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Everything posted by SlapshotWrangler

  1. CALGARY - It has been a crazy off-season. Coming off probably one of the most disappointing moments in my career; losing the VHLE final in game 7, to preparing for my first season in the bigs has been an experience. But this off-season has been one filled with anticipation and fun. I remember thinking when I first made the VHLM of making the VHL as a distant goal but it’s now here. From Houston, to Oslo, now returning to North America in Calgary, I’ve had nothing but excitement with each new change. The Wranglers organization has been great, though it is confusing knowing that there are two Wranglers teams in Calgary. Still, I don’t think either of us should or will give up the right to the name Wranglers. If you haven’t figured out by the title of this post, I am Raimo Tuominen. It has been quite the adjustment playing North American hockey but I’m improving each day. I’m aiming to become a solid 2C behind my mentor Randy Bobandy. He’s teaching me how to be strong on the North American ice and in this new big league. Also helps that I have a familiar face in Catia. During training camp, I’ve been practicing keeping up with their pace. I’m aiming to work on my skating and puck handling a lot more but in terms of strength and withstanding the physicality, I feel as if I can keep up; I just need to develop a bit more physicality myself. In terms of goals, I’m aiming for a 20 goal season. This organization has put a lot of trust in me and I am determined to live up to it. I think 20 goals is a reasonable start to me. If I can, I’ll go for 30 goals but right now, I’m focused on making sure I play a good 200 foot game. In Houston, I was developing mostly my offensive skill set but ever since I became a center and played for both Oslo and Rome, I’ve been working on making sure I am great defensively too. The trickiest part about being a complete player is that it’s a balancing act where I have to make sure I am improving a healthy amount in both areas. It’s challenging but it’s a challenge I’m willing to take. I’ve been watching old Daniel Janser clips as well as Leandro Goncalves ones so that I can learn how to be a successful center in the league. I would normally say I am a bit nervous but to be honest, it’s mostly excitement. I can’t wait for the season to start. Thankfully, I’ll be kept busy since I’m in the World Junior Championships. I’ve had the honour of joining Team Europe so I’m pushing hard to represent our continent proudly!
  2. 1. Raimo Tuominen is going to be a Calgary Wrangler in the VHL now! Really excited to see how things go. 2. I expect my player to be solid two-way; I want to build a 200-foot center that can help defensively but also contribute offensively. Very idealistic but ideally, it'll allow for Raimo to be a complete player. 3. I am hoping that the team will perform well as the GM has made moves to keep us competitive. It will also give me a chance to see how I need to improve Raimo in a competitive team. We've got a great squad and can definitely do damage. 1) How would your player handle a two-on-one situation as the one man back? If your player is a goalie, how would they approach this situation? 2) What is your player's favourite way to score? If you are a goalie, what kind of shot do you think your player is the most confident in saving? 3) What kind of player are you hoping to create? (e.x. Playmaker, Two-Way, Grinder, Offensive D-Man, Technical Goalie, or whatever else you can come up with)
  3. Raimo Tuominen responded, "I'd love to. Teach me how to be strong North American hockey man like you!" @AJW
  4. CALGARY - Raimo has finally made it to the big club. Now it’s a matter of getting prepared for the season. He has been playing in the World Junior Championship in Team Europe, getting set for the season. Alongside him on the team is Catia Goncalves, recently acquired by Calgary Wranglers alongside Sadie St-Louis and The Frenchman (the latter has been traded since) with Ben McLaughlin and Fradin McGryer going the other way alongside some picks. The Wranglers have been making moves and Raimo has been excited to see new teammates. More new acquisitions that have been made by Calgary include Randy Bobandy, Malum Maellard, Oreo McFleury, and the return of AirRig GoodBrandSun. “You love to see it. It’s great to see our GM scheming and acting on those plans. I’ve loved the trades so far and you can tell that he has plans for next season. Obviously we have a bit of a younger roster so bringing in some veterans can definitely help us develop and they’ll be amazing to have on the ice, in the locker room, and just in general. I was also very excited about acquiring Catia. It will be great seeing a familiar face.” Catia and Raimo are definitely no strangers to each other’s style of play. Having played in the Junior Showcase Tournament together, then playing in that year’s World Junior Championship, and then playing together in Oslo before Raimo was traded, they will be looking to continue improving on the Wranglers. Raimo can’t wait for the season to start.
