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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Peace

    Yukon GM Hired

  2. Holy shit. Should have added a conditional.
  3. Peace

    Jaromir Jagr

    Erik Killinger - Defense
  4. Howdy, Legion! Another PC for you guys to answer if you need it. 1. Warsaw - Chicago finals is tied 1-1 currently, who do you predict to win it all this season? 2. Did the draft lottery go as you expected? 3. Did you pay attention to the draft lottery tournament at all? If so... how well did you perform against your expectations? 4. It's been a long off season for us... how have you kept yourself engaged in the sim league? 5. Another food question... pasta or pizza? 6. What kind of pasta/pizza... and what do you add to them? @osens @NickSunderbruch @Matmenzinger @BOOM @Rayzor_7 @Callahan @Smarch @Juice @DoktorFunk @fromtheinside @ngine4@ROOKIE745 @hedgehog337
  5. But... but... but Toronto has a wicked core of young players that stemmed from it. So help me RNGesus... if that TOR pick gets 1OA I'mma lose it.
  6. On a scale of one to ten... how would you rank all the VHL and VHLM GMs?
  7. If Toronto doesn’t get a cup in ten seasons...
  8. Monsters Inc taught us we we’re scary, and they were right. Do you see what humans do to each other?!
  9. Damn that's actually a good idea. I'm still using the basic barebone default screen for mine.
  10. Another PC! 1. Have you been following the VHL or VHLM playoffs? 2. What do you think about the upcoming lotto tournament? 3. Where do you predict Toronto will draft? 4. What are some of your favorite offseason activities? 5. Food time: Pancakes or Waffles, you have to choose one or the other. 6. What kind of ingredients to you add to it? I may or may not be writing #5 and #6 down... @osens @NickSunderbruch @Matmenzinger @BOOM @Rayzor_7 @Callahan@Smarch @Juice @DoktorFunk @fromtheinside @ngine4@ROOKIE745 @hedgehog337
  11. FORWARDS (S73) Oh Sens | RW | @osens Signed through S78 600 TPE (Current) 630 TPA (S77 Proj. Start) With the departure of Merrick earlier this season Oh Sens became the Legions top rated forward, although he hasn't seen any development since February 14th when Osens claimed welfare, answered the trivia correctly and participated in the Legions' inconsistent press conferences. Despite loosing two offensive leaders early in the season, Sens maintained his quality play and produced seventy four points for his team, leading the way offensively with thirty eight goals and five game winning tallies. Had he scored just one more goal he would have hit a career milestone, the big '100', with all but four of them in a Legion uniform. Sens will likely continue to anchor the Legions' offense for the foreseeable future, and I very much expect him to produce seventy two points or greater in S77, but I know I must get him some support in order to improve the Legions' offensive game. Toronto cannot rely on Sens to score the majority of our goals, and while Sunderbruch put up a solid effort with twenty himself, there needs to be less of a discrepancy between the leading goal scorer and the runner up. Eighteen goals between the two is unfortunate, but not irreparable. (S72) Ziarie Anigbogu | RW | @ngine4 Signed through S77 582 TPE (Current) 520 TPA (S77 Proj. Start) Anigbogu is our only regressing player among our forward group, but due to the significantly lower TPE compared to others... he's honestly not regressed that much. About two minutes before the trade deadline passed the decision was made to move Ziarie from his blueline perch in order to help the Legions' struggling offensive effort, an issue that was identified around the trade deadline as something we needed to improve upon. Instead of acquiring a forward and giving up assets the Legion wanted to keep (London's first) Anigbogu displayed a team first attitude and swapped to an unfamiliar position. With the one and done career swap to forward complete the Legion proceeded to go 6-6-1 in his short stint at forward. The position swap worked, though, and in his thirteen games as a forward Anigbogu registered seven goals, four assists and eleven points. The immediate improvement to the forward core stopped some of the bleeding and stabilized the roster, forcing most games into a one goal conclusion. All but two of the losses after Anigbogu made the swap were more than one goal, which is very clearly not something the Legion could state earlier in the season. I anticipate around a point-per-game for Anigbogu with a full season as a forward, and I'm eagerly awaiting the start of S77. (S74) Nicholas Sunderbruch | LW | @NickSunderbruch Signed through S79 428 TPE (Current) 450 TPE (S77 Proj. Start) The departure of