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  1. Fire
    Dil got a reaction from Shindigs in 12 Emotes Create by Shindigs   
  2. Haha
    Dil reacted to MubbleFubbles in Excel Lessons by Squidward   
  3. Like
    Dil reacted to scoop in (2022) 12 Days of Christmas: Day 2   
  4. Like
    Dil got a reaction from scoop in (2022) 12 Days of Christmas: Day 2   
    React to this post with a like for 2 days of good luck
  5. Like
    Dil reacted to FrostBeard in My last season in Bratislava   
    Howdy people!

    It has been a bit since FrostBeard has posted anything like this in Media spots but here we are. 

    My last season in Bratislava

    It is really interesting that my last post about stepping down from a GM position was back in Februrary 8 of 2021. Back then I was a GM of Malmo Nighthawks and understood that my political campaigning took a bit too much away from my free time so I couldn't fullfil my GM job requirements for the forseeable future so decided to step down. 

    You might think that we are talking about similar situation right now. 

    Yes, probably many of you know that this is my last season as Bratislava Watchmen GM. 
    Yes, I am stepping down due to my free will and because I feel like it is a good time to stop. 
    No, I am not leaving the league - even more than that - I am here to show the league that I am more than ready to again go back to being a VHL GM. 

    My time in VHLE has been incredible. Getting selected as one of the founding GM's for a new endevour was absolutely breathtaking. Taking up a team that has such a history with another Latvian GM is amazing. I couldn't ask for a better situation and having people like @Acydburnand @Victoras the 2 Commissioners there was absolutely amazing. With many changes, GMs moving out and leaving job posts, I have become the "Old man" of the VHLE. I kinda did setup myself a goal that this is going to be a stepping stone for returning back to VHL GMing. Right now however I do feel I want to give this position to someone who wants to be a VHLE GM right now, who wants to get that awesome experience to trade, draft, figure out the future of the great Watchmen franchise. 

    Throughout these last 7 seasons (8 if you count in the S79 Tournament) I have had my ups and downs, have had wonderful AGM's - especially my good friends - @Shindigs and @leandrofg who I hope managed to learn something from me, though I highly doubt that as they were incredibly intelligent, knowing and amazing instantly when they joined in. I didn't really think I will need to trade so much away to have a competitive season but here we are - a new thing for the people to see - FrostBeard trading away all the draft picks (Yes, I am not even joking) but at least there should be players that could get some of that back next season. 

    Basically, this whole post could have been a simple - Yes, I am leaving this postition, probably will try to go for an AGM position in VHL at some point soon, hoping for some good luck in the future GM applications but honestly, here we are. All that said, I am not really good at making these small posts so I have few people to say huge thanks to in these last 7 to 8 seasons in VHLE.

    First of all - to my fellow VHLE GMs, especially to the ones who are in VHL - @InstantRockstar, @thadthrasher, @Dil and @KaleebtheMighty - you are absolutely breathtaking and to me trading and having opportunities to work with you was an absolute charm - you are amazing individuals and I do hope to see many cups raised by LA, NY, London and Malmo. To my current GM friends - good luck, this season is amazing with how many teams are ready to compete - let's make it fun for our players as in the end - they are the reasons why we are here!

    To people who have been pushing me to higher standarts - my dear AGMs @Shindigs and @leandrofg - you have achieved so much just by yourselves that all I can say is that without you both, Bratislava wouldn't be the same, you made it home, you made it awesome and you made sure that people valued what Bratislava name meant. You keep impressing me with your amazing work ethic and you keep pushing harder and harder to a point that I don't even know if I will ever be able to keep up.

    To my amazing Bratislava players and alumni - I am not going to name anyone here specifically as all of you are a standard of excellence. Every single one of you is a Rolex. A standard of luxury and quality. You were amazing and I hope to have a chance to enjoy the VHL community together with you all and heck, maybe someday again have a chance to GM you.

    Thank you VHLE. 

