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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. S38 for the Cologne Express has become a fight for 4th place in the European Conference. A young and inexperienced Cologne team has seen their fair share of wins with seven in those twenty. Losing the rest of the 13, with an overtime loss to go along with that. With the rookie group of Ron World Peace, Lars Strummer, and Blaine Olynick make their way to the big leagues, they've shown to have their moments of promise but it hasn't been enough to bring in the W's. Express veteran David Collier has 19 points in the 21 games, being the most productive of the team in familiar fashion. Newcome GIGYAS has been the ying to Collier's hang, as he has been a big help to Collier's performance so far. With Dimothensis Vlasis, Steve Tremblay, and Ashton Gailbraith as the notable rookies making their way up next season, this Express team of the future looks bright and promising. The formula for a winning team is present in Cologne, there's only a matter of experience and time when the VHL franchise can win their very first Continental Cup since their inception.
  2. What are you wearing, cutie? See yourself visitng NJ again anytime soon? Who is the next big thing?
  3. got a rock band mic lying around anywhere? Those are pretty good
  4. Currently jamming to Masked Intruder's new album. They have quickly become one of my favorite bands atm. 4 guys wearing ski masks writing The Queers/Ramones-esque punk tunes about love and their life in crime, hence "Masked Intruder". So damn catchy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBRGK-OXvc&list=PL_uD5vh8_aM6RmrIZRRMvqm7vERrNEs2-
  5. Currently jamming to Masked Intruder's new album. They have quickly become one of my favorite bands atm. 4 guys wearing ski masks writing The Queers/Ramones-esque punk tunes about love and their life in crime, hence "Masked Intruder". So damn catchy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBRGK-OXvc&list=PL_uD5vh8_aM6RmrIZRRMvqm7vERrNEs2-
  6. I almost feel bad for beating you guys. It was a great series and you guys had so many promising players.
  7. The Olynick/HEL G rivalry makes it's first footnote.
  8. To Brampton: Heinrich Backenbauer To Bern: Herman Mudgett I wasn't aware that I ruined the recent invasion of the Backenbauer by claiming Heinrich, so in order to not lose a new member to loss of interest, I've decided to ship him off to play with his family so he can stick around. Thanks to Toast for the easy negotiations.
  9. I walked around for half a day with my fly open once.
  10. Bern claims Heinrich Backenbauer
  11. 4 goals on 11 shots...I'll take it.
  12. DasEdgehead Add me if you want to lose in HUT
  13. Episode 5 Featured Song: "I've Got Something For You" by David Rolfe
  14. Context: 3/3 - Great as always. I never took into consideration for lowering FA slots on minor teams. At first I disagreed with you but I think it really would help out with spreading out some teams more and depending on younger players even more, but the one thing that I think could hurt this change would be the lack of active young players. Don't worry about those comments about your monotonous voice, it's a change from other podcast voices around here! Professionalism: 2/2 - Professional as always. Editing: 1/1 - Once again, liking your selections for intros. Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  15. What do you think the league, in terms of members, is lacking in? Do we need more new members, more admins, graders, etc? What is the funniest thing you've seen posted in the forum? Which teams are on the verge of becoming dynasties? I'll miss you.
  16. In a city like Cologne where the hockey plays a backseat role to their love of soccer, the Express faithful showed great pride and support when news was leaked of the new captain and assistant captain of their hometown city. Rookie goaltender Blaine Olynick was voted the team's new captain, while fellow Bern Royals, but now Cologne Express teammate, Ron World Peace was named as an assistant, followed by veteran David Collier. The selections were made by the entire Cologne roster, during training camp while both the main roster and the team's prospects were present. The prospects supported their younger brethren like Olynick and World Peace after seeing them dominate play in the minors just last season. As this group consists of a familiar face and two new faces in the young Cologne locker room, the fans can tell there is a change of identity and philosophy of the team that is happening. With the younger players filling in the spots of former Express greats like Kameron Taylor, Malcom Spud, and Evgeni Chekhov, there's an excitement surrounding the team, with their untapped potential.
  17. Got pretty tipsy at the Ring Of Honor/New Japan Pro Wrestling show last night at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. My 21+ was cool enough to buy me some beers. Great experience overall.
  18. 62 HC Dynamo 63 Legion 64 Wranglers 65 Americans
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