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Posts posted by FBR

  1. F - Ryusuke Eun-bi
    F - Toru Eun-bi

    (The Asian Sedin twins)

    D - Suphan Thongsong - Actual soccer player and my EASHL player
    G - Jacques Grande - Come on...the absolute legend

  2. BBUVkwy.img?h=351&w=624&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f
    Matthew Kai getting into the action during the game opposing the Legion to the Menace


    TORONTO - We are now eight games into this season and the Toronto Legion are on absolute fire. They have won all eight games and are showing no signs of slowing down. General Manager, Devise, has made loads of moves this off-season and they all seem to be panning out well for the Ontarian squad. Well, all of them except the, once South Korean phenom, Matthew Kai.

    Matthew Kai is showing no signs of improvement in his second season in the VHL. After being traded from the last team in the league last season, the Malmo Nighthawks, to the current number one team in the league, the Toronto Legion, Kai is still looking like a disappointment after being drafted 8th overall by the Vancouver Wolves during the S65 VHL Entry Draft.

    He just came off a strong game, scoring a goal and adding an assist in a 4-3 win over Moscow, but before that he only managed to get a single assist in seven games. Kai is currently the second-to-last scorer of all Legion forwards, as well as having the worst shooting percentage amongst that group.

    He needs to step his game up. And fast.

    194 words

  3. 1. How well do you think the Legion will do this season?

    We're 8-0 right now. I think we're going to be doing pretty well this season.


    2. Who will be the team’s top goal scorer?

    Dragomir and Peace should have a secret competition for who can get the most goals. More goals = more wins. I'd probably give it to Veran, though.


    3. We can expect Fong and RSJ to get a high assist count, but who do you think will have the most assists on the roster? 

    Hopefully Tzuyu. Picked Tzuyu in my fantasy team, so from my perspective, that's my hopeful pick.


    4. What do you think about Devise’s trades during the off-season?

    He got me via trade. I'd say he did pretty well, in my unbiased opinion.


    5. Fortune smiles upon the bold... or so they say. Can Toronto really compete for a championship with a top loaded roster or do you think we need more depth in the new VHL?

    I don't know what is his plan for the season, but I'm sure he's looking at a few depth pieces, I'm not too worried about our success down the line.


    6. We signed plenty of free agents this season. What do you think about the free agency movement this off season?

    Once again, we're 8-0. It looks like Devise did all of the right moves.


    7. If you could add anyone in the league to the roster, who would it be and why? 

    The pieces to guarantee us the Cup. I don't really care WHO it is.

  4. Also, just in case, I assembled every pick made to make it easier for everyone:



    F -  Matt Thompson
    F - Pat Svoboda

    F - 

    D - Ryan Kastelic

    D - Joseph McWolf
    G -  Kallis Kriketers



    F -  Julian Borwinn
    F - Oyorra Arroyo

    F - Veran Dragomir

    D - Tzuyu

    D - 
    G -  Ismond Kingfisher



    F -  Edwin Preencarnacion
    F - Leph Twinger
    F - Rauno Palo

    D - 

    D - 
    G -  Brick Wahl



    F -  Jake Davis
    F - Sebastian Ironside
    F - 

    D - Maxim Kovalchuk

    D - Sidney Crosby
    G -  



    F -  Beau Louth
    F - Kronos Bailey
    F - Ryuu Crimson

    D - Shawn Glade

    D - 
    G -  




    F -  Podrick Cast
    F - Dan Wilinsky

    F - Randoms

    D - 

    D - 
    G -  Alexander Pepper

  5. Laughing at Bergevin for this is so stupid lmao

    Dude has the biggest balls (and arms) in the league and showed it. He was getting Aho for basically nothing or...just getting nothing while losing nothing.

    Waddell needed Bergevin to get his superstar under contract. I'll never stop laughing at trying to sign Sebastian Aho to a fucking 6M x 8 years contract.

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