  6. Cheers
    Dil got a reaction from Aimee in 6 Months in 1,000 words   
  7. Fire
    Dil reacted to Aimee in 6 Months in 1,000 words   
    So we’re five weeks into Jesse’s rookie season in the VHL and so far so good, I think. Due to work and life I have definitely slowed down in some ways but I am still committed to reading along on Discord and claiming as much of that sweet sweet TPE as possible. Speaking of, Jesse has managed to move from their long standing 7th place among the S85 draft class up to 6th, passing Henry Tucker Jr in TPE. By my calculations it’s still going to take me a few months before I can pass Phil Strasmore so we’ll see how that goes over the next few seasons.
    I am still enjoying it here even though my social life on discord has taken a bit of a hit. I am sure there’s a joke or two I have missed in the Moscow LR that Garsh @Garsh  wouldn’t have been surprised to see me suddenly pop in on. I am most active in the Marlins LR since as the AGM I am trying to be there for new players and earn that nonexistent AGM pay. I have managed to actually keep up with giving out Starfish of the Sim but lately due to Thanksgiving and getting engaged, I have had to do multiple days all in one go. But otherwise, I am still enjoying talking to those I do.
    Speaking of being an AGM, I really do love my players and how amazing the Marlins are doing this season. Jacob @jacobcarson877 really did an incredible job with the draft and has brought in some really active members since then. Praise be to Simon.
    I have also been thinking about what else I want to do in the VHL in terms of content and applying for jobs. For jobs, I have decided that I don’t have the personal time or the consistent energy needed to be a GM. After learning a lot from Shindigs @Shindigs and working alongside Jacob, I think I am a good learner and a good teacher, but I don’t think I would make a good leader. For starters, I work a job that has me working 10 hour days 7 days a week from March 1st to April 15th and I know that I can’t be a GM during that time nor should I go into the job before promptly dumping a month and a half on an AGM. So I think I am comfortable in the AGM position and am happy to help wherever and whenever I can. I also would like to get an updater job when they open up. I am on the site constantly and know it’s something I could check in on a lot. I did also apply for a mod position but nothing has come from that application and since I have only been here six months, I wouldn’t be surprised if I am still too new to really be considered for the job.
    In terms of content, I have been thinking of giving podcasting a try. It’s crossed my mind the few times I have been too stuck to write a media spot or when I have no ideas for a graphic. But then I force myself to do one of those two because who wants to listen to me talk about the VHL when I still only know a handful of people. I do have a big interview with Lachlan Summers @kirbithan that I have been meaning to write for VSN but every time I think about working on it either I get busy or I just don’t have the motivation to write it. Which is so sad because I was really looking forward to it and then I just got some brain fog and it was all over. I still have my interview saved so maybe one day I’ll finally be able to sit down and write it. And yes I see the irony of me writing up a 1,000 word media spot right now but when it’s practically a stream of consciousness it makes it easier.
    As for Jesse’s performance, I think they’re doing pretty well. I am happy with where I have been applying TPE and I think it’s definitely working. (Thanks Shindigs!) As of writing this, Jesse has a 7-3-1 record with one shutout. Their current save percentage sits at a comfortable 0.923 and their goals against average is 2.43. Compared to the other four backup goalies in the VHL, Jesse has played the second most games behind Thomas Price @Thunderidge (20), has the second highest save percentage behind Sam Tombstone @samthemancub (0.938), and is running middle of the pack in respect to goals against average. For a rookie season, I think it’s going pretty well and I am looking forward to seeing where we end up over the next few weeks. Honestly I feel good about how this is going. It feels good and I think it shows that Jesse is capable of holding their own against the big players. I am also glad and thankful that Dil @Dil is trusting Jesse to get the job done here and there. Earning a starting position is definitely a goal for Jesse and I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with them. I think for my first ever sim league player I’ve got a pretty good handle on it.
    I think as far as my first six months in the VHL and my first go around with a sim league, all around it’s going pretty well. I have some consistent cheerleaders behind me and honestly this has been the most fun I have had in an online community in a long time. When people congratulate me on my engagement or wish me well when I post that I’m sick, the responses really feel so genuine and as someone who has been on the internet since before the MySpace days, it’s really refreshing to find such a positive community. 
    I appreciate you all and I look forward to what the next six months has in store.
    Oh and since I’m feeling like a real member of the community now:

    1022 words for weeks ending 12/18/2022 and 12/25/2022
  8. Haha
    Dil reacted to rory in Changes to Depreciation   
  9. Haha
    Dil reacted to diamond_ace in (S88) D - Eurydyka Sklodowska Dudzinska, TPE: 62   
    Also, technically the name is Eurydyka Skłodowska Dudzińska, but the player creator does not consider ł and ń as letters
  10. Hmmm
    Dil reacted to youloser1337 in 2022 Holiday Celebration   
    Man, what idiot would totally forget about this and try to do it for his whole team.... Ha ha.......

  11. Like
    Dil reacted to Beketov in Changes to Depreciation   
    Hello @Members!
    As discussed when we introduced the hybrid attributes a few seasons ago there’s a number of balancing “patches” that are likely to be required as things get sorted out. One of those we are rolling out today, to be put into operation for the S88 depreciation.
    For a bit now it has become clear that depreciation is not hitting as hard as intended since hybrid attributes rolled out. Our initial estimations on how players would depreciate simply didn’t pan out which means that TPA numbers in later seasons are higher than intended. For that reason we will be adjusting the depreciation numbers and fighters to the following:
    First year - 5%
    Second year - 8%
    Third/Fourth year - 12%
    Additionally the depreciation fighters are being adjusted as well:
    Still Kickin’
    5% Depreciation

