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Everything posted by Arce

  1. Pumped for your new player's journey Acyd! You know me, we aren't a playoff contender as we have been re-tooling this year and just sold the farm. But we will give you the ice time and starts for the rest of the season. If you would rather ride with a serious Founder's Cup competing team, I do not blame you! But if you are interested in grabbing life by the horns, just reply with #HornsUp
  2. Edit: I see you re-created. Good luck!
  3. Welcome @Abaddon I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Although we are not a big contender this season, we would be able to get your player as much playing time as possible the remainder of the season. I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes,including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! If you are looking for a serious run at the Founders Cup, you cannot go wrong joining any of my colleague's teams above! Good luck to your player the rest of the way regardless!
  4. If there was one word to describe how the season has gone for the DC Dragons: Frustrating. The Dragons were not thought of to be an elite team coming into the season, but they were expected to be an above the .500 team, which they are falling further behind that threshold thanks to some big underperformances. One thing that has gone under the radar during these tough times has been the stellar goaltending performance of rookie Bubbles Utonium. Utonium has given the Dragons a chance to win each game, and the close games they have been in have been thanks to their goaltender. Utonium has posted a .918 save percentage and a 2.75 GAA as we are well beyond the halfway mark of the season. When you compare these numbers to some of the current elite vet goaltenders during their rookie season, Utonium is ahead of the curb. Plus are they an obvious awesome locker room presence? Hell yeah! That goes without saying. While the Dragons have Bubbles Utonium in between the pipes, they will always have a centerstone to build around and should have a lot of optimism on the horizon.
  5. Welcome @ghleen! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a potential playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes,including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  6. Claim for 5/22. RUMORS STILL SWIRLING
  7. Welcome @izaak! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a potential playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes,including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  8. The Chief of the Horny Police is always on duty, time off cannot be on the table! Enjoy your summer, and enjoy your hobbies man. The VHL should just be included as one of those hobbies, not an obligation.
  9. 1. At first I was going to say eyes thinking of just humans, and thinking there are probably more leg amputees than people who lost their eye or born without one of the them. But when I was thinking of animals, I will now say legs. Scientists now estimate that 80 percent of Earth's species live on land according to The Atlantic. Many of those animals have 4 legs compared to their two eyes. I think they will make the difference over creatures like fish who have eyes but no legs. 2. My daughter started smiling about a month ago, but now she full out giggles and screams (not crying). It is hilarious and brightens my day. When I start tickling her or playing with her by rolling her back and fourth, she is full of giggles. 3. I am incredibly disappointed by Lavelle's performance. Granted it is my rookie year, and I am staying patient with my player's build since I still feel like it will be successful but I am not happy with my player individually. He was linemates with two elite players, and just couldn't make it work. DC is about what I expected, a middle of the road team who would be competing for a playoff spot. Close games against good teams, but some bad losses against teams we should have beaten hurt. 4. Overcast, windy and cold. I don't mind a rainy day. It is a nice way to decompress and the sound of the rain is nice and I love the snow. However, just overcast sucks. It is just cold and miserable out for no reason and it is not enjoyable to look out at, nor be out in. 5. I think we would survive, but we certainly would be open season unless we are able to put security systems/secure down some doll houses. There would not be nearly as many of us. Raising a baby would be incredibly hard being at the bottom of the food chain. Human babies take time to mature, whereas animals and insects mature much faster and adapt. 6. Give me the Sahara. You do not have to worry about bundling up or freezing to death. If I bring a 48 hour supply of water, and bring a tent, or at least a tarp for shelter from the sun I think I will be okay. At night, the temperature drops so I will be sure to bring a warm sleep sack. Make sure the tent is proofed so no harmful desert creatures can wander in.
  10. Corrupt Sam back at it again. How does she still have jobs in this league?! When is accountability held??
  11. Welcome @StephenCurry5806N! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a potential playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  12. After hitting their season slump, the DC Dragons have bounced back with a few solid sims including a nice win against the Riga Reign. The Dragons have now won 3 in a row, and have used all of their backup games. So they will get to ride the wave of the impressive rookie Bubbles Utonium the rest of the way. Ronan Lavelle actually did something and has scored in the past 2 sims, and had 3 points yesterday after a frustrating point doubt the last several sims. The goal for Lavelle, is to be patient and stick with the build I have going on. I strongly believe it will work out. Taylor Mourning is doing Taylor Mourning things and putting the puck in the net with 25 goals, and 47 points overall. I know it probably feels like a step back for Scoop, but the long term picture for Mourning will be great as always. Ryan Vidot has been producing with 39 points, setting up a lot of those Mourning goals. Corey Kitson doesn't get talked about enough, as he has quietly produced 35 points alongside Poopy Peepants. Peepants also has set a career high in goals, and we are only halfway through! Overall the Dragons expectations were to be competitive, and they have been just that. It is a step up year in a weak conference. The Dragons are currently in the last playoff spot. They hold it by 5 poitns ahead of the Calgary Wranglers, and are 4 points behind the Chicago Phoenix for the 3rd seed. DC has been trending in the right direction lately, here is to hoping things keep gravitating that way!
  13. I mix my Jack with Coke or Pepsi if that’s what is available. I could drink Jack straight, I actually enjoy the taste. And I am a big Jame-o on the rocks fan.

