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Posts posted by ShawnGlade

  1. Sick article! While I find this to be an easy article to review for TPE, I actually was thinking about how to start a podcast for the VHL, because writing MS every week gets old and really hard to do, so why not talk?? I like the formatting and the subsections too, it makes it easier to follow and I like how each section can be further broken down to really get into the nitty gritty and it's something I wish people did more with articles. Only gripe is I wish you went more into depth on some sections, it would really help. 9/10

  2. Another week has come and gone. Was a tough week overall, my boss is a hater and really screwed me on the schedule. Told him I needed Monday and Tuesday off and he scheduled me to close both and pretty much told me to go fuck myself so I had to cancel my plans. Shitty stuff but the silver lining is I made a lot of tips.


    Friday went with my crush on a little road trip to go see Jon Pardi in Greeley, Colorado. I only know 3 songs of his tbh but you better believe I was jamming out to those songs. It started downpouring though and it was an outside concert, I can assure you I did not have a good time standing in the rain getting soaked in my t shirt and shorts. I'm a good potential boyfriend though, she was cold and wet so I gave her my jacket and I just figured I'd suffer. No moves were made but he played a love song and I put my arm around her so pretty good time I'll say.


    My player is doing well, been on a hot streak lately and almost at a point per game this season in the M. I needed it too, draft coming up this offseason and I'm one of the top skaters available. Playing on Houston has been awesome man, the locker room is always bumping and AJ is a great GM. Hopefully I can learn to score a god damn goal though.

  3. Ottawa_Bar.png.32cb1657970c75e9b38110d1d5ff216a.png.1cc50419fb034b83cbaf57941c3fbbf7.png

    Press Conference


    :ott:1. Tough start, what's going on?


    :ott:2. Anyone on the team catching your eye yet?


    :ott:3. S85 is quickly approaching, who goes 1OA?


    :ott:4. Who's your NHL team?


    :ott:5. Favorite video game?


    :ott:6. Single or Taken? If taken, what's it like not having sex ever again?

  4. Dallas Stars Daily Links: Miro Heiskanen Out Indefinitely - Defending Big D


    Jani Karppinen (S85 Defenseman)

    It was a tough transition to the VHLM for Jani Karppinen, coming over from his name Finland to play in North America was his dream. He first came over signing with the Ottawa Lynx, and immediately got off to a hot start, posting 3 points including his first career goal in his first 4 games in the VHLM. The success would be short lived however, and Karppinen would score a measly 2 points in the remaining 15 games of the season, both of which came as secondary assists. His first ever playoff run would also be a talked about point for all the wrong reasons. Karppinen put up just one point in 12 playoff contests, as the Lynx were bounced in 6 games in the semi-finals. Heading into the offseason, he knew the defensive side of the game was there, it was about finding his rhythm on offense. Karppinen worked hard in the offseason and his efforts would be rewarded, as he was drafted 14th overall in the VHLM dispersal draft by the Houston Bulls. He knew right away that being "the guy" in Houston was his goal, and so he grinded in the offseason to work on his defensive play especially, as he would be tasked with PP and PK duties for the first time in his career.


    Karppinen has seen solid success in a small sample size this season with the bulls. He's quickly becoming the #1 D on the team leading both the powerplay and penalty kill, and leading the team in ice time thus far. The Bulls are .500 so far 4 games into the season behind Karppinen's 3 assists from the blueline. The next milestone to look forward to however is the upcoming VHL Entry Draft. Karppinen is quickly climbing his way up the ladder and passing some notable names such as Tater Tottingham, Halvar Torbjorn, and Scottie House. He is currently ranked as the #9 best player available, however the draft is expected to be very heavy on goaltending talent, so there is a very real possibility that Karppinen could be a top 5 prospect, or even hear his name called in the top 3, as only one defenseman is ranked higher than him, that being Phil Strasmore. It will be interesting to see how Karppinen's season progresses. So far he is a league talent in blocking shots as well as leading in plus/minus. However a notable downside recently for Karppinen has been his offensive play. Will he become a top talent? Or will he blow his chances? 

