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Posts posted by oilmandan

  1. 200.gif

    No disrespect to Helsinki or anyone their with this gif, I love you all, I just think it's funny and maybe itll trigger any dirty Raider fans.


    Dan Wilinsky finished his 6th VHL season recently, and it ended in disappointment like every other season. A second half free fall by the Helsinki Titans had a very rude ending to it, with the Titans blowing out in the first round of the playoffs. 


    Brought on during the S67 campaign to be the final piece in another championship run, proved not to be the case as Helsinki came up short both playoffs. Wilinsky struggled in the playoffs, even being demoted to the second line as young stars excelled, while the aging Wilinsky struggled to keep pace. 


    Team executives went on an extended holiday after the loss to try to pick up the pieces and rebuild for season 69. (Nice) 


    Still not back in cell service, Wilinsky was also pondering his future. Holding a player option gave Wilinsky his first opportunity at free agency and the ability to entirely control his own fate. 


    With likely only 2 seasons left in his career, Wilinsky is desperately trying to win a championship before his career comes to a close. 


    Dan has been hitting the gym hard in the past few weeks to try to slow down father time and make himself as attractive to all the possible suitors. 


  2. 1) Put yourself in the shoes of Helsinki GM; what is your first order of business?

    pay off simon t to help Helsinki buy a key win or two

    2) Can Helsinki run the power line of Borwinn-Bailey-Wilinsky and expect a stronger upcoming season or is it time for a shakeup? Maybe a more Balanced lineup may put us over the top?

    3) Our roster is not set to change much at all unless we make a player for player deal or become an unexpected seller; are we still a top contender or do we drop off a bit? we can't go back with the same lineup with other teams improving. Need to find a way to improve 

    4) What do you plan to focus on during the off-season to take your game to the next level? fighting off depreciation 

    5) What works best in your opinion; Star power up front or a collection of strong players and a deeper roster? deep roster and overwhelming with many solid players

    6) Would you bet on the Titans to win a cup before their S63 class retires? yes, but not my live savings 

  3. 11 hours ago, Bushito said:

    Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE)

    Game 3 - Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears

    Game 4 -Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears

    Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks


    Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE)

    Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks - Malmo Nighthawks 4-3


    Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer)

    Series leader in points: Matt Thompson
    Series leader in goals: Matt Thompson

    Series leader in assists: Ryan Sullivan Jr

    Who has the series PIM lead: Matt Thompson

    Who scores the series winning goal: John Frostbeard


  4. On 10/8/2019 at 10:03 AM, Jubo07 said:

    7) What is your favourite restaurant in Helsinki before or after a game?

    8 ) Helsinki is unlikely to test the trade market, are you satisfied with this roster for the remainder of the season/playoffs?

    9) Out backup goalie has played 4 games thus far; when he is in the net do you play with a more defensive mindset?

    10) Looking at DC and Prague, who do you feel will climb higher in the standings next season?

    11) Which award do you want your player to achieve before you hang up the skates?

    12) The Titans only have one pending UFA this off-season (Orion Slade), what would you say to Orion to convince him to keep the full squad together?

    7 Taco Bell, Love the food from back home

    8 Why not? We're in first place. Why would you mess with that?

    9 You pretty much have to. He's no Pepper. Guy just stinks

    10 DC I think the North American side is weaker so they will have an easier time

    11 Another 2 way forward award

    12 This is your best chance at winning. Why wouldn't you stay?

  5. Who do you project as the next break-out talent out of the Titans? Jordan Tonn. Kid is gonna be huge. 

    2) Former Titan cup champion Matt Thompson announced his retirement this week; what message do you wish to leave him with? All the best in retirement. I modeled my own player after you and it was a great decision. 

    3) Kronos Bailey and Julian Borwinn are tied at 68 points to lead the Titans. Who do you project will lead the team when game 72 is all said and done? I think Borwinn will pull away in the end, but itll be close.

    4) Does Alexander Pepper achieve his second Shaw trophy as top goalie? I think so. He's starting to lock it down.

    5) To the surprise of many Calgary sold off their top two offensive threats last week (Diljodh and Ylonen). Hoe does this effect the power rankings in the east? It has to. Those are pretty big pieces to lose.

    6) Who is our biggest threat if the playoffs startedtoday? Ourselves. If we keep our heads in the game we will be just fine 

  6. 18 hours ago, Quik said:


    1. The Titans have taken over 1st overall in the league standings, how much confidence do you have when you step out onto the ice right now?

    1. What has been your most memorable performance of the season thus far?
    2. What team have you most enjoyed playing against? Why?
    3. What team have you least enjoyed playing against? Why?
    4. As we are close to the mid-way point of the season, have you performed up to your own expectations?
    5. What is one area of the game you think the team can improve on, heading into the second half?

    1. Tons of confidence. It feels like we are a step ahead of where we were last year. Its awesome 

    2. Every game is memorable. I'm playing in the best league in the world 

    3. I love playing against New York. They are my old team and it's easy to get up for those games.

    4. Davos. They are a tough team to play

    5. I'm always working to improve. I think I can be better, but it's been a solid start

    6. Hopefully more consistency from our 1st and 2nd lines 

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