  5. 1) 1-1, nothing too bad. I'm a Flames fan so our season is still very much in question. It's been a roller coaster these past few years so why not one more year? 2) My favourite team in the VHLM would HAVE to be Saskatoon Wild. I mean, just look at my profile picture. They were my first team in the VHL when I first joined and I also have great memories of my two first players in the Wild. Ryuu Crimson had a solid season there and Jacques Lafontaine was part of the legendary S69 team. 3) I personally like playing the piano, even if I'm not that good. I also like to go out and play ball hockey at the university gym. 1. Who do you think will be winning Lord Stanley this season? 2. If you could compare your player to an NHL player, who would you compare it to? 3. If you've had multiple players in the VHL, which one was your favourite? If you haven't, what would be your ideal player?
  6. ROME - It was heartbreaking. The looks on the players' faces said it all. The Gladiators were so close. They had so many chances of closing it out. However, the Express fought back and took it all in Game 7 to win the championship. Rome would be without the Renaissance Cup. The Gladiators stayed to shake the hands of the victors and then quickly left. After leaving the ice, there was nothing but silence in the locker room until the head coach said a few words. Then all of the players packed up and left as Cologne celebrated their new VHLE champions. “That one hurt. We were so close and had multiple chances to close it out but we couldn’t. This… this is gonna sit with me for a good while. We had a great squad and we had all we needed but we couldn’t make it over the hump. Now we’re packing and going home.” A mid-season acquisition by Rome, Raimo looked to help the Gladiators push their path. They had a great run but came one win short. Raimo only had 4 points in 14 games and definitely took note of his own lack of performance. “It is disappointing. For the team, absolutely. But also in a smaller sense for me.” Now, Raimo will be making his way to Calgary to set up for the season there. There is excitement in the air for him and he is excited to get going in the VHL. However, he’ll be training, this great disappointment in his mind.
  7. 1) I think the Buffalo Sabres are a sleeper team. I know they are a fringe-ish team but they have a great young squad that will absolutely make the playoffs. Plus, Devon Levi is an absolute beast in between the pipes and will be a big part of their run. 2) It would probably have to be baseball. I've recently become a Blue Jays fan which is definitely not super painful right now but when you've cheered for the Flames your entire hockey fan life you get used to this disappointment. 3) Probably the wisest piece of advice I've followed is from one of my uncles who told me that "Being humble is not the same as not appreciating what you did." ---- 1. For some reason, the ice hockey gods have determined that they are tired of a cylindrical shaped puck. What 3d shape do they make the puck? 2. What is your morning routine? (IRL or Player, up to you) 3. What do you think is the most underrated play or skill in hockey?
  8. ROME - Rome vs Cologne. The Victory Hockey League Europe final is happening soon. Raimo and the rest of the Gladiators prepare to be an unmovable force that will need to stop the unstoppable object that has been the Express as of late. As expected, Tuominen is just as dedicated to make sure that he is able to contribute the best he can to the success of the team. This is it. The chance for this team to write history. So they will need to unleash everything they’ve got. In the first game of the final, the Gladiators and Express had a tight game but it was Ben Dover who would break the tie for the Gladiators. However, nobody in Rome has grown complacent yet. They are all pumped up and ready to continue the battle. “It’s the final. We’ve won one game so far. Now we have to focus on winning the next. Ben was able to secure the win today. We now need to figure out how we’re going to secure the win in the next game. We know the Express won’t come out the same so we need to make sure we don’t rest on our win here.” This is what the final is about. Excitement. Drama. Entertainment. And more importantly, winning every battle. Only one team can lift the Renaissance Cup. Who will it be?
  9. 1. After the playoffs (which we will hopefully be on top), the plan is to decide which aspects of Raimo's game he should train in (i.e, spend TPE on). 2. My expectations for Calgary is to be a rising team with young players. I definitely feel that we will have the personnel to make a statement. I think we are all hyped for what these next seasons have in store for us. 3. Gonna have to go with Vancouver here. They have had a real good team for a good while. 4. Myself; I'm excited to see how Raimo will fare in the big leagues. Another prospect I am excited to see is Shubham Anand! Hope we can play a lot of games together in these jerseys. 5. My toppings of choice (outside of meats) would be olives and green peppers! I think they're neat. 6. PINEAPPLES.... are fine by me. Hawaiian pizza is fine. But if anybody does what my middle school band did, I will riot. What did they do? They put chocolate ice cream on barbecue pizza. Ew.