    Old but not Forgotten
    8% Depreciation
    The effect of the Jagr purchase will not be changed, however we are making it possible to purchase a Jagr in fourth year (AKA 9th season) depreciation which was previously not possible.
    As mentioned these changes will not affect the depreciation next season but will affect depreciation in S88 so plan accordingly.
    Additionally these changes only affect skaters, goalie depreciation will remain the same including the block of purchasing the Jagr in year 4.
    We hope these changes will bring depreciation numbers back to the expected amounts and make the fighting purchases worthy of their cost once again.
  12. Like
    Dil reacted to Triller in Theme Week - I am a First Gen   
    Sorry, I am New Here!
         After seeing an ad read on a YouTube video that autoplayed, I ended up here at the VHL.  I had never been a part of any sim league before but I figured I would check it out!  I joined up but didn't create a player right away as I wanted to lurk and see what people were creating and to see if I could bring anything exciting to the table.  With my skill set in 3D cinematics, I thought I could do something pretty cool that maybe hadn't been seen before on this site.  Even before creating my player, I did a quick test to see if I could come up with something in 3D that could work going forward.  That was my profile banner and avatar image!  Once my test worked, I created Leonard Triller and began the (maybe) overly ambitious plan of two graphics a week.  Still going strong!
         Now that I had my player it was time to figure out who to sign with, how the site worked and how to earn more TPE, once I figured out what TPE was.  After browsing the teams initially, I decided I would sign with Saskatoon if they offered.  Luckily, @Bulduray_1 posted for the Wild.  I chose the Wild because I lived in S'toon for about 2 years and really enjoyed it and thought it would be an extra cool layer of immersion.  @Bulduray_1 was kind enough to answer all of my questions and set me off in the right direction as well as always reacting to my content.  It was very much appreciated!  I worked on my graphics and also made some to help pick up waiver players in a system which is now obsolete! 

    Death of the hashtags!
    I was using the forums often trying to draw some attention to my contributions while also recognizing others.  Unfortunately, some turmoil was going on and a lot of attention was given’ to posts that were fueling controversy.  It was a bit disheartening to see these things dealt with so publicly while those putting in a lot of effort to make the forum content fun were falling by the wayside.  Bans were handed out and things moved on, as they always do.
         After the season in Saskatoon I got to experience some of the off-season tournaments like the JST.  It was nice to see that the off-season events helped keep newer people engaged and still earning TPE.  @RElblein drafted my player to the Royals where I got more involved in Discord and the LR.  I am not a big fan of all the Discords but if I focus on only a couple, I can manage!  Everyone seemed to get along and it made for a good experience which was in large part due to @RElblein.

         Next up was the draft.  This was a more exciting event than I thought it would be!  Having all the GMs reach out for interviews was an awesome way to meet some new people or at least chat with them.  I had a good chat with @Enorama and he filled me in about the streams and got me to tune in!  It was great to see, and I want to thank all of you involved for the time and effort put in.  By this point, my graphics were getting more attention and my player had some recognition.  It was awesome to be picked though it seems I caused some confusion by wanting a full season in the VHLM after hitting 200 TPE in the offseason.  A big thanks to @jacobcarson877 of my current team, the Marlins and my future teams, Geneva Rush with @MexicanCow123 and @Dil with London United for having no issues with how I wanted to make my players transition into each league.  I look forward to playing with Geneva next season and hopefully London for the seasons after!
         This season has been great with the Marlins.  @jacobcarson877 keeps an active LR and it is a great place to get involved.  Very helpful with TPE advice and making sure everyone gets good play time in the sims.  The playoffs are going to get crazy!

