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Everything posted by Arce

  1. Welcome @Kaotik! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 2ND LINE minutes and special teams time with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  2. Welcome @jobomarz! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 2ND LINE minutes and special teams time with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  3. Welcome @devinmackie37! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  4. Welcome @MatiasMa! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  5. Welcome @soh_005! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  6. Welcome @whippy! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  7. Welcome @BassySnipes! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  8. Welcome @GOHABSGO! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  9. Welcome @Dasher! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be. Our GM @Moonruns an awesome team, and would be very happy to have you aboard. This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! You would placed in a position for your player to have success while winning. If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  10. HOUSTON BULLS PRESS CONFERENCE Week ending on February 6th 1. Where do you see the Bulls in the standings after the first week of sims? 2. What is your favorite kind of food? 3. Are you building your player after a pro hockey player, if not what is your inspiration for your build? 4. What is your favorite TV series? 5. What is your go to hype up song? 6. Who do you think will be the Bulls biggest competition this season? (If you’re brand new, it’s completely fine to say you aren’t sure)
  11. Overdoing the chocolate milk can definitely be a recipe for disaster, especially if you’re lactose intolerant. He got that dairy courage and lost it all trying to go against the team’s best poker player. Dexter is not a very good teammate if he kept taking that money lmao. At least Dexter gave it back at the end. I am a big enjoyer of funny reads like this. It made me laugh, and it is just creative. It isn’t status quo and that’s what makes it refreshing. The only thing I would add is an image or headline at the top at least to give it a little more presentation. Not absolutely necessary, but I think it looks nice! I am looking forward to more off the ice articles in the future (I hope!). 9.5/10
  12. HOF articles are my favorite reads, especially in today's VHL since I didn't get to know a lot of these players. Reading this article, we got a great view on Chris Hyland's career. Two teams in a career isn't bad at all. Capturing two cups with two different teams? Even better. I enjoy the format of including the stats each season, and the little recap of that season. It wasn't drug out, it was just right. I think it is awesome Hylands was able to thrive as they made the transition from wing to defenseman. Thanks for providing such a great read to the HOF! 10/10
  13. After many seasons of denying it's existence, Donald Trump has changed his stance on the metavirus that has plagued the VHL sim system. As VHL scientists have tried to get to the bottom of this mysterious virus over the seasons, Trump had denied it was there. "There is no metavirus. This is just a far left ploy by the democrats to tear apart all we have built" Trump said 3 seasons ago in his VHL advisor role. Now that he is running for commissioner of the VHL, Trump has changed up his stance and has made yet another bold claim. "Not only can we learn to co-exist with the metavirus, but we also have a vaccine for it! We have a way to beat the virus. The vaccine forces players to pass the puck, even if they have 40 passing in the attributes. Believe me, it will be the best passing the league has ever seen!" Is this vaccine legit? And if it is can we expect the blue team to start implimenting vaccine mandates to all the VHL players to stop the deadliest virus the league has ever seen? This vaccine legitimacy can make or break Trump's campaign in the VHL.
