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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. For anyone that cares, AJ Styles has signed on to be with New Japan Pro Wrestling and has joined their top heel stable Bullet Club as their new leader. Their former leader, Prince Devitt, has filed for his resignation and there are rumblings of him signing with WWE or TNA. He's an incredible talent and if you're not familiar with some of his work, I highly recommend looking him up. Styles will be challenging for the IWGP Heavyweight Title, NJPW's top championship title at their next PPV called Wrestling Dontaku. Their current holder, Kazuchika Okada, their young stallion, at the age of 26, has been the holder for almost or just about a year now, after defeating their top star of many years, Hiroshi Tanahashi. Their match last year received a 5* rating from Meltzer (who can suck my dick). If you haven't been too familiar with New Japan Pro Wrestling but would like to get a look, I highly recommend reading this great starter guide: http://www.voicesofwrestling.com/2014/04/10/a-beginners-guide-to-new-japan-pro-wrestling/ They've been on a great boom as of late and they're a great alternate to WWE. Would love to make some new NJPW fans here!
  2. Montreal is my second favorite team, and the few years I've been watching them suck it up in the playoffs, I've kicked them down to my second bandwagon team this post season. LET'S GO BLUES
  3. 355 Reign 356 HC Dynamo 359 Americans 360 Meute
  4. User Name: AwfulHomesick Cup Winner: St. Louis Blues EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Boston vs (4) Detroit Winner: Boston # of Games: 6 (2) New York vs (3) Philadelphia Winner: Philadelphia # of Games: 7 (1) Pittsburgh vs (4) Columbus Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 5 (2) Tampa Bay vs (3) Montreal Winner: Tampa Bay # of Games: 5 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Anaheim vs (4) Dallas Winner: Anaheim # of Games: 4 (2) San Jose vs (3) Los Angeles Winner: San Jose # of Games: 7 (1) Colorado vs (4) Minnesota Winner: Colorado # of Games: 5 (2) St. Louis vs (3) Chiacgo Winner: St. Louis # of Games: 6
  5. I'd jump in but I'm currently watching Raw. How much longer do you see yourself staying in the VHL?
  6. From what I understand, the post season will be cleared off the schedule for this prospect tournament because of some mess up.
  7. Content: 3/3 - Not sure what the word is on this actually happening but it's interesting. Definitely a bit disappointing, with a great pool of young players in the VHLM in their last eligible year in the minors, it sucks not having the opportunity to play for a cup. We'll see what happens though. Grammar: 2/2 - Pretty much flawless. Good job. Appearance: 1/1 - All looks pretty. This didn't need a photo. Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6 I'll keep this open for one more day for any more discussion.
  8. I cried at the end of the game when Marty was alone on the ice.
  9. http://yottsumepuroresu.blogspot.jp/2014/02/how-to-watch-wwe-network-outside-of.html
  10. First time actually being stoned. Thanks everyone.
  11. Welcome bud! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. Favorite topping on pizza? What does Jardy mean? How many venereal diseases does Naomi Young have? Am I your favorite noob? Any pets? If your Uncle Jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off an elephant?
  13. Nevermind, decided to buy my nephews some games. They're at that age where they're attached to video games.
  14. Good win against a great team.
  15. Following a very successful client, talent scout AwfulHomesick has added another title to his resume. Working with GM Bushito throughout Blaine Olynick's time with the Bern Royals, AwfulHomesick has been appointed as the new General Manager of the Bern Royals. After former GM Bushito was named the new GM of the Seattle Bears, there wasn't much of a debate for the Bern head honchos to pick a successor. Already working as the Assistant GM for Doomsday in Oslo, AwfulHomesick knew that his time to eventually become a General Manager was coming very quickly. "I spoke recently to Bushito about the possibility of him being promoted, and it didn't seem very likely. I accepted the fact that it would take some time, considering how I'm still fairly new to the league but I've grown so fond and accustomed to the ins and outs of the Bern Royals. I started out here as representation to Blaine Olynick to now being the new sheriff in town. With the great talent we currently have and the run we're in right now, I'll be doing everything I can to bring a cup to Bern," said AwfulHomesick at the press conference. But in all seriousness, I'd like to thank Kendrick for holding my hand since I got here, Bushito for trusting me with what he's built in the team so far, Romanes for being a great GM so far in Cologne, and flyersfan for giving me my first job here. I know it's a small job compared to a VHL GM, but it's been such a ride so far and a huge compliment from a veteran in the league, and I hope to keep doing great things here in the long run.
  16. What I got from skimming through the last few pages: Grown men arguing with teenager about a game made for teenagers. I have a $30 Gamestop gift card that I got for Christmas that I haven't even touched. I was waiting to use it when NHL 15 comes because quite frankly that the only game I really play, but I'm looking for something else. Any recommendations that aren't South Park?
  17. I'd like to thank my parents for getting me a crappy desktop all those years ago..
  18. When I'm on my hour bus ride I lurk the site. Good time.
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