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Everything posted by Dil

  1. 100 character tweet then
  2. VSN ELECTIONS COMING SOON #ImpeachShawn #MakeVSNGreatAgain
  3. I made an article like this before, and I there we have two options: Delete VSN Give someone like @DollarAndADream or @GustavMattias management of it
  4. We should make twitter a point task. 2 uncapped tpe or such to create a twitter account for your player Ex. DStarloadVHL Ans then 1 capped tpe a week to write a 100 word tweet on it every week as another task someone can do. All tweets that have the hashtag #VHLSim or something along that line should show up on a live feed on the portal home page under neath the weekly tpe earners This adds another way to earn tpe and is free advertisement on a large scale @Beaviss @Quik @Beketov @Will
  5. Are we talking about quic k changing to quik because urs truly made it happen
  6. @Beaviss OMG IM GOOD @Banackock FUCK YOU HATER
  7. @Beketov the time has come
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