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  1. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think so. We've been playing well so far this season and we can only get better I think, as long as everyone keeps their earning up.
    2. We usually have a big family dinner on Christmas day which is a lot of fun.
    3. I think the dark horse status suits us quite well. We are a good team with the ability take anyone if we play well and our place in the standings might have some overlooking us in the playoffs
    4. 100%. There is no way they are this good without being hyped up on something
    5. I love the opening Normandy scene from Saving Private Ryan, it's really tense and I like war films
    6. From my experience, I'd probably say Dil, based on the amount of banter that went on in VHL gen chat after Miami knocked Halifax out the playoffs
  2. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think so. We've been playing well so far this season and we can only get better I think, as long as everyone keeps their earning up.
    2. We usually have a big family dinner on Christmas day which is a lot of fun.
    3. I think the dark horse status suits us quite well. We are a good team with the ability take anyone if we play well and our place in the standings might have some overlooking us in the playoffs
    4. 100%. There is no way they are this good without being hyped up on something
    5. I love the opening Normandy scene from Saving Private Ryan, it's really tense and I like war films
    6. From my experience, I'd probably say Dil, based on the amount of banter that went on in VHL gen chat after Miami knocked Halifax out the playoffs
  3. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Can McCloud get going?   
    This VHLM season would be likely be the last of Artair McClouds career as he is likely to move up to the VHL at the end of the season, to going the Riga Reign. Expectations were high for McCloud this season as he received a spot on the top line of the Vegas roster alongside Its Gucci and Kelly Power. He also has received top powerplay and 4 v 4 minutes and a spot on the shootout line-up. But has he performed to the standard we expected so far?
    McCloud has 6G and 6A for 12P in 19GP, ranking him 7th in scoring on LVA. Despite this being a career high points total so far, after eclipsing his 11P year last season, should he be putting up better numbers? His shooting percentage is just under 10%, but with 85 SC he should be lighting the lamp more often. One factor that could be detrimental to his stat total is that Vegas have went for a more defensive game, compared to last year where they were pretty much all-out attack, which doesn’t suit an offensive dynamo like McCloud. For example, half of his points so far this season have come on the powerplay (3G and 3A), just going to show when he is given that offensive freedom, he can come up with the goods.
    The Aces have played some tough opposition so far, including the likes of Philadelphia and Mexico City which could also explain the lack of points but with games coming against sides in the bottom half of the table, can McCloud get that offensive game going and show this league just how good he really is.
  4. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to The Domino Archives in Reviewing 4 VHLM Draft Players (because im lazy and this will take days)   
    This is at the time of Nov 26-maybe 27 so don't nag me about the draft positions like in 4 months
    Anyways, let's get into it!
    1st Overall: Hex Rose (@Hex Universe)
    Rose is in a very tight position for 1st Overall with the 2nd Overall pick, both with 120 TPE, it's like a show with so many fucking plot twists that it's not even funny anymore
    GP: 21  G: 1   A:4   P:5 +/-:1  SHT:20  PIM:4  HIT:10   SB:2  GW:0   PPG:0  SHG:0
    2nd Overall: MacGruber (@Motzaburger)
    Yep, no first name and if you check his stats, he's 44... wow, that's an option? Now MacGruber is in a very tight position for 1st Overall with Hex Rose. Well, time to grab my popcorn. And he recently signed with Mexico, and because of his Draft position, he might as well not play with Mexico when the draft begins.
    GP:1    G:0   A:1   P:1   +/-:1   SHT:0   PIM:0   HIT:0   SB:0   GW:0  PPG:0   SHG:0
    3rd Overall: Kristof Welch (@Juice)
    Kristof still holds 1st in most TPE earned, which is amazing. Other than that, he got signed with Yukon. So now Yukon has Welch... not very alarming.
    GP:11   G:0   A:3   P:3   +/-:3   SHT:4   PIM:12   HIT:18   SB:11   GW:0    PPG:0   SHG:0
    4th Overall: Eeli Ranaten (@Jolline)
    I remember that I told Jolline what you had to do to make a player. Guess they took my advice. Anyways, Eeli is one of 36 Finnish players, including Laine, Lahtinen, and more! And is also a great player on Mississauga! Like, enough to make you say "holy crap"
    GP:21   G:13 (the fuck?!) A:14 (holy fuck) P:27 (and my player can't even get 10 points...  I'm looking at you Nexber!)  +/-:-13   SHT:132  (*breathes in*, breathes out* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)  PIM:8   HIT:27 (well at least I'm better at something than Eeli)  SB:8   GW:1   PPG:0   SHG:0
    You know what? I'm done, I'm stopping this article right here.
    Speaking of which, let's make a poll on who deserves first overall, so try to answer that too.
  5. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to NickSunderbruch in Good or Bad #1   
    So I'm trying a new article format, where I look at a team in the VHL and their stats and try to determine if they're "Good or Bad".
    To determine whether a team is good or bad, we'll have to look at many stats. Not just their standing, but many other factors, like contract quality, cap space, player ages, prospects and many more things. So without further ado, lets take a look at our first team, The Seattle Bears. Probably an easy one right? Well, good is a relative term, we have a few things to look at first.
         Lets take a quick look at the cap space situation the Bears are facing. Seattle is an offensive power house, spending 24 million on their offensive lines alone. There seems to be a bright side to this as well, next season they'll likely be spending closer to 14 million on their offense, give or take a few million depending on trades, or prospects being called up. Seattle spends less than half of their offense, on their defense, clocking in at around 11.75 million. This seems like a problem for them, but however not for long. As of right now their defensive core isn't half as good as their offensive core. They have some incredible players on their defense like Odin Omdahl, but he's likely to experience depreciation this coming season. However the future looks bright for their defense as they have some good young talent on the roster, and they look to be getting even better in the next few seasons. The Bears spend only 3 million on their only goalie, Jacob Tonn. The 675 tpe goaltender has a great looking stat line, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Bears have a good goalie situation as he'll only be making 1.5 million for the next three seasons with a NTC. All of these numbers this season add together for 38.75 million in cap salary, with 1.25 million left in cap space. They absolutely paid big for this season, but it seems like it's going to pay off big for the net few seasons with players making less soon.
         As good as their cap situation is looking, they're also looking good on the ice. Seattle is currently first place with 15 wins, 4 losses and one OT loss. Absolutely an excellent team, with some excellent potential for the future. I'd say that Seattle is GOOD and will be for quite some time. So that does it for this weeks .com article. Tell me what you think of the new format. Anyways stay frosty, Seacrest out. 
  6. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Can McCloud get going?   
    This VHLM season would be likely be the last of Artair McClouds career as he is likely to move up to the VHL at the end of the season, to going the Riga Reign. Expectations were high for McCloud this season as he received a spot on the top line of the Vegas roster alongside Its Gucci and Kelly Power. He also has received top powerplay and 4 v 4 minutes and a spot on the shootout line-up. But has he performed to the standard we expected so far?
    McCloud has 6G and 6A for 12P in 19GP, ranking him 7th in scoring on LVA. Despite this being a career high points total so far, after eclipsing his 11P year last season, should he be putting up better numbers? His shooting percentage is just under 10%, but with 85 SC he should be lighting the lamp more often. One factor that could be detrimental to his stat total is that Vegas have went for a more defensive game, compared to last year where they were pretty much all-out attack, which doesn’t suit an offensive dynamo like McCloud. For example, half of his points so far this season have come on the powerplay (3G and 3A), just going to show when he is given that offensive freedom, he can come up with the goods.
