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  1. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in The Seattle Bears Dynasty - S68-S73 - A Comprehensive History   
    It's mental to see how good Seattle actually were and just how important drafting well is to the VHL. I always enjoy learning all about the history of VHL teams and the dynasties there have been. This piece was a good in depth dive in the dynasty and I was great to read through. Top job.
  2. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to NickSunderbruch in Nick's Picks #9 VHL expansion talks   
    I'm aware that expansion in the VHL isn't going to happen, It's already a large enough league. However I want to touch on this subject again, because I have some pretty decent ideas and I think you'll like them. So sit back, grab a beer, relax, and enjoy this here article that has absolutely no fluff designed to make the article reach the minimum amount of words needed to claim a PT. So here's a top 5 list of cities that we could potentially add to the lineup in the Victory Hockey League.
    1.Denver Colorado
    I think the market for hockey in Colorado is huge. I mean kids play street hockey all the time,
    Also the city is close enough to Canada to attract potential Canadian fans. 
    Denver has a population of 716,000, which might not be too much, but its enough to support a team.
    Denver had a pretty good football team for a while too, The Broncos used to be great.
    I think the success of their football team in the past proves that we could have a very successful VHL team there
    Potential names for Denver would be; The Blizzards, The Mile High Club, or The Stoners.
    2.Dublin Ireland
    This city might be a weird one to y'all, but hear me out.
    If we sell beer, and maybe liquor in the stadium, the Irish fans will go INSANE. 
    I mean come on, the Irish love getting drunk and fighting, I'm sure that hockey would do well there with a major league presence.
    Dublin has a population of 1.2 million people, which is a fairly decent market size.
    Dublin is known for their beautiful cathedrals, amazing pubs, and haunted places.
    Obviously a potential name for the team could be The Shamrocks.
    A few other potential names goes as follows; The Dubliners, The Fighting Irish, The Guinness Book of Hockey Records.
    A few other places in Ireland that could support a VHL team would be, Cork, Kilkenny, and Letterkenny.
    3.Rio Brazil
    Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful city with a rich culture, and potentially the next spot for an expansion team.
    Rio has a population of 6 million people, and that's a big market.
    Rio de Janeiro is known best for its beautiful beaches, stunning mountains, and wonderful rich native culture.
    I think a few names for the team could go as follows; The Missionaries, The Carnivals, or The Macaws.
    I think the potential revenue from tourism in this city alone would be enough to support a VHL team, and maybe even be enough to thrive in.
    The market in Rio might be different than some other cities but it's absolutely there.
    4.Kyiv Ukraine
    Kyiv is a beautiful city full of rich Ukrainian culture and beautiful architecture.
    The population is 2.8 million and rising, this means that the market is growing.
    Being close to Russia has it's perks, and liking hockey is one of them.
    Not only is Kyiv an ideal place for a team, it's an ideal place to hold potential winter classic games on outdoor ice.
    Kyiv is best known for the babushka doll, and for being a culture icon of Eastern Europe.
    I believe that a team in the Ukraine only nets benefit for the league, as it's a place where the KHL is already popular.
    Possible names for would be weird, as all the research I've done for team names here, there's only teams named after locations and other things of the sort.
    So I'm not entirely sure what a team name could be besides, The Slavs, or the Babushkas.
    5.Tampa Florida
    Yeah I know we have a VHLM team in Florida, however, I think a major team here would be amazing.
    Tampa is a city I'm very familiar with, as I lived there for a long time.
    The city of Tampa frequently expands and annexes smaller areas around them, and because of that the population continues to grow.
    The metropolitan area called the St.Pete Tampa Bay area, has a population of 2.7 million. 
    That's a great market size if I say so myself, and the population continues to grow.
    Florida has very low taxes, which means that it's an incredibly profitable city.
    Tampa is primarily known for, its thunderstorms, its beaches, and its history of Spanish and Italian immigration.
    Potential names could be, The Storm (rip arena football I miss u), The Beach Boys, The Gators, and many other things Florida is known for.
         So I think this list was pretty complete, and comprehensive at the very least, and a masterpiece at best. I believe that expansion is inevitable, or maybe a team relocates. It also seems as though as I'm writing this, Chicago is actually making a playoff run?? Also before I end this piece I want to go over some other news in the league. The league has begun it's nomination process for the Elembeck memorial trophy. I recommend you nominate someone you think deserves it before it's too late, and it's doesn't matter who you pick as long as you believe that they're fit. Maybe your coach or something, just knowing that someone nominated them even once is enough to make them happy. Also around the league, I believe that potentially teams to look out for will be Toronto, Chicago for some odd reason, and Vancouver. I really think those three are going to surprise the hockey world.
         Also in the news, I've officially been clean off coke for over a month and a half to almost 2 months, regardless of this belonging here or not I think it's worth mentioning as I'm very proud of it. And finally I want to say that I think you all look nice and I really like your haircut, give me your barbers number. Anyways hacve a wonderful day everyone, stay warm, stay icey, happy new year, and Seacrest out.
    976 words 5,358 characters.
  3. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Victor in The Seattle Bears Dynasty - S68-S73 - A Comprehensive History   
    Let's start with a nice honest preamble – it sucks to compete against a dynasty in the VHL. I've been on both ends of the divide in my time in the league but from S68 to S73 there was one clear dominant team and that wasn't mine. Like many others, appreciation for the 'Class of '67' Seattle Bears came fairly late for me which is the case with any dynasty – you hate playing against them and then you look back and think, damn, they were pretty good weren't they. That said, I've never hated the Bears, I've always been perplexed by them more than anything. I remember in S70, with the Bears coming off back-to-back championships but Moscow being the odds-on favourites for the Continental Cup, I was really hoping they would get knocked out by someone in the North American Conference because there was just something about this recent Seattle team which meant you didn't want to face them in a best-of-seven playoff series. Fortunately, the underdog team from Calgary obliged and knocked the Bears out, allowing the Menace to win the cup – one of two the Bears didn't win in an incredible 6-season span.
    Given my and many others' confusion about Seattle's success and the fact the dynasty in its old shape has clearly ended, what better way to address than to dedicate a whole article to looking at the various aspects of the recent version of the Seattle Bears? It also helps of course that this was requested as part of the Christmas charity auction but I will probably be revisiting the Bears in a future dynasty comparison regardless – spoiler alert: they'll be pretty high up. But this is not about where they rank and it's certainly not about me; let's move onto the main event! And where else to start than the S67 draft...
    From a historian perspective, the way the Bears' core formed has always fascinated me. I love it when a VHL GM builds a recognisable core that you can use as the starting point of any analysis. It doesn't necessarily have to come from one draft but that helps and in this case it very clearly did.
    When GM Blake Campbell broke up the S65 Victory Cup winners, a regular season juggernaut featuring 3 future Hall of Famers in Matt Thompson, Sebastian Ironside, and Maxim Kovalchuk which contrived to consistently get knocked out in the first round, he embarked on the fourth rebuild of his illustrious GM career. Campbell had built two strong regular season teams (S52-S53 and S64-S65 Victory Cup winners) who couldn't quite rise to the occasion in the playoffs and one team led by Gabriel McAllister which very much did rise to the occasion in an undedog championship in S59. What he lacked was truly memorable team which would leave a lasting impression on the VHL public but this was also the first time he really had the assets for a good old school VHL firesale. The sales that off-season for themselves:
    To Calgary, Davos, and New York
    Maxim Kovalchuk, Sebastian Ironside, Veran Dragomir, Vyacheslav Smirnov, Piotr Jerwa, and the free agent rights of Matt Thompson (he would sign in Helsinki)
    To Seattle
    S66 CGY 1st (Shane Mars)
    S67 SEA 1st (Rayz Funk)
    S67 NYA 1st (Hulk Hogan)
    S67 CGY 1st (Acyd Burn)
    S67 DAV 2nd (Henrik Zoiderberg)
    S67 CGY 2nd (Berocka Sundqvist)
    S67 HSK 2nd (Kefka Palazzo)
    Even if you don't recognise the names listed above, here's everything you need to know about how the trades went: Calgary, Davos, and New York won a combined 2 playoff series in the next 3 seasons (Seattle won the cup in the 3rd) and all of their GMs at the time were later fired.
    A draft day deal also secured Campbell the pick used on Scott Greene. With 7 picks in the top 20 in S67, he only drafted one bust (11th overall Boone Jenton) but made up by picking up the underrated Kevin Low in the 4th round. With GM player Ambrose Stark joining Seattle directly under the old GM player rules, the famous S67 core was born:
    Burn – Greene – Zoiderberg
    Hogan – Stark
    In S69, Low was essentially swapped directly for Guy LeGrande. Stark would end up moving up front and Sundqvist to defence, positions in which they became more famous. Greene, Stark, and Funk would spent 7 seasons in Seattle, retiring or leaving after their fourth cup in S73. Hogan and Sundqvist would make it all the way through to S74, with Hogan spending all 8 seasons with Seattle and making the S75 HOF ballot alongside Funk. While Funk is the most famous member of the core for his playoff heroics and VHL record 4 playoff MVP trophies, Stark, Hogan, and Sundqvist won individual trophies and along with Greene gained recognition in the regular season too with several All-VHL Team appearances. That would come in the 70s and latter halves of the S67s' careers though – team success came first...
    Although the potential of the class of 67 was not up for debate, no one, probably not even Seattle management, expected things to click so quickly. GM Campbell went back to the Calgary well between S67 and S68 and managed to steal back Kovalchuk and the extremely promising John Frostbeard for veteran Joel Ylonen – who the Bears would then also get back on the cheap when they realised the opportunity to strike in the weak North American Conference. That opportunity arose in part because of the Wranglers' flip-flopping between retool and contention, as well Vancouver and Toronto, the S67 Continental and Victory Cup winners respectively, losing several key pieces and declining in S68. The Bears comfortably won the conference with 91 points, a total which would have only seen them scrape 4th place in Europe.
    Every dynasty needs a bit of luck to become one and winning a cup ahead of schedule usually helps – the Toronto threepeat did it, as did the Helsinki back-to-back champions who preceded it, and many of the teams from Davos' glory days. Although only one Bear (Acyd Burn) scored more than 72 points in S68, no one held the team back and they had a steady hand in Funk to guide them in net. With the added experience of Kovalchuk, Ylonen, and two-time cup winner Shawn Glade (acquired on the cheap from Davos who appeared to be in competition with Calgary for who could assist Seattle the most), there were no gaping holes in the squad and also lots of depth, as well as an easy path to the finals.
    Disaster almost struck early on in the playoffs as a Toronto team of journeymen and inactives took 2 of the first 4 games of their first-round series. The Bears adapted and wouldn't lose another game all playoffs. And while no one stood out from the skaters – 10 players got between 10 and 18 points in the postseason – sophomore Funk turned up the style. He conceded only 2 goals on 84 shots in a comprehensive sweep of the Wranglers in the conference finals and then more than held his own against Matt Thompson and the Malmo Nighthawks, a fellow surprise package in the finals. With 10 wins in a row, Funk claimed his first Kanou Trophy and Seattle the first of many cups.
    Debate raged on in the league as to whether the Bears were the real deal or a one hit wonder, but after their playoff dominance in S68 no one doubted two things – Funk was here to stay and Seattle was at the very least in the cup contender conversation. In the off-season some fat was trimmed while the S67 core developed, Shawn Glade retired and Calgary provided the replacement yet again in veteran Leph Twinger. The real eye-catching acquisition was star forward Dan Wilinsky however, a forward in his prime and a mainstay in the Scott Boulet Trophy conversation for several seasons – a bit of stardust that wasn't there in the young and hungry team of S68.
    The Bears still didn't quite catch fire in the regular season, finishing second in North America behind the offensive powerhouse in Vancouver. This time only Wilinsky exceeded the point-per-game mark, although scoring was rapidly going down in the league and Funk registered what would prove to be the best regular season of his career. The team's depth was also terrifying – Zoiderberg and LeGrande, the 7th forward and 5th defenceman on the depth chart, would walk into the top line of just about any rival in the league. Affordable rookie contracts and hyper-active young players had resulted in a team brimming with talent which could roll over opponents in a way that arguably still hasn't been recreated in the VHL.
    Despite this, there was no 10-game winning streak in these playoffs. New York took Seattle to Game 7 which was won by a Wilinsky goal in overtime, while Vancouver and Riga each required 6 games to dispatch. The youth stepped up as Frostbeard led the team with 19 points, followed closely by Greene on 17, while Funk took some time to find his S68 form, ultimately putting together his weakest Kanou win with a .924 save percentage. He did deliver when it mattered though, stopping 94% of the shots fired at him by the high-flying Reign in the finals, considered by many to be the cup favourites, and outdueling Kallis Kriketers who up to then had put together one of the greatest goaltending seasons in living memory. After getting ahead in Game 5, the Bears ran out to a 4-0 lead by the end of the first period of Game 6 and hang on to a 4-3 win – the repeat was complete.
    S70 was largely a forgettable season for the Bears, as the salary cap started to make an impact and GM Campbell had to part ways with some beloved veterans like Ylonen, Wilinsky, and Frostbeard. Although the S67 core was now firmly the stars of the team, things didn't quite click and Seattle only scraped into the playoffs by 1 point over New York. Vintage Funk came to play and upset the Wolves with a .939 save percentage in the first round but the magic wore off and the Wranglers ended the very impressive playoff run in the conference finals.
    Fans were bracing themselves for more of the same as the cap crunch continued to hit – for the first time, two S67 draftees in Burn and Zoiderberg had to be sacrificed. The return was good as the Bears acquired the picks used to draft Odin Omdahl, Ola Vikingstad, and Randy Marsh among others, but it seemed like the team was a work in progress. Instead, they had rediscovered the successful old balance between young and old and had arguably their best regular season yet, finishing just 2 points off the Victory Cup winners in Vancouver. Stark led the league in points, Hogan in assists, while Greene made the All-VHL First Team now recognised as one of the premier centers in the league. Sensing an opportunity to strike, the Bears made a trade for veteran forward Aleksander Rodriguez on the cheap – the S71 version of Glade or Wilinsky.
    The Rodriguez acquisition would prove inspired as he led the league with 10 playoff goals, his 18 points tied with Stark and Greene. The balanced line-up proved crucial against the young D.C. Dragons in round 1, rookie Vikingstad grabbing a late winner in a tight Game 7. Then Funk proved to be the scourge of Vancouver for a third straight season, saving his best for last as he conceded just 5 goals in 5 dominant games. Then came the defending champions from Moscow and another 5-game victory, again close but again comprehensive. Rodriguez fittingly was the first star in Game 5 while Vikingstad scored 2 goals including the cup winner – a testament to the wheeling and dealing of GM Campbell which in turn earned him his first top GM award of the dynasty.
    After S71 it was more about organic growth for the Bears as they looked to close out the era with a bang. Five members remained from the S67 core – Greene and Stark up front, Sundqvist and Hogan as a dominant defensive duo, and the evergreen Funk in goal. The retool bore fruits however, with forwards Uhtred and Vikingstad, defenceman Omdahl, and even rookie goalie Jordan Tonn being more than capable deputies for the fan favourites. As a result, the Bears dynasty delivered perhaps their best season of them all.
    With 103 points tying Seattle for the league lead (winning the Victory Cup on goal difference), this was the first time the Bears were clear favourites at the end of the regular season, with Greene cracking 105 points and Hogan and Sundqvist putting up matching 93-point seasons for career years each. They again faced a tough fight from the Dragons, requiring a classic performance from Funk but still going to double overtime in Game 6, eventually won by the younger Aleelee Kiak assisted by rookie Timothy Brown.
    Then came possibly the series which will be remembered most in this Bears run. The dominant sweeps in S68 and the annual humiliations of Vancouver set the scene, but from S70 onwards Seattle's rivalry with a rebuilt Calgary was a defining feature of the generation. The Wranglers made the finals in the Bears' place in S70 and S72 but came away with nothing, so were hoping to make it third time lucky first by knocking out their hated rivals. Calgary ran out to a 3-1 lead in the conference finals on the back of heroic goaltending by Jacques Lafontaine and two double OT victories. A lesser team would have accepted their fate but the Bears rallied, starting with a triple overtime winner by Randy Marsh as they faced elimination in Game 5. Kiak came up clutch again in Game 6 overtime before Sundqvist and Stark completed the comeback in a 5-3 win in Game 7, sending the Wranglers packing. Lafontaine (.949) and Funk (.943) put up a goaltending battle for the ages and the Bears added another feather in their cap – an iconic playoff series victory.
    From then on, a fourth cup in six seasons seemed predestined. Seattle's last opponent was Helsinki, who showcased their attacking prowess by putting 5 and then an uncharacteristic 7 goals past Seattle in Games 1 and 3, chasing Funk in the latter, but once the Bears figured them out they won 3 games in a row to seal the cup in six. That would be the end of the dynasty as we knew it – Stark retiring, Greene and Funk moving on in the off-season, while Hogan and Sundqvist would retire at the end of S74. The playoff run is still ongoing, now up to eight consecutive seasons as of S75, and some of the younger cup winners remain with the Bears (Uhtred, Brown, Marsh, Omdahl, and Tonn), but the historic run of playoff success seems to be a closed chapter. What a chapter it was however.
    Thank you for your generous donation and hope this meets your expectations @DoktorFunk and the rest of the S67 core - @Banackock @Rayzor_7 @TXC @Berocka @Acydburn  @HenrikZoiderberg @Smarch @Steve - and everyone else I mentioned who played a role in the cup wins - @ShawnGlade @DollarAndADream  @FrostBeard @Esso2264 @oilmandan @zepheter @Dil @leafsman @a_Ferk @MexicanCow123 @Grant
  4. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. When I'm doing this response we are in a game 7 scenario but I think we will still come out on top. Sasky are a good team but so are we and we have more than enough quality in our roster to finish them off.
    2. I got a pair of true wireless ear buds and the are bomb. Also got copious amounts of chocolate so I am also real happy about that.
    3.I really wanna get better at drawing and maybe even learn how to make some sigs.
    4. I'll be rooting for team Europe this year. I'm hoping to crack the Europe roster but if I don't I hope I'll get pick up by team World.
    5. I think we can make it to the finals. Might need some luck to get there but we can definitely make it. As for our opponents, I think we will play the marlins for the cup. They are red hot and I think they should come on top in their series with philly.
    6. Sure.
  5. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Matt thunder in the full story of matt thunder   
    Matt thunder was born in nice little village, Pont-Aven (you should really check this place out, it is wonderful) in Brittany ( a french region), a village that you might know as the well know painter Gauguin lived there for a short time, before leaving for Polynesia,  to escape the life in Paris.
    But let's go back to the life of Matt, no?
    Matt since he was kid he loved playing sports and he also loved playing music but not pop or rock, but EDM, he also had a short carrer in music as a dj, but he gave up to focus only on hockey as  he was better in that than music 
    The funny part of this story is the he never played hockey before the age of 13 as in his little village no one knew what was hockey, it was thanks to his uncle that lived in Canada  (in Quebec to be honest) that he discovered hockey.
    So after falling in love whit this wonderfull sport he joined a near hockey club and started playing in the defense, as  he loved to study the enemy and punching people, because you might not know but the people who live in Brittany are know for loving to fight as they are drunk most of the time. ( drinking is the second thing they love to do by the way)
    After having played different years in France and showing what he was capable of, he was scouted by Halifax and joined them for 18 games in the season 72 making only 1 assist, the season after (73) he was drafted by Las Vegas (68th overall) and he slowly started to become better 15 ( 1 G and 14 A) points in the S73, 51 ( 12G and  39 A) points in S74  and finally in the S75 he became the captain of Las Vegas  and he finished 8th in the defenseman standing whit 67 points ( 16 G and 51 A) 
     what a year by someone that was picked 68th in the vhlm draft and probably seen as a failure by someone. 
    the S75 will also be his last one  season in the vhlm as  in the next season he will fiannly join Riga in the vhl, but he will sadly say goodbye to his loved team that made him grow in to the player he is right now, the Las Vegas Aces. 
    this is the full story of Matt Thunder for now ,but who knows what the future has  in store for him, maybe future hall of fame or maybe only a failure, we will se, but of course we hope the best for him. 
    (this is my first article that i write, hope that you like it) 
  6. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think we decent during the regular season. We gave a lot of teams a run for their money and, more importantly, we made the playoffs.
    2. I think we need to be putting away more of our chances. We've got the quality to be converting more chances so now it's all about putting into practice.
    3. Home Alone easy. It's just comedy gold and I always watch during the festive season, gets me hyped for xmas.
    4. I'm Scottish, I think some of the Vegas boys know but not sure many others know.
    5. I was just treating it like any other game. Sovick was a great teammate but we were on opposite sides so had to make sure we got the W.
    6. I remember one year I went to my cousins for xmas dinner and stayed up all night playing cards against humanity, that was quite fun.
  7. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Laine in The Victory ProAM Tournament: What it is and why YOU should get involved!   
    The VHL as a whole tends to slow down during the offseason. The VHL and M drafts along with Free Agency provide some activity but it doesn't usually hold up the entire offseason, leading to quite a bit of inactivity until training camps commence. In the past, many members have tried to keep active during the offseason but nothing seems to stick. Myself, in partnership with @Zetterberg and @MexicanCow123 have come up with not only a solution to the offseason inactivity but also something that benefits the league as a whole: The Victory ProAM Tournament!

