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Posts posted by Viper

  1. On 1/13/2020 at 3:38 PM, Elmebeck said:

    Week ending 19th of January, the glorious year of 2020.

    What an amazing season we had, and to be honest I don't think we look particularly bad right now despite losing quite a lot of the high-TPA core from last season. I'm pretty optimistic we will reach the playoffs and hopefully do well again, but it certainly wont be the blow-out season that last one was.

    So, a new, fresh press conference before the season starts for real.

    1. I believe we drafted decently for having so late picks, what could we have done better, and am I correct in my assessment above that we probably will do decent... or even well, this season too? I feel we will will do decent, yes, and I don't think we could've done any better, I mean we won the cup and got a good draft.

    2. Were you drafted to VHL this draft but still with us, then are you happy with where you ended up? If new to the league and not yet in the VHL draft, any specific location other than New York you'd want to end up in at the end of this season? Not drafted in S70.

    3. I will be looking to get an AGM in a few weeks (I just want to stand on solid ground first before initiating that process); would you want to step up to that role or have anyone you'd recommend me to take on? I'd step up to that role if I were you, and I wouldn't take anyone on (for me).

    4. Actually, I have been talking us up a bit; PREDICTIONS: How will we place in the league and/or the playoffs, like honestly. Gotta be real, either miss or a first round exit.

    5. Tell me in MORE than three words how your off-season has been (and do take inspiration from Marcus Grönholm if you need to (I adore him) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr-PISRQfpI Um... well it's been fun and unpredictable. I am excited to see what's next.

    6. What are your goals and/or expectations for your player this season? I want 60 points and to make round 1 of the playoffs, and be in the VHL in 2-3 seasons.



  2. McDagg Never Leaving SSK

    By Kristopher McDagg


    McDagg is never going to leave Saskatoon unless he is forced to. McDagg and Elmebeck had a conversation about the future. McDagg said if Elmebeck thought there would be a decent return, he'd return. Then, after the trade "flopped", McDagg told Elmebeck that he'd like to stay. No matter what state of play the team is in, he'd be there. He is very set on staying in Saskatoon alongside Elmebeck and his teammates. Saskatoon AGM (possible future GM) Elmebeck stated that he was okay with it. McDagg was okay with anything, but changed his mind. McDagg has grown on the city since he was 7. He grew up in Saskatoon, moving there at age 4 and moving out at age 13. Going to Boston at 13, he was upset and missed his home. Now that he has made it to the professionals, he is very happy, and that is a key factor to him staying in Saskatoon.


    KMcDagg Articles

    2020 is here

  3. 4 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

    Hey, man. Nice work.


    But, those review comments go into the actual topic the person posted. You're supposed to write that comment with "Review:" in front of it in those topics you linked there, then link your comment so I can approve them. Check out other people's reviewing logs. :) 

    Oh sorry. I know for next week. I don't really have time to fix it this week, so I'll just do these + another 4 next week.

  4. 9 hours ago, Krice13 said:

    I would like to apply! I haven’t had a chance yet and I think I would be a good addition to your team. I’m eager to learn and am just waiting for my chance. 

    Thank you in advance for your consideration. 

    Rice is a great guy. Played with him in WJC Team Canada. He was involved and making sure we were inspired. He is a great guy, and I think you should give him a chance.

  5. 1. 

    Nice well done graphic. The colors mesh well together, and the editing was spot on! The colors in general gave it a energetic mood! Nice work on this piece of art.



     Very clever design. I like how nothing gets in the way of another and it seems like some good effort was put into it. I would have liked it better if it was in the game, but I get what you are going for. I like it, good work.



    I am a huge fan of this one. Not only is it Patty Kane, but it has a nice font/color blend. They really mix well together, and it was just a nice job done. I like it it a lot, excellent work.



    So, this one is okay. The logo should at least be the same color as everything else. It stands out well, but it just seems like it was made in a rush. This one is okay, so good effort.




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