    The Aces have played some tough opposition so far, including the likes of Philadelphia and Mexico City which could also explain the lack of points but with games coming against sides in the bottom half of the table, can McCloud get that offensive game going and show this league just how good he really is.
  7. Fire
    Hoopydog reacted to JigglyGumballs in S75 LVA Progress Report   
    So here we are again with Las Vegas's progress report for S75! If you guys don't know, this is a huge ass article where I take a look at the entirety of LVA's roster to determine their progress at the start and end of the season. So yeah. Another thing to keep note is that the stats are outdated as the sims came after I recorded the stats since I didn't do this all in one shot for once. Anyways let's get right into it!
    C - Its Gucci, TPE: 254 @frescoelmo
    16 GP, 4G, 11A, 15P, 0+/-
    So starting off with our new number 1 center Gucci. Last season’s 2nd line C now promoted to top line minutes and has since proven pretty solid in his line. I will be lighter on how many points these guys have and get mostly due to the fact that we have a more defensive team this season. Literally 3 of our top 5 highest TPE players are D. Anyways, Gucci with 15 points in 16 games has proven that he is still really solid and deserving of that no. 1 C position. He could use some better defensive stats though.
    D - Matt Thunder, TPE: 254 @Matt thunder
    16GP, 4G, 10A. 14P. +2
    Next is LVA’s number 1 defenseman, Matt Thunder. And yes, I’m typing “Thunder” with a capital T. Despite being the highest TPE defenseman, he isn’t the highest TPA defenseman. That role goes to both Linus Zetterstrom and Chase Crosby. A pretty solid build, Thunder is looking to add upon his defensive stats already having 20+ shots blocked this season, he is also likely to have more hits as well. Offensively, with 14 points in 16 games played with a +2 rating, thunder has provided a good amount of support in the back end with 10 assists. He should eclipse his point totals from last season and put up a solid amount of stats in a defense heavy Las Vegas team.
    D - Chase Crosby, TPE: 243 @Wreckening
    16GP, 1G, 10A, 11P, -1
    Let’s get down to the Chase shall we? (Fucking kill me) You’d think that Chase Crosby would be playing right by Thunder in the first defensive pairing right? Afterall, he is the next highest TPE defenseman. On the contrary, Thunder isn’t even playing top 2 minutes. Crosby’s partner is none other than Las Vegas’s Swedish sensation, Linus Zetterstrom. I’ve talked about how much of a defensive defenseman Chase Crosby was, and to a degree, he’s still held that sort of game, The +/- doesn’t show it, but the shots blocked and hits does. The reason as to why I think Crosby has a minus rating may be because he’s a defensive defenseman playing with a pass first defender. Nevertheless, another player who I can almost guarantee a new career high in points along with capping out by the end of the season, Chase Crosby is another big piece to Las Vegas’s defense.
    D - Linus Zetterstrom, TPE: 239 @Ledge_and_Dairy
    16GP, 3G, 7A, 10P, -2
    Speaking of Swedish sensation, we got ourselves Z. Not to be confused with @Zetterberg, Linus Zetterstrom is Crosby’s partner in the first pair. A pretty good 3 goals and 10 points in 16 games, Zetterstrom has become a bonafide draft steal. This first gen talent has a pretty good pass first build with a good amount of TPE invested in skating and puck handling. So far he’s been able to represent his pass first build on the scoreboard, but with his current partner being known as a stay at home guy, you could see why he might be a minus player. He’s guaranteed to eclipse his point totals by the time of the trade deadline, even before that if his production keeps going smoothly. A fine pick for Riga indeed.
    RW - Artair McCloud, TPE: 230 @Hoopydog
    16GP, 6G, 6A, 12P, 0+/-
    Now moving on to another draft steal, we got none other than Artair McCloud. Gucci’s partner on the wing, he’s got a solid 12 points in 16 games. A purely offensive player restricted by the team’s emphasis on defense, McCloud has already beaten his career high of 11 points from last season. McCloud is someone, who given the opportunity to, will be a deadly weapon to any team’s offense with an 85 in scoring. He had a great jump from 3rd line forward to 1st line winger, and has since worked out nicely and produced a solid amount of points. One thing I’ve noticed is that a good chunk of LVA’s players are Riga prospects, and McCloud is another one of them. He will be a great addition to their future.
    D - Joakim Lund, TPE: 206 @Bouncyelf
    16GP, 1G, 2A, 3P, +3
    Joakim Lund has had an interesting career so far, poised to play his 4th full season in the VHLM. Lund is a strong defensive defenseman who’s hard checking and shot blocking allows him to be very effective on his side of the ice. He doesn’t wow you with offensive stats, but as you can see from his +3 rating, which is the highest +/- in defenseman so far, his value shines on defense. As defenders should. With what he’s looking like this season, he may be regressing in terms of offense but as I will reiterate, his value comes with his defensive game.
    RW - Kelly Power, TPE: 204 @Nordin
    16GP, 5G, 5A, 10P, -1
    The Irishman sure likes to tussle around. Kelly Power is the enforcing body of the top line, with a whopping 60+ hits along with his 10 points. This guy may be poised to have a 150-200 hit season if he keeps up the pace. He really emphasizes the Power in his name eh? Anyways, one thing to consider is that he doesn’t block a lot of shots and he is the only minus player in this top line. So his hard checking game may actually not be the best in some situations. At least he contributes to the scoreboard to compensate.
    RW - Connor Sim, TPE: 192 @SimmerDown99
    16GP, 7G, 10A, 17P, +4
    Connor Sim is the one of the only few players in this roster who has more points than games played with a great 17 point performance in 16 games. He’s also the highest +/- player in this roster. What’s even more damning is that he’s playing 2nd line minutes. Maybe there’s some sort of chemistry between him and his linemates, resulting in great offensive production particularly towards Sim. Another person who has broken his career high from last season, this high scoring forward is not only another draft steal, but a decent pickup for Riga as well. Might as well start calling them the Riga Aces.
    LW - Angel Wachuire, TPE: 180 @inflastud
    16GP, 9G, 10A, 19P, +3
    Angel Wachuire leads this Las Vegas team with a stunning 19 point, 9 goal, 10 assist season so far with a good +3 rating. Wachuire is poised to tie if not break his point totals from last season. My only concern is his activity. His updating has been very inconsistent though a nice reminder will get him to update. Nevertheless, a really solid performance from the player. The 2nd line has been doing something good and I wouldn’t want to change any bit of it if the production keeps up.
    D - Breeze Ladrian, TPE: 169 @Kelsier
    16GP, 0G, 8A, 8P, +2
    When you have a 169 TPE defenseman playing in the 3rd pairing, you know you got a stacked defense. Despite Easy Breezy’s limited ice time, he still managed to put up 8 points in 16 games. And much like my VHL career, he’s at a 0.5 point per game pace. A pretty good +2 along with nearly 20 shots blocked, Ladrian is a pretty solid pass first defender. Partnered with Florida man Vincent Correll, he provides a solid amount of depth and can contribute really well on the scoreboard for some good secondary scoring. Not much I can say other than it is possible for him to move up next season, and will be a pretty good piece for Moscow.
    G - Matthew A Sovick Jr, TPE: 152 @matt sovick
    16GP,  10W, 3L, 3OTL, .887SV%, 2.91GAA
    Now let’s put the spotlight on LVA’s starter, Matthew Sovick. His stats are well… pretty good regarding the situation? Well Sovick has shown glimmers of greatness and is likely to stay for next season as well. Acquired from a trade that dealt Vegas’s S75 first in exchange for Sovick and a S76 first, Sovick has provided decently solid numbers. Nothing too crazy. You can tell that he’s definitely getting a lot of help from the team’s defense, but as he improves over time, you could probably see improvement soon enough.