  10. ROME - After an early morning practice and an encouraging game one win, Raimo was interviewed by some local media. The young center was asked about how he felt playing in the VHLE playoffs. It wasn’t like Raimo hadn’t experienced this kind of pressure before, however, playing in the VHLE playoffs can be quite a jump from the VHLM playoffs. Especially in terms of pure physicality, speed, and overall team systems. “It’s a jump but one that I can make. This team is filled with excellent top talent and rising stars and also has some very experienced veterans. I just have to play my part and make sure I stay solid. Solid and consistent gameplay in my zone has proven to work, now I just need to make sure I can maintain that while doing my best offensively.” Raimo replied when asked about the aforementioned jump. Nervousness was also a concern of the media; Raimo quickly dismissed any rumours of nerves however. “Calling it nerves makes it seem like we’re cowering in our skates or like terrified. It’s more of a feeling of anticipation. We’re all jittery and itching to get out there so that we can fight for a win. We know we have the fight in us and we all feel energized; we’re just waiting for the moment we step on the ice so we can let it out. That’s not nervousness. That’s anticipation, waiting, and being ready. As some random dude in a De La Salle High School football game interview said, ‘if you’re not nervous, you’re not ready’! Just replace the word nervous with eager.”
  11. 1. My least favourite TPE tasks to complete are Media Spots which is why I sparingly do them. I may turn back to them once I can't make a graphic for certain weeks though. 2. The next theme week should be centered about mascots! I would love to see what people could come up with if the VHL had mascots. 3. Chilly wind, typical fall. However, being in Calgary, fall will last a month at most (if we're lucky) so I'm enjoying it while we still have. 1. What is your player's jersey number and why does your player wear it? 2. If you could design one more off-season tournament for the VHL to add, what would the tournament be? 3. If you are a forward, what is your player's "signature" or favourite move to do on a breakaway? If you are a goalie, what is the most embarrassing way to get scored on?
  12. ROME - For the first time in his career, Raimo experienced what it was like to be traded. To be honest, it wasn’t unexpected. He figured that Oslo would try to gain some assets for the future considering the struggle of a season they were having. Yes, Raimo was sad to leave but he was also excited to join the Gladiators roster and do some damage. While Raimo has yet to have a real standout game, he continues to foster and develop an all-around play style as a center. “This is an awesome team to be a part of! I am really glad that they brought me in. This team is very strong and I have learned a lot while I’ve been here. Everybody is locked in and has bought into the mission of winning. It’s up to me to make the best of this opportunity and do what I can to contribute to this team. I have my roles to play and I want to work on playing them to perfection.” A new team brings a sense of newfound optimism in a player. Raimo is hoping that he can bring some optimism to the team by performing well in the roles he is given. “I mean, they wanted me. I have to make sure I can give them their money’s worth. If our managers can believe I can help this team reach the endgame in whatever way I can, then it’s up to me to do so.”
  13. 1. BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE! Positional need can always be addressed in 3rd round or through free agency. Plus, needs can change as time goes on. Case Study: Juolevi 2. Honestly, I feel like that is something that naturally happens. I can't really think of an effective way to boost activity but I feel like when some of us prospects come in we'll definitely make some noise. 3. Raimo shoots right. He is left handed when it comes to writing so it makes sense that his left hand would be his top hand. He used to use an Easton Synergy stick but he has recently switched to a CCM Ribcor Trigger 7 Pro. Funnily, playing junior hockey in Finland, he used a wooden Sherwood stick for the first half of the season. 4. I'd say go for the Calgary Food Bank. Monetary contributions are WAY more effective for them over canned food drives and the like. The amount of locally produced food that they can buy with straight cash easily is a bigger benefit than an equivalent cost of canned food. 5. I suck at hockey but now I have become a badminton god! I am the second coming of Lin Dan. 6. I have never done a Spartan Race or ran for cause but I am definitely going to look into it. If Terry Fox Runs count though, I have definitely participated in those and think that the fight against cancer is still very relevant and important.