Merrick and Strauss impacted Sunderbruch negatively, unlike Sens above, and could partially be correlated to the wingers decreased development as the season progressed. What started out as a promising and steady development for the next 'face of the franchise', it has sadly been hit by what I assume is a comparatively disappointing sophomore season than the exciting rookie campaign Nicholas had. He went from just over a point-per-game rookie campaign with more productivity to... a fifty point sophomore campaign where he struggled to score goals and couldn't find any hot streaks. I imagine that is a difficult obstacle to overcome, but I have more than enough faith that Sunderbruch (and his user) will rebound in season seventy seven. Sunderbruch may not be the next face of the franchise, but he is without a doubt a key piece to the future successes of Toronto. The ultimate goal is to get everyone on this team a ring to enjoy and their name on the Continental Cup, and Nicholas is capable of helping that dream along. (S76) Gunnar Odinsson | RW | @BOOM Signed through S78 426 TPE (Current) 480 TPE (S77 Proj. Start) Gunnar Odinsson was traded from Helsinki to the Legion midway through the S76 season, and in his thirty eight games wearing a Legion uniform -- after reconsidering his desire to be a defensemen and moving over to the right wing after the trade was completed -- he managed to register twenty five points and surprisingly a plus one. He scored eleven goals and added fourteen helpers, but what this represents is a building block for all of Toronto's future considerations. He and Funk Jr are the only active 'prospects' the team has, as the older players are leaving their rookie contracts or have fallen out of the realm of reliable activity. Odinsson will be heavily relied upon as he surges ahead on the depth chart, improving himself and the team as he does so, and may very well end up as a key contributor to Toronto's offense. I'm anticipating a two-way battle between Sunderbruch and Odinsson regarding the goal scoring runner up, but Odinsson's steadily development gives him the clear advantage at this time. I wouldn't be surprised if the Legion goal scorers went Sens, Odinsson, Sunderbruch. If it does, I hope they all get thirty goals! (S74) Wolf Weiss | C | @Matmenzinger Signed through S79 407 TPE (Current) 425 TPE (S77 Proj. Start) Weiss has been an amazing depth piece for Toronto, and I reckon that's something every team needs; his development isn't impressive by any stretch of the imagination, but the growth is fairly consistent and from a long-term perspective it means he won't be a massive cap hit when he starts to regress. Weiss is currently serving as the Legions' top line center, although he struggled with the increased ice-time and tougher opponents than his rookie campaign. Similar to Sunderbruch, Weiss was negatively impacted by the departure of Merrick and Strauss. With a little more development and a comfortable spot as the teams second line C, Weiss could rise again to meet and perhaps surpass his rookie performance. The key here is to keep Weiss out of the areas he'll struggle with and let him play to his strengths. He is capable of twenty goals and thirty assists as the 2C, it is my job to make sure those strengths are something the Legions' offense can exploit in the upcoming season. (S76) Frank Funk Jr | LW | @Rayzor_7 Signed through S78 367 TPE (Current) 410 TPE (S77 Proj. Start) It was a rough rookie campaign, I think we can both acknowledge that, but Frank Junk Jr was one of the more versatile players the Legion had. His points may not show the role he played, but the lineup history does. Wolf Weiss and Frank Funk Jr played a game of hot potato with one another in regards to who was the teams first line center. For some sims it was Weiss, while others it was Funk Jr as one or the other struggled to find any form of chemistry with the teams dedicated wingers. In a perfect world Frank Funk Jr goes back to the wing and plays his natural position, something I hope I can give him for his sophomore season by acquiring or signing a center to play as the Legions' top C. Frank Funk Jr only has one way to go... and that's up. He may not sky rocket into a point per game pace like others have shown in their sophomore seasons, but he'll certainly improve upon his rookie campaign. Steady development will help Funk Jr reach distant heights. (S75) John Callahan Jr | LW | @Callahan Signed through S77 331 TPE (Current) 331 TPE (S77 Proj. Future) John Callahan Jr's development has ceased partially due to real-life priorities shifting for the user, whom has perhaps one of the more interesting jobs I've heard about in the locker room, but it does