    C - Evgeni Shevkov, TPE: 150 @Syzygy
    16GP, 0G, 6A 6P, +2
    Rounding out the 2nd line is Evgeni Shevkov. Would you be surprised if I tell you that he was drafted in 73rd overall? Even more so that he was over 100 TPE when he was drafted. The number 1 center of the future, Shevkov’s 6’2, 205lbs frame provides a net front presence which definitely helps his linemates put up the points. His stats won’t wow you now, but his frame definitely helps in terms of providing a good screen against the other team’s goalie. He does need to work on his puck handling a bit more. His faceoffs are good though. 
    RW - Andy Nexber, TPE: 138 @Domino Draws
    16GP, 5G, 2A, 7P, +1
    Yes we’re playing a 140 TPE player on the 3rd line. I’ve talked about how good our defensive depth is, but you can’t deny how solid LVA’s top 6 is. Nexber with 5 goals, 2 assists, and 7 points has already beaten his 1 point in 72 games last season. His build has TPE applied to stats like penalty shot, faceoffs, and a few more. Some, especially the penalty shot, I really wouldn’t recommend. Nevertheless his puck handling and scoring could be really nice assets in the future as he’s expected to become a top contributor for Vegas next season. The spotlight will shine on you someday Nexber, and hopefully you will shine.
    G - Aksu Maronen, TPE: 123 @aksuko
    1GP, 0W, 0L, 0OTL, .933SV%, 2.51GAA
    Now let’s take a look at our backup. Finnish goaltender Aksu Maronen. Maronen was never drafted in the VHL, instead Seattle took Maronen up via free agency. And since Maronen was drafted by us, he’s been updating regularly and has been active. His first taste of VHLM experience had him have a pretty good performance with a .933SV% and 2.5GAA. Hopefully he’ll get some more games in and get more chances to show what he’s made of. He and Sovick would be a pretty good tandem if both remain next season.
    C - Hex Rose, TPE: 120 @Hex Universe
    16GP, 1G, 3A, 4P, -1
    Hex Rose was brought onto the team via waivers and has become an amazing first gen sensation. His high activity and max earning  is very reminiscent of @PatrikLaine early on. His ability to quickly understand how the league works makes him a top candidate for any job he applies for in the future. (Just don’t steal my job pls) Anyways, player wise, he’s not doing too well. 4 points in 16 games with a -1 rating. This sort of production will only improve in the future but for now, it’s mediocre at best. Playing only around 8-10 minutes a game, his limited ice time is probably playing a factor in his point production. Nevertheless, keep up the good work!
    D - Vincent Correll, TPE: 102 @correllvincent
    16GP, 0G, 5A, 5P, -2
    When our resident Florida man, @NickSunderbruch left Las Vegas to go to Toronto, we saw it fit to draft another one in Vincent Correll. So far he’s rather tame compared to Sunderbruch but he’s been decent being the 6th Dman in this team. 5 assists with 0 goals in 16 games, his limited ice time has played a factor but he’s been pretty fine. Shouldn’t have put that much TPE into discipline though. I have said that Correll gave me Linus Zetterstrom vibes but now that’s kinda died down. I do wish you would be active more in the LR as well as earn a bit more TPE by at least doing the press conferences. Hopefully you can maybe get out of that “Clicker” (people who only do practice and welfare) status soon.
    C - Noah Mashford, TPE: 79 @Mashy
    14GP, 2G, 1A, 3P, +3
    Starting to round off our bottom 6 here, we got Noah Mashford. With every draft comes a pleasant surprise, and Mashford was that pleasant surprise. I didn’t really think he would be active when we drafted him. Heck we even dropped him from the roster so that we didn’t get a knock from the commissioners. We did use our FA claim to get him back though and now if he becomes a “Clicker+” (welfare + practice, plus other PTs like pressers) he can be a pretty good draft steal for us. In all honesty, anyone drafted 96th overall and is active is a draft steal.
    RW - Nathan Askarov, TPE: 66 @NathanM2983
    14GP, 1G, 1A, 2P, -1
    Askarov is another waiver signing. He’s been okay with his 4th line production having 2 points in 14 games. My main concern is his build as TPE was applied all over the place, I wouldn’t recommend putting anymore in leadership, faceoffs (for now depending on whether or not you ever play C in your career), penalty shot, and discipline if you plan on having a good amount of checking. Passing and scoring also needs a significant amount of separation from each other. If you have the same amount of passing and scoring, you’ll do neither. Nevertheless I’ll be happy to see where your progress goes from here.
    D - Alexis LePrince, TPE: 63 @AnthonyOuellet
    16GP, 1G, 2A, 3P, 0+/-
    For a person who was drafted 109th overall, I really don’t know what to say. Earns mostly through affiliate, LePrince has been okay as of now. I didn’t expect much when he was drafted and my expectations haven’t changed since. 3 points in 16 games, our lonely 7th D has been pretty fine as of now. Hopefully we’ll get you your own defensive partner soon. Other than that I really don’t have much to say as of now. Maybe in the future.
    RW - Jah Coon, TPE: 62 @denns
    16GP, 2G, 0A, 2P, +1
    I personally love Jah Coon’s name. Other than that there’s nothing much I can say for this 4th line winger. What’s nice is that he has a +1 rating and his build does look good. 2 goals and 2 points in 16 games, Jah Coon has been okay as of now. He like LePrince, Askarov, and Garceau are players I will have a better understanding of sorts once we get closer to the end of the season.
    C - Fred Garceau, TPE: 60 @Fredoushka8
    14GP, 1G, 1A, 2P, -1
    The most recent addition to the team, Fred is another waiver signing. So far he only has his base TPE, and that’s actually sorta concerning me. I have sent you a guide on what you can do to earn TPE, and if you need further help, please reach out to me and Spartan. Hopefully afterwards, you’ll be able to get a promotion soon enough. With 14 games played and only 2 points, he’s been okay. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid leadership and penalty shot since those aren’t useful stats.
    Anyways, that's it for now. thank god I didn't have to do this with juniors players or else I'd be extra fucked. This has been the S75 LVA Progress Report, and hopefully near the end of the season, we'll catch up on your favorite LVA players and how well they've done!
