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Posts posted by oilmandan

  1. I don’t write much here anymore, but yesterday my player quietly hit the 500 point mark for his career in a 5-2 loss to the team that drafted Dan Wilinsky, the New York Americans. 


    Now I know many players have hit that mark already and even more will hit it in the future, but with how personally disappointed I am with Wilinsky’s career in general, the milestone is a nice one to hit. 


    Wilinsky has spent the past few seasons chasing that elusive VHL championship joining defending champs Helsinki in S67 and then signing on with current champion Seattle Bears. 


    The third period goal that notched the 500th point, was Wilinsky’s 38th tally of the season, which is also a new career best. With two games remaining, maybe he can hit the 40 goal mark for the first time in his career and help Seattle win another championship. 


    I went all in on tpa this year and have none banked, so this will likely be my final season as a useful player once I get bent over by the regression gods. 


    On a side note, a first round matchup with New York will be fun, getting to go up against the team Wilinsky spent more than half his career with will be bittersweet, although I hope Seattle buries them in 4




  2. On 12/16/2019 at 12:46 AM, Banackock said:

    What are your thoughts on your season?

    What are your thoughts on how your team is doing?

    Who do you think wins MVP?

    Who has been your teams best player?

    If you were to drop the gloves with any other VHLer, who would it be and why? don't be afraid to tag a bitch. 

    Who makes it to the finals out of North America?

    1 It’s been about an average season for me, goals and assists wise, but definitely a nice boost this year in hits, shots and penalties which is interesting. The game winners I’m getting are a big help too

    2 I’m happy we’re right in the thick of things, we’re playing decent and I think there’s still room to improve before the playoffs get underway

    3 Kallis Kriketers has been top notch all year for Riga. Gotta go with him

    4 Acyd Burn has been red hot scoring goals. He’s been awesome 

    5 Probably @McWolf I think it would be a great tilt, but I know I’d win out

    6 Seattle of course


    On 11/22/2019 at 9:12 PM, McWolf said:

    1. What made you choose Seattle over other teams?

    2. Why even go to free agency in the first place, if you signed back with the team that had your rights anyway?

    3. What are your thoughts on being named the league's 9th best player?

    4. With 25% of the season out of the way, are you satisfied with your play so far?

    5. What North American team would you not want to play in a playoff series?

    6. What's your opinion on crossovers in the playoffs? Should Moscow have made the show last season instead of whoever was 4th in the NA?

    1 I like the area, I've found myself enjoying coffee much more and Seattle is the place for coffee. The rain is unfortunate but thats ok

    2 I wanted to hear a few offers before deciding, Seattle had that headstart and made a good pitch. It came down to two teams in the end and was a very close race

    3 it's a great honour. I dont feel I'm that good but I'll definitely take it

    4 I feel like my entire career has been a disappointment, so this is nothing new

    5 Vancouver seems to have our number, definitely need to avoid them

    6 love the idea of a crossover. Its important to get the best teams in the playoffs every year. 

  4. On 11/23/2019 at 6:15 PM, Banackock said:

    32. What were your thoughts when we got @oilmandan/ Dan Wilinsky in Free Agency?

    33. What was the biggest surprise in FA for you?

    34. Who do you think is going to finish in last place?

    35. Who has been the Bears MVP so far this season?

    36. Who has been the leagues MVP so far this season?

    37. If a VHLM team were to relocate, where would you move it to?

    1 I said yay me. Someone is still willing to pay me money to suck at hockey.

    2 I was actually surprised how many teams were interested in signing Wilinsky. He may have big tpe, but he's underperformed his whole career

    3 Davos. Feel bad for them but maybe brighter days are ahead. They and New York got hurt badly with all the expansions 

    4 Joel Ylonen. He's been a good team player and deserves the accolades 

    5 Alex Pepper. he's been a good soldier for Helsinki for his whole career.

    6 Move a team to Siberia. just because 

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