. 3. Having off today for Memorial Day! 4. Honestly I would take the money, but I would much rather fly under the radar than deal with the paparazzi and not being able to go out in public without being harassed. 5. The ability to be more relaxed and just let things in life come and go. My anxiety always has me up in arms and always trying to keep control of things. Which is impossible because life throws plenty of things your way in which you don’t/can’t control. 6. Mind, being mentally there is such a blessing and I’ve seen so many people lose it as they get elderly. What good is that young body if you’re not there mentally? Don’t want to take that gamble. I only needed 1 TPE but enjoyed answering all 6
  7. Welcome to the league @HighPatrickkane88if you have any questions getting started feel free to reach out to me with any you may have!
  8. Welcome @Guryanov94! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. We are a dark horse playoff contender! We would love to have you on board for our playoff run. I can offer you 1st line minutes so you would be getting some playoff experience while enjoying max ice time. If you are interested in joining the Bulls for our playoff run reply with #HornsUp ! We would love to have you on board.
  9. Welcome @TopTiddee2! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. We are a dark horse playoff contender! We would love to have you on board for our playoff run. I can offer you 1st line minutes so you would be getting some playoff experience while enjoying max ice time. If you are interested in joining the Bulls for our playoff run reply with #HornsUp ! We would love to have you on board.
  10. Welcome @Absoleon I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. We are a dark horse playoff contender! We would love to have you on board for our playoff run. I can offer you 1st line minutes so you would be getting some playoff experience while enjoying max ice time. If you are interested in joining the Bulls for our playoff run reply with #HornsUp ! We would love to have you on board.
  11. Welcome @mnwildfan10! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. We are the dark horses sneaking in the playoffs, and we would be able to get your player as much playing time as possible the remainder of the season. I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  12. Welcome @nak4810! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. We are the dark horses sneaking in the playoffs, and we would be able to get your player as much playing time as possible the remainder of the season. I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  13. Welcome @Malachi Booth! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Although we are not a big contender this season, we would be able to get your player as much playing time as possible the remainder of the season. I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  14. Welcome back Rayz! You know me from the DC LR, but I am also the GM of the Houston Bulls! If you join us the remainder of the season I can offer you 1st line/max playing time. We are going to sneak into the playoffs so you would enjoy max playing time while trying to play spoiler in the playoffs. Acyd, Eagles and Abaddon have all enjoyed individual success since joining as waivers the past week and we have been competitive during that stretch! Join the waiver crew and let's try to pull off some upsets! Regardless where you decide to go for the remainer of the season, best of luck to your new player.c
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