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Everything posted by Arce

  1. 1. I think when you first wake up. You have not eaten in 6+ hours (8+ if you get sleep). You probably wake up hungry, give your body the fuel it requires to start the day off with success. 2. My son has started to become a big cuddler. I was laying with him in bed the other night putting him to sleep and he rolled into me and nuzzled his head into mine. He has done this every night since and I am soaking up every moment of it. 3. If there are no bar stools, I will take the bean bag! What’s better than a nice bean bag circle? 4. No, I like everyone knowing who I am. Even though I have a made up player in the league, I am genuinely who I am on Discord. I find it fun, and I hope others have felt that way about me too. 5. I did, and I’m feeling good about them! The team I picked to win it all is in first. And my ROTY pick is no doubt taking home the gold. 6. I wish I could say yes. I picked all brand names I would say, no one out of the ordinary. 7. Being out back, grilling some surf and turf and having a few beers with music playing on my outback speaker system I installed last summer. It’s simplicity, and it’s relaxing. I love being in the sun, and then I love being under the stars. Doesn’t matter the time of the day, I could sit back and watch the sky over some beers any day. 8. Best light source is my phone flash light! That thing has provided more light and detail than anything else. No natural light or LED lighting has matched it. I stand on this hill! The worst is BY FAR FLORESCENT LIGHTING IT SUCKS SO FUCKING BAD! It is horrible on the eyes and it provides horrible detail. I would rather put a campfire out with me face!!
  2. Welcome @zompacttoo! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a potential playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! This means you would get max playing time. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  3. As we hit the 10 game mark of the VHL season, and the end of April we are in the thick of it. As I was sitting here thinking what to write, I figured I would incorporate my thoughts on all the different things going on in the league that affect me personally. It is my player Ronan Lavelle's rookie year, so it has been exciting that my player is at the point where he is in the big leagues. I enjoyed being in the VHLM, and of course Lavelle's personal success in the VHLE. But there is nothing even close to the VHL, that is what it is all about. I also have not been part of a meaningful playoff run with Lavelle yet, so to be potentially be apart of one is exciting. I have taken on the role to GM the Houston Bulls in a rebuilding/re-tooling season as we did not have many draft selections this past season. This is also my first season doing VHFL, which has been a fun experience so far. There have been talks about the TPE value of that vs the weekly VHL fantasy picks. There is definitely a way to make the VHFL even more exciting, I will get to that later on. Ronan Lavelle and the DC Dragons The DC Dragons find themselves with a 6-4 record through the first 10 games of the season. This is good enough to put them tied for 3rd in the North American Conference. The league probably considers this a mid start, however it is important to note that DCD G has appeared in 4 of those games. DC is still off to a positive start and has already used half of their backup goalie games. Eno was definitely smart to burn these games early on. Unfortunately we lost 2 of these games to the New York Americans. They have a talented roster, but the DC offense should have been able to produce far better offensive results against goaltender Dexter Vaughn. Unsurprisingly DC's production has been led by Taylor Mourning, who was second in the league in goals last season by just a single goal. Mourning has 16 points in 10 games, 8 of those being goals. This is also good enough for third in the league at the moment. Ronan Lavelle is tied for second on the team in points with Poopy Peepants, both tallying 11. Lavelle has 5 goals on the season, 2 of those being game winners. It is nice to see Lavelle averaging over a point per game so far. He is not far from the rookie leaders, but it's the Chicago Team Clue duo have been the ones off to a great start. Ryan Vidot has 10 points for that PPG average in his first season as a forward thus far. I really believe with Vidot and Mourning being my line mates, all of our production will only get better from here. Especially as we see more Bubbles Utonium and less of DCD G. Speaking of Utonium, Bubbles is off to a 4-2 start and a .926 save percentage, and a 2.38 GAA. A truly awesome start, and I expect numbers like this to continue for our most valued player. I know Tui Sova has been off to a slow start point wise with 7 in 10 games, but Sova's got too much talent not to put his foot on the gas as the season progresses. The difficult thing here is to be patient. With a d-core of Sova, Kitson, Funk and Peepants we are in good hands. With the 4 CPU goalie games, I am happy with where we are at and the expectations are higher going forward. The Houston Bulls GM Experience The early experience becoming the Houston Bulls GM has been an interesting one. This is my first VHLM GM gig in over a decade. The league has certainly changed, especially considering last time I GMed, VHLM teams wwere affiliates of the VHL teams. However, the goal has always been the same. Help your prospects as much as you can. Back in the day, you were responsible for helping your VHL parent team's prospects develop. Also, you would do waiver pitches to new members who would join a VHLM team for that season until the draft the following off-season, like what we have now. Unfortunately for me, our goaltender went MIA in March, so he had to be dropped due to the inactive role. My earliest draft pick was in the 3rd round, and I feel like I got great value there with defenseman Ty Heisler. I also was then able to pickup Doug Britton and his fellow friend Otis Boudreaux. Both have been a great locker room presence, and both have produced with their max amount of minutes. I am trying to set these guys up for success. Both have expressed interest in earning TPE, and it has been a pleasure showing them how the league works. Even though this season has been taking a step back, the goal is to try to continue to try to pickup as many waiver players