  14. I have completed my first full season, while max-earning weekly to the best of my ability for the first time in well over 50 seasons. Getting back into the groove was difficult for me when I tried to come back a few times over the years, I quickly faded out. But now that I have found my groove, I am riding it even better than the first time I was around. The league has changed a lot since I've been away, a lot of new faces, a lot of new teams, and most importantly there has been a whole new set of rules. However the premise has been the same, so it was not hard for me to adjust to these changes once I knew I had the drive to be active. The only thing I may not overcome, is the wide spread of the metavirus in the league's sim system. Considering my HOF player Zach Arce was a pass first player, I am glad he wasn't around then. I decided to create a forward with an Irish background. This was to honor the heritage on my mother's side, which is heavily Irish. Going into the future here, S81 was a fun season. I was apart of a great locker room with a fun team where Lavelle led the Mexico City Kings in scoring. Entering my first off-season, a lot has changed for myself, and my player. I was drafted to a VHL, and VHLE team. I plan to spend one season in the E before making my rookie debut in the VHL. I also landed an AGM spot to be more involved in the league for the Houston Bulls. So much change from when I came back in November right before the season started. I remember getting the VHLM offers, and now here I am staring a whole new chapter in the face. Zach Arce... The AGM? The first thing that happened to me entering the S82 off-season was that I was offered to be the AGM for the Houston Bulls by Moon. I was honestly surprised at the offer, and I of course gladly accepted. It has been a very fun, and cool experience so far. I have gotten to see what it is like to be a modern VHLM GM by seeing what Moon does, and listening to the things he has told me. My job is to help, and advise Moon as needed. Try to keep up with the locker room, post press conferences and advise on player movements such as trades. There is a lot more to this job than there used to be. Back in the beginning days, being the VHLM GM was a very light job, and it wasn't very much cared about. VHLM teams were affiliated with a VHL team. The VHL GM's would pick someone on the VHL squad to manage the M team. You would do the same things as today, it just wasn't nearly as big of a deal. When I was the GM of the Toledo Scorpions (former VHLM team of the HC Davos Dynamo), it was a nice stepping stone for me to eventually grab a VHL GM spot in Vasteras. That is not what the M is about anymore. Being a VHLM GM is not a stepping stone for the VHLE and VHL. It takes work, and it is a very important job. This is where all of the new members start. The first people they talk to are VHLM GMs/AGMs offering them a spot on their team. They are there to answer any questions and help guide new members with their starting point in this league. If we do not get a flow of new members, the league dies. That can be a heavy amount of pressure, it is a big job. I have earned a lot of respect for how Moon runs his team, he stacked up on draft picks in the S82 draft and did great. He let me pick the final 3 picks in it, which was a fun experience I am grateful for. I tried to do my best for what the team needed, and draft pick value. I ended up picking our backup goaltender, and two forwards who have since joined our Discord locker room. I have also earned a high amount of respect for VHLM GMs in general. Props to the VHLM Commissioners as well for doing a great job maintaining the league. Rushing into the VHLE The second thing that happened in my S82 off-season journey was saying my goodbyes to my comrades in the Mexico City Kings locker room. It was eviction time, Loser and Vice had kicked us out. All eyes were then on the VHLE draft for myself. I watched the stream, and when I couldn't I refreshed the portal draft page when needed. I ended up being drafted 9th overall in the VHLE draft by Minion and the Geneva Rush. I am thrilled to be apart of the Rush, and I am hoping Lavelle can be the goal scorer of the team like he was for Mexico City in the VHLM. We have a good group in Geneva this season, and I expect us to be a contender. I was thrilled to be joined by Miervaldis Arpa. Not only going to be a brick wall in net, but it is someone I enjoy chatting with on Discord in the locker room and in Gen Chat. I am also thrilled to get to play with my old friend Dabnad Shaw, who was with me in Mexico City and Team Europe for the WJC. It seems we cannot get rid of each other. Perry Laperriere and Milan Dvorak will also be great to be on the ice with. They have built two solid players, and I hope Lavelle will get the chance to get ice time with both. All in all, it should be a good season for the Rush and I am definitely looking forward being a part of the run. Future in DC After finding out I would be spending my S82 season in Geneva, the only real thing left for me was to find out where I would be playing in the VHL. I was excited and a little nervous on draft day. I fully expected to be picked at the end of the first round/early second round. I was completely fine with playing wherever. Like everyone else, of course I had some hopeful preferences but those will not be revealed. Some secrets