    What is the Victory ProAM Tournament?
    The Victory ProAM Tournament is a tournament put on by Myself, @Zetterberg and @MexicanCow123 during the offseason. Users can join by checking out the recruitment drive during the playoffs.

    How does the Victory ProAM Tournament work?

    The amount of teams will vary, but the overall structure stays the same. Different teams will be picked every offseason, with different GMs and AGMs at the helm every go around as well. To benefit newer players, we always try to make the GMs newer users or users with no GMing experience, not only to help teach them but to also give them the vital experience they need. Each GM is allowed to appoint one AGM for the entire tournament. Extra help will be available to the GMs besides their AGM, as many players alike help GMs when help is needed. GMs are allowed to name their own team, with names also changing every offseason.

    The team building process begins once GMs are selected. A draft lottery is conducted to determine in which order GMs will pick throughout the draft. The draft board is put up with players going off as they are selected. The draft is in a snake order. Each GM must select 6 forwards, 4 defensemen and 2 goalies to complete their team. Skaters CAN be moved around to various positions, although we prefer you draft based on natural position (Ex: a forward can be moved to defense if needed). Once teams are selected the sim schedule will be uploaded with sims starting one or two days after the final playoff game is played.

    Why should I care about the Victory ProAM Tournament?

    There are many reasons to join the tournament. First and foremost, it helps cure the boredom that ensues during your standard VHL offseason. It also gives newer and older members a chance to make friends and communicate with one another. Last offseason, we saw many friendships come as a result of this tournament. Lastly, it helps give younger players experience with opportunities in GMing. It also benefits older players who can pass their skills down to young members.

    Our S75 Offseason recruitment drive will launch NEXT WEEK! We have also started formal recruitment in many VHL and VHLM lounge rooms, so keep your eyes peeled for that. If you want an invite for the discord server but don't see the thread or any invites in LRs, feel free to contact myself, Z, Cow or any of the other members inside the discord server (there is a lot of us). Until next time.

    (525 words)
  8. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Hiring S75 WJC GMs   
    I would like to apply for all positions, if I can do that
  9. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to JigglyGumballs in Tag Someone On VHL Who Did Something Nice For You   
    Okay so... I just wanna say I don't deserve any mentions I've received here. Like really, I don't think of myself too highly so for @Crstats23, @PatrikLaine, @Hex Universe, and @Ledge_and_Dairy. Thank you. It means a lot to even be mentioned here. It makes me really really happy to see me mentioned in a thread like this and I'm really glad to have made some form of impact in this league.
    Otherwise first and foremost, I wanna thank @PatrikLaineagain for introducing this league to me.