    (2682 words, holy shit I can claim this for over a month)
  8. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Kmatt in Michael Schmitd For Captain   
    Hey! I think it is time we talk about the great Michael Schmitd and give some fact's on why he should be the captain for the Yukon Rush, maybe not this season but next season would be great! Michael has been max training and he has been reaching his cap points each week, of 12. Now, I know he is not the best player on the team, so your probably saying, "why does he deserve captain?". Well, the answer is that he is loyal and is grinding to make it to the Vancouver Wolves official roster, and take home another championship with them! Michael has been very consistent with getting his points, if he does not score he will get at least like 2-3 assists per game. Michael, right at the start was very consistent this season, and he even got a few game winning goals, but then he was sent down to line 3 which really stopped him from scoring goals. Michael currently has 13 games played, with 6 goals and 9 assists! Which also gives him a total of 15 points, and he is averaging 1 point per game, at the moment. The Vancouver Wolves are doing way better then what his minors league team is doing. Well, they are both kind of in the same position in the standings, which is not that good, Though the season just started, we can all hope to get some better results for the defending championship team, the Wolves! You might think it is weird that both of these good teams, including the championship team, defending championship team in the VHL, is doing worse this season. The Vancouver wolves are 7-7, At least they are even and do not have more loses then wins, though that can change in the next upcoming sim. Michael is expecting to get called up to the VHL within the next 2 seasons, but wants to get called up in one! Michael is looking to get back on track and start scoring goals again every game, and go for his first hat trick in his next game, that would be cool and make him so happy. The Vancouver Wolves and the Yukon Rush need to bounce back in there next sim, and start taking home some wins if they want to make the playoffs this season. Oh no, Michael is walking down his stairs and sees a bunch of presents for Christmas, he wants to open one so bad! What should he do?? Michael will be preparing his home for Christmas within the next of couple of days! Do you guys have any plans for Christmas? If so what kind of plans do you have? Michael will be eating a big meal with his family at home, some turkey, mashed potato's and gravy and some stuffing and then for desert he will have some fruit bowls, some strawberry, and root barb pie! Michael will not be going to crazy with sugar though, because he is still a hockey player and needs to be a healthy player!

    (510 Words)
  9. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think we're playing pretty well so far. I didn't know how we were gonna be after losing a lot of our top guys but everyone has really brought their a game every time we are out on the ice.
    2. I think so, we can only get better from here on out and we have the confidence to keep this good run going.
    3. I'm doing a lot better than I was last year but I thought I'd be a bit better given the amount of ice time I'm getting. Just gotta keep my head down and keep improving me game.
    4. I think we've gotta take more of our chances. Our D game is strong and our goalie is a beast so if we can put away more of those chances then we'll be golden.
    5. Beyblades man, that was my childhood.
    6. I was like omg, this is the sentence I never knew I needed up until now.
  10. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Ledge in VHLM Juniors hypothetical team names   
    So, I asked either Bek or Acyd if the VHLM Juniors teams were going to have names, and they said no. Still, it's fun to imagine the names of the teams if we, the community, were to pick and vote on names and logos. I took some time thinking of some cool team names for these teams, one for each current VHLM franchise. Most of them are relatively close in distance, but for some I just got creative. Feel free to tell me what you think
    Reykjavik Glaciers
    Affiliate to the Halifax 21st
    I know Glaciers isn't the most badass name out there, but we have a lot of talented logo people in this league, so I'm sure one of them can cook up a sick logo. I think Reykjavik is a good choice for a city because they don't really have any major sports teams and I think an M team could really get the whole country into it. Glaciers I think is a name synonymous to the wide sheets of ice that cover a lot of Iceland. 
    My other idea for a Reykjavik team was something like the Reykjavik Fire and Ice, which isn't great on it's own but manipulated in some way it sounds cool. Iceland is known as 'the land of fire and ice' for it's weird climate, which ranges from hot springs to volcanoes to glaciers. I considered some names like 'Firestorm' and Fire Blizzard' but that idea kind of died. Glaciers just seemed like the right one. 
    Havana Rockets
    Affiliate to the Houston Bulls
    Ohhhh yeah. The Cuban Missile Crisis. Sets up a brilliant name for any Cuba/Havana based team of any sort. I like Rockets over Missiles just because I think it's smoother and it sounds better. Rockets also sets up a bunch of cool logo ideas. Havana as a city isn't currently a hockey city of any sort, but I figured why not spread the cheer? Hockey is a great sport and Cuba has some good potential when it comes to ticket sales. 
    I couldn't think of any other ideas for a Havana based team. Rockets/Missiles seemed so perfect.
    Hawaii Fighting Geckos
    Affiliate to the Las Vegas Aces
    Yes, you read that right. The Hawaii Fighting Geckos. When I think of Hawaii, I think of geckos. I've never even been there. But geckos were my favourite animal when I was like seven, and now that I'm older, imagining some badass version of one just seems awesome. For the logo design, I'm thinking two things: either a really buff gecko with boxing gloves, or a gangster gecko with sunglasses, a cigar, and a machine gun. Personally, I prefer the gangster gecko, but I guess the sig-specialists should be making that decision. 
    My immediate other idea for a Hawaii team was the Volcanoes, but that just doesn't jive. Fighting Geckos is way more badass
    Jamaica Reggaes
    Affiliate to the Mexico City Kings
    As you can by now probably tell, I see lots of potential for the hockey market in the Caribbean, for no apparent reason. Jamaica is an amazing place. I have also never been there. I haven't traveled the world much at all. Anyway, the name Reggaes is pretty obvious in it's background as Jamaica is the home of reggae and Bob Marley. For the logo, I have no idea. Someone will think of something, someone always does.
    There really wasn't any other ideas in my head for a Jamaica team. Not many names with good background.
    Orlando Animation
    Affiliate to the Miami Marauders
    Florida loves hockey enough to have two teams in the NHL, so why not two in the VHL? Although I personally hate the name I spent half an hour coming up with, an Orlando team would be great, since Orlando is just a touristy place in general, thanks mostly to the company I based the name off of: Disney. One of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, not to mention arguably the most famous. For the logo, something "magical". 
    I hate this name. I really do. But I love the idea of a Disney-based Orlando team. Please reply and help me with this.
    Seattle Sockeyes
    Affiliate to the Minnesota Storm
    The name that barely lost to the Kraken for the new NHL team. Featuring a sockeye salmon, a fish that is ugly as hell but patriotic as hell for the Seattle area. The original jersey design proposed by random people on the web was pretty cool: a totem-pole salmon, which A. is good for more background on that area and B. it takes away some of that butt ugliness of the actual fish. Literally, this fish is one of the most ugly things I have ever seen in my life. I encourage y'all to look up 'sockeye salmon' and prepare yourself to puke in your mouth a little bit. It really is nasty.
    Other ideas for the NHL Seattle team were Emeralds, Metropolitans, Cougars, etc. All not as good as Kraken and Sockeyes.
    Hamilton Terriers
    Affiliate for the Mississauga Hounds
    There really isn't any background in Hamilton for 'terriers'. I think it just sounds cool. And if you make a bunch of names that have deep cultural meanings, you gotta throw some in there that have no meaning whatsoever and just sound cool. And I think Hamilton Terriers has a nice ring to it. It also fits in nicely with the whole dogs thing with the Hounds, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not yet. A logo with a small dog such as a terrier doesn't sound amazing on paper, but if you make it really vicious and add some hockey stuff, it can be decent.
    I considered the Hamilton Tigers, Hamilton's old NHL team, for a bit, but Tigers is a common-ass name in sports. 
    Montreal Voyageurs
    Affiliate to the Ottawa Lynx
    The team that I've been hyping since expansion became a possibility, the Montreal Voyageurs. Deep cultural reference, way back to the 1600s when Quebec was a French settlement. But also a cool sounding name in English: 'Muntree-all Voya-jerz' and in French: 'Muh-ray-al Voya-zher". For the logo, I would love a logo similar to the one of the Baie-Comeau Drakkar where there is a nice-looking boat, which is basically what 'Voyageurs' means in the first place. 
    I don't have any more names for a Montreal based team, but someone else definitely does. Feel free to share
    Pittsburgh Steelheads
    Affiliate to the Philadelphia Reapers
    Wow, you're probably thinking, that's a boring ass name compared to the Hawaii Fighting Geckos. And you'd be right. It's kinda boring. But it pays homage to Pittsburgh being the steel city, and I dearly hope there are steelhead fish in Pennsylvania now. I love the Mississauga Steelheads' logo, so I'm hoping for something along those lines. Pittsburgh has become a hockey city since the Steelers have sucked recently and nobody cares about baseball, plus the small fact of Sidney Crosby winning them like three cups in six years. I think it'd be a perfect place for another pro team, and an affiliate in state is helpful in reality.
