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Posts posted by BluObieZ

  1. Okay... i'm bored of just saying ...


    So why not answer the questions you are all asking.


    1. So then Robbie, why are you back here? I have no clue. Will I make a player? doubtful, don't have the time, nor do I care enough to do so. Am I here to have fun? sure. Why else would I be typing this?


    2. but what kind of "fun"? I can't really answer that


    3. Will the true Robbie come out to play? once again can't answer that, because I really don't know. I've changed. Not drastically in any way. I didn't go to "stop being an asshole" classes. Nor did I attend "How to be sympathetic towards others" classes. But, I have changed.


    4. Will the changed Robbie shine through? I don't really know and I don't really care. I guess what I'm saying is i'm probably back here to be a personality. Post funny things. Maybe post a few little articles of Robbie Observations whenever I want / am around. Till then. Bye bye 

  2. Yes, you read that correctly Orion Slade has retired. But why Robbie? Well it’s really quite simple you simpleton. He ran his course; he was not allowed to be around for another season. Not like he actually played a game in the last few seasons because of my own choice. But in general I was bored by the player. I missed a few key posting milestones I wanted with him to help build up his story, because you know that for me the story is far more important then actual player themselves. So once I missed the post milestones. I kind of just lost interest in the player which actually made it a lot easier to just tell all VHL teams to fuck off and he will not sign a contract for his final two seasons. I turned down a few offers in his second last season, but for his last season there were no offers. Go ahead. Try to laugh. I would have turned them down. All of them. I think teams knew I would turn them down so they just didn’t send me offers. What a shame huh? One last chance to fuck around and shatter teams dreams of landing me. Nah as I said by his last season, teams either didn’t want me because of who I am or didn’t want to send me an offer because they knew I would say fuck off, or because Orion was a shitty player. He really was. I’ll be the first to admit it.


    While I promised that Orion’s last two seasons would be one massive fuck you to everyone and the “League” that didn’t really come to be. I got busy with my family. COVID hit and fucked everything up. Then summer hit and I’m legit spending almost every day up at my cottage. So you know… life got in the way of me shoving one massive middle finger up the leagues collective breed hole (because I cannot say the C word)


    But looking beyond why he retired now. You really must be here because you heard this was going to be an epic goodbye. One last fuck you to everyone. The grand finale for the King Robbie Zimmers. The asshole, the trolliest of trolls, The Ego, Ego and the list goes on and on.


    Where are you going with this Robbie? You know most people post a few lines when the retire but this is long. Well first off fuck you. Secondly this ain’t long. If you were around for my grand Script MS’s that were 2000-3000 words, then you know that this isn’t long at all. This is actually me trying to keep this short and sweet. So sit down and shut up. Drink your extra large coke you fat ass and continue to read. If you are too dumb to comprehend what is being said, then first off you are dumb and secondly get someone to read it to you as a bedtime story.  This is a story of a man who a few times offered to buy this shitty thing you call a league. For actual money. Yes, you read that right. So I think you sitting there and reading all of this is warranted.


    Now back to the retirement. As you can tell gone are the days where I post 2000-3000 word MS’s because I was bored, 3hr podcasts just because it was funny to annoy people, me running around the site just causing pure mayhem which forced the hands of the blue crew to ban me for a while which happened at least ten times in my grand “career” here in this... “League” Hell I have whole rules in the “league” that are there because of me. Don’t believe me? I had clauses built into contracts that guaranteed me that if the team sucked I would be move to a team I picked. I had other clauses that fucked the team even more. The blue crew stepped in and said no more would that be allowed. I am also the reason why your players have to be from earth. Yes I had a player born in space in a effort to pick good world cup teams. I am probably the sole reason why they crackdown on trolls and bullies around here. I’ve been the longest running troll around here. Others came and went or got banned for good. While some (and you know who you are) cried (literally like a little baby) that why I was not booted and not allowed back. I set off hundred-page argument threads, where I would argue with everyone in there. Why? Because I was fucking bored and I find mayhem fun. Call my bullshit on that? I literally would stand on the sidewalk and watch your house burn down, not call 911 I’d just watch it burn. Knowing full well that me not calling means you would lose your house. Now I must point out that I did not say you were inside your burning house, so settle down simple jack.


    With all the fun I had over the many years around here, the last few ones I literally lost interest in everything. I couldn’t be bothered to even troll people. I disappeared twice for about a year each time. Then when I had sometime I would circle back to see what kind of shit I could cause around here. But now, to say that I am even remotely active would be a massive fucking lie. I’m not active. I came around to claim welfare and then fuck off for a week. I was literally claiming welfare for a player that was not on a team for the last two seasons. Why? Well… I thought I would come around a little more because COVID was raping the world and film shut down so other then being a father 24/7 I nothing else to do. But that didn’t shape up at all. Instead of COVID making me more active, it made me less active. I had a full plan to come around here and just poke fun everyone and things around the site. Posting status updates about my free agent player etc. But like many of my plans for Orion that also failed. Not that I give a fuck. But let’s be honest, that last plan went south much like winning a ton of cups did.