    @Sonnet , @MattyIce, @DreMin15, and @KnightRiley for getting me truly hooked onto this place and making my early days here a blast.
    @DoktorFunk, @DarkSpyro, @Blazzer for a genuinely fun time in Ottawa. I really enjoyed talking to you guys when I played there and I'm glad I was able to help you set up your server Spyro.
    @Spartanfor hiring me as an AGM and putting up with my shit in Vegas sometimes as well as teaching me the ropes. It's something I really really appreciate.
    @a_Ferk, @NickSunderbruch, @Crstats23, @Ledge_and_Dairy, @IamMOOSE, @Ricer13, @dariusmarimotoman, @tfong , @fromtheinside, @fishy, @Esso2264, @Hex Universe and @Viperxhawks19 I wanna thank you guys all for making the VHL more than just a random place to chat with random people. I really enjoyed talking to you guys in the discord LRs and the VHL server. It's something that you guys may not value much but it's something I value quite a bit.
    @GustavMattiasfor the town of salem games and the occasional talks in VHL gen.
    And I finally want to thank every single one of Vegas's players. You guys really shouldn't be giving me as much credit as I seem to get so thank you ❤️
    @thadthrasher, @aksuko, @Hoopydog, @MMFLEX, @Nordin, @frescoelmo , @SimmerDown99, @matt sovick, @Matt thunder, @Domino Draws, @Syzygy, @Jakefufu, @Aye my name jeff, @inflastud, @correllvincent, @Wreckening, @fyrefly, @Bouncyelf, @Kelsier
    To those I didn't mention (despite there being so many lol), I wanna mention you guys as well. My league experience has been phenomenal and I can't thank everyone enough for it. I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank you. Again, thank you.
  10. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Hex Universe in Tag Someone On VHL Who Did Something Nice For You   
    I've only been in the VHL for just over a month, but I already have a lot of people to thank.
    @Spartan @JigglyGumballs you two have helped me grow in this league so much. Giving me pointers on how to build my player and how to advance off the ice as well. I can't wait where the future takes Rose and no matter what my time in Las Vegas has made me the player that I am and will be. @Mr_Hatterfor giving me a spot on the VSN writing team, which has given me and my articles a more prominent platform for viewing. I can't wait to work on more exciting topics and to collaborate with you and the rest of the VSN crew in the future! @Flames1Fanfor introducing me to this league in the first place. I wouldn't have ever known about this league if it wasn't for his Ottawa Lynx concepts. To all of my teammates as well for helping mw grow as a player @thadthrasher @aksuko @Hoopydog @MMFLEX @frescoelmo  @fyrefly @Aye my name jeff @SimmerDown99@Nordin @inflastud @Domino Draws @Syzygy @Jakefufu @correllvincent @Ledge_and_Dairy @Kelsier @Wreckening @Bouncyelf @matt sovick @Matt thunder
  11. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from fishy in Hiring S75 WJC GMs   
    I would like to apply for all positions, if I can do that
  12. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Hiring S75 WJC GMs   
    I would like to apply for all positions, if I can do that
  13. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Ledge in Looking back on a fantasy draft   
    Last night, a couple guys and me did a little fantasy draft in yahoo I think.
                This is my team, the Axe Murderers. I landed Draisaitl with 3rd overall, which practically saved my otherwise questionable offense. Quinn Hughes was a good pickup in the second round, too. I also picked Zach Werenski in the 3rd round, which @MexicanCow123 didn't think was good and he let me know. It'll be funny when Werenski wins the Norris and my team whoops cow's team's ass. Werenski scored 20 goals as a defenceman last year by the way. Anyway, I also got Kyle Connor, Tomas Hertl, Alex DeBrincat, Miro Heiskanen, and Jacob Markstrom in what I think was a moderately successful draft. Other than that, and @Blazzer  stealing a bunch of players I wanted, it looks like I'll settle into the middle of the pack for the league, whenever it starts. 
     Cow also picked David Pastrnak in the second round, not realizing he's injured until like March. That was also very funny. And for a little inside joke, no one was "person" enough to pick Alex Biega. What was also funny and slightly angering was that the manager-less team got 1st overall for no apparent reason, but got stuck with Evgeni Malkin and Filip Forsberg(players nobody wanted) because they were highest on the list. 
    I also got about 6 hours of sleep because I stayed and tried to calm the rebellion against the horny police until like 12:00 and then had to wake up at 6:30 for school. 
    256 words
  14. Haha
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. These trades show we mean some serious business, with the acquisition of Juniper, Dan and Tate we might have the best roster in the league
    2. I love the long break I have from uni. I usually get about 6 weeks of around this time of year 
    3. In P.E. or gym, when we were all getting changed someone was running about with a can of deodorant and someone almost got set on fire
    4. I think so, we still aren't hitting the heights that we can but if we can start playing at our best then I don't see when we couldn't move up a spot.
    5. Yeah I'm alright, being stuck in sucks but trying to make the most of the time I have
    6. Right now, Cadbury's dark milk buttons (dark chocolate buttons) absolute perfection
  15. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to fromtheinside in VSN Presents: VHLM Week 5 Power Rankings   
    The VHLM Power Rankings are back just in time for the home stretch of the regular season. This week is a particularly interesting for a couple reasons. First, there has a been an eruption of trade activity in the past seven days as teams begin to make their push for the playoffs. And beside the trades, the sims in the past week were super interesting and in turn has provided some movement in the power rankings. In particular, one team in the top 5 went on a historic winning streak, while the two teams I've considered to be a powerhouse all season have started to sputter and stumble a touch. That's enough preamble, let's dive into it and take a look at what I'm talking about!

    Last Week: 1  |  This Week: 1  
    Nestling in their comfy #1 ranking for the third straight week, Mexico City continues being the toast of the league. That being said, it hasn't been a banner week for the Kings. Mexico City was one of many teams who were shopping this week ahead of the league's trade deadline. While making substantial upgrades, the team still only managed to go 4-5-1. This could be a situation where you just don't mess with a good thing. Team chemistry is important and shaking things up on your roster always carries risk. Despite that, I do think the upgrades the Kings made were logical ones. First earlier on last week the Kings set a S77 1st Round Pick and Kid Frost (a VHLM drafted welfare earner who has multi-VHLM season control) to Houston in exchange for the capped-out fiesty Frenchmen @domg5 Dominic Gobeil. As noted in last weeks Power Rankings, Houston's season was pretty much done for, and Gobeil seemed to be the prime trading candidate there. Mexico gets a physical winger who is a jack-of-all-trades. He sacrifices the body with bone crushing hits and shot-blocking but he also has an undeniable scoring touch. A couple days later the Kings doubled down and decided to address their defensive depth. They decided to get Yukon on the horn and after some intense back and forth negotiations, the Kings landed themselves a top TPE earning defense. For a pair of picks and a lower end defensemen named Roger Jone (but usable for the Rush next season), Mexico acquired @GoliathusTee Pee E II. TPE II was the defensive leader in Yukon all season, but Yukon decided to pull the trigger on him to recoup some assets for future seasons.  These two deals have definitely bolstered Mexico City's roster but so far have not yielded the results they were hoping for. Luckily there is still time for these new players to assimilate themselves with their teammates and get the Kings back on track in time for the playoffs.

    Last Week: 2  |  This Week: 2  
    Coming in at #2 yet again is the Philadelphia Reapers, albeit by the slimmest of margins. It's been a weird past week for Phlly, and it's really hard to make head or tails of any of it. In their last 10 games they've went dead even going 5-5. While they have had impressive wins against legitimate teams like Mexico City and Miami, they also dropped games to Yukon, Halifax and even the lowly Ottawa Lynx. However, the singular thing that keeps Philly nested in the 2 spot for one more week is a little thing I like to call "The Ric Flair rule". TO BE THE MAN, YOU MUST BEAT THE MAN! San Diego was knocking on the door of the 2 spot this week and had their chance to overtake the Reapers, but Philly slammed the door in their face by ending their legendary winning streak (more on that in a moment), Philly management has been smart about the tweaking of their roster going into the deadline. They were the ones who got the ball rolling when they picked up blueliner @McLovin Gustav Hjalmarsson nice and early before any other teams had gotten the ball rolling on their deadline deals. Hjalmarsson has fit in nicely with the Reapers, as I noted in last week's Power Rankings. Though they upgraded their squad, it feels like Philly has lost some of their early season magic. They are still a team with embarrassment of riches at all positions, I think it is just a matter of finding some good mojo with all these talented players. They are simply too good to go quietly in a first round exit come the playoffs. Reapers management will be looking to find that magic chemistry  in the last week of the season before going into the postseason.

    Last Week: 4  |  This Week: 3 
    Retaking the #3 spot on our list is none other than the hottest team in the league over the past week, the San Diego Marlins. As I previously mentioned, the Marlins almost took over Philly's 2nd place spot, but came up just a hair short. Nonetheless, there is nothing but good vibes happening in San Diego right now. Highlighted by franchise best 14-game winning streak, the Marlins have won 16 of their last 17 contests are nipping on the heels at the top teams in the league. Sadly it was none other than the Reapers who ended San Diego's incredible stretch. When you dive into this win streak, you will see it's been the same formula that San Diego has used all season.  The dynamic duo of Nero Endrizzi and @Tate Red Lite continue to reign terror over their opponents, both having now eclipsed the 80 point plateau for the season, which is good for 4th and 5th in league scoring.  Not far behind them is defensemen @fromtheinside Scotty Kaberle who now sits 6th in league scoring with 81 points, leapfrogging teammate Cowboy Prout who has been dominant in his own right. On top of all this the Marlins have continued to get fantastic production from various sources as @BOOM™ Gunnar Odinsson and @Nikdandrea34 Nikolas D'Andrea continue to shine for the club. Still looking to improve, the Marlins just last night went out and solidified their defensive core even further by acquiring max-capped @OscarTheSwagDude Kate Upton.  Marlins management will be hoping for Upton to memorize opponents and be the piece that puts them over the top. But as we have seem with the other top teams, sometimes adding a new player into the fray can have converse effects to what you may be hoping for. It should be interesting to see how Upton factors into the Marlins heading into the last stretch of games in the regular season.

     Last Week: 3  |  This Week: 4 
    Falling one spot this week, the Saskatoon Wild come in at number 4 this week despite another great week of sims. Going 7-3 in their past 10, the Wild have continued to show they are going to be a team to be feared going into the postseason. It's really a testament to how well they've been playing when take a glimpse at the standings. They are only 2 points back of the San Diego even after that team had a record setting win streak. Saskatoon just keeps chugging along at very impressive pace. They continue to mix a nice variety of offensive ability and physicality and are proving to be a handful for even the best teams in the league. Offensively @dartFlorent Vericel continues his record smashing pace as he is in sole position of first in league scoring with 98 points, just two shy of the century mark. When it comes to laying the body, @dshervill winger Braxton Hunter and d-man@drewowo Logan Moore are ranked 1-2 in the entire league for hits with 246 and 228 respectively. The Wild also decided to round out there D-core by adding a high end TPE defenseman. For a S76 2nd and a S77 3rd, the Wild acquired puck-moving defensemen Rick Osman. With this move, Sasky management has really confirmed they are all in on this year. They have a legitimate chance to compete for the Founder's Cup so it will be interesting to see if mortgaging their immediate future will pay dividends. 

    Last Week: 5  |  This Week: 5  
    Back for another week at #5 is the Las Vegas Aces. The Aces to me are by far one of most curious teams in the league right now. They have been amongst the busiest teams in the league over the past little while. They've wheeled and dealed and despite looking like a vastly improved team on paper, Vegas has only managed to go 5-5 over their last 10 games. While splitting their last 10 may not seem so bad at first glance, if you look a bit closer they played a ton of easy teams and didn't really beat anyone of consequence. They even dropped games to Houston and Minnesota - two teams who have are clearly focused on their future seasons. Though this sounds very doom and gloom, I do like the moves Vegas management made. With their defense already among the best in the league, it was clear they needed offense and perhaps goaltending. They started by picking up sophomore winger @fyrefly Sheldon Juniper who is an elite, clutch scorer and a proven winner, having won a cup last year with Miami.  But they weren't done there. They then proceeded to hit up Mississauga and take winger @MMFLEX  Dan Dan and center @Aye my name jeff Jordan Tate. Though these two trades costed them a decent amount of draft stock, they have come away with a full line's worth of capped forwards. The Aces seriously lacked scoring punch and with these three all coming in before the deadline, Vegas absolutely addressed their biggest weakness. I think it is just a matter of figuring out which players mesh well together. If Vegas can figure that out before the playoffs start, watch out. Oh and if this didn't impress you, they decided to go out and get a capped goalie by trading Matt Sovick Jr to Miami for the one and only @thadthrasherThadius Sales. Having two goalies with multi-season control allowed Vegas to do this without giving up an arm and a leg in draft picks so this was huge for them.

    Last Week: 6   |  This Week: 6 
    Another week, another sixth place spot for Miami. The Marauders managed to go 6-4 over the last 10 games but half of these games were against either Ottawa or Minnesota, so that could be a tad bit misleading. While Miami has definitely made some nice additions to their roster, their latest trade was a real head-scratcher to me. As I just mentioned in the Aces recap, Miami shipped off their goalie Thad Sales for Matt Sovick Jr. While Sovick Jr is certainly a serviceable goalie and it is certainly appealing that you will be able to retain him for next season, I hate this deal for Miami. Last week on the VHL Roundtable Podcast I asked both @Ricer13 GM Kris Rice and @Zetterberg AGM Zetterberg what their plan was going into the trade deadline. They both seemed to indicate they liked their team and wanted to compete this season, and I agreed with that assessment. Earlier in the week they went out and acquired capped out center @TenZi Kevin Sterk from Yukon. Shortly thereafter, they struck a deal with Mississauga by acquiring rock solid blueliner @JorgTheGoat03 The Blob. Those two trades in my mind were just what Miami needed. They went out and spent some assets in order to improve their center and defensive depth. So with that being said, why would then turn around and ship out one of the best goalies in the league?  I the Miami brass wants Miami to be competitive year in and year out, but with essentially no picks to speak of in the S76 draft, I don't understand the thought process behind that deal. Trade analysis aside, Miami is still a very dangerous team and will definitely still be a tough matchup for anyone who runs into them come playoff time. 