    This is another name that I spent a while trying to come up with one, but couldn't find anything cool, so I went with an average one. I was thinking like Robots or something like that but that just doesn't sound right.
    Paris Triomphe
    Affiliate to the San Diego Marlins
    I've seen this name being proposed by people a lot, and I like it. It's obviously based off of the Arc de Triomphe, one of the lesser attractions in France, but it's still very cool. I was going to do the Paris Knights, which is common but goes well together, but Triomphe is just much cooler. Paris is a big city, with hella people, and it's soccer teams do fairly well. I just think there are so many people it'd be fine with a hockey team, at the very least people will go if there's no soccer. France is experiencing a bit of a growth in hockey, with P-E Bellemare a vet in the NHL and Alexandre Texier an up and coming young guy. I think there's potental for sure.
    I did really like the Paris Knights, but I guess people in general like the Triomphe better, so yeah.
    Edmonton Oil Kings
    Affiliate to the Saskatoon Wild
    Yes, I'm flat out copying the name of a WHL team. But I really, really love this name and it would fit well with all these other crap names that I made up. Realistically, we can make a deal with the WHL to move the Oil Kings to the VHLM Juniors, which would be awesome. However, I do not like their current logo at all, because it has no reference to oil whatsoever and is just plain bad. I'm confident someone can make a good one. Edmonton is a hardcore hockey city, as Gretzky and McDavid have made a lot of hockey fans in the last fifty years. Overall, Saskatoon isn't far from Edmonton, the name sounds cool, and a new logo sounds promising. Nice.
    I was thinking about different names involving oil for a while and couldn't think of any, so I copied one. If anyone had any ideas, please share.
    Tokyo Katanas
    Affiliate to the Yukon Rush
    The first name I made up and the one I've had to wait all this time for.....the Tokyo Katanas! It was brought to my attention to @GustavMattias's amazing new player Taro Tsujimoto, who the Buffalo Sabres faked selecting in the 1974 NHL draft. Tsujimoto's fake Japanese team that he 'played' for in his draft year was the Katanas, which is a Japanese sword of some sort. A cool sounding name, with an awesome meaning. What more coudl you want? How about a great city in Tokyo with the potential to be a great hockey city? I think this is the best name on this list. Checks all the boxes, and sounds so badass. I love it.
    There have been some other proposed Tokyo names, but I think Katanas trumps them all. 
                  Well, there you have it. The team names I want for the VHLM Juniors. @VHLM Commissioner  I'd love it if you guys checked this out and give me some feedback. Also, anyone who has any favourites or any suggestions, I'm here and I've got lots of time. 
    P.S. This is a new record for words in an article for me
    1,749 words
  11. Thanks
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Red in Jasper Canmore - Hall of Fame Article   
    I think this article is very good, it is clear that a good amount of research and effort went into making this. The way it's laid out makes it really easy to read and the extra line at the start of each season helps lead the reader through the piece. Overall, amazing job on capturing the ups and downs of the players career.
  12. Boring
    Hoopydog got a reaction from rory in Dakota Lame: Bust of the Century   
    Love this media spot. Lots of trash talking going on without it getting nasty, so good job keeping it light hearted. The way it's laid out makes it clear and easy to read, tied in with the images gives the piece a pleasing overall aesthetic. Gave me a good giggle reading this. Quality job done on this piece.
  13. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I can't wait for the new season to start and to see if the work I put in during the off season will pay off
    2. Always fancy Vegas for the cup. We have a good roster this year and I think we can go all the way
    3. I used to be 8 capped a week but recently I've been capping out. I plan to keep on capping for this season. I usually do a 1000 word media spot every 2 weeks and then a VHL.com article as well as pressers and stuff.
    4. I'm hoping for at least a point per game. I've put a lot of work in during the off season and with an increase in ice time, I'm looking to put up numbers.
    5. I think it'll be a good feature especially when the league is constantly growing. It'll benefit players who join mid-way through the season and can't make it on a team.
    6. I remember when I was 10, me and my friends went bowling and got 6 bowling balls stuck in the gutter at once. I'm sure the staff wanted to kill us but it was so much fun.
  14. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Artair McCloud S75 Preview   
    With the 75 VHLM season upon us, it’s time to check back in with Las Vegas Aces forward Artair McCloud. We’ll hear from him a little later on but for now let’s have a look at how his game had developed and what this season could look like for him.
    The Las Vegas Aces head into this season with a relatively new roster. Some of their players graduated to the VHL, the likes of 1st line forwards Rhynex Entertainment, Chris Reynolds and Gary Rush, as well as game 4 hat-trick hero Nick Sunderburch all moving on to the VHL. Goaltender Drew Minnott also moved on to the majors. Then quite a few of the Aces roster were entered into the VHLM draft, which Vegas didn’t have a pick in till the 7th round, meaning lots of depth players such as Nero Endrizzi, Kaladin Kvothe and backup goaltender Trent Gibson. But what does this mean for Artair McCloud?
    McCloud played 3rd line minutes for Las Vegas last season as he was stuck behind elite wingers such as those mentioned above but, they aren’t on the team anymore. He is currently the top total TPE winger, and 2nd top forward, on the roster ahead of the likes of Conner Sim, old line mate Kelly Power and Angel Wachuire. Could he potentially be looking at a huge increase in ice time this season?
    He’s definitely put the work in over the off season to deserve it. Last time, when we did a review of his rookie season, we said McCloud had some work to do over the off season and boy has he been busy. We travelled to watch him play in a mini round robin tournament in Scotland, where he was back playing for his old team to keep him ticking over into the new season. We noticed significant improvements to his shooting and puck handling, as well as his defensive zone game. So, with the potential increase in game time and his refined technical abilities could he be a real force in the league next year. Riga GM Hedgehog definitely seemed to think so, as he selected the forward 28th overall in the VHL draft, along with fellow Vegas D-Man Linus Zetterstrom the pick before. 
    Now its time to have a chat with Artair McCloud and hear about how he’s feeling going into the new season:
    Reporter – “Artair thanks for taking the time to speak to us, it’s lovely to chat to you again, how have you been during this off season?”
    McCloud – “It’s great to talk to you again. I’ve been good yeah, I decided I’d come back home for the off season and catch up with family and friends. It’s nice to be back home and just getting myself ready for the new season.”
    Reporter – “You mention getting ready for the new season, what are you doing to make sure you are in top shape for coming back?”
    McCloud – “I’ve been working on refining my skills quite a bit and making some improvements in some key areas. My old team reached out and asked me if I wanted to come play for them in a round robin tournament and I was like ‘Hell yeah’. It was really good for to get back out on the ice and it’s helped me get match ready for game 1 of next season.”
    Reporter – “What kind of improvements have you made to your game, that is going to give you an advantage heading into next season”
    McCloud – “I wasn’t happy with my point production last season at all, so I’ve put a lot of time in my shot and my puck handling so that when I get those scoring chances, I can put them away and hopefully earn my team some points. I’ve also been working on my defensive zone game and I’ve really tightened that up as well.”
    Reporter – “What are your expectations going into next season? Any milestones or goals you have set for yourself?”