are more fun when they are kept that way. To my surprise, I was selected 7th overall by Eno and the DC Dragons. I was excited and taken back, I did not think I would be going that early. I am sure people are saying the pick was a reach because of the TPE ranks in this draft class. I am determined to prove it was the right pick. I was very excited to be drafted to DC with fishy's Bubbles Utonium. The Dragons will be set in net for a long time. When Lavelle gets to the VHL, which should be next season he will also get to play with Eno's own Ryan Vidot. I can imagine we will have picked up more strong players, and hopefully have another strong draft in the S83 draft class. Lavelle should be the cornerstone forward to help expedite the DC rebuild. I am very excited to reach the VHL and help the Dragons become a competitor once again. The locker room will for sure be gaining more activity as we expand the active squad. I have faith in Eno as our GM, and having fishy as the AGM was the best move for the organization. Having a franchise forward, defenseman and goaltender are a great foundation to build around. I am excited to see the progress in S82, and be apart of the step up in S83. I also expect karaoke night to come back to DC. It was a great first off-season back for myself. I cannot recall an off-season as eventful as this one when I was in the league in it's early days. I guess I can thank the fact I was in two drafts for the first time ever after graduating the VHLM. Landing a job as AGM has been a huge learning experience, and I have had fun with it. It isn't about the pay for me, it's all about the experience and trying to help as many members as I can as well as my own team especially of course. The goal is to continue to develop Lavelle and max earn weekly, and take advantage of as many TPE opportunities as I can. I look forward to the VHLE transition, this being my first time in that league. More long term, I am most excited to make the jump to the VHL as that is the main goal. I will be chasing my 5th cup, my first with Lavelle. DC won't be so MID soon enough! Word Count: 1510 Claim Weeks: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20
  15. Welcome @Jérémy Louchard! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 2ND LINE minutes and special teams time with the chance of moving up if you are active! If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  16. -Thoughts on the the GM tanking their draft stock rule. Where is the line? -Talk about how you juggle multiple jobs i the VHL. Is it fun, stressful? Mixture of things? Is it worth the time it takes up? -If you had the power to change ONE major thing in the league at this moment what would it be? Feel free to go into detail if you’d like. -Was the Hogan punishment fair in your eyes? Not sure if any of these have been discussed in previous podcasts, if so I apologize I have just recently started listening to podcasts again since my return.
  17. Welcome @leandrofg! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  18. Welcome @Jack Johnson! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  19. Welcome @shaneledin13 ! I am Arce the AGM of the Houston Bulls. Here in Houston we have an active LR over on discord with some VHL veterans and even some newer members as well! We try our best to make your VHL experience the best it can be This season we should be a playoff contender and will be aiming for #1 seed! We can offer you 3rd line minutes with the chance of moving up if you are active! If you wish to join the Bulls please quote this message with #HornsUp!
  20. Recap: Beketov introduces a new secondary task to the VHL. With the removal of trivia, the VHL was in need of a new secondary task by popular demand. The blue team responded by introduces this intriguing new secondary task. Conflict of interest are a NO GO! 75 words is the count. No more, no less or no TPE. This will help members reach their weekly cap, by writing recaps. I can’t even see straight right now. 75 words for 1 TPE. Thank you!
  21. HOUSTON BULLS PRESS CONFERENCE Week ending on January 30th 1. How do you feel about being apart of the Houston Bulls for S82? 2. What are your expectations for your player in S82? 3. If you are in the Discord locker-room what are your thoughts on Boom’s graphics? If not, is there a member who’s graphics you really enjoy? 4. Where is your favorite place you’ve ever been on vacation? 5. Is there anything else you’d like to see the Bulls do to improve before the start of the season? 6. What is your preferred hockey player to be used in signatures made for your player?
  22. The DeGroot sweepstakes was the headline of the S82 draft class, but there were plenty of other surprises that followed the night. One of them was when the DC Drabons took the stand at 7th overall and selected Irish forward Ronan Lavelle. Lavelle had a successful tenure in the VHLM with he Mexico City Kings as he turned out to be a top 10 goal scorer. However, many mock drafts had Lavelle as a late first, early second round pick. DC had three picks in this draft and they were determined to make them count. Lavelle is determined for his career to be worth the early selection. Taking stud goaltender Bubbles Utonium, Ronan Lavelle, and late round pick Nine could be the cornerstones DC needs to get this rebuild expedited the right way.
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