    Last Week: 8   |  This Week: 7  
    Despite their best attempts at selling, Yukon finds themselves edging out Halifax for the 7th spot in the Power Rankings. With their eyes on the future, the Rush decided to start selling off some assets to reload for future seasons. While they managed to deal off some players, the market was pretty limited in some ways and as a result Yukon still has some top end talent. After bidding adieu to Juinper, Tee Pee E and Sterk, Yukon still managed a 5-4-1 record including 2 wins over conference leading Mexico City. The Rush still boast some formidable scoring power with the likes of @DirtyDerek Daddy Derek and team captain @GreenGato Vick Fairchild leading the way. On defense @Juice Kristof Welch continues to impress scouts with his development and is now scoring at a more consistent pace as well.  Team favourite and rock solid netminder @Kloxified Kloxified also avoided swapping teams at the deadline, so all things considered the Rush still ice a pretty solid team and will give teams a good fight night in and night out. 

    Last Week: 7  |  This Week: 8 
    Swapping spots with Yukon and dropping one spot this week was the Halifax 21st. This club is very similar to Yukon in a couple of ways. They were a decent team all season with some holes in their roster and just as the Rush have done recently, they've made a couple traded to focus towards their future. And also like Yukon, they are left with some high end talent on their team post trade deadline, probably because of the scarce market for high end players. Thanks to the mega draft class of S75. many rosters are already filled to the brim and aren't in need of adding anyone. As mentioned earlier throughout the article, Halifax shipped off a pair of elite defensemen for draft picks. However, when the dust settled they still have a few big time players on their roster that still keeps them dangerous. @Dolant Dolant Fertitta remains on the roster and he is going to continue on his tear through the M. Linemate @Nick Kirkpatrick Theodore James St. Louis also stayed put and he is no joke either, having just eclipsed the 80 point plateau this past week. And while their top 2 defenders were shipped out, promising defensive prospect @Parriyah9374 Javad Kamkar will get an excellent opportunity to showcase himself on the top D pair with Clinton Giftopoulos.

    Last Week: 9  |  This Week: 9 
    Back in their familiar spot again this week are the Houston Bulls at #9. I was VERY tempted to move them up higher after they sneakily enjoyed themselves an 8-1-1 record over their last 10.  And while a handful of these were against the bottom tier teams, they did real off wins against Saskatoon, Vegas and even Mexico! What's even more preposterous is that this win streak is coming off the heals of trading top earning forward Dominic Gobeil. The Webber brothers ( @Webberj Jon and @WebberP Paul) have become the team leaders, with Jon leading the team with 37 goals! Defensively @Nope488 Not A. Player leads all defensemen in points with 43, not to mention he has blocked a whopping 123 shots this year. Somebody get that guy an ice pack! Meanwhile in the crease @Caboose30 Trent Gibson continues to hold down the fort. Though they are lacking in some areas, I wouldn't rule out Houston sneaking up on one of either Yukon or Halifax and potentially claiming the 8 seed before the end of the season. It would be incredible to see, I am routing for them!

    Last Week: 10  |  This Week: 10 
    Now we move into the bottom tier of the league. I will definitely give Mississauga some credit though. They were the most successful team in selling off all their high-end assets at the deadline.  They made 4 trades in the past two weeks which netted them 6 future picks in drafts and 4 players. Rookie winger @Sljppers continues to put on a show in the 905 as she now is the active leader in scoring for the Hounds with 64 points in 58 games. When you see a rookie who is producing at over a point per game that is reason enough to get hyped. They Hounds are undoubtedly going to be a force to reckoned with some S76 but for now they are amongst the leagues bottom-feeders. They hold onto the 10 spot this week, but just barely!

    Last Week: 11  |  This Week: 11 
    Coming in yet again at 11, the Minnesota Storm have at least started to see a little bit of stability.  While still only have a record of 3-6-1 in their past 10, they still aren't exactly world beaters, but they are at least competitive in most games now, even taking wins this past week off Las Vegas and Miami! It should be noted that the Storm sent their top tender @Hello  Hi Hello to their fellow cellar dweller buddies the Lynx in exchange for picks. Speaking of picks, the Storm have a ton of them going into the draft. It will be interesting to see how Storm management deals with asset management come draft time. 

    Last Week: 12  |  This Week: 12  
    Rounding out the Power Rankings we have the familiar face of the Ottawa Lynx. It was a week to remember for the Lynx as they managed FOUR wins this week, one of which was against none other than the Eastern Conference leaders, the Philadelphia Reapers! With those four wins they doubled their win total of their entire season! Congrats to them on a few huge wins. This will definitely help morale in the Ottawa LR. The only other thing to note is the aforementioned trade with Minnesota. On one hand I don't know if spending draft picks in a year you are historically bad is a good idea, but on the other hand Hi Hello will be back for next season, so that checks off a major need that they will no longer have to worry about come draft time. 
    That wraps up another weekly Power Rankings. We are winding down the season with roughly 10-12 games left for each team. There is still lots of things to be decided as we head into the VHLM playoffs. Will Houston sneak in? Could San Diego stay hot and overthrow the Kings in the West?  This time next week we will have the answers so be sure to keep your eyes peels for the final installment of the Power Rankings next week! Until then thanks for reading and take care!
  16. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to thadthrasher in VHLM Week 4 Player Highlights   
    If you would like to keep track of your team's week by week stats (other than GAA and SH%) make sure to check out the Google Sheets document to see that information.
    To look at last week's winners, click here!
    Week 4 in the VHLM S75 has come to an end. We are now starting to see where most teams will find themselves at the end of the season. Changes in the standings are slowing down, but we saw an incredible number of trades this week, some of which were very surprising to many around the league. As teams see the end of the season approaching they seem to be making changes (some drastic) that they hope will give them some edge in the S75 playoffs.
    League standings have changed a bit, but not much. Saskatoon and San Diego traded places just like last week, as did Miami and Las Vegas. Other than that, everyone else stayed in place by the end of the week.
    Just like last week, each team will have an Offensive Star, Defensive Star, and some awards. This is based on weekly performance, not current team or league leaders. This week we've added in some overviews for each team's starting goaltender for the week.
    Many have asked that I highlight 1 Offensive Star and 1 Defensive Star for the entire league each week. I'm going to leave that up to all of you with a poll!
    After reading through, select who you think the Offensive and Defensive star of the league should be for the week! I will report the winner in next week's VHLM Player Highlights!
    Last week we had 44 people vote for the Offensive and Defensive Stars of the Week! Thank you to everyone who voted!
    We wish to congratulate these two individuals who the community selected as the stars!
    The Week 3 VHLM Offensive Star is Kevin Wu @kevinscix
    The Week 3 VHLM Defensive Star is Matt thunder @Matt thunder
    Some of you suggested that I switch up the awards, however I'm going to stick with the awards from last week for each team. HOWEVER, if you think of an award that a player deserves to get make sure you tag them in the comments with what that award is. Don't forget to include why they get it!
    *Teams are presented in order of League Overall Standing
    Mexico City Kings (43-12-5) 
    GM - @Hylands AGM - @rory
    Offensive Star - Mexico City has a number of top offensive players, but one of them had low PIMs this week and captured 2 GW goals. This player was able to nab 8 goals and serve up 10 assists for 18 points this week. Congratulations to Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76!
    Defensive Star - There was one defender this week from the Kings who was impressive on all ends of the ice. With 16 points, 26 hits and even 20 SB, this defender fought hard to keep Mexico City ahead of Philadelphia. We must give it to Kevin Wu @kevinscix!
    Goalie Overview - Staring in every game this week for Mexico City, Markus Emerson Jr @Xflexz had a fairly decent week. Facing 376 shots, he came out with only a 0878 SV%. While he may not be the key to victory for Mexico City, his work in the net is certainly helping. What seems to be hurting Emerson Jr the most is that he may be "okay" in most areas but not "outstanding" in at least some. The key to his potential success in the VHL will come if he finds an area to focus on.
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss with 23 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Mando Blatsyuk @Hblatsyuk with 26 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - King Kruul @LefLop with 39 Hits
    Philadelphia Reapers (42-13-4)
    GM - @DMaximus AGM - @dariusmarimotoman
    Offensive Star - Leading the Reapers this week with 22 points, this player has clearly lead their team forward in the right direction. We are glad to award this week's Offensive Star in Philadelphia to Robert Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito
    Defensive Star - There were a couple of defensive players in Philadelphia this week that are worthy of being the Defensive Star, but we must go with one! This defender had 14 points for the week, 14 hits, and even blocked 13 shots. Congratulations to Tom Eagles @Greg_Di!
    Goalie Overview - Jacob Carson @jacobcarson877 started 14 of the 16 games for Philadelphia this week. Carson faced 382 shots and had a SV% of .903 for the week!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus with 22 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk with 30 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk with 53 Hits
    San Diego Marlins (42-15-2)(up 1)
    GM - @InstantRockstar AGM - @IamMOOSE
    Offensive Star - The Marlins had an incredible Offensive week! 3 players had more than 30 points this week, one of them being a defensive player. There were two offensive players though that were close in numbers. However, we've decided to give this week's Offensive Star for the Marlins to Red Lite @Tate! Red Lite not only had 16 goals and 16 assists, but he even blocked 8 shots and had an impressive 6 game winning goals!
    Defensive Star - One defender in San Diego had an incredible week! Not only did this defender serve up 27 assists and earn 8 goals, but they also blocked 25 shots as well. This defender was impressive this week, that's for sure. Congratulations to Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside
    Goalie Overview - As of right now, Michael Olson @MSO94 is San Diego's only goaltender, and I'm sure they are fine with that. Olson only lost 1 game this week, earned another shutout, faced 401 shots and only gave up 38 goals. This week, Olson had a SV% of .905! It's easy to say that Olson is on fire in San Diego!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside with 25 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 with 26 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 with 48 Hits
    Saskatoon Wild (40-16-4)  (down 1)
    GM - @Doomsday AGM - @a_Ferk
    Offensive Star - This week we had one forward who deserves to be called the Offensive Star. Lighting the lamp 12 times and only having 4 PIM in 16 games, we HAVE to give it to Florent Vericel @dart!
    Defensive Star - The defender that we have gone with this week was NOT the highest point earner as far as defenders go this week. However, this defender was incredibly active in the defensive zone of the ice, blocking 33 shots on goal. While only having 8 goals and 2 assists, 3 of those goals were game winners, so we decided to select Gabriel Johnson @GeckoeyGecko!
    Goalie Overview - Starting in 15 of 16 games this week, Michael Fletcher had a decent week between the pipes. Losing only 5 games, Fletcher faced 391 shots. However, his SV% of .875 for the week isn't really impressive. But, with 10 wins we're sure Saskatoon isn't complaining too much!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Gabriel Johnson @GeckoeyGecko with 33 SB 
    Rule Breaker Award - Logan Moore @drewowo with 36 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Logan Moore @drewowo with 70 Hits

