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Everything posted by Dil

  1. It's that time of the week again ladies and gentleman, I am here to grace you mortal beings with a beautifully written 150 word article about... VHL.com articles. Now, I think that VHL.com tasks are great, simple tasks that you can do to earn a quik 2 tpe. There are many forms of it, it can be a podcast, simple graphic, or even a 150 word article, such as the one you are currently reading. My problem is with people expecting a lot of effort, for just a simple task. If we take a gander at: It states that: I can assure that there will be people who bitch at me this week as well for not "putting in effort". But let's look at what the rules demand a VHL.com article be like. You may only do one XM Radio Article per week. This is my only VHL.com ARTICLE this week. Each article is expected to be at least 150 words, but should be around 200 words. If you are found to be writing articles short of this limit you may have your ability to write articles revoked. At the time of writing this sentance we are at approximately 150 words (without counting any of the copy pasted stuff) and I'm not even done yet. By the end of this article we will be at about 237 words, which is greater than 200, even though it is expected to be only a mere 150. Each article is expected to be league related, and have a degree of relevance to the VHL. This article is league related, as it talks about VHL.com articles, which are apart of the VHL. All work must be 100% original or you could face a ban from posting XM Radio articles ranging from weekly to permanent. Everything I wrote in this article is 100% original, (nothing copy-pasted from the rules page is being counted towards the word limit) The end.
  2. Dil

    Count to 1000

    @hedgehog337 I'm disappointed they didn't realise what you meant when you tagged yourself :{ 343
  3. If the count to 1000 thread finishes, I’ll post a limited time picture of @Beaviss eating a burger and a shit ton of fries.

    1. Matt_O


      what about peace feet


  4. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Has_anyone_really_been_far_even_as_decided_to_use_even_go_want_to_do_look_more_like%3F
  5. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more like?
  6. Dil

    S67 WJC Awards

    And that's another WJC tournament in the books. For a change, Canada did not win a medal, and World rocketed itself to the top and will take gold. This was a great tournament and we got to see some upcoming VHL talent, both on the ice and in management roles show us what they are made of. Without taking up any more of your time, let's get started with the awards: Gold ?: Team World ?️ Silver ?: Team Europe  Bronze ?: Team Asia ? And now, the S67 All-WJC Team! F - Nethila Dissanayake (WOR) @nethi99 F - Henrik Zoiderbeg (EU) @HenrikZoiderberg F - Pascal Batz (EU) @efiug D - Guy LeGrande (WOR) @Steve D - Cody Smith (CAN) @cody73 G - Thorvald Gunarsson (WOR) @Saelven88 And now finally, the tournament MVP: F - Nethila Dissanayake (WOR) @nethi99 New York's Nethila Dissanayake came into the tournament with the goal of proving himself. After being shipped off to New York from Calgary, Nethila made it his mission to prove to Calgary that they had made a mistake. And it was made clear in this tournament that Nethila is a great player with a bright future. Congratulations, well deserved. S67 WJC Award Predictions Payout: (Acyd ?) 2 Capped, 1 Uncapped: NO ONE 2 Capped: @Acydburn 1 Capped: @Enorama @Sharkstrong @uphillmoss @Elmebeck @Big Mac @GustavMattias @InciteHysteria @Jtv123 @Green @HenrikZoiderberg @tfong @Tate @enigmatic @Motzaburger @rjfryman @73MPL4R @ColeMrtz21 @VanCanWin @BarzalGoat @Josh @Matmenzinger @cody73 @STZ @TheLastOlympian07 @MexicanCow123 @PotatoKing @Juddy @hedgehog337 @Dalton Wilcox @Nykonax @Steve @DizzyWithLogic @Poptart @nethi99 @Bucky___lastard @Kyle @bluesfan55 @Jbeezy76 @frescoelmo @Beaviss @FrostBeard @Kekzkrieg @Fire_In_Babylon @chillzone @Bruins10 @Esso2264 @MMFLEX @monkeywrench15 @flyersfan1453 @xDParK @Jaku @Quik @wcats @oilmandan @Patpou22 @Philliefan @leafsman @Telkster @BluObieZ @Midnite @Sebster03 @sjs88speed @Joubo @Sullvino @TukTukTheGreat @AcousticKazoo @MacH @berocka @Kylrad @Sixersfan549 @Ace @.sniffuM @Greg_Di @GRZ @BladeMaiden @HulkHogan @aCrypticPancake @SlapshotDragon @Cornholio @CowboyinAmerica (If I missed someone, or you feel like there's been a mistake with the predictions, DM me and I'll sort it out) Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to all who participated in this tournament. The WJC is a great place for new members to gain experience and learn how the league is run. I had a blast running this tournament and I feel it's one of the better events the VHL holds.
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