  14. OSLO - Life as a center has been an interesting transition for Raimo Tuominen. Spending most of his budding hockey career as a speedy winger who focused on scoring, it was really interesting when Raimo decided to make a switch for being a center. It was definitely a risk but according to Raimo, it was a calculated one he was willing and excited to take. Making the switch to a center from winger is definitely easier than transitioning from defense to a center but Raimo noted that he took notes on Ryan Kastelic and the adjustments he made in order to influence Raimo’s own choices. “It has definitely been a challenge but one that I am willing to step up to and that I enjoy. I have found myself having to be a lot more mindful in my own zone. Strength has definitely been a focus of mine; I think I have shifted from a speed-focused play style to one where I physically overwhelm others. Of course, speed is still a big part of how I play but I also need to be able to step it up against the toughest of opponents and be a tough customer myself. Learning faceoff strategies has also been amazing; I’ve been watching Bergeron clips and Dominic Moore clips to make sure that I can have an expansive faceoff arsenal. Of course, there is still a lot of work for me to do but I am making progress."
  15. I love that FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY automatically corrects to Fisted Anally By A Circus Monkey. Edit: Fell for it twice, DAMN IT! @ROOKIE745
  16. Well, this is an interesting topic. Especially since I kind of played a role in this as a rival to this player. Jaxx Hextall is, in my completely objective and right opinion, the best goalie out of the S70 class. Hands down. I remember those days fondly. Me, Spyro, and Rookie (all overshadowed by Rayz Funk) had a great frenemy phrase where all of our backstoppers were going head to head. It all really started in S71 after Hextall joined the Toronto Legion as their backstopper. And my goodness was he amazing. Listen, Jacques Lafontaine also had solid stats but he had a stacked team in front of him. The reason I mention Lafontaine was because our locker rooms ended up having a mini-argument about whether Hextall or Lafontaine deserved Rookie of The Year. As much as I appreciate the support from my fellow Wranglers, looking back, it was a no-brainer. Lafontaine had 8 games already in his belt and had a 0.91 SV% while Hextall was fresh to the league with a 0.95 SV% on a relatively worse team (the Legion weren’t bad; they were just really solid). The case for Lafontaine was a better GAA and more wins… which can be attributed to the fact that the Wranglers were a really good team. So naturally, we were waiting for the VHL awards and I was waiting to congratulate Rookie745 on a great season and the ROTY. The Oscar- I mean, the Christian Stolzschweiger trophy goes to… Roque Davis. Seeing this result made me question whether people just ignore goalies for non-goalie/player specific awards. Surely that was the explanation! It was the VHL favouring forwards over goalies and the undervaluing of goaltenders. That HAS to be it. That’s right, I’m playing the “everybody hates goalies” card. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? I mean, cool, 25 goals and 44 assists for 69 points is awesome for a rookie (and also just an awesome point total number). But Jaxx Hextall was putting up excellent numbers on a struggling team and was a major part in turning around the team. He had better stats on a 28-25-11 team than Lafontaine (for comparison) on a 40-22-2 team. Without any VHL experience. Jaxx Hextall would turn into an excellent goaltender and a longtime cornerstone of the Toronto Legion franchise. If anything, this rookie season was a sign of things to come. Hextall would drag the underperforming Legion into the playoffs three times. But that is all stuff in the future that they couldn’t have predicted back then. Still, Jaxx was an absolute stud in his rookie season (and the many more to follow) and definitely deserved Rookie of the Year. I was sitting there pondering why such a great season would be unrecognized. I mean, Jaxx was a true rookie wonder proving his worth. Roque Davis deserves all the credit for a good rookie season, don’t get me wrong. But in my heart, Jaxx Hextall is the season 71 rookie of the year winner as well as the best goalie throughout the season 70s.
  17. 1. It is what is to be expected and it will change. It's a part of the rebuilding cycle. As someone who is not a part of the roster just yet, I do feel success will come and that this is just a part of the process. 2. Well, I'm hoping to have a shot with the big club and seeing where Raimo can fit in. We have a great future ahead of us in this franchise. 3. Grimgor Ironhide would be a great choice to target. Also, if we have later first round picks I'd also go for Toby Kadachi because ROOKIE745 is a great earner. 4. I feel like Calgary should go for more futures if possible but I don't know the situation that well regardless and we have a lot of young promising players already. 5. Used to have a budgie named Sky; sadly passed away in March. Absolute beauty. 6. Winter has to be my favourite because I get to bundle up AND free outdoor rinks in Calgary.
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