    McCloud – “I wouldn’t mind scoring some goals next season I can tell you that. But eh, I try not to focus on that side of things too much. Obviously, I want to play as well as I can for the team and put points on the board but, I’m taking it one game at a time, just trying to be the best that I can be every time I step out onto the ice.”
    Reporter – “So we’ve talked about all that you’ve done on the ice during the off-season, but what have you been getting up to off the ice to make the most of your time back home?”
    McCloud – “To be honest, I’ve spent most of time at the rink but mostly, just trying to catch up with friends and family. Done many trips to the pub with my old mates that I grew up with, just having a really good time. I was out last night as well, came to practice with one hell of a hangover.”
    Reporter – “What sort of occasion was it that you were absolutely done in this morning?”
    McCloud – “The Scotland game was on last night, football that is or soccer my North American friends. They playing for a spot in the euros last night and they won so, it’ll be the first time they have made a major tournament since 1998. As you can imagine, that sort of achievement warrants and equally big celebration.”
    Reporter – “So we’ve spoke to you about your preparation ahead of the upcoming season, what we haven’t spoken to you about is the VHL draft that has recently passed. You were selected 28th overall but the Riga Reign. Talk us through what draft day was like for you.”
    McCloud – “Yeah draft day was a really exciting but also quite a nervous day. Since I was back home when the draft took place, I had to stay up till the early hours of the following morning jus to catch it. I’m really happy to be drafted, especially by Riga. I had a long chat with hedgehog before the draft, he was one of the first GMs to reach out to me. There was a lot of talented players in that draft so, I would just like to say thank you to hedgehog for drafting me and I look forward to putting on a show in Riga.”
    Reporter – “That’s all we have time for Artair, thank you for taking the time to speak to us and we wish you luck next season.”
    McCloud – “It was a pleasure guys, thank you.”
    So, there are Artair McCloud’s thoughts ahead of the S75 VHLM season. It’s definitely going to be an interesting one and we can not wait for it to get under way. That’s all we have time for tonight but we’ll see you next time. Thanks for tuning in.
    1141 words, Claiming for weeks 16-22 Nov and 23-29 Nov
  15. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Artair McCloud S75 Preview   
    With the 75 VHLM season upon us, it’s time to check back in with Las Vegas Aces forward Artair McCloud. We’ll hear from him a little later on but for now let’s have a look at how his game had developed and what this season could look like for him.
    The Las Vegas Aces head into this season with a relatively new roster. Some of their players graduated to the VHL, the likes of 1st line forwards Rhynex Entertainment, Chris Reynolds and Gary Rush, as well as game 4 hat-trick hero Nick Sunderburch all moving on to the VHL. Goaltender Drew Minnott also moved on to the majors. Then quite a few of the Aces roster were entered into the VHLM draft, which Vegas didn’t have a pick in till the 7th round, meaning lots of depth players such as Nero Endrizzi, Kaladin Kvothe and backup goaltender Trent Gibson. But what does this mean for Artair McCloud?
    McCloud played 3rd line minutes for Las Vegas last season as he was stuck behind elite wingers such as those mentioned above but, they aren’t on the team anymore. He is currently the top total TPE winger, and 2nd top forward, on the roster ahead of the likes of Conner Sim, old line mate Kelly Power and Angel Wachuire. Could he potentially be looking at a huge increase in ice time this season?
    He’s definitely put the work in over the off season to deserve it. Last time, when we did a review of his rookie season, we said McCloud had some work to do over the off season and boy has he been busy. We travelled to watch him play in a mini round robin tournament in Scotland, where he was back playing for his old team to keep him ticking over into the new season. We noticed significant improvements to his shooting and puck handling, as well as his defensive zone game. So, with the potential increase in game time and his refined technical abilities could he be a real force in the league next year. Riga GM Hedgehog definitely seemed to think so, as he selected the forward 28th overall in the VHL draft, along with fellow Vegas D-Man Linus Zetterstrom the pick before. 
    Now its time to have a chat with Artair McCloud and hear about how he’s feeling going into the new season:
    Reporter – “Artair thanks for taking the time to speak to us, it’s lovely to chat to you again, how have you been during this off season?”
    McCloud – “It’s great to talk to you again. I’ve been good yeah, I decided I’d come back home for the off season and catch up with family and friends. It’s nice to be back home and just getting myself ready for the new season.”
    Reporter – “You mention getting ready for the new season, what are you doing to make sure you are in top shape for coming back?”
    McCloud – “I’ve been working on refining my skills quite a bit and making some improvements in some key areas. My old team reached out and asked me if I wanted to come play for them in a round robin tournament and I was like ‘Hell yeah’. It was really good for to get back out on the ice and it’s helped me get match ready for game 1 of next season.”
    Reporter – “What kind of improvements have you made to your game, that is going to give you an advantage heading into next season”
    McCloud – “I wasn’t happy with my point production last season at all, so I’ve put a lot of time in my shot and my puck handling so that when I get those scoring chances, I can put them away and hopefully earn my team some points. I’ve also been working on my defensive zone game and I’ve really tightened that up as well.”
    Reporter – “What are your expectations going into next season? Any milestones or goals you have set for yourself?”
    McCloud – “I wouldn’t mind scoring some goals next season I can tell you that. But eh, I try not to focus on that side of things too much. Obviously, I want to play as well as I can for the team and put points on the board but, I’m taking it one game at a time, just trying to be the best that I can be every time I step out onto the ice.”
    Reporter – “So we’ve talked about all that you’ve done on the ice during the off-season, but what have you been getting up to off the ice to make the most of your time back home?”
    McCloud – “To be honest, I’ve spent most of time at the rink but mostly, just trying to catch up with friends and family. Done many trips to the pub with my old mates that I grew up with, just having a really good time. I was out last night as well, came to practice with one hell of a hangover.”
    Reporter – “What sort of occasion was it that you were absolutely done in this morning?”
    McCloud – “The Scotland game was on last night, football that is or soccer my North American friends. They playing for a spot in the euros last night and they won so, it’ll be the first time they have made a major tournament since 1998. As you can imagine, that sort of achievement warrants and equally big celebration.”
    Reporter – “So we’ve spoke to you about your preparation ahead of the upcoming season, what we haven’t spoken to you about is the VHL draft that has recently passed. You were selected 28th overall but the Riga Reign. Talk us through what draft day was like for you.”
    McCloud – “Yeah draft day was a really exciting but also quite a nervous day. Since I was back home when the draft took place, I had to stay up till the early hours of the following morning jus to catch it. I’m really happy to be drafted, especially by Riga. I had a long chat with hedgehog before the draft, he was one of the first GMs to reach out to me. There was a lot of talented players in that draft so, I would just like to say thank you to hedgehog for drafting me and I look forward to putting on a show in Riga.”
    Reporter – “That’s all we have time for Artair, thank you for taking the time to speak to us and we wish you luck next season.”
    McCloud – “It was a pleasure guys, thank you.”
    So, there are Artair McCloud’s thoughts ahead of the S75 VHLM season. It’s definitely going to be an interesting one and we can not wait for it to get under way. That’s all we have time for tonight but we’ll see you next time. Thanks for tuning in.
    1141 words, Claiming for weeks 16-22 Nov and 23-29 Nov
  16. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to Spartan in Team Merc Rolls Through the Round Robin   
    I'd like to start this off with a friendly MERCS MERCS MERCS!!!!!