unfortunately signal that the player is likely going to become stagnant. Without any true development the only possibilities of John improving is upon the backs of his teammates, although it is entirely possible he begins to improve as those priorities shift and allow more free time to translate into VHL activity. I'm writing this is with a present look at the future... so, unfortunately, I have to write it as I see it. Callahan hasn't signed in since the 19th and has been absent from the Discord since the 13th. DEFENSE (S74) Lester Green | D | @Smarch Signed through S78 614 TPE (Current) 650 TPE (S77 Proj. Future) It has been said numerous times that Green's addition to the locker room essentially revitalized the atmosphere, energized the team and contributed into the Legion cultivating a winning attitude even though the mental disappointment of numerous losses can weigh down even the brightest of stars. Not only is Green a key contributor in the LR, he's also a key piece of Toronto moving forward, and desires to repeat an era of Toronto long in the past. Green is a reliable defensive defensemen that I used in every situation that needed an iron pillar, so I'm beyond thankful that the team is growing around this awesome individual. Similar to Frank Funk Jr, I strongly believe Green only has one direction. You can say up, or forward, it really doesn't matter because it implies the same thing... doesn't it? Improvement from Green is inevitable as his defensive partners improve around him, Toronto's offense grows more proficient and the teams morale continues to climb. (S75) Scotty Kaberle | D | @fromtheinside (Signed through S77) 530 TPE (Current) 570 TPE (S77. Proj. Start) I know I didn't get Kaberle the rookie season he wanted, but I'm hoping the future of this club excites him just as much as it excites me, and I guarantee you I'm absolutely vibrating with anticipation. Kaberle was hoping for a sixty point rookie season, and although he fell quite short of that mark, I'd argue that his forty eight points -- good for top defensemen on the Legion this year -- was an accomplishment considering the offensive struggles Toronto had throughout his first foray into the Victory Hockey League. I'll be honest here, it was very difficult managing five active defenders throughout the season and trying to get them all performing within enjoyable margins, but it certainly got easier at the trade deadline. For Kaberle's future, though, he and Welch will create a defensive pairing that forms a citadel alongside Green and... Greene. (S75) Jolly Greene Giant | D | @DoktorFunk Signed through S77 518 TPE 560 TPE (S77. Proj. Start) Jolly Green Giant was acquired in a trade that still represents Toronto's (hopeful) tactical advance from mediocrity, I saw an avenue of improvement similar to what Seattle did for their strong S67 core and I took a swing for myself by selecting Giant at second overall and sending away that mediocre core to London. Despite all that, I hope Giant doesn't feel he is forced to shoulder that hope by himself, he's a key member of this team and a growing presence on our blueline. Although his last name is Giant, he's been colloquially referred to as Greene since his defensive partner arrived in Toronto. Oh, and Giant had a decent rookie season as well. He was the second highest scoring defensemen on Toronto, just four points behind Kaberle, and will likely contribute more in the following season as the entire team improves. The Green-Greene pairing is now dubbed the 'EAT YOUR GREENS' line and plays together at every key moment of the game, and will continue to do so moving forward. (S76) Kristof Welch | D | @Juice Signed through S78 372 TPE (Current) 420 TPE (S77 Proj. Start) Ah, yes, the fifth overall selection in the S76 VHL Entry Draft. What can I say about Welch's involvement with the team? Oh... plenty I'm sure, but I find it is impossible to create a list of things when you enjoy everything about a player and their user; 'the future is bright' doesn't do what I think of Juice justice. This first-generation VHL player has been a terrific addition to the Toronto Legion, and cements the whole 'tactical advance' thing from above quite nicely. With the team moving away from five active defenders, Kristof comfortably slots into a defensive pairing with Kaberle, something that I couldn't always guarantee throughout season seventy six. Welch had a decent rookie season as well, earning himself thirty four points and likely many bruises from his impressive amount of shots blocked. The Kaberle-Welch pairing is now concrete. The two want to play together, and so they will. I'll do the goalies in a VHL.com article because I'm a TPE whore. 2000+ words.
