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Everything posted by Dil

  2. That’s illegal. You can’t say that word here.
  3. For next week, I make these to practice and get tips
  4. nice title, learning from the best aren't ya
  5. You’d think a GM who invested two first round picks, would try and clear things up before just booting you? No? Ok
  6. I was 100% serious about retiring from the getgo. My player has been a disappointment from the start only hitting over point per game once in his career. And I genuinely thought for what ever reason, Beaviss didn’t care. When I did DM him, he in no way shape or form tried to clear the misunderstanding up, and stop it from happening. So shut the fuck up, because you weren’t there, and sit the fuck back down
  7. Okay for all of you who have decided to chime in. The second I entered the Vancouver locker room, I told Beaviss and everyone else who was talking there was a good chance I was going to retire at the deadline. Beaviss said he didn’t care because he got to “off load his picks”. This didn’t make sense to me at the time, and I didn’t understand that it was a joke. I took it literally and thought I had some time to make up my mind. So when I dm Beaviss telling him I’m going to retire at the deadline, and give him a heads up, instead of CLEARING IT UP and telling me HE WAS JOKING, his pride got in the way and he kicked me from the locker room. And then I thought oh I’ve pulled through a few seasons of being shit, what’s one more? And then he tells me I’m benched for the rest of my career and then I got mad too and retired. Im not saying this is BEAVISS’ FAULT or anything. There was miscommunication, and I didn’t understand he was joking. But it isn’t all on me either like you all are acting, because you have all decided. He could have cleared it up when i contacted him instead of giving me the boot right there. But hey im Dil! I’m a fucking troll! This is automatically on me. Nice
  8. When I dmed you, giving you the heads up, instead of going like “woah Dil I was just kidding, how did you not get that?” Or something you just kicked me from the locker room and said I’m benched for the rest of my career
  9. Maybe don’t make important statements like that in joke form next time. And instead of clearing up the misunderstanding, kicking me from the locker room and telling me I’m benched
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