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VHLE Commissioner
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Everything posted by Enorama

  1. Here's my extra keys: ...there's a few
  2. All that being said, I will apply.
  3. All updaters can do in this case is deny the TPE. Any further punishment is up to the mods.
  4. Is there any real reason why this needs to be its own job? Why not give one of the existing updaters the additional duty of having final say on any flags. There's like five of us that have been doing this for 2+ years, any one of us could do that just fine for the what, 2-5 updates each week that may need a final input?
  5. G - Ryan Artyomov Draft done @Spartan
  6. @Spartan you can pick the two DQ teams their goalies @eagle_3450 pick your two forwards any time
  7. You can also pick your goalie any time because eagle just needs two forwards.
  8. I would love it if Member could be broken down further (I know it can't) just because I know my referrals have been primarily driven by the EHM community. I think the GM league community is one that should be able to drive a ton of growth but I'm just not as engrained in it as I was in 2018. Also, there would be 1 or maybe 2 from NHL66 lol, shoutout to ROOKIE
  9. F - Halvar Torbjorn D - Faith Hope Love @hylands
  10. Going to bed now @hylands 7 hours @Spartan if hylands has not picked when this post is 7 hours old, you can pick for Whiskyjack and Motza.
  11. F - Landon Wolanin D - Pierre Emile Bouchard @hylands
  12. @Spartan that's the second skip for @WhiskyJack as well.
  13. @Motzaburger skipped for a second time @Spartan @WhiskyJack 12 hours
  14. @Motzaburger 2 hours @AJW when this post is 2 hours old you can skip motza and pick
  15. @WhiskyJack skipped @Motzaburger 12 hours
  16. Lmao whoops F - John Jameson @hylands pick whenever
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