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BluObieZ last won the day on June 13 2018

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  1. Nevermind... guess it doesn't pay to be ignorant all the time Ko Kane will only be a S57 player. Thus won't be on the Aces this season

    1. Gudnason


      And the Cup drought in Vegas continues

    2. BluObieZ


      If you are talking about the dry champagne glass in my office then yes it is dry at the moment

    3. Gudnason


      So SWC3 was S47 drafted and S54 will be his last year. Can't you retire him on Monday at preseason according to the offseason schedule and then have Ko Kane be recreated the same day and then be assigned to Las Vegas for S54? I thought GM players didn't require a three-season gap so it doesn't matter when Von Axelberry was created. Because even if you weren't a GM and VVA didn't exist, I understand if you choose to retire SWC3 on Monday he will play out S54 and Ko Kane would be put into the VHLM draft on the next day (Tuesday)? @Will

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