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Posts posted by oilmandan

  1. 1. What do you think about the choice of Captains this season? Awesome choices, they’ll help lead us to another cup

    2. Who will be our point leader at the end of the year? I’m gonna say Berocka Sundqvist. Off to a great start already. He’s gonna keep it up

    3. Who would you put on the first line? Definitely no. I’m definitely not that good yet. Maybe one day

    4. Who is our best Forward? Guy LeGrande seems to be a little snake bit on the goal scoring end, but if he can start scoring, he’s a lethal threat 

    5. Who is the best on D? Berocka for sure 

    6. Who would you trade away from the team and to where? No, cause I like winning. 

    7. Who would you want on our team? Only if I enjoyed championships

    8. @Banackock always makes like 30 questions at a time, how do you think he comes up with so many? He probably asks people at work for random questions 

    9. Can we get a 4th cup? Hell yes

    10. Why do you think Seattle has had so much success recently is it cause of Bana or just sheer dumb luck? Pure genius by Bana and a great group of players that all buy in


    1. What is your favorite thing about the city of Vegas? Hooker and cocaine

    2. Looking back, who would you make the 3 captains knowing the results of the S71 regular season? Me, McWolf and Remy 

    3. What's your social security number player number and why? 39. Number of the worlds greatest hockey player and my childhood idol, Doug Weight 

    4. Link us to a picture of what you think the Team Pet should be! A dragon 

    5. Who's your roommate during road games? I’m not sure, maybe General Zod

    6. Which corporate sponsor would you like to see on our arena? Some kind of casino ad, maybe one for the entire strip 

  3. M9QL5UDs_400x400.jpg

    Randy Marsh


    Las Vegas Aces



    If you had to describe Randy Marsh off the ice in a word, you'd say, American, Dad, Fighter, Geologist, Farmer, Guitar Player, Singer, Entrepreneur, Wine connoisseur. Really the list could go on and on.


    On the ice, he is a little bit tougher to crack. He can be an offensive defenseman, with a heavy shot from the point, or he can also be a fighter and heavy hitter, when others decide to step to him. 


    Pre game meal prep


    Randy can be very vocal in the locker room and on the ice, when he doesn't like something, he isn't afraid to call out a teammate or coach. Teams interested in drafting Marsh, will have to stay on their toes, as he does like special treatment when he can get it. If he's not feeling the love or feels unappreciated, he may lash out or ask for a trade. So a healthy and happy locker room and team environment would be for the best.

    A proven winner in the past (VHLM history excluded), Randy hopes to step into a winning mindset and capture many championships in his career. With many other career opportunities on the side, he isn't afraid to hold out or even retire if he is in a bad situation.


    Headaches aside, Marsh can be counted on to play with all his heart and soul invested every night. And pledges to improve at a fast rate every week. 

    His strengths include his heavy shot as mentioned above, a keen offensive mind and ability to quarterback a lethal powerplay. He can also lay the body and protect his own end when he isn't busy trying to fight the opposition. 



    Standing up for a teammate


    Some of his weaknesses do include a reluctance to pass very often, he believes he has the best shot to score in any situation. As well as a lack of discipline. His irrationality can cause him trouble and when he starts to get out of control, one would be wise to keep a close eye on him to avoid eruption. 

    All in all, Marsh is a raw talent, that will need some guidance and teaching, but can be considered a dark horse prospect to the GM willing to take their time to build him up. 


    Definitely not a high 1st round prospect, but can be a steal if he falls out of the first round. Caution is key either way in this circumstance 


  4. 1.) The aces sit in 5th place, did you think we would finish this high? expect less?, More?
    2.) The Aces have 4 players at 250 TPE  @Proto @ng1291 @Pengu @McWolf who goes first ;)

    3.) Is @Proto a Boomer?
    4.) Should @Proto shave his head if Vegas wins the cup?
    5.) Peanut Butter and Jelly, or Grilled Cheese?
    6.) Most Underrated player on the Aces? 


    1. I thought we'd finish higher than this, this can't be what was envisioned when we started the season.

    2. McWolf. Guy is a proven tpe whore

    3. Sure.

    4. Sure.

    5. Grilled cheese all the way. Even better when you put some ham or bacon on there too. Make it all classy like. Yum. Making me hungry

    6. I'll go with Remy Moreau. Solid, solid teammate, not afraid to do the dirty work out there. Real team guy

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