    Team Mercenaries has had a fantastic start to the S74 World Cup, finishing the round robin phase in 2nd place, with 17 points and a record of 6-3-1. Along the way, here are some of the key games and performances the team put up as a whole:
    Defeating Team World 6-1 in our first game Defeating Team USA 5-0 in our sixth game Defeating Team Canada twice, 4-3 and 5-2  
    The team has had a fantastic start after a few tough losses, gritting out some fantastic wins in tough games despite being the "leftovers" team of the tournament. This is not a team to take lightly, and the players on the team have stepped up massively. @Telkster leads the team in points, with 6 goals and 9 assists. @Seabass leads the team in assists with 12. Along with Telker, @KC15 and @Cxsquared lead the team in goals, with 6 apiece.
    Lastly, the strong play has radiated from the man in the net, the legend Jimmy @DarkSpyro Spyro. Through 10 games, Spyro has a SV % of .926, and a GAA of 2.25, both best out of all goalies in the tournament. His strong play has carried the team defensively, allowing the rest of the team to focus on putting up offense. It's a lethal combo that this team of misfits will hope to continue into the medal round!
  17. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I haven't had a chance to check out who we drafted yet, but I'm sure they can add some depth to our roster.
    2. I have mixed feelings about Miami winning. On one had we lost to the champs so we can take some pride in that, on the other hand, still annoyed we lost the series.
    3. Hoping to make the playoffs and then we can take it from there.
    4. I'm interested in quite a few teams. Luckily I've had quite a few reach out to me ahead of tonight's draft so it will be interesting to see where I end up. If I had to pick one I'd say either Riga or Vancouver
    5. I really like football (soccer for you NA people). I have a season ticket for my local team and before covid used to go watch them play every week
    6. Team Mercs all the way baby.
  18. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I haven't had a chance to check out who we drafted yet, but I'm sure they can add some depth to our roster.
    2. I have mixed feelings about Miami winning. On one had we lost to the champs so we can take some pride in that, on the other hand, still annoyed we lost the series.
    3. Hoping to make the playoffs and then we can take it from there.
    4. I'm interested in quite a few teams. Luckily I've had quite a few reach out to me ahead of tonight's draft so it will be interesting to see where I end up. If I had to pick one I'd say either Riga or Vancouver
    5. I really like football (soccer for you NA people). I have a season ticket for my local team and before covid used to go watch them play every week
    6. Team Mercs all the way baby.
  19. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think we played well, obviously not the result we wanted but we can be proud of the fight we showed to come back and round 2 and the absolute clinic we put on in round 1.
    2. I kinda wanna say Miami. I know Mississauga are the higher seed but Miami have beaten the top 2 teams in prior rounds, Miami in 6 for me.
    3. My point production was lack-lustre the year and left a lot to be desired but the post season showed signs of improvement for myself. You and Spartan 10/10.
    4.  I'm going to stick around in the minors next year and make another run for the cup. Going to take the offseason as a chance to fine tune my skills to make sure I'm battle ready for next year 
    5. I start probably about mid November, if you start celebrating X-mas before Halloween then your bad
    6. I really enjoyed being a part of the Vegas LR. Never a dull moment in there.
  20. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces Press Conference   
    1. I think we played well, obviously not the result we wanted but we can be proud of the fight we showed to come back and round 2 and the absolute clinic we put on in round 1.
    2. I kinda wanna say Miami. I know Mississauga are the higher seed but Miami have beaten the top 2 teams in prior rounds, Miami in 6 for me.
    3. My point production was lack-lustre the year and left a lot to be desired but the post season showed signs of improvement for myself. You and Spartan 10/10.
    4.  I'm going to stick around in the minors next year and make another run for the cup. Going to take the offseason as a chance to fine tune my skills to make sure I'm battle ready for next year 
    5. I start probably about mid November, if you start celebrating X-mas before Halloween then your bad
    6. I really enjoyed being a part of the Vegas LR. Never a dull moment in there.
  21. Like
    Hoopydog reacted to fyrefly in Artair McCloud Season Review   
    Review: I love the short paragraphs and lots of boldness and italics. #sorrynotsorry for that game seven, better luck next year. I always love when people mix a short article with a interview with a player. 
  22. Cheers
    Hoopydog reacted to NickSunderbruch in Artair McCloud Season Review   
    Love you bro. You'll fill our shoes nicely if not better. Go out there and show how strong Vegas really is brother. 
  23. Like
    Hoopydog got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in Las Vegas Aces S74 Playoff Review – Round 2   
    In round number 2 of this year’s Founders Cup, the Las Vegas Aces were up against surprise opponents in the Miami Marauders who bested the top seed Halifax 21st in a thrilling 7 game series. So would the Aces continue their impressive playoff run or would Miami once again shock the league and slay another playoff giant. Let’s see how the series went.
    Unfortunately for Las Vegas, they were beaten narrowly by the Marauders in 7 games, suffering the same fate as Halifax which signalled an end to their campaign. Miami continued their hot streak of results against Halifax and took an impressive 3-0 lead in this series and were poised to sweep the Aces out of the playoffs.
    Las Vegas found themselves a hero in 2nd line winger Nick Sunderburch, whose game 4 hat-trick kept their season alive and kickstarted the Vegas team that we had watched all season long. This was followed by a 2-1 win in OT and an emphatic 6-2 win, away from home, to force a game 7 seven.
    Game 7 was a close one, which swayed back and forth as if it were a pendulum. It was 3-2 Miami going into the 3rd but then Vegas tied the game mid-way through the period but the Marauders would plunge their swords into Aces’ hearts as they scored with 1:33 on the clock and then followed up with an empty net goal to send the Aces home and advance to the Cup final.
    So that concludes our short review of round 2 for the Las Vegas Aces. Despite the Aces being out of the playoffs, we will be back to do a review of the final. Thanks for tuning in and we’ll see you in the cup final.
    292 words
  24. Fire
    Hoopydog got a reaction from Spartan in Artair McCloud Season Review   
    Artair McCloud S74 Season Review
    So, with the conclusion of game 7, in the second round of this year’s playoffs, it’s an early trip home for the Las Vegas Aces as they were beaten by the Miami Marauders in the dying moments of regulation time. Now that the Aces season is officially over, let’s take a look at how Artair McCloud’s rookie year went and we’ll get to catch up with to find out what his thoughts are on his rookie year, the playoff drama and what his future could hold.
    So, let’s start at the beginning, all the way back to the S74 VHLM draft where McCloud was drafted by the Aces 43rd overall. Most, if not all, GM’s would agree that this stage, and onward, of the VHLM draft is essentially luck and you can only hope that the player you pick is active. With this being the case, if you get the picks right, you can pull of some proper draft day steals and I think the Aces done this with McCloud. He has stayed active and played his part in this impressive Aces roster, continuing to earn TPE and fine tune his skills, making him a potential candidate for a first line wing role next season. Not bad for a middle 3rd rounder.
    Regular Season
    Although McCloud’s stats might not be impressive, he led his line in scoring. With 6G and 5A for 11P this season and a +/- of -3 he contributed when he could with the ice time he had and performed well when he had a short spell on the powerplay, managing to score a goal. He put up the points when I mattered and when he struggled to score, he tried to help the team in any way he could.
    The Playoffs
    His playoff stats showed signs of improvement in his game, as he notched up 2G and 1A in 12GP, giving him a point every 4 games. You might be thinking ‘A point every 4 games, that’s not great is it’ and you would be right but McCloud only played around 14 minutes for the whole of round 1 and a few minutes in game 1 and 2 of round 2. So, when you take that into account, and he got more ice time, he showed real improvement and repaid that faith shown in him by the management. So definitely promising signs for both McCloud and the Aces going forward
    Now it’s time to hear from the man himself.
