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Posts posted by Viper

  1. 3 minutes ago, Poptart said:

    . I always loved bringing in @Viperxhawks19 as he had no experience in the GM area, so bringing him in would bring someone in that is dedicated to a position and would show that they can be a great GM. He learned how to use STHS, the portal, and everything else of what it means to be a GM in the VHL. I feel like that should be the purpose of a AGM.


  2. Hello @Mongoose87 and welcome to the VHL!


    I am the AGM of the San Diego Marlins here in the VHLM, and I would like to offer you a spot on the team!


    We feel you will be a great fit to our team, and we would like to give you a shot. We will start you in a smaller role, but stay active, and you can become a great player who will get more icetime!


    San Diego is currently in a playoff spot, and we'd like to offer you a spot here as a D man.


    Quote this offer saying "Accepted" if you'd like to join San Diego. Can't wait to here from you!


    Any other questions can be directed towards me here, or on discord (Viperxhawks19#6434)

  3. Good Morning San Diego! Presser here!

    1. How do you feel about the recent signing of Viperxhawks19? Are you sad that Fever stepped down?

    2. Do you feel that we can make it far in the playoffs this year?

    3. With the season closing up, do you feel you have performed up to standards?

    4. It has been rumored that @Viperxhawks19 abuses @Alex Bridges, do you feel it's true?

    5. Are you happy with the team this season?

    6. Do you have a pre-game meal that we should know about so we can notify the chefs at our arena to make for you?


    *optional 7th question*

    Any press conference questions you want me to ask?

  4. The DRAGONS have finally reached the VHL. We are willing to add multiple dragons and we welcome all.

    Come up with a dragon name and a codename, and we gather together around 10PM EST (roughly) in the VHL general channel in the discord. Please change your nickname in the server to (ex) Dragon Storm (Codename: Lazer). Reply with your name and codename.


    Let's see how long this lasts. - also, you can just reply with calling me stupid.


    Currently, the names taken are

    Dragon Storm (Viper)

    Storm Dragon (Tate)

    Dragon Fury (Alex B)

    Fury Dragon (Fizzy)

    Piff (gorlab)

    Dragon Cock (Bana)

  5. Just now, Proto said:


    This guy. He's not lying about his experience. When I was a player on Vegas, he posted pressers first thing on Monday and was the most active person in our LR. Super active, super passionate, and very willing to learn. Hire him!

    thanks a lot man! I'd react with a heart but it wont let me since i have reacted too many times today haha!

  6. 7 minutes ago, Alex Bridges said:

    Hey IR,

    I know i’ve had a bad past at my last AGM spot with you, but I want to give it another go, and I KNOW that I can be better than last time. I completely understand if you don’t accept me back to my first ever home, but I just wanted to let you know, that I will be more motivated and dedicated, to getting the job done quickly and fast, and done to perfection, you already know how I am in the LR. Nd San Diego was my first ever home, and still is, and always will be.

    if you dont pick me, pick him

  7. 6 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    I am absolutely applying for this role as Mississauga’s GM. I have strong roots in Mississauga as my player was brought up through there a few seasons ago. 

    I have also recently been the AGM of the Yukon Rush for nearly a couple seasons now and the workload I have taken on has prepared me to become a GM of a VHLM team. I have been involved in the trade process, the drafting process, creating lines, recruiting players and keeping an active locker room. @MexicanCow123 can vouch for the amount of work I’ve put in during this past couple seasons. 

    I also have experience running a WJC team as I did so last season bringing a bronze medal to Team Europe. This allowed me to create an LR, build a team and set up lines. 

    The VHLM is the perfect place for me as recruitment and player retention is my favourite part of this job. I have recruited players that have become AGMs and solid active members in this league and that makes me proud of the work I have accomplished. I plan on being here for the long haul so you won’t have to worry about hiring a new GM for a while.


    Thank you for your consideration!!

    Pick him if you don't pick me

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