    Las Vegas Aces (34-21-5) (up 1)
    GM -  @Spartan AGM - @JigglyGumballs
    Offensive Star - Las Vegas' Offensive Star for the week earned themselves 13 points and has the team's highest +/- for the week of 10. Not only that, but they had 2 GW goals! Congratulations to Angel Wachiure @inflastud!
    Defensive Star - This defender seems to love the number 15, seeing as they earned this many assists, points, hits, and blocked shots! Congratulations to Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge_and_Dairy!
    Goalie Overview - While Las Vegas traded Matthew A Sovick jr for Miami's Thadius Sales, we are going to focus on Sovick jr's time in Las Vegas this week, since he played 11 games for Las Vegas before being traded. During those 11 games in Las Vegas he faced 270 shots and let in 35, although he did earn a shutout. With that, he left Las Vegas with a SV% of .870. Sovick jr faced a total of 366 shots this week and allowed 47 of them to go into the net, earning a .872 SV% for the week.
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Matt thunder @Matt thunder with 32 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Matt thunder @Matt thunder with 39 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Kelly Power @Nordin with 52 Hits
    Miami Marauders (34-23-2) (down 1)
    GM - @Ricer13 AGM - @Zetterberg
    Offensive Star - This forward had an equal 9 goals and 9 assists this week. They delivered a massive 47 hits and even blocked a few shots as well (8). Congratulations to Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28!
    Defensive Star - While points earned isn't everything, this defender matched Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28 with 18 points. Not only that, but this defender delivered 20 hits and blocked 21 shots! After having an incredibly impressive week, we've decided on Martin Master @Martin Master!
    Goalie Overview - Much like what was said in the Aces review, since Thadius Sales played a majority of his games in Miami we are reviewing him here. Sales did not have the most wins this week, only bringing in 4 on 11 games played. However, facing 319 shots for Miami and only letting in 31, Sales moved over to Las Vegas with a SV% of .903! Looking at both of his numbers in Miami and Las Vegas, Sales faced 407 shots this week and gave up 42 goals, earning a .897 SV% for the week.
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Chicken Wing @chikn with 25 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - The Blob @JorgTheGoat03 with 27 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28 with 47 Hits
    Halifax 21st (30-27-3) 
    GM - @Dil AGM - @Riley_Couture
    Offensive Star - In Halifax there is one player who deserves this title! This forward earned 22 points, delivered 38 big hits, and even blocked a dozen shots, while subsequently earning 3 game winning goals. Congratulations to Theodore James St Louis @Nick Kirkpatrick!
    Defensive Star - This player earned 12 points this week. Not only that, but they delivered 20 big hits and blocked 13 shots. Congratulations to Kate Upton @OscarTheSwagDude! Let's hope Halifax doesn't regret trading you away!
    Goalie Overview - Starting in all but 1 of Halifax's games this week, Mike Sterling @SilverMike did pretty well this week. Again, not the most winningest goalie, but he was able to earn another shutout. This week he faced 437 shots and stopped all but 53, earning a SV% of .879 on the week.
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Clinton Giftopoulos @Thranduil with 29 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Matthew Willis @Griff001 with 21 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Theodore James St Louis @Nick Kirkpatrick with 38 Hits
    Yukon Rush (27-25-7)
    GM - @MexicanCow123 AGM - @fromtheinside
    Offensive Star - This player tied two others with 18 points this week. However, we selected Michael Schmidt @Kmatt because they also delivered 51 big hits! Congratulations!
    Defensive Star - This week we have to go with Kristof Welch @Juice! Welch not only earned 17 points, but delivered 31 hits while also blocking 24 shots!
    Goalie Overview - Kloxified @Kloxified started in 12 of the 15 games played this week. Kloxified won 7 of those while facing 374 shots. Letting in 42, Kloxified ends this week with a SV% of .888.
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Kristof Welch @Juice with 24 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Germano Henchoz @RicoTheTrapGod with 22 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Michael Schmidt @Kmatt with 51 Hits
    Houston Bulls (26-33-2)
    GM - @rjfryman AGM - @MattyIce
    Offensive Star - This week there was one forward who impressed the Bulls' fans. Earning 24 points and getting 4 GW goals, we selected Jon Webber @Webberj!
    Defensive Star - This player, or not a player, not only earned 17 points on 3 goals and 14 assists, but they also blocked an impressive 36 shots. Congratulations to Not A Player @Nope488
    Goalie Overview - Starting in 15 of their 16 games, Trent Gibson had a pretty good week. Gibson was able to capture 9 wins, face 491 shots, and end the week with a .896 SV%. It wasn't an amazing week, but certainly not the worst around the league!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Not A Player @Nope488 with 36 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Jared Carter @jaredc7 with 52 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Vladimir Milinski @Brrbisbrr with 84 Hits
    Mississauga Hounds (16-39-5)
    GM - @ColeMrtz AGM - @Bacon
    Offensive Star - This player grabbed 19 points while also blocking 11 shots! Offense wasn't great in Mississauga, but Erin Esurance @Sljppers wasn't satisfied with just sitting around. Congratulations! 
    Defensive Star - The strongest defender in Mississauga this week not only earned 11 points, but they also delivered 20 hits while also blocking 37 shots. Congratulations to Jerrin @Jerrin Dean!
    Goalie Overview - The Hounds allowed back-up goaltender Carter Bellamy @Leafsfan328 to start in 5 games, but still gave the majority of starts to Luke Spinelli @Lspinelli who started 11 games. Losing 10 of those, Spinelli faced 375 shots and had a pretty mediocre SV% of .851. 
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Jerrin @Jerrin Dean with 37 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Feenixx Rising @FeenixxRIsing with 26 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Feenixx Rising @FeenixxRIsing with 32 Hits
    Minnesota Storm (16-41-2)
    GM - @Rayzor_7 AGM - @Mr_Hatter
    Offensive Star - One player stuck out this week in Minnesota. They collected 20 points, had only 2 PIM and had 2 GW goals. We've selected Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki this week!
    Defensive Star - This player not only had 11 assists, but they delivered 31 hits and blocked 34 shots! Congratulations to Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles!
    Goalie Overview - Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl started 14 of 16 games this week. Only winning 5 of those games, one would expect the SV% on the week to be rather low. However, that's not the case. Facing 458 shots, Tot was able to stop all but 44 and earn a SV% of .904!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Ron World Peace III @stevo with 52 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Ron World Peace III @stevo with 30 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Jeff Jeffries @Sabremike with 50 Hits
    Ottawa Lynx (8-51-1)
    GM - @DoktorFunk AGM - @DarkSpyro
    Offensive Star - This player was able to score 7 times and deliver 26 hits. On top of that they had 3 of the GW goals! Congratulations to Kolby Uelk @Kolby!
    Defensive Star - We really only had one option for this week's Defensive Star. This player blocked 42 shots, had 22 hits and earned 9 points. Congratulations to Michael Stiff  @TheStiffer61!
    Goalie Overview - Starting in 14 of 16 games played, Hi Hello lost 10 of those games. However, Hello's SV% was rather impressive. Only allowing 53 goals on 543 shots, the SV% for the week is a .902!
    Wanna Be Goalie Award - Michael Stiff @TheStiffer61 with 42 SB
    Rule Breaker Award - Ernie King @Greg Ernest with 32 PIM
    Snow Plow Award - Ernie King @Greg Ernest with 34 Hits
    Goalie of the Week
    While this week held a few goalies with rather high SV%, Michael Olson @MSO94 shines above the rest! Olson not only earned a .905 SV% this week, but also won 15 of 16 games started and played. Olson is absolutely on fire, and definitely a reason for San Diego's success. Olson could be a key player in the Marlin's run at the Founder's Cup!
    League Overall
    Just like we said would happen, this week saw so many trades and roster moves within the league. Teams readjusted lines, striving to move ahead in the standings and earn a playoff position. While much stayed the same as far as standings go, Philadelphia closed the gap from 6 points behind Mexico City to only 3. It seems that almost every team is eager to see what the playoffs bring, and some are just wishing this season was over all ready so that they could capture some nice draft picks.
    We'll see you next week!

    Please be sure to vote who you think the VHLM Week 4 Offensive and Defensive Stars are.

    *You cannot change votes. Voting ends 20 December 2020!
    Claiming week ending 20 December 2020, more than 500 words.
  17. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. These trades show we mean some serious business, with the acquisition of Juniper, Dan and Tate we might have the best roster in the league
    2. I love the long break I have from uni. I usually get about 6 weeks of around this time of year 
    3. In P.E. or gym, when we were all getting changed someone was running about with a can of deodorant and someone almost got set on fire
    4. I think so, we still aren't hitting the heights that we can but if we can start playing at our best then I don't see when we couldn't move up a spot.
    5. Yeah I'm alright, being stuck in sucks but trying to make the most of the time I have
    6. Right now, Cadbury's dark milk buttons (dark chocolate buttons) absolute perfection
  18. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Ledge in Figured I'd do one of these   
    1. I haven't played among us with anyone from the VHL so idk lmao
    2. I'd probably pick the one I got drafted by, Riga because a lot of this years Vegas roster is going and gotta stick with the team.
    3. Bath in the mayo, no way am I eating a whole bathtub full of that stuff
    4. I've not spoke to either of them but from gen chat probs rory
    5. Would you rather, It was just so predictable and in general just awful
    6. I'll take on the army of duck-sized horses, I'd probably lose against a massive duck
  19. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Ledge in Figured I'd do one of these   
    Free Pressers for all!! Merry Christmas!
    1. Who is the best at among us in the VHL?
    2. If you had to choose a VHL team to join, who would you go to and why?
    3. Would you rather eat a bathtub full of kranch or stay in a pool of mayonnaise for 4 hours?
    4. Who is funnier-Dil or Rory?
    5. What's the worst movie you've ever seen and why?
    6. Would you rather fight one hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
  20. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to fishy in fishy kindly requests that u read this   
    Greetings, VHL!
    By now, a handful of you probably know who I am one way or another. 
    If you don’t, then hi, I’m fishy!!!!!!
    After a lot of thought and back and forths, I’ve decided to make this announcement. I’ve spent so much mental and emotional energy thinking about how you all would react to it and worrying whether I would be alienated from the community as a result of sharing this with all of you. After rolling the idea around in my head for a little over a month and a couple discussions with folks in this league, I’ve come to realize that it’s not worth the stress or worry that I’ve been giving it. 
    With that being said, I’d like to make a public notice that I’ve come out as non-binary and am requesting that you refer to me with they/them pronouns from this point forward. 
    I know that this topic may be unfamiliar to a lot of you, which is why I’m going to take this opportunity to educate you, to the best of my ability as someone who is still learning, about what this experience has been like and means to me. I know this post is long, but I kindly ask that you skim through it. 
    What does it mean to be non-binary?
    This is a really big question, especially because non-binary is an umbrella term under “transgender.” I am only me, which means that I can only speak on behalf of my own experience and what it means to me as an individual, not everyone in the community. I realized that I was non-binary when I felt disconnected from she/her pronouns and traditional signs of womanhood. Without going into a lot of detail, I don’t feel that identifying as a cisgender* woman is the most true & honest representation of myself. To be non-binary is to identify outside of a “man” or “woman” label. Here’s the best representation I can give you:
    Think of gender as a spectrum, looking something like this:
       [ --------------------------------------------------------------]
    Man                                                                   Woman
    For me, my gender exists outside of that “woman” area. Different people have different understandings of where the boundaries for man and woman are. Here’s a visible representation of where I feel like I exist on the gender spectrum:
       [ --------------------------------[---------------]---------------]
    Man                                                                    Woman