    Reporter - “Artair thanks for taking the time to come and talk to us, I imagine that game 7 didn’t quite go the way you were hoping, how are you feeling after the game?”
    McCloud – “Yeah it didn’t quite go the way we hoping, I would like to say, first of all, congrats to @Ricer13 and the Miami marauders. It was a proper nail biter up until the last drop of the puck. We done really well to come back the way we did, not just in game 7 but coming back from 3-0 in a best of 7 series take real guts so the boys can defiantly hold their heads up high and we’ll be back next year for another cup run”
    Reporter – “It really was an exciting series to watch and it could’ve gone either way and, like you said you had to claw your way back from a 3 games deficit to even force this game 7, What changes did the team make, not just tactically but also in your mentality”
    McCloud – “You know after game 3, we were in the locker room for a while just talking the games over and we just kinda said that our performances weren’t good enough and that we were capable of so much better. We made a couple of tactical changes and Coaches Spartan and Jiggs made a real good job of getting us playing better. We knew we had to come out guns blazing and fortunately we have Minnott in net who is just an absolute animal and having that confidence in your tendy allows you to go out on the ice and really go for it”
    Reporter – “You yourself had a good game 6 where you scored 2 goals and you guys won the game by 6 goals to 2, that must’ve felt good to finally get your name on the scoresheet”
    McCloud – “Yeah it was rough, having not scored a single point up until that stage. I spoke to the coach and my teammates about it they all just said the same thing you know, just keep playing your game and the points will come, and thankfully it they did. I can’t take the whole credit for the goals though, I got 2 good feeds from Breeze and Linus, I got the easy part of tucking it home”
    Reporter - “So now that your season is done, you must be looking forward to draft day and then also the start of next season. How are feeling about draft day?”
    McCloud – “Not gonna lie, I’m a bit nervous about the draft to be honest. This draft class is packed full of top-quality talent so just getting picked will be an achievement in its own right. My agent keeps me updated with all of the rankings and stuff but I try not to pay attention to that”
    Reporter – “That about wraps up this interview Artair, is there anything else you’d like to say Artair?”
    McCloud – “I would just like to thank my teammates, GM @Spartan and his partner in crime @JigglyGumballs. Also, good luck to the guys heading up to the VHL for next season @Crstats23@Rhynex Entertainment@G_Rush@NickSunderbruch@ZP16@DreMin15, your gonna absolutely kill it. I’ll be back next year #VegasStrong”
    So that wraps our review and interview with Artair McCloud and by the sounds of it he will be back next year for another run with the Las Vegas Aces. As McCloud said definitely not the way he nor his teammates wanted the season to go but that’s hockey for you. Thank you for tuning in and we will see what next has to offer for the Scottish Sensation, Artair McCloud
    1027 words, Using for PT weeks 2-8 Nov and 9-15 Nov
  25. Cheers
    Hoopydog got a reaction from G_Rush in Artair McCloud Season Review   
    Artair McCloud S74 Season Review
    So, with the conclusion of game 7, in the second round of this year’s playoffs, it’s an early trip home for the Las Vegas Aces as they were beaten by the Miami Marauders in the dying moments of regulation time. Now that the Aces season is officially over, let’s take a look at how Artair McCloud’s rookie year went and we’ll get to catch up with to find out what his thoughts are on his rookie year, the playoff drama and what his future could hold.
    So, let’s start at the beginning, all the way back to the S74 VHLM draft where McCloud was drafted by the Aces 43rd overall. Most, if not all, GM’s would agree that this stage, and onward, of the VHLM draft is essentially luck and you can only hope that the player you pick is active. With this being the case, if you get the picks right, you can pull of some proper draft day steals and I think the Aces done this with McCloud. He has stayed active and played his part in this impressive Aces roster, continuing to earn TPE and fine tune his skills, making him a potential candidate for a first line wing role next season. Not bad for a middle 3rd rounder.
    Regular Season
    Although McCloud’s stats might not be impressive, he led his line in scoring. With 6G and 5A for 11P this season and a +/- of -3 he contributed when he could with the ice time he had and performed well when he had a short spell on the powerplay, managing to score a goal. He put up the points when I mattered and when he struggled to score, he tried to help the team in any way he could.
    The Playoffs
    His playoff stats showed signs of improvement in his game, as he notched up 2G and 1A in 12GP, giving him a point every 4 games. You might be thinking ‘A point every 4 games, that’s not great is it’ and you would be right but McCloud only played around 14 minutes for the whole of round 1 and a few minutes in game 1 and 2 of round 2. So, when you take that into account, and he got more ice time, he showed real improvement and repaid that faith shown in him by the management. So definitely promising signs for both McCloud and the Aces going forward
    Now it’s time to hear from the man himself.
    Reporter - “Artair thanks for taking the time to come and talk to us, I imagine that game 7 didn’t quite go the way you were hoping, how are you feeling after the game?”
    McCloud – “Yeah it didn’t quite go the way we hoping, I would like to say, first of all, congrats to @Ricer13 and the Miami marauders. It was a proper nail biter up until the last drop of the puck. We done really well to come back the way we did, not just in game 7 but coming back from 3-0 in a best of 7 series take real guts so the boys can defiantly hold their heads up high and we’ll be back next year for another cup run”
    Reporter – “It really was an exciting series to watch and it could’ve gone either way and, like you said you had to claw your way back from a 3 games deficit to even force this game 7, What changes did the team make, not just tactically but also in your mentality”
    McCloud – “You know after game 3, we were in the locker room for a while just talking the games over and we just kinda said that our performances weren’t good enough and that we were capable of so much better. We made a couple of tactical changes and Coaches Spartan and Jiggs made a real good job of getting us playing better. We knew we had to come out guns blazing and fortunately we have Minnott in net who is just an absolute animal and having that confidence in your tendy allows you to go out on the ice and really go for it”
    Reporter – “You yourself had a good game 6 where you scored 2 goals and you guys won the game by 6 goals to 2, that must’ve felt good to finally get your name on the scoresheet”
    McCloud – “Yeah it was rough, having not scored a single point up until that stage. I spoke to the coach and my teammates about it they all just said the same thing you know, just keep playing your game and the points will come, and thankfully it they did. I can’t take the whole credit for the goals though, I got 2 good feeds from Breeze and Linus, I got the easy part of tucking it home”
    Reporter - “So now that your season is done, you must be looking forward to draft day and then also the start of next season. How are feeling about draft day?”
    McCloud – “Not gonna lie, I’m a bit nervous about the draft to be honest. This draft class is packed full of top-quality talent so just getting picked will be an achievement in its own right. My agent keeps me updated with all of the rankings and stuff but I try not to pay attention to that”
    Reporter – “That about wraps up this interview Artair, is there anything else you’d like to say Artair?”
    McCloud – “I would just like to thank my teammates, GM @Spartan and his partner in crime @JigglyGumballs. Also, good luck to the guys heading up to the VHL for next season @Crstats23@Rhynex Entertainment@G_Rush@NickSunderbruch@ZP16@DreMin15, your gonna absolutely kill it. I’ll be back next year #VegasStrong”
    So that wraps our review and interview with Artair McCloud and by the sounds of it he will be back next year for another run with the Las Vegas Aces. As McCloud said definitely not the way he nor his teammates wanted the season to go but that’s hockey for you. Thank you for tuning in and we will see what next has to offer for the Scottish Sensation, Artair McCloud
    1027 words, Using for PT weeks 2-8 Nov and 9-15 Nov
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