as I can, and hopefully also get a goaltender if I get lucky. The goal is to just try to continue to set the guys up for success, and helping their players take the next step. VHFL Experience This is my first time also doing the VHFL. I personally went for an offensive based approach, so we will see how that works out. I am currently 3rd in my pool so far. I am a frequent flyer in the Moscow Menace locker room, a lot of my friends on the team, and a lot not on the team usually chat in there. One discussion that took place was how the TPE distribution does not have the same bang for it's buck that the weekly fantasy pick em' does. There were talks about lowering the amount of TPE in the pick em' because the TPE handouts were too high, and re-align the value. You could also go the opposite way. Right now the max TPE you can get is 6 if you win your pool. This can easily be taken a step further if the powers that be think so. On top of the 6 TPE handed out to the group winners, why not also hand out extra TPE for the best of the best? For example, the person who scored the highest amount of points in the whole league should be awarded extra 3 TPE for example. 2nd place would be an extra 2, and anyone in the top 10 an extra 1. It is just a thought, and 1-3 more TPE isn't an absurd amount. It also gives people a more competitive edge, and it's about bragging rights. Not only did you win your pool, but you were the best in the whole freaking league. Word Count: 1153 Claim for: Weeks ending in 5/1 and 5/8
  4. Welcome @AliceBlack I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a potential playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! We have a team full of new members, and we would love for you to be the next one. I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1ST LINE defensive pairing minutes! This also includes special teams! You will see production with max playing time, and playing with a good group of active players. What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player
  5. Welcome @MrJoey2928 I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1st line minutes, including special teams time! What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  6. I was a big fan of the show Vikings, so I especially enjoyed this read. Love the creativity, Thad!
  7. We are almost 3 months in with kid #2 and for having 2 kids 10 months apart, I would dare to say we are killing the game. Our son is 1 year, and 1 month. Our little 3 month sweetheart found her smile, and is sleeping for us 7-9 hours straight at night which is wonderful. My wife and I switch on and off every night for her to keep ourselves fresh, even though she has given us a nights sleep. I instituted the idea of getting her used to her crib off the bat and it has worked nicely so far. Our one year old is running around the house, blabbing away and loves books already. Overall being a dad has been a chaotic, but amazing experience. It is as they say. The older they get, the more I fall in love with them. You put in the hard work to get to the better steps I would say. Not that the toddler stage is not challenging, but I enjoy it far more than the newborn stage. My son is my best buddy, always with me and wants to be apart of what I am doing. Work wise, we are busy as hell despite me finding Discord time to unwind when I can. We are rolling out two-factor authentication, implementing a new e-mail routing security system, getting a completely EDR solution, getting 2k+ new Chromebooks ready for next school year the fun just never ends. it is going to be a very busy summer for us. Personal life, the baby stage has meant not seeing friends as much which has been the one downside since I love getting together with people. I know this is only a temporary "set back" so my wife and I are setting something up for a day/night out in Atlantic City which is one of my favorite places to go. I went there for my 21st and usually go 3-4 times a year. We haven't been since the start of COVID so this will be an incredible reunion as the 2+ years of not being there is by far the longest stretch. There is nothing like getting down there during warm weather early, and doing a bar crawl in the casinos, sportsbooks, beach bars, hitting the beach, then going in for a shower. While the girls get ready, me and the guys hit the casino and gamble a bit then we do dinner, and the whole night is ahead!
  8. S83 super coach.

  9. So sorry to hear Boost, sending good vibes to you and your family. Hoping for the best possible resolution for her care!
  10. @chiknI am going to keep Jerome Reinhart on D FYI.
  11. Don't be sorry! I'm just messing around I'd rather see fishy get the limelight any day!
  12. Welcome @JigglyGumballs I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you 1ST LINE defensive pairing minutes! This also includes special teams! What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player
  13. Welcome @FallenGeneral! I am Arce, the GM of the Houston Bulls. I run the team alongside my AGM @Moon! Last season we made a run to the Founders Cup final. This year, we are looking to retool our team to make another run. We would love to have your player join our team. Not only would you be getting a chance to play a big role in a playoff run, it also would help your player's development tremendously! I am are here to not only build a successful team, but help each individual player in Houston succeed and reach their player goals in the VHLM. I would be happy to be here to answer any questions you may have or guide you in any way I can. We also offer a lively locker room presence on Discord, which you would be invited to right after acceptance. If you do not have Discord, no problem! I can communicate with you right here on the forum DMs. Right now we can offer you Top 6 minutes, including special teams time! What do you say?! If you're ready to grab life by the horns and join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp! *Even if you do not join the Houston Bulls, please know you can still DM me for any help you may need. Best of luck to you, and your player!
  14. Answer: 1. Emo/Punk Rock from the early 2000’s. 2. Golden retriever or rough collie for sure. 3. The New York Rangers, fuck them. Ask: 1. Expectations for your player in S83? 2. Favorite spot to go to relax? 3. First thing you would do if you hit the lottery?
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