    *: To be cisgender is to identify with the gender that traditionally correlates with your birth sex. For example, my body has female biology, which means that my sex is female. To be cisgender would mean that my gender identity would be woman. The majority of people you talk to are probably cisgender.
    What’s the difference between sex and gender?
    Sex is biological, and gender is social. Someone’s sex is typically determined by their bodies. Gender is typically assigned in accordance with a person’s sex. 
    The issue is that many people understand these two different identities as the same thing. However, gender only exists because we, as humans, decided it does. That’s it. That’s the only reason. 
    I don’t want to go into a lot of detail here in order to avoid simply ranting, but I’m happy to discuss it further if you’d like to talk more about it.
    Well, they/them are the third-person plural form, and you’re only one person.
    You may not realize it, but English speakers actually use they/them in the singular quite often. Here’s an example:
    Person 1: “Oh, yeah, my cousin really liked that movie!”
    Person 2: “What was their favorite part? Did they think that the ending was as epic as I did?!”
    Feels natural, right? I do recognize that it feels odd to use they/them intentionally, but it’s not as weird when you realize you already do it. 
    I understand how confused you may be. I also recognize that, if you’ve gotten used to referring to me with she/her, that it may be difficult to make the mental switch. 
    I also understand that this may be something you still feel really uncomfortable with. For that reason, although I strongly prefer they/them, it’s okay with me if you continue to use she/her. However, I ask that, if you do make this decision, you do so consciously and work to educate yourself on trans experiences. This post barely scratches the surface, and I’m only one person who can only speak on behalf of my own experiences. Additionally, if you do continue to use she/her, I ask that you make a point to refrain from using words like “girl,” “woman,” “girlfriend,” or the likes out of respect for that fact that I do not identify with those terms. 
    I will not tolerate intentionally disrespectful or transphobic comments, and I will not hesitate to report anyone who ventures into that territory. I’m confident that my trust in you all is not misplaced. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, whether in this thread, on Discord, or in a PM on forums, with any questions you may have about the topic in general, my experience, or just questions you’re afraid to ask someone else for fear of it being hurtful. Regardless of how stupid you think they may be , I am more than happy to talk with you about it - if you don’t have someone in your life that you feel comfortable talking to about these topics, I am very happy to fill that role. The best thing we can do for the trans community is to talk about it, especially in a constructive way. 
    With much anxiety & relief, I’m ending this post. Thank you all for creating a community where I feel willing to come forward with this. 
  21. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from diacope in Artair McCloud Mid-Season Review   
    The VHLM season is at the halfway stage and it’s been a rollercoaster of a season for Las Vegas Aces forward Artair McCloud. When we last spoke to him, before the start of the season, we talked about his expectation for the season and the adjustments he had made to his game. We’ll hear from his a little later on but for now, let’s have a look at how he’s doing so far.
    So far, McCloud sits 5th on Vegas scoring with 19G and 15A for a total of 34 points in 45 games played this season, absolutely obliterating his dismal points total from last year. He scored 7 of those goals, and 14 points whilst on the powerplay making him a staple on the Vegas special teams with a further 5 goals being game winners, showing his ability to clutch up for his team when needed to bring how points. Lastly, Artair has shown that he has some serious shout out skills, converting 2 out of his 3 total attempts this season.
    So, there are his stats but how do they match up against the expectations on him ahead of this season. Well, based on his performance last season then his stat totals this year are superb but he has been playing on the first line for most of the season. Being tied for top forward, in terms of ability, should mean he should be in at least the top 3 in points scoring on the roster but that is not the case. He had a rough start to the season which saw the likes of forwards Angel Wachuire and Connor Sim out perform him and causing him to lose his first line spot. Although when the line changes were made, McCloud was performing better, in terms of his points per 20 minutes of ice-time had increased by 25%, going from 0.6 up to 0.75. Even though he has been demoted to the 2nd line, Artair is still showing everyone that he can perform, in LVA’s most recent game against Houston, he scored a goal and got an assist for 2 points along with line mate Hex Rose which saw Rose secure the 1st star and McCloud secure the 2nd star of the game. I’ve also received word that the Aces have traded for Yukon winger Sheldon Juniper so we’ll have to see if that encourages any line changes from GM Spartan.
    Now we’ve had a look at his stats this season, it’s time to here from the man himself.
    Reporter – “Artair, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. It’s nice to speak to you again. How do you think the start to your season has went?”
    McCloud – “It’s nice to speak to you again too. I think my season has been alright so far, got off to a bit of a rough start but I feel like I’m hitting my stride now so I just have to keep the ball rolling and giving it everything I’ve got till the end of the season.”
    Reporter – “You have smashed your points total from last season; it was a bit disappointing last season. How did it feel to smash your total from last year?”
    McCloud – “It felt really good to break my points total from last season. Last season didn’t go the way I wanted so, it was great to break that total, especially so early on in the season. Just have to keep going and see how many points I can put up this season.”
    Reporter – “You’ve been dropped to the 2nd line, despite your form starting to pick up, how do you feel about that?”
    McCloud – “Yeah it’s not a great feeling to be dropped lines of course but I understand that the GM has to do, what’s he got to do to get the team playing well. Even though I’m on the 2nd line, I’ve got great line mates in Rose and Power so I excited to play with them.”
    Reporter – “The Aces have recently just traded for Sheldon Juniper from the Yukon Rush, what sort of impact do you think this deal will have on Vegas’ season as well as your ice-time?”
    McCloud – “I think picking up Juniper is a great deal; he is a top-quality player and I’m sure he will add that cutting edge to our offense. It’s a shame to lose Askarov but I wish him the very best in Yukon. In terms of my game, I think trading for Sheldon can only improve my game. He’s a top-quality player and I can’t wait to link up with him on the ice.”
    Reporter – “What are your expectations for the rest of the season. Do you have any goals are milestones you would like to reach?”
    McCloud – “I try not to think about my game like that. My expectations for the rest of the season are just to keep improving every week and help the team in any way I can, whether that’s putting the puck in the back of the net or scrambling it our own zone in the penalty kill. I mean it wouldn’t hurt to hit 30 goals this season so I guess that’s kind of my target”
    Reporter – “Just one last question for you Artair, we have just received confirmation of another Vegas trade, Dan Dan and Jordan Tate have just been acquired from Mississauga, how do you feel about that?”
    McCloud – “Those 2 are some really good players and they will really help bolster our forward core. That trade might put my ice-time at risk but yeah they are both quality players and I can’t wait to welcome them to Vegas.”
    Reporter – “That’s the end of interview, thank you very much for your time Artair and I wish you the best for the rest of the season.”
    McCloud – “Cheers mate, thank you.”
    So that just about wraps up our Mid-season review of Artair McCloud. It’s going to be an interesting run to the playoffs, especially with the Aces looking to make moves this year to try bring a cup home. I’m sure, with it being his last year in the VLHM, Artair McCloud will be looking to bring a founder’s cup home. That’s all we have time for this week, thanks for tuning in.
    1049 words
  22. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Artair McCloud Mid-Season Review   
    The VHLM season is at the halfway stage and it’s been a rollercoaster of a season for Las Vegas Aces forward Artair McCloud. When we last spoke to him, before the start of the season, we talked about his expectation for the season and the adjustments he had made to his game. We’ll hear from his a little later on but for now, let’s have a look at how he’s doing so far.
    So far, McCloud sits 5th on Vegas scoring with 19G and 15A for a total of 34 points in 45 games played this season, absolutely obliterating his dismal points total from last year. He scored 7 of those goals, and 14 points whilst on the powerplay making him a staple on the Vegas special teams with a further 5 goals being game winners, showing his ability to clutch up for his team when needed to bring how points. Lastly, Artair has shown that he has some serious shout out skills, converting 2 out of his 3 total attempts this season.
    So, there are his stats but how do they match up against the expectations on him ahead of this season. Well, based on his performance last season then his stat totals this year are superb but he has been playing on the first line for most of the season. Being tied for top forward, in terms of ability, should mean he should be in at least the top 3 in points scoring on the roster but that is not the case. He had a rough start to the season which saw the likes of forwards Angel Wachuire and Connor Sim out perform him and causing him to lose his first line spot. Although when the line changes were made, McCloud was performing better, in terms of his points per 20 minutes of ice-time had increased by 25%, going from 0.6 up to 0.75. Even though he has been demoted to the 2nd line, Artair is still showing everyone that he can perform, in LVA’s most recent game against Houston, he scored a goal and got an assist for 2 points along with line mate Hex Rose which saw Rose secure the 1st star and McCloud secure the 2nd star of the game. I’ve also received word that the Aces have traded for Yukon winger Sheldon Juniper so we’ll have to see if that encourages any line changes from GM Spartan.
    Now we’ve had a look at his stats this season, it’s time to here from the man himself.
    Reporter – “Artair, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. It’s nice to speak to you again. How do you think the start to your season has went?”
    McCloud – “It’s nice to speak to you again too. I think my season has been alright so far, got off to a bit of a rough start but I feel like I’m hitting my stride now so I just have to keep the ball rolling and giving it everything I’ve got till the end of the season.”
    Reporter – “You have smashed your points total from last season; it was a bit disappointing last season. How did it feel to smash your total from last year?”
    McCloud – “It felt really good to break my points total from last season. Last season didn’t go the way I wanted so, it was great to break that total, especially so early on in the season. Just have to keep going and see how many points I can put up this season.”
    Reporter – “You’ve been dropped to the 2nd line, despite your form starting to pick up, how do you feel about that?”
    McCloud – “Yeah it’s not a great feeling to be dropped lines of course but I understand that the GM has to do, what’s he got to do to get the team playing well. Even though I’m on the 2nd line, I’ve got great line mates in Rose and Power so I excited to play with them.”
    Reporter – “The Aces have recently just traded for Sheldon Juniper from the Yukon Rush, what sort of impact do you think this deal will have on Vegas’ season as well as your ice-time?”
    McCloud – “I think picking up Juniper is a great deal; he is a top-quality player and I’m sure he will add that cutting edge to our offense. It’s a shame to lose Askarov but I wish him the very best in Yukon. In terms of my game, I think trading for Sheldon can only improve my game. He’s a top-quality player and I can’t wait to link up with him on the ice.”
    Reporter – “What are your expectations for the rest of the season. Do you have any goals are milestones you would like to reach?”
    McCloud – “I try not to think about my game like that. My expectations for the rest of the season are just to keep improving every week and help the team in any way I can, whether that’s putting the puck in the back of the net or scrambling it our own zone in the penalty kill. I mean it wouldn’t hurt to hit 30 goals this season so I guess that’s kind of my target”
    Reporter – “Just one last question for you Artair, we have just received confirmation of another Vegas trade, Dan Dan and Jordan Tate have just been acquired from Mississauga, how do you feel about that?”
    McCloud – “Those 2 are some really good players and they will really help bolster our forward core. That trade might put my ice-time at risk but yeah they are both quality players and I can’t wait to welcome them to Vegas.”
    Reporter – “That’s the end of interview, thank you very much for your time Artair and I wish you the best for the rest of the season.”
    McCloud – “Cheers mate, thank you.”
    So that just about wraps up our Mid-season review of Artair McCloud. It’s going to be an interesting run to the playoffs, especially with the Aces looking to make moves this year to try bring a cup home. I’m sure, with it being his last year in the VLHM, Artair McCloud will be looking to bring a founder’s cup home. That’s all we have time for this week, thanks for tuning in.
    1049 words
  23. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I thought we played pretty well, a lot of the goals came from depth players on the team which is always good to see. Matt Sovick is an absolute beast, best goalie in the league.
    2. Hot chocolate by a mile. Tea is nasty
    3. I thought we were going to get away with it to be honest. I think it would've been a good trade that was a win win for everyone
    4. I got a wooden toy gun that shot rubber bands out of it. Let's just say my mum regretted getting me that for Christmas.
    5. A little luck always helps, I've been going through a slump as of late but you have to keep playing hard and the points will come.
    6. I'm more of a summer guy because it means I get to wear shorts every time I go outside.
  24. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to mattyIceman in VSN Presents: Season 75 Future Watch!   
    Another draft has come and gone, but it isn't time yet to check to see what's happening with the next draft yet...

    It's time for the Season 75 Future Watch series, where we dive into how last seasons draftees are doing!  We will be grading every team's prospect pool as well as some commentary!

