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Everything posted by Dil

  1. @Mr_Hatter promoted to S @tfong promoted to A @GustavMattias added to new F- role
  2. @Beaviss moved to S @Banackock moved to S @Enorama moved to A
  3. remember when u were my linemate and u were supposed to get me more points. ya that didnt end so well did it
  4. Don’t hurt your back grandpa
  5. If only you had that authority
  6. You know what REALLY grinds my gears? Beaviss. You would imagine that someone that has a rule named after then would REMEMBER TO FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULE?!?!?! That is not the case with @Beaviss. There are 72 fucking games in the season. That means 72 opportunites to play your backup goalie a measily 8 games. But NO. This idiot is unable to play his goalie the expected amount. QUE-G has so much free time on his hands now due to this incompetence, he was able to sign with Brazzers and is working with them full time. I petition for Beaviss to be demoted to AGM and for @Philliefan to be promoted to GM of Vancouver. Maybe then can we play our backup goalie the required 8 times AND NOT BE HANDICAPPED IN THE PLAYOFFS. You know what Beaviss? HOW DARE YOU?! You have stolen my dreams, my childhood with your empty words.
  7. Take your time! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions and I suggest you join our discord! https://discord.gg/VrUxedS
  8. Applying for Canada, but please give me anything
  9. Step 1. Play your backup goalie 8 times. @Beaviss Step 2. Done
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