  5. Looking good! I always get hyped for a rookie design, it just adds to the realism and creates for an interesting start to a career, maybe that's just me though. The things I'd change though are the quality of the render and the text are hard to see, and there's a lot of open space here.  The open space could be used to make the player bigger or add more depth to the picture but instead it's just kind of...there. The background is also kind of distracting but at the same time I kind of dig it so there's that. Nice job! 7/10

  6. Ok, this is pretty cool. I'm assuming it's just a stand-alone graphic but nevertheless, pretty awesome. I like having the picture in the background as well, gives the design more life to it. I also like the jersey swap, too often people get lazy and just leave the NHL logo in there, but it shows that you put some effort into this which is nice to see. Only criticism is you used a disgusting player for the render, yuck. 9/10

  7. Another week goes by. I got over my sickness last week, but then I ruined it by eating some undercooked meat so I was glued to the toilet all week as my stomach was just creating the most vile concoction possible, so that was fun. The Avs won the cup last night, for those unaware I live in Colorado and I'm not even near Denver, but the amount of fireworks going off and people chanting in the streets was something to behold.


    I've been getting more into sports betting recently, and believe it or not I lost every single bet placed last week, sooooo decent amount of money lost. But I took the Dodgers on the moneyline over the Braves yesterday and won so that was pretty dope. If you're looking for good bets to place tonight, I have the Dodgers and Yankees both at -1.5 on the Run Line, and I feel decently confident that at least one of those will happen but I guess we will have to wait and see. 


    I'm trying to go to the Avs parade Thursday, but it starts at 9am and I work the night before. It might be a pain in the ass but it's a once in a lifetime chance I feel so I might just suck it up and go anyways.

  8. Ottawa_Bar.png.32cb1657970c75e9b38110d1d5ff216a.png.1cc50419fb034b83cbaf57941c3fbbf7.png

    Press Conference


    :ott:1. What did you think of Ottawa's draft performance?


    :ott:2. How do you see our season going?


    :ott:3. We've done well attracting new creates, why is that?


    :ott:4. The Avs are Stanley Cup Champions! Who wins it next year?


    :ott:5. What's the top thing on your bucket list?


    :ott:6. Uh Nate, I know you’re a gamer and, uh, and all this and, uh, you know, I’m just thinking maybe out loud as far as in your shoes right now. It’s like, all right, we’ve done all the thinking we can do, we’ve done all the game planning we can do. Maybe, maybe, you know, just fuck it, we’ll just go in next year and not think that anymore, and just win this thing when we don’t think that much. Is that- Am I on the right path at all with this? Like maybe you guys just think a little too much?”

  9. 30 minutes ago, Jack Johnson said:

    Ok maybe sharing my political stance was a bridge too far. Im gonna shut my mouth now.


    28 minutes ago, Jack Johnson said:

    Well. Roe V Wade was the supreme court so yes the American people did not vote on it. But Saying you dissagree with me and my views is alowed in America. China opposes gay marriage you know. And the leadership is dictatorship.


  10. Another week, another blab. I've worked every day this week, and for those unaware I deliver pizzas. My entire financial being depends on earning good tips from people, which is alright with me, I live in a rather wealthy town with lots of old people who want to give their money away. I just haven't been working as much this summer due to a number of things. The college I go to is hosting highschool camps though for sports, and it's not fun when 300 kids walk into our tiny little dominos at 11:30pm ordering thousands of dollars worth of food, nevermind the other hundred or so kids who order for delivery and I gotta drive back and forth 10 times a night, having kids swarm my car asking "uh is that for me" and then they say the darndest things. It's like these kids grew up without parents, I mean who the hell tells their male delivery driver "You're cute bro, I'm bricked up right now you're giving me a boner."