    Furthermore, I would like to introduce to VSN's brand-spankin' new scouting associate, @fonziGG!  Here, I'll turn it over to him now
    Fonzyy:  Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to join the VSN Scouting and I hope to bring some great scouting content for you.
    Mattyy:  Anyways, as we all know, each team in the VHL has some rookies from the draft and we wanted to bring attention to how each organization has changed.
    Fonzyy:  Oh for sure, so many prospects with promise were selected in this draft.
    Mattyy:  Do you also think that this draft in particular will be talked about in the coming seasons as a turning point for some franchises?
    Fonzyy:  Definitely. I think every single team has positively benefited from this draft and I'm personally excited to see how this affects our future as a league. What did you think about this draft?
    Mattyy:  Very deep, not top-heavy.  Plenty of talented players and members to add on to our great league and community.  What's great about this draft is that a later round pick could end up being a stud
    Fonzyy:  I'm excited! Would you like to start on our first team?
    Mattyy:  Yeah, let's dive right into it!
    Matty's Grade: 6       @Jubis Fonzi' Grade: 6       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Calgary already cleaned up real good in the Season 74 draft, trading futures to load up last season. Having only one pick in the very deep Season 75 draft, GM Ryan Jubis selected centerman Christopher 106th overall in the 7th round. This doesn't mean they don't have solid prospects to groom into the big league. The biggest conundrum here is the two goalie prospects in Jacob Carson amd Michael Olson. Both are having career seasons with Philadelphia and San Diego (respectively), but, with LaFontaine currently still kicking it with a huge season with Askarov playing lights-out as the backup and quite possibly the heir apparent, these goalies may have trouble cracking their lineup. Sniping winger Daddy Derek looks real good with Yukon, he's on pace to set personal highs with his production and should be up in Calgary next season. Chris Foley with Mexico City may be ready to move up next season as well, but possibly another season to bank could benefit him and Calgary as well. (S74) C - chris foley, Mexico City @Firekiss 195 (S75) C - Christopher, Ottawa @CNODS 124 (S74) LW - Daddy Derek, Yukon @DirtyDerek 200 (S74) LW - Dale Miller @Briedaqueduc 117 (S74) LW - William Shakespeare II @Corgi34 160 (S74) G - Jacob Carson, Philadelphia @jacobcarson877 250 (S74) G - Michael Olson, San Diego @MSO94 218             Matty's Grade: 9       @JeffD Fonzi's Grade: 8       Chicago sure loaded up on prospects last season, making seven selections in the Season 75 draft. GM Geoff Dee nabbed the controversial, but coveted, defensive brothers L and R. L made his debut with Chicago this season, while R got the call up after four games with the Mississauga Hounds. Their presence is already being felt playing together on the 2nd pair. As for their deep prospect pool, goalie prospect Kloxified is having a down year in Yukon so far but will backup JP Camus next season. Winger Darius Marimoto, centermen Jordan Tate and Steve Eso are all enjoying career seasons with their teams and should be ready for depth roles next season. Defenseman YK Cloudera is having a down season so far but has the tools to occupy a spot on the S76 Chicago squad in a depth role. S75 draftee Maksym Jankowski needs time to develop and should be ready for Season 77, while Jankowski is in danger of loosing his spot due to inactivity. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S74) RW - Darius Marimoto, Philadelphia @dariusmarimotoman 227 (S75) C - Jordan Tate, Mississauga @Aye my name jeff 220 (S75) LW - JT Thrash @Thrash94Gaming 62 (S75) LW - Maksym Jankowski, Minnesota @Max12 153 (S75) LW - New Player, Mississauga @I'll change this later 149 (S75) C - Steve Eso, Saskatoon @Eso 214 (S74) D - Yuuto Kira Cloudera, San Diego @kentakira 206 (S74) G - Kloxified, Yukon @Kloxified 249             Matty's Grade: 7       @Enorama Fonzi's Grade: 6       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA DC has been riding a strong wave for a long while now and continued that trend walking into the Season 75 draft without a first-round pick. DC selected their first pick in the Season 75 draft in the second round, deciding to grab Ove Dyrdahl from the Halifax 21st. Dyrdahl was immediately placed onto the 2nd pairing alongside the coveted rookie 29th pick from Season 74, Jackson Philliefan. As for the rest of their prospects, Theodore Hoffman is playing his third year in the minors and spends this season on Miami and has been a major threat posting near point per game production with some expectations to join the roster next season. Kjell Nilsson is spending this season in Philadelphia and has been phenomenal for them in a depth scoring role. Even though he's been a depth piece in Philadelphia, there's no doubt that he's got what it takes to play in the VHL next season. Logan Hoffman and Evgeni Shevkov are poised to have strong seasons this year and may push in for a depth role next season while IAmMarkour and Dwayne Gretzly are in danger of losing their place in the organization due to inactivity. (S75) D - Dwayne Gretzly @Dwayne Gretzly 74 (S75) C - Evgeni Shevkov, Las Vegas @Syzygy 164 (S75) D - IAmMarkour @Markour 112 (S75) C - Kjell Nilsson, Philadelphia @glass 178 (S74) LW - Logan Hoffman, San Diego @nickthe00 172 (S73) D - Rick Osman, Halifax @dylanjj37 247 (S74) C - Theodore Hoffman, Miami @snackhero 190       Matty's Grade: 9       @GustavMattias Fonzi's Grade: 7       Davos hasn't had much luck with depth prospects in the past, a good chunk of prospects electing to not continue their VHL careers or pursuing other interests, but this past draft has been very beneficial to the Dynamo. With both their 3rd and 9th overall picks, they got two studs in Kunibuni UnGuri and Taro Tsujimoto. Both players are playing in Davos now and are putting up respectable numbers. So far, prospects from the Season 74 and 75 drafts have continued on and do look like they have some promise. S74 draftees, centerman Jim Allen and Piero Angela could finally be playing bigger minutes for Yukon and Saskatoon (respectively) in S76, and look to be VHL ready in S77. Season 75 pick Martin Master is having a breakout season with Miami on defense, and developing quickly; he looks ready to play next season with the Dynamo. Winger Thomas King looks on pace to be very close to the cap, but it's still too soon in the season to tell if he's going to be VHL ready by next season. Winger Vladimir Mlinksi, defenseman Not A Player and goalie Piero Angela could all benefit from another season in the VHLM to round out their games and enjoy plenty of ice time. Grayson Slansky still has a ways to go before being pro-ready but time will tell if he can turn a corner. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S75) D - Derek Redmarsh, Yukon @greywolf139 164 (S75) RW - dickzy @dickzy 107 (S71) LW - Gino Alkamino @ChaceT 159 (S75) C - Grayson Slansky, Halifax @GSlansky 109 (S74) C - Jim Allen, Yukon @jimmyallen93 179 (S72) LW - Joe Exotic @Joe Exotic 181 (S75) D - Martin Master, Miami @Martin Bradac 221 (S75) D - Not A Player, Houston @Nope488 173 (S72) LW - Riley Walker @GlowyGoat 65 (S75) RW - Thomas King, Philadelphia @Duddy 189 (S72) C - Turner McHugh @Turner 168 (S75) LW - Vladimir Mlinski, Houston @Brrbisbrr 180 (S74) G - Piero Angela, Saskatoon @Minermonkey 165             Matty's Grade: 9       @Jubo07 Fonzi's Grade: 9       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Helsinki has been very efficient at the draft. Helsinki has spent their picks on players that have been developing extremely well. Chase Crosby, Dan Dan, Gustav Hjalmarsson, and Vick Fairchild are all anticipated to be joining the VHL roster in Season 76, they've all been developing extremely well, and there must be a powerful development system in Finland. Kate Upton, the beautiful model, has been a strong female presence in Halifax with the expectation that she will be moving to Finland pretty soon. Trent Gibson looks like a strong goalie prospect in Houston alongside a strong winger in Jon Webber who has been an absolute machine. Both are expected to be on the roster next season which poises a question for the Helsinki GM since so many players look poised to join the team. Victor Foles, Luke Spinelli, Jonny Pacheco, and Edward Kenway could be on the roster in either Season 77 or Season 78 based on their development curves considering both of them have a long way to go to make the big show. (S74) D - Chase Crosby, Las Vegas @Wreckening 247 (S75) RW - Dan Dan, Mississauga @MMFLEX 250 (S75) LW - Edward Kenway, Halifax @Edgy Mcedgelord 120 (S75) D - Gustav Hjalmarsson, Mississauga @McLovin 235 (S75) C - Jonny Pacheco, Yukon @jpach 161 (S75) RW - Jon Webber, Houston @Webberj 196 (S74) D - Kate Upton, Halifax @OscarTheSwagDude 215 (S75) LW - Vick Fairchild, Yukon @GreenGato 230 (S75) RW - Victor Foles, Saskatoon @Suzuki14 187 (S75) G - Luke Spinelli, Mississauga @Lspinelli 100 (S75) G - Trent Gibson, Houston @Caboose30 195             Matty's Grade: 7       @McWolf Fonzi's Grade: 8       London is one of the younger teams in the league considering they are one of the newer expansion teams. Kevin Malone and Kasper Kankkunen are the new shiny pieces in the British Capital. They have been playing extremely well with Kankkunen scoring nearly at a point per game basis and Malone boasting 4 shutouts. Maksim Yakolevsky and Kelly Power have been improving as the seasons have been going on and both of them should be on the London roster come Season 76. There's some major excitement in Miami for Nathan Perry as both VHL and VHLM scouts anticipate this player to be a huge piece for London in the future. John Strider has a long way to go to make it to the VHL but there's significant potential in him becoming a big piece in London. Finally, Tee Pee E II is a player that could be a depth defenseman in the VHL. It will be fun to see their path to the big show.

      PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S73) C - Antti Paakkarinen @SeamusSv 78 (S75) C - Hendrix Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson 91 (S75) LW - Jon Strider, San Diego @Strider 175 (S75) RW - Kelly Power, Las Vegas @Nordin 214 (S74) LW - Maksim Yakolevsky, San Diego @Nepto 245 (S75) LW - Nathan Perry, Miami @tinafrombobsburgers 208 (S74) D - Tee Pee E II, Yukon @Goliathus 225 (S73) D - Tim Kamashev @Ninjaboi 85 (S75) G - Alexis Luke @Mikael Kent 102             Matty's Grade: 7       @Josh Fonzi's Grade: 7       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA The LA Stars are one of the four expansion teams from Season 73, and this season they finally filled their prospect pool. 1st overall pick from S75 Draft, Pistil Stamen is having a decent rookie season on an otherwise weak LA team. Fellow 1st round selection, centerman It's Gucci, 3rd round winger Pekko Viitanen and 4th round pick, defenseman Bob Tristan, should make their debuts in Los Angeles next season. Longer term project players fill out the Stars' prospect pool in the later rounds. Yukon defenseman Olof Samuelsson and Nathan Steele might be ready for season 77, question marks revolve around defenseman Zachary Sirois and winger Kikko Moskinen though. Their development is recently brought into question though, but hopefully they can turn it around sooner than later. (S75) D - Bob Tristan, Philadelphia @N0HBDY 193 (S75) C - Its Gucci, Las Vegas @frescoelmo 250 (S75) LW - Kikko Moskinen, Mexico City @MikkoKoskinensMistress 106 (S75) C - Nathan Steele, Mexico City @73MPL4R 164 (S75) D - Olof Samuelsson, Yukon @Azlan 134 (S75) LW - Pekko Viitanen, Philadelphia @Xdjk93 197 (S75) D - Zachary Sirois, Houston @Zach386 140             Matty's Grade: 3       @FrostBeard Fonzi's Grade: 5       Malmo hasn't had much of a prospect pool to boast of in the past few seasons, but they got a steal in the 3rd round of the Season 75 draft, VHL-ready goalie Artem Tretiak with the 39th selection. He's already played decently in a backup role, so with time he will surely improve. Winger Carson Walkers and centerman Kevin Sterk look to be finally ending their VHLM tenures and moving up to the big team next season, while 7th round selection William Marquis has quite a long way to go, possibly season 77 or 78 at his rate. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S74) RW - Carson Walkers, Philadelphia @Cwalker 243 (S73) C - Kevin Sterk, Yukon @TenZi 241 (S75) LW - William Marquis @Willmarks8 101             Matty's Grade: 6       @Victor Fonzi's Grade: 7       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Moscow comes into this season with their first-round pick, Rara Rasputin, taken with the 16th pick and has been impressive in his rookie campaign. The rest of their prospects seem to be fantastic depth options and look to have a long development curve before they hit the league. Alex Zouzouambe looks like a great player but needs to continue working on his game as recently he's stagnated a bit. Anthony Suzuki, Grapes, Owen Taylor, Patrik Ipsen, and Vincent Correll are all growing at a very steady rate and are impressing every single day as they're serious about their development plan. It looks like they will be able to join the roster in Season 77. Breeze Ladrian has been impressive in recent weeks and looks poised to join the team potentially in Season 77. (S74) RW - Alex Zouzouambe @BigZouzou 178 (S75) RW - Anthony Suzuki, Mexico City @Anthony Suzuki 157 (S74) D - Breeze Ladrian, Las Vegas @Kelsier 165 (S75) RW - Grapes, Minnesota @Grapes-Tophat_Clan- 136 (S75) LW - Owen Taylor, Miami @Owen Taylor 141 (S75) C - Patrik Ipsen, Ottawa @BiPsen 129 (S75) D - Vincent Correll, Las Vegas @correllvincent 108             Matty's Grade: 8       @Esso2264 Fonzi's Grade: 9       New York definitely racked in their future haul of prospects in the Season 75 draft, making eight selections, with four of those in the first two rounds. RJ Thatcher was GM Esso Drunkmann's top selection at 5th overall. He's been very good playing for Mexico City the past two seasons, however his progress lately has somewhat stunted. Here's hoping he finds his touch soon so he could be an impact player for New York Americans in the near future. With their second round picks, the added THREE solid defensive prospects in Cowboy Prout, Chikn Wing and Shawn Andrei Zyuzin, with Zyuzin currently playing his rookie season with the Americans. Season 74 draftees Peter Louis II and Gabriel Johnson are looking to end their VHLM careers at season's end and both of them are showing pretty decent upside so far. Miami Marauder goalie Thadius Sales was a 3rd round pick in last season's draft and could jump up the Americans' depth chat very quickly if he continues to progress at his current rate. He's proving he could be a steal for the Americans at 36th overall. Halifax winger Ramarod Ramirez still has some work to do and could be a dominant player in the VHLM next season to round out his game and be VHL-ready by season 77. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S75) D - Chicken Wing, Miami @chikn 250 (S75) D - Cowboy Prout, San Diego @Prout 225 (S74) D - Gabriel Johnson, Saskatoon @GeckoeyGecko 205 (S75) C - Luukas Lilja @Retuperkele 182 (S74) RW - Peter Louis II, Miami @CosmicStorm 217 (S75) RW - Ramarod Ramirez, Halifax @Ominous 161 (S75) LW - Raphael Switzer @Master2896 93 (S75) RW - RJ Thatcher, Mexico City @jhatty8 245 (S75) G - Thadius Sales, Miami @thadthrasher 250             Matty's Grade: 9       @diamond_ace Fonzi's Grade: 8       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Prague has been impressive in this recent draft as it seems like plenty of players will be joining the roster shortly. Robert Bouchard, Dominic Gobeil, and Theodore James St Louis are all looking poised to join the roster next season as they have been very impressed with their VHLM teams. Silas LeFriend has been showing a lot of potential as well with 37 points in 39 games. Braxton Hunter also looks like a brilliant pick by the Phantoms as he's got some great potential and potentially joining in Season 77. Benjamin Lechance and Bep are also long term projects for the organization as they may join the roster in Season 77 or Season 78. Ernie King looks to be surging up recently with his play. If he continues this trend, he'll be on the roster sooner rather than later. Joakim Lund, Secel Keller, and The Blob look poised to be joining the Phantoms in the far future. Michael Fletcher has been impressive and might be fighting for the starting spot sooner rather than later. (S75) C - Benjamin Lachance @Ben Lachance 102 (S75) RW - Bep @bep3788 107 (S75) LW - Braxton Hunter, Saskatoon @dshervill 159 (S75) LW - Dominic Gobeil, Houston @domg5 237 (S72) RW - Ernie King @Greg Ernest 135 (S72) D - Joakim Lund, Las Vegas @Bouncyelf 205 (S75) C - Robert Bouchard, Philadelphia @Gaikoku-hito 248 (S73) RW - Secel Keller @xsjack 210 (S75) D - Silas LeFriend, Saskatoon @yevty 217 (S74) D - The Blob, Mississauga @JorgTheGoat03 230 (S73) RW - Theodore James St Louis, Halifax @Nick Kirkpatrick 224 (S75) G - Michael Fletcher, Saskatoon @DragonFire420 200             Matty's Grade: 10       @hedgehog337 Fonzi's Grade: 10       After the Riga Reign's first-round exit, GM Benjamin Zeptenbergs elected to sell off nearly all the players on his team to collect as many picks as he could to rebuild his team. Star talent like Kyl Oferson, season 74 scoring champion Patrik Tallinder and defensive mainstay Guy Saskamoose were traded away, while both defensive legend Lincoln Tate and elite goalie Greg Eagles retired after spending their careers in Riga, winning the Continental Cup in season 72. Riga amassed a grand total of EIGHTEEN selections, five in the first round and nine in the top two rounds. Only two players from the first round made the Riga squad this season, winger Joe Kelly and goalie Sirkants Klamasteris. Although the team has been completely gutted, their group has managed well in those circumstances. Zeptenbergs' picks show massive promise, though. He nabbed quick rising stars Cabe McJake, Addison McLaren and Dolant Fertitta and they are all enjoying great seasons so far. Second round picks Justin Lose, Linus Zetterstrom, Artair McCloud and Vivek Weiner would already be ready to jump up to Riga next season as well. Futher down their draft list are other quick forwards: Philadelphia Reapers centerman Isau DaMoose and Vegas winger Connor Sim could certainly make the Reign squad as well. Longer term project players like defensemen Teppo McBighit and Jared Carter, wingers Andy Nexber, Eddie Dams, Liam Fischl and centerman Nikolas D'Andrea complete Riga's prospect haul and a ridiculously solid foundation for the future. Longtime Riga prospect Matt Thunder finally looks ready to make the jump up after three-plus seasons in the VHLM, bolstering Riga's defensive depth. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S75) LW - Addison McLaren, Philadelphia @tcookie25 250 (S75) RW - Andy Nexber, Las Vegas @Domino Draws 161 (S75) RW - Artair McCloud, Las Vegas @Hoopydog 247 (S75) LW - Cabe McJake, Miami @RedSus 250 (S75) RW - Connor Sim, Las Vegas @SimmerDown99 214 (S75) LW - Dolant Fertitta, Halifax @Dolant 250 (S75) RW - Eddie Dams, Houston @Eddie Dams 159 (S75) C - Isau DaMoose, Philadelphia @Eynhallow 236 (S75) D - Jared Carter, Houston @jaredc7 166 (S75) RW - Justin Lose, Mexico City @youloser1337 250 (S75) RW - Liam Fischl, Mexico City @linsangeles 177 (S75) D - Linus Zetterstrom, Las Vegas @Ledge_and_Dairy 250 (S74) D - Matt thunder, Las Vegas @Matt thunder 250 (S75) C - Nikolas DAndrea, San Diego @Nikdandrea34 174 (S75) D - Teppo McBighit, Mexico City @monttu 174 (S75) C - Vivek Weiner, Saskatoon @coochiman 222 (S75) G - Hi Hello, Minnesota @Hello 163 (S75) G - Matthew A Sovick jr, Las Vegas @matt sovick 162             Matty's Grade: 6       @Banackock Fonzi's Grade: 7       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Seattle barely had any prospects last season, but boy did GM Blake Campbell load up here. With his first selection in round three, he stole Ryan Ryker who was still available. He was originally was projected to be a late-first round pick, but he fell for god-know-what reason. He's at a point-per-game pace playing for Miami, so he willl be joining Seattle next season if all goes as planned. Defensemen Franz Ferdinand and Logan Moore are having productive seasons in their first full seasons, if they keep up their progress they could be ready for season 77, along with Vegas backup Aksu Maronen. Winger Gaspar Zagrevsky and dman Jackson Richard might need two more seasons with Miami and Houston respectively to achieve VHL potential. (S72) C - Connor Tanner @Keygan 76 (S75) D - Feenixx Rising, Mississauga @FeenixxRIsing 98 (S75) D - Franz Ferdinand, Miami @-_____- 150 (S75) LW - Gaspar Zakrevsky, Miami @Pythonic 129 (S75) D - Jackson richard, Houston @TheFattyMichel 111 (S75) D - Logan Moore, Saskatoon @drewowo 155 (S75) RW - Ryan Ryker, Miami @Jayrad28 243 (S73) RW - Wayne Jetski @namanert 95 (S75) G - Aksu Maronen, Las Vegas @aksuko 144 (S75) G - Dommy Hasek @Hasek_77 89             Matty's Grade: 7       @Peace Fonzi's Grade: 8       Toronto had a very successful season last year and has planned to go into a rebuild. Sunderbrunch, Leo Strauss, and Wolf Weiss are all in their rookie season for Toronto and have been impressive. Jolly Greene Giant and Scotty Kaberle are both looking like incredible picks and Toronto has shored up their defense for the foreseeable future. This pairing is looking poised to be an incredible duo for the future. Toronto will be a defensive powerhouse in no time. John Callahan Jr is also looking poised to be a brilliant scorer and will be joining the roster in Season 76. Jason Beuregaurd and Jackson Wilson both are long term projects but will be great depth pieces for Toronto. Toronto's core is looking to move back into contention pretty soon with this youth movement. We might see Toronto aiming for a goalie via trade or draft just to complete the rebuild. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S75) LW - Jackson Wilson, Philadelphia @Jackson Wilson 138 (S75) C - Jason Beauregaurd, Saskatoon @Bobby Bummhole 126 (S75) LW - John Callahan Jr, Mexico City @Callahan 212 (S75) D - Jolly Greene Giant, Philadelphia @DoktorFunk 250 (S75) D - Scotty Kaberle, San Diego @fromtheinside 250             Matty's Grade: 8       @Beaviss Fonzi's Grade: 7       PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA Vancouver is just coming off a hot season with a cup and a very bright future. Vancouver has a young forward in Riley Couture who is making a splash in their rookie season. Not only that, prospects such as Florent Vericel, Sheldon Juniper, Jakob Sosa, and Markus Emerson Jr. are all poised to earn places on next season's roster. Clinton Giftopolous, Paul Webber, and Michael Schmitdt all seem to be contending for roster spots in Season 77 so it seems like Vancouver has a lot cut out for them for giving these young players roster spots. Mando Blatsyuk, Fongs Son, Roger Jone, Louis Louchard and Aivars Kiris are all looking like fantastic depth to fight for spots between Seasons 77 to 79 where they all look determined to improve. Haydon Learmonth was looking like a brilliant prospect who has since seen his stock fallen in the minors. Vancouver looks like they have a plethora of potential within their development program. (S75) C - Aivars Kiris, Ottawa @Aivarszz 93 (S75) D - Clinton Giftopoulos, Halifax @Thranduil 183 (S73) LW - Florent Vericel, Saskatoon @dart 249 (S73) RW - Fongs Son @Elijah (Fong's Son) 127 (S74) C - Haydon Learmonth @Haydon Learmonth 105 (S75) C - Jakob Sosa, Mexico City @TMGSosa 212 (S75) D - Louis Louchard @Jérémy Louchard 98 (S75) RW - Mando Blatsyuk, Mexico City @Hblatsyuk 155 (S75) RW - Michael Schmitdt, Yukon @Kmatt 171 (S75) LW - Paul Webber, Houston @WebberP 172 (S75) D - Roger Jone, Mexico City @Rick132 99 (S75) LW - Sheldon Juniper, Yukon @fyrefly 240 (S74) G - Markus Emerson Jr, Mexico City @Xflexz 250             Matty's Grade: 8       @.sniffuM Fonzi's Grade: 8       Like most teams that had alot of picks in the past draft, Warsaw's draft haul was a beneficial one to provide prospect depth. GM Damien Walec picked up his player, defenseman Muffbeav with the 13th overall pick. Muffbeav is having a very good rookie season so far with the Predators and could be the franchise defenseman going forward. Another interesting prospect drafted in the second round at 19th overall is centerman Nero Endrizzi. He's having a career season with the San Diego Marlins and could fit nicely in a depth role for the Predators next season. Winger Blim Blam McFluble could be ready for next season as well, but his progress may hinder him a bit, he could benefit from another season with the Philadelphia Reapers to improve his game. Defenseman Kevin Wu looks like he will be VHL-ready next season, as he is enjoying alot of success this season with the Mexico City Kings. Goaltending prospect Mike Sterling is playing alot of games for Halifax this season, however his progress is slower, but steady. He might be ready for a backup job next season. Centermen Bradley Senjo and The Great are longer term projects that are hopeful for more seasoning in the VHLM, along with goaltender Jonathan Bustard. Bustard may need two more seasons in Mexico City to fully develop into a VHLer. Winger Angel Wachiure is a bit of a question mark, his progress has been spotty and risks not panning out for the Predators. PROSPECT USER AGENCY TPA (S74) LW - Angel Wachiure, Las Vegas @inflastud 175 (S73) D - Ben Mills @Ben Mills 69 (S75) LW - Blim Blam McFluble, Philadelphia @Nicolai488 191 (S75) C - Bradley Senjo, Houston @Senjo1706 151 (S75) D - Dill Pickle @Dill Pickle 92 (S73) C - Jack Mount @SuicidalNomad 54 (S75) D - Kevin Wu, Mexico City @kevinscix 190 (S74) D - Nathaniel N @NathanN 140 (S75) C - Nero Endrizzi, San Diego @Jonessee27 229 (S75) C - The great, Yukon @Jake Sumner 153 (S75) G - Jonathan Bustard, Mexico City @williamirc 104 (S75) G - Mike Sterling, Halifax @SilverMike 199
  25. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in McCloud got going   
    Last week we took a look at Artair McCloud’s rather slow start to the VHLM season. He had 12P in 19GP which, as we said wasn’t a bad total but he could, and probably should, be doing better. Let’s take a look and see how he is getting on.
    As of when this article is being written, Artair McCloud has managed to double his points total in just over half of the amount of games he had played. His points total now sits at 12G and 12A for 24P in 30GP which moves him up to 5th place in Vegas roster scoring. This is definitely promising sign for McCloud as he is now starting to have more multiple point games and has added some consistency to his scoring. An interesting stat about McCloud’s season so far is that he hasn’t taken a single penalty so far this season, so although his points maybe be lacking, even though he is definitely improving, he helps keeps his team at even strength and limits oppositions powerplay time.
    It’s going to be a big week for the Aces, with games against the likes Minnesota, Mississauga and Saskatoon coming up, it would be a great opportunity for the Aces to propel themselves up the standings. Can McCloud keep his good form going? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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