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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Name: Keaton Louth Position: Defencemen Height: 6'4" Weight: 230 lbs. Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia WHL Junior Team: Victoria Royals To start the story... The story of Keaton Louth, a soon to be star on the rise grew up in the small town of Cobble Hill(outside Duncan). As a child Keaton played a variety of sports including but not limited to Ball Hockey, Football and Rugby, his size being his greatest asset in all these fields. His father being an amazing hockey player when he was younger but was injured and never was drafted really pushed his son as he knew he could be better then he was. As such Keaton's parents never really cared for the traditional education as they believed school would just push their child farther back in hockey. As he started playing hockey his good friend and now team mate in Las Vegas Matt Denning moved from his defence pairing to wing which better suited his play style. When he got into high school it became a large problem for Keaton as hockey scout and coaches started looking at grades as well. He stayed true to his true passion and it now shows in his Hockey IQ and ability to read plays. When Keaton was younger he did not thrive in the self paced high school system he was thrown into and quickly found himself falling further and further behind in his studies. Keaton was eventually able to finish school but a year late fooling all the coaches and scouts that had him so highly regarded before not finishing High school. Eventually through playing rec hockey and ball hockey, Keaton was noticed by a scout that stayed late to watch his sons game. Fortunately for Keaton he was the lead scout of the Victoria Royals a WHL team only an hour away. Where he quickly gained a reputation for having a deadly accurate pass and impressive speed. After spending all summer training with the Royals and there staff Keaton was quickly liked for his impressive work ethic and tenacity. The Victoria Royals saga. After being signed by the Royals just before the beginning of the season, the signing lead Keaton to believe he was destined for extensive playing time. Unknown to him they were shopping for a first pairing defencemen. Just before the season opener the Royals completed the trade knocking Keaton down the depth charts to the 7th defenceman. After sitting in the press box for half of the season Keaton was getting fed up with the fact he had not played a single minute as a Royal. His big break came when a shot blocked by one of his team mates shattered his femur knocking him out of commission for the rest of the season. Keaton knowing his time had finally came got ready for his first shift as a Royal. Keaton was used in the opening lineup of his first game earning his very first WHL assist on his first shift. With an amazing first pass to break his center Tyler Soy out of the zone and onto a breakaway roofing it over the goalie. The Coach noticing Keaton's improving playing ability after every shift increased his ice time, making the Royals possession time off the charts while he was on the ice. As the season lingered on Keaton was hovering at around an assist a game which was leading the team in assists for defenceman. Keaton was leading the charge offensively from the back end freeing up much needed room for the forwards. With his rise in playing time and point totals reaching new heights some VHLM General Manager took notice. The General Manager of the Las Vegas Aces reached out with a contract offer that was hard for Keaton to ignore. A one million dollar contract for the remainder of the season was all it took for Keaton to leave the Royals. With the promise of first pairing ice time and a million dollars Keaton was on the next plane to Vegas. Las Vegas and the VHLM. When Keaton arrived at the airport the General Manager himself was standing there personally to welcome the newest member of the Aces. The next day early in the morning Keaton went to his first practice as an Ace with the trainers impressed at his quick passes and good foot speed they also knocked him on his defensive side of the game. When it comes to the defensive side of the game Keaton is not quite all there yet with time he could become one of the better Offensive Defenceman in the league mentioned one of the trainers. When Keaton played his first game as an ace he felt lost and confused as he had no time to prepare for the accelerated pace of the game jumping from the WHL to VHLM mid season. After only getting a handful of games before the playoffs started really threw Keaton off his game. After the initial round of the playoffs is over he is looking to make a large splash now that he finally has found his niche. Now that the second round has started Keaton has racked up an unimpressive 1A and -3 +/- he hopes that will change in the upcoming games as they are becoming more important. Looking into the future. Through all of this, Keaton's goals are to be a first round draft pick in the upcoming VHLM draft and to get better and better each and every week! With hard training and steady effort scouts believe that Keaton could become one of the better defenceman in the league that can carry his team offensively and put some pucks into the net. His development time in the Las Vegas system could become crucial on where he goes in the upcoming draft. Depending on how the second round of the playoffs go could depend on where Keaton goes in the draft. If he can carry his team offensively like he was brought in to do he could become one of the most important members of Las Vegas's roster. -Keaton Louth
  2. Finally I got my first point of the playoffs!
  3. So day 5 still having trouble figuring out my memories(Been here a week) today's memory is when I played my first play off game. Yesterday we were blown out 6-1 which hurt but I still got that first playoff game under my belt
  4. The easiest way to do it to it is copy a pictures link and paste it where you would like in the text and the picture should show up, you can resize from there
  5. Review: Well thought out and original rookie profile with good detail in all the small areas of your profile. Suggestions: You could use better formatting to make it an easyeir read for example bold your weakness and strengths. Pictures would also be something to think about it gives your character profile a face to the story. Other then the above suggestions well thought out and detailed profile. @DollarAndADream
  6. Yeah its still around but its very quite right now Adam(the owner) has gone missing so all the active people are hanging out in there own leagues (I made one) its still fun though!
  7. www.metroho.com its like a Be a GM simulator
  8. Im starting to run out of content since its been only a week but umm my favorite memory is how helpful everyone is. When I first started I was a little lost now I feel like its a well laid out site and the community is very friendly im not sure if this counts as a memory but I have to get through the week somehow!
  9. @Exlaxchronicles welcome bud! alot more active then metro!
  10. Since my last post on the day two thread got a ton of likes I now have won 2 days worth of likes..... My newest favorite memory is winning my second day of most likes!(Yesterday)
  11. @Exlaxchronicles Anniversary event
  12. Welcome! If you need any help make sure to ask anyone everyone here is very helpful!
  13. Hopefully we can play a bit better in the playoffs!
  14. I really need to get my first goal....
  15. if you need any help let me know im pretty new hear but I can try to help!
  16. Since this is my first week one of the highlights would be when I won the most likes in a day award. Only award I've gotten so far!
  17. Been here for almost a week now and my favorite memory was getting my first assist even though its in a VHLM game it still feels special Now i got to quickly make more memories for this whole week!
  18. I remember my first day here like it was yesterday because it was exactly 3 days ago. So far the community here has been great and really helpful. Since I have joined I played Goalie for a rec ball hockey team it was my first time in years. Thats about it.
  19. Player Name: Keaton Louth VHL Team: Las Vegas Aces(VHLM) Cash you have: 1 000 000 Purchase Name: The First Generation +5 TPE Cost of Purchase: 500 000 Cash Left: 500 000
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