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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. Loving the podcast! Keep them coming. What is mr. der meister is driving during recording? Where are you placing your phone where your phone doesnt sound to be jumbling around in your morning commute? Now that you're already drafted, were there any teams you were secretly hoping to be drafted by?
  2. Devils. More specifically, Bryce Salvador.
  3. I knew I never wanted kids, but reading this thread makes me want to become a monk.
  4. i can't appease two members in the same post! Blame bewbaby.
  5. Evil Within: Yea or nay? Was considering buying it on opening day but I'm always weary to buy those types of games (i.e - horror, survival, etc)
  6. Awful Homesick is the name of an art book I really enjoy.
  7. Episode 5 After a week absence, the CologneCast is back! This week's guest was a little different than what you're used to. We're hoping to get more guests outside of Cologne to appear on the show in the future (except for Draper). Thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you again next week. EDIT: Now in mono!
  8. Who else's team is currently undefeated?
  9. Somehow, someway, WWE will get their hands on this and make it unfunny.
  10. I'm thankful for the great group of guys that I play with.
  11. That may be the one gif you've posted where I have no idea what is the context behind it.
  12. 130 HC Dynamo 131 Americans 132 Iron Eagles 134 Express
  13. The Express is officially in motion
  14. The ATM at my bank because lolregionalbankSCREWSYOUBECAUSESERVICEFEES
  15. for the 59th anniversary of Cologne first ever Cup.
  16. regarding that, you can't really go wrong with any part of the states minus the Midwest, I'd say.
  17. Highlight this game on the Colgone Continental Cup DVD.
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