    Work aside, I've been sleeping in till noon every day. I like the extra sleep, I'm a night shift worker so I can justify it. However I also get tired around the time that I need to go back to work, right when my day is getting started, so it's a bit awkward. Avs won tonight, I think I'm gonna go to the game 5 watch party at the Tivoli Quad, might just end up on TV and see Colorado hoist the cup. I thought about buying tickets but when it's $1200 to sit in the nosebleeds, that's a no from me dog

  11. Ok, that's sick as hell Kendrick. I don't know if it's the text or the render or both, but it looks so clean. The text fits really nicely with the jerseys and I like how the player is the main part of the sig with the text. The text gradient is a nice touch and honestly there's not really a whole lot of bad with this piece, other than some of the text being really hard to see/read but I wouldn't say it takes away from it too much. Awesome stuff!


  12. Looking good! I like adding the city in the background, it gives more depth to the art and makes it feel more like a personalized signature. Also, if my eyes don't deceive me, RIP Jimmy Hayes. My only things would be that it's pretty blurry, you'd like to see the player be a focus on the art and make him stand out. Also, there's just a lot of empty space on the left, and I think it would be cool to have the player sort of in front of the skyline. Other than that I think it's pretty cool and hope to see you use this!


  13. Ottawa_Bar.png.32cb1657970c75e9b38110d1d5ff216a.png.1cc50419fb034b83cbaf57941c3fbbf7.png

    Press Conference


    :ott:1. Who's the steal of the draft in your opinion?


    :ott:2. Looking ahead to S85 draft, why do you think it's so bad for defense?


    :ott:3. If Ottawa rebranded, what would you want to see?


    :ott:4. In your opinion, who's the VHL GOAT?


    :ott:5. Any fun plans for the week?


    :ott:6. What's your current hobby?

  14. 5 hours ago, Gustav said:

    What's the best way to start working out consistently? I'm in the "have started but still very much a beginner" phase at the moment--I like what I've done so far but would love to be more informed about it.

    Honestly what I tell most people who struggle with getting to the gym is finding motivation goes a long way. It’s real easy to stick to a plan for a day, a week, a month whatever, you won’t have issues going soon because you’re trying something new and you’re excited about it. The problem is that feeling wears off, and 4 months from now on a rainy Tuesday where maybe you have to do some unfun exercises, people lose lots of motivation. For me it was enough to just immerse myself in it. I made it so everything in my life revolved around lifting and eating right, that became my identity. I got the idea from “Atomic Habits” which said in order to become something, you have to act like it. You’re not training LIKE an athlete, you’re training because you ARE an athlete, so live every day like it.


    What got me started was wanting to be a better hockey player. I love Nathan Mackinnon, so I wanted to train like he did, eat like he did, etc. so I would watch highlights before my workout with the volume up and pretend it was me. It sounds silly but I’d watch some crazy goal between sets or whatever and that’s what got me psyched out. It’s not selfish to use others as motivation either, I’ve told myself “these girls are gonna think I’m strong as fuck if I do this set with proper form” when they probably wouldn’t even care. It’s just my two cents, most of the battle is eating right and having a good mindset, working out is only 20% of it

  15. This is sweet as fuck and I'm glad there's one place now to wrap up such an amazing career. I love seeing this career recaps, especially for high-profile players because I feel like we have too many mid-tier players talked about, but holy fuck was Aloe a machine. She was HUGE for Warsaw in that cup run and DESERVED playoff MVP for sure. Couple grammatical mistakes sprinkled throughout, but it didn't take away from the article much and I liked reading this and going back to an awesome time in the VHL!


  16. Awesome article, I like reading summaries about a player's hockey experience whether it be in the VHL or elsewhere, and what I really like about this article in particular was adding a sort of wacky, memorable hook to it with the 13,900 miles which fuck, hope Maloish is an AA rewards member because he could probably cash out on some baller trips soon. I will say though, please use a different font or size or whatever it is, it was not very easy on the eyes.


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