  12. Now imagine your GM just waking up, eyes blurry, see's BOOM is the latest person to post. #shatmypants
  13. Final odds are determined by the tournament so there is no information to display yet.
  14. Also... @Quik. I'm ashamed I didn't realize this sooner than I did after briefly reading it early today but... There that's what I think of your reasoning.
  15. We agree on something? Mom! MOM! Get the camera!
  16. On the topic of the 'team performance' boost -- just my honest opinion here -- it goes against everything the league has done to rid of uncapped TPE floating around. Yes, it absolutely awards a winning mindset and that should be paramount for any VHL GM, but it truly punishes the users who are on teams with a perpetual case of 'bad luck' like New York (sorry Esso) or deflates the morale of say Davos or even Toronto if I can use myself as an example. Remember Davos was good on paper at the start of the season, quite a few of us were stunned that they weren't doing as well as maybe some thought they should be doing, but ultimately it led to Gustav deciding to rebuild for another attempt at collecting a roster that will contend. Why should he be punished his roster didn't click? Why should New York's active players be given less opportunity to grow because a few draft picks have disappeared? Toronto had bad chemistry in the LR that dismantled our offense, why should my active players be tossed into the dirt because we're a lottery team (although we'd have a chance to do well in the lottery). I don't think there is a single GM in this league that's intentionally 'tanking', and I'm pretty sure there are rules in place that prohibit that anyway, but I absolutely agree the 'rich get richer' approach isn't the correct one to take so I'm glad it was tabled for now.
  17. Can we please buy more than one position swap or make it unlimited now that it is more expensive? What is the purpose of limiting us to one?
  18. So I just want to know... are we really accusing Beketov in rigging the sims on a sim engine he can't truthfully rig for an individual player in the first place? As far as I understand... any setting Beketov would use to make sure his player was successful would also apply to everyone else because there is only global settings in the version of the engine we use. Am I understanding this correctly in that Gorlab is saying that Bek is sitting there on his PC re-simming each game, outputting the results into a folder and then checking the folder for favorable results before uploading them to the server? Do you who think there is fuckery afoot really think Beketov is going to sit there and wait until he gets the results he wants for just Lathinen or Moscow? I don't think you understand how much work that would really be, I don't even understand how much work that would really be, and how much time it would take just to guarantee his player got a criteria in the x or y category of his choosing. No, I don't think Beketov is cheating or rigging the sims. With that out of the way... I 100% support transparent sims. Go live on YouTube/Twitch, hit the sim button, export them to a folder and then upload them to the server. It seems pretty simple and only adds a few extra steps (as covered by Sonnet earlier), reinforces the integrity people are talking about and solves the 'you're rigging' argument before it becomes another argument. Just my $0.02 though.
  19. I've seen a pig devour a bird that got stuck in the mud IRL. They're fucking vicious dude.
  20. Pain-Longing-For Success-Missed-The Damn-Playoffs-Again Need-To-Do Better-Well Get-Them Next-Time Maybe Ihope
  21. I guess you could do that too, but Discord doesn't save the history of the sim like Twitch would. Or YouTube. YouTube would work well.
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