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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Yeah the main question from me is how much effect does it have and would it even be worth dumping points into leadership, for me it's a no as of right now
  2. Obviously not the best example, but like I said, I will revisit this at the end of the season and definitely keep an eye on it from now on.
  3. Morale is the same as when the season started before we even played a game, so explain that.
  4. I got my numbers from the actual file we use to update lines so the numbers on this portal are not what is in the actual sim
  5. So why were the teams different before a game was played and why is morale the same on all the teams as it was at the start of the season. It may change throughout the season but it hasn't yet
  6. I also would love to open past files and see what the other seasons say about morale but I can not unfortunately. ALso would love to know if the morale is randomized every season or if we get stuck like this
  7. I Don't think LD affects the player, try running a 500 sim run with 2 different teams, first team runs their captain with 99 leadership along with 2 assistants the same and the other team runs them at 40. Other than that leave the teams identical and I bet the higher leadership team has more wins as long as morale is equal. SImon has said that 2 points od morale difference can greatly affect teams. From even this small sample size that is easy to see. I can't remember if we can turn morale off with this version or even change it so that every team is equal but I can say for sure it affects the teams and in turn our standings.
  8. Team Bushito F - Hunter Hurst Helmsley F - Julius Freeman F - Phil Marleau D - Tzuyu D - Brady Stropko Jr G - Brick Wahl
  9. To be fair I don't even know if we have morale turned on in this league. I can't imagine how I have never asked this question before. I do know that morale does severely affect player performance if it is turned on. Now there are 2 types of morale in this league, there is team morale and player morale. I have had chats on how severely morale does affect the game back when I ran a GM league back in the day and from the responses I received I decided for that league it was best to turn it off. In discussions I've found a lot of people saying things like this. "I've maintained for a long time that Morale is the ugly duckling of the STHS experience. I believe it to be a potentially great feature, but as Foo alluded to in my experience it can have too much of an impact on the game-play even at low settings. And I think that is partly why many leagues choose not to activate it at all. To me that is a shame because I'm a firm believer in the potential of Morale being a tremendous aspect of the STHS experience as players and teams going through ups and downs over the course of a season adds another dimension for the managers to handle.Another aspect of Morale that I'm not entirely happy with, and one I've expressed before, is the fact that it remains the only rating we're not able to control through external sources. The "Update Ratings" function where we can easily load a new set of ratings into the Sim from a csv-file doesn't cover the Morale rating. This means there's no flexibility at all with this rating. There are only two options when it comes to Morale; either not run it at all or run it the way the Sim runs it (which many people find too intrusive or powerful)." Now lets take a look at morale as it sits right now in this league. Standings Team OVR Team Morale Player Morale AVG 1. 7-1-0 1. 66 1. 48 1. 44 2. 5-1-2 2. 66 2. 43 2. 44 3. 5-2-1 3. 66 3. 43 3. 43 4. 4-3-1 4. 65 4. 41 4. 41 5. 4-3-1 5. 65 5. 41 5. 40 6. 4-3-1 6. 65 6. 40 6. 40 7. 4-3-1 7. 64 7. 40 7. 40 8. 4-4-0 8. 63 8. 39 8. 40 9. 3-3-2 9. 63 9. 38 9. 39 10. 3-5-0 10. 61 10.37 10. 38 11. 3-5-0 11. 60 11. 37 11. 38 12. 2-5-1 12. 56 12. 35 12. 38 If you can't tell from this list, morale matters more than team overall. It is a small sample size though so I will need to revisit this at the end of the season. Prague doesn't make much sense to me but I predict they will fall in the standings as the season goes on. On the other hand Calgary which is my team has one of the better overall team averages but the Morale rating is keeping us from competing which is unfortunate. What do you think? Should the league turn off the morale setting and let the teams play on an equal field or should we leave it random so some teams get handicapped and create more randomness in the sim.
  10. Good, I want the top 2 picks this draft and so far I have them
  11. Mmmmm Barabash with three points, I like the new lines better. Now to go add the 100 TPE I have banked to both my players
  12. Don't get too excited in your rooting against us. I'm getting Bek and Tagger this draft. And it was a back up game
  13. Rough first outing for the backup @uphillmoss
  14. Headline: "American president picks on asian."
  15. Correctly predict the winner and score for 3 uncapped TPE 51 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans @Members
  16. 49 Prague Phantoms @ Moscow Menace 50 Calgary Wranglers @ Vancouver Wolves 51 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 52 HC Davos Dynamo @ Malmo Nighthawks
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