    1. rory


      Lavelle to #Berlin

  15. If I expose my sources, they won’t be able to provide the inside scoop since people would be onto them. Same as IRL!
  16. Just reporting what I’m hearing at the mill bro!
  17. It is getting to that time of the season again believe it or not. The trade deadline is just a week away, and we are getting a clearer indicator are of who the contending teams are, the elites, the disappointments, the middle of the road team and fuck anyone in between. That means it will be that time for playoff contenders to start acquiring either rentals, or even better a player to stick around for multiple playoff runs. This is teams looking to gain assets for the future's best dream. Not only are they gaining future picks and prospects, but they are also increasing their chances of the lottery since losing their best players = losing more games. With a little over 30 games left who could be on the block? With every trade deadline and off-season comes rumors. And I have taken it upon myself with my inside sources to track who could possibly be on the board? This week we dive into the team with the most controversy surrounding them when expectations were high, The Helsinki firesale?! On paper the Helsinki Titans have one of the best rosters in the league. The season has not gone their way so far. The team has strung together some wins to get back into the playoff picture, and are just on the outside looking in. Why would they sell as they get back into the playoff picture? Turmoil! There is a lot of turmoil in that locker room right now, and it will be too much for the team to overcome. From high TPE underperforming players, to players calling out management and having their beloved AGM step down in the middle of it. I have never seen a team survive something like this in the same season and hold the hardware up at the end. Who will the Titans be dealing? Erlantz Jokinen: Jokinen called out the Helsinki management last week in his media spot, and the end result was Mr_Hatter stepping down from his post earlier than he had planned. GM Frank Funk is fed up, and has been on the phone constantly regarding Jokinen according to MULTIPLE sources. We are hearing Jokinen may be staying within the European division. The Riga Reign look like they are trying to solidify their defense to set them over being the best for their Continental Cup run, so they can edge out Moscow in Europe. Jokinen comes with some locker room baggage, but one thing we have always known is Jokinen is happy while winning, and Riga would offer that opportunity. We have also heard London is in the mix, despite the personality differences between GM McWolf and Jokinen. Nico Pearce: Nico Pearce has one of the highest TPE counts in the league per season since joining the league. The expectations for him have been miles high, and the delivery has been MID at best. Pearce is a team player, however his individual production has definitely slipped as a result of the locker room turmoil. There are heavy rumors of him leaving Helsinki and being shipped to North America. The Toronto Legion have a valued Chicago first round pick, and it is being said Pearce would welcome the trade to Toronto to play under GM Thomas Laundry. Several phone calls have been made across seas to Toronto, but it has been very hush, hush. The DC Dragons interest level was very high as they are in desperate need of forward depth, however it does not look like GM Eno Rama will be able to pull this deal off, and DC has had to back off. New York has dove into the sweepstakes big time. Although it has been said Pearce does not want to play in NY, GM Jordan Tonn has made the push for Pearce to join Reinhart and prized young Vasile Lamb. Will Pearce play out the rest of the year in Helsinki? Very doubtful with all the winds that have blown our way. The Florida Man: If there is one thing winger Florida Man doesn't like, it is underperforming. Coming off a 35 goal, 86 point rookie season, Florida Man has gotten off to a rough start to his sophomore season like many others. He has attracted potential buyers. We are hearing multiple teams want Florida Man, especially since he is locked up until S85. It has been said that the LA Stars have approached Helsinki about not only just Florida Man, but bundling him and Pearce. This would give LA two bright, young forwards and speed up their rebuild already with just one move. The deal is said to rumor multiple first round picks. LA does not want to part with both of theirs, but Helsinki won't give up it's prized possessions without them. So it appears that deal has hit a standstill. It has also been said that if New York cannot get a trade and sign deal done with Nico Pearce, Florida Man would be their next target as they look to spruce up their forward group. The Florida Man is the likeliest of this trio to stick with the Titans, as GM Frank Funk has made it clear the value will have to be met with Florida Man's contract. With Nezuko, Groves and Remy's contracts coming to an end after this year, it is absolutely possible for a rental deal to be made. Nezuko's value is very high, and he would likely look for a deal with the team he is going to. Groves and Remy would provide great depth for any contender. It could involve a last second deal that teams without firsts could potentially muster. To this point I have not heard anything official about these three players, but we have a high radar for them because of these aspects. Will the Helsinki Titans try to tough it out for a playoff run despite the drama? Or will GM Frank Funk take this time to turn back the clock a little to spring forward later with some personnel changes? Words: 1,004 Weeks Claiming: 5/15, 5/22
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