         So far, every conversation I have had on the forums and in Discord has been very positive!  I appreciate everyone who has reached out about my graphics just to let me know it is being seen and is enjoyed.  I get TPE for doing it but the comments and reactions really fuel me to keep going.  It has pushed me to engage further with others on the forum to make sure they know their work is being seen as well.  In this regard, I want to shout out @BOOM for always being active on my posts, along with @Pifferfish and all the current and even former Marlins for showing their support!  There are many others who have reached out to chat on the forums and discord and I appreciate it!  Same to everyone who reacts or even just takes a look at what I do.
    So that is my experience with the VHL so far and now that I have had some time here, I have a few concerns moving forward.
    I fear burnout and I need to start considering a more leveled approach to my earning if I am going to last 8 seasons!  It takes a lot to make 3D graphics and doing it twice each week is going to be too much.  I need to work on tossing in writing tasks that I can claim for multiple weeks though I don't really like that as it means I am less engaged on a week to week basis and just popping in to claim on an old post. I have a couple large ideas that would take a few weeks to create but I wouldn't be able to max earn while working on them.  What I want to do is worth more than a 6 TPE graphic or media spot and could be claimed for weeks afterwards but wouldn't make up for the lost weeks spent working on it since you can't claim back weeks.  I am also not a fan of claiming the same post for too many weeks after as it just lowers my engagement with the forums.  That's just me though and I need to adjust my thinking there.  What should I do with these bigger ideas? Another concern, is the most exciting part of my players career over?  The draft!  The draft was fun and engaging but is done so quickly.  After this season, I head to Geneva then to London which will be fun but will anything be as exciting?  I hope to win some championships and feel that rush if it comes! Review tasks.  This is how I max out every week at the end but it is getting very repetitive.  I try to sincerely review and give advice where I can but there are only so many users who post graphics and I am going to be quite annoying after reviewing the same persons work over and over again for 8 seasons.  
    Some things that could be better but I haven't thought too hard or long about?
    The forum is what it is and as someone who is a bit older, I am used to navigating through forums.  Stating that, it will definitely be a bit convoluted for younger members and depending on what you are looking for, complicated for everyone.  I don't dare dip a toe into trivia.  Fixing this would involve an overhaul in my opinion as building on a flawed base creates the same instabilities as before but reorganizing and better highlighting the most important places is a must. Character builds and the "proper" distribution of TPE needs to just be locked down.  If there are attributes that seemingly do nothing and everyone has universally agreed that no points should go to them, have them automatically maxed out and made invisible.  No need then to tell every new member to redo their build because they made a wrong choice without knowing it.  I made the wrong choice early on but will not re-roll.  I'm not concerned about my player but I am a bit disappointed in the lack of unique builds that this creates. Point Tasks are next.  There was recently a bit of a change with career point tasks which was nice but after only a couple seasons, the repetitive nature of the point tasks are becoming quite evident.  I am attempting to be a max earner and love doing graphics but I am starting to struggle with different ideas to keep things fresh and without other significant task options,  I need to do my best to try not to fall into a bare minimum slump and to mix things up where I can. This may be just me but I wish the VHL stats were more comprehensive.  I want to know who my player plays best with.  The most points I have while playing with certain players or against.  What my point production is when playing on different lines.  I think these kinds of stats could create a very fun way for GMs to plan matchups and line chemistry that could create natural rivalries between players or help a GM to possibly trade for players who had good chemistry on other teams with other players.  I am still bad at using the index so if this is a thing, please point me in the right direction.  
         If it sounds like this was put together through multiple 4am baby feedings then you'd be eerily correct, but I would like to thank everyone involved that keeps this place running and engaging.  It can be a thankless task you do and at times it likely ruins your day, but know that you are appreciated and that this first gen is thankful for the time you put in!  Let's see how long I will last!
    (1500+ Words)
    Weeks Ending: 12/11, 12/18, 12/25
  13. Haha
    Dil reacted to Phil in New Job Suggestion   
    I was one of the mentors.
    Probably why the VHL nearly crashed and burned to be honest
  14. Fire
    Dil got a reaction from fonziGG in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    i will also do a podcast with arce's wife where I will post a question thread for the members of the community to ask us. I will subsequently ignore all questions and further inquire on the life stories of arce.
  15. Fire
    Dil reacted to Nykonax in S86 HOF Discussion   
    skill issue tbh.
  16. Fire
    Dil got a reaction from Dom in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    Highest bidder gets a diss track made on them by lil dilly 
  17. Like
    Dil got a reaction from N0HBDY in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    Highest bidder gets a diss track made on them by lil dilly 
  18. Like
    Dil got a reaction from JardyB10 in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    Highest bidder gets a diss track made on them by lil dilly 
  19. Like
    Dil reacted to mediocrepony in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    I'll make 2 graphics: one for you and one for someone else of your choice. Also throw in a forum name & pfp change for two weeks in the same bundle
  20. Like
    Dil reacted to DreMin15 in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    I’ve got an unopened Rosewill HIVE 650 Watt 80+ Bronze power supply, would be a nice smaller item to be sold off
  21. Fire
    Dil got a reaction from MexicanCow123 in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    Highest bidder gets a diss track made on them by lil dilly 
  22. Fire
    Dil got a reaction from Dom in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    i will also do a podcast with arce's wife where I will post a question thread for the members of the community to ask us. I will subsequently ignore all questions and further inquire on the life stories of arce.
  23. Woah
    Dil got a reaction from Arce in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    i will also do a podcast with arce's wife where I will post a question thread for the members of the community to ask us. I will subsequently ignore all questions and further inquire on the life stories of arce.
  24. Like
    Dil got a reaction from rory in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    i will also do a podcast with arce's wife where I will post a question thread for the members of the community to ask us. I will subsequently ignore all questions and further inquire on the life stories of arce.
  25. Haha
    Dil reacted to AJW in VAN/MOS; S86   
    👀 Moscow cup winners now
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