    Which brings me to today. The retirement. The final fuck you. But before I do. I would like to channel my inner O.J. Simpson (He wrote “If I done it” and put out one last hypothetical thing. “If I would have stay”


    If I would have stay I would have made one “last” player.

    His Name: Rodney Ravage

    Position: LW or RW

    Story: Wild West outlaw runs his horse into a wormhole after robbing a train filled with gold. He appears in modern time. Now stinking rich because of the gold.


    He probably would have become one of my most outlandish players ever. Keep in mind one of my players was born in space. But I had a grand plan for Rodney. I will not go into detail about it. But it wasn’t all about his story. It was going to be a well thought out entertaining sideshow that this “league” has never seen before. I will not tell you exactly what the plan was because well… that’s for me to know and you not to. But I would have done it, it would have annoyed the people that normally get worked up by things I do. That’s for sure… that’s putting it lightly.


    But anyways. I think it’s that time. “NO!!!!! Robbie don’t leave” I have to fuck face. It’s time. “But what about the twist” you guys don’t deserve to hear my twist. You aren’t worthy to hear it. But! Having said that. Here is a new twist I just thought of. Consider it a pity twist since you guys aren’t worthy of hearing my grand finale twist. So here goes the pity twist. Instead of telling specific people to fuck off etc… I will make one general grand fuck you to all of you. Because no one deserves to be named by “name” on my retirement speech. No on has affected me so much that I would mention them in a good or bad way. So I will lump you all into the same shitty bunch. So here I go. Fuck you! All of you. I am better than everyone of you. Always have been, always will be. Robbie Out…
























    Or am I really out? Am I really out? Or have I just announced that I am making a new player? I guess you will have to wait and see if I am gone or I will make Rodney. Time will tell. Now have a fucky night.


  3. 1 hour ago, Jubo07 said:

    -->  :hel:Titans S72 Presser 2:hel: <--

    For week ending June 7th

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    1) Week two in the books and we lead the European Conference! Are you surprised to see us in this position?
    2) When playing on the road what is something you miss from home?
    3) Do you like to listen to music in the locker room before games?
    4) Who has been our unsung hero thus far?
    5) If the guys went out for karaoke after a game would you go up and sing?
    6) What is your favorite movie trilogy or franchise?


    1. Surprised no. Cared? no

    2. Me "playing" is me fucking and partying so what I miss is the pussy  and parties from back home.

    3. Define "locker room" because in all the hotels I visit during my party tour I listen to music during the parties

    4. I am. I am a one man team so I have no one I have to compete against for that one. 

    5. I wouldn't sing. I drink. Drink lots and laugh at everyone and anyone who tried to sing. 

    6. Original Star Wars Trilogy 

  4. 14 hours ago, Jubis said:






    1. Calgary has two new rookies that  will join you this season. Latrell Mitchell @dasboot (D) drafted 3rd overall and General Zod @Matt_O (D) drafted 6th overall. How will you welcome them to the team ? 


    2. Jacques Lafontaine just got his contract extended 5 more seasons past S72. What do you think about this potential franchise goalie signing ?


    3. The Calgary Wranglers went 42-28-2 in S71. What Record do you predict to have in S72 ?


    4.  In S71 Calgary finished with the 2nd most "goals for" with 211. Calgary also allowed 201 goals against, which was 3rd most. If you had to predict a total GF and GA for S72, what would they be ? 


    5. In this upcoming season, would you consider anything less than making the cup finals a success ? 


    6. With new faces from the trade deadline and now the draft, let's get to know the members. This is good for members who have been around awhile  too. 

    What country do you live in ?


    Ps4, xbox, PC or not a gamer ?


    How old are you ? 


    Favourite food ? 






    @Bushito @Big Mac @diamond_ace @Ricer13 @Beketov @Tagger @Jubis @Speed @SlapshotDragon @DMaximus

    @Garrett @dasboot @Matt_O

    3. Hopefully lose all games

    4. 100GF (I'm being nice) 400GA (Once again being nice)

    5. Consider winning one game etc... if you make the playoffs that is a victory with your GM at the helm

    7. PS4

    8. 34

    9. LOL no i'm not your GM who eats Fast Food like its going out of style


  5. On 5/4/2020 at 1:56 AM, Jubis said:



    1. Ok so things didn't go as planned.  You have just been eliminated by Vancouver in game 6. I know the wound is fresh but how do you feel ?


    2. Can Calgary come back next season an even stronger team ?


    3. Do you have any plans for the off season ?


    4. What NA conference team are you cheering for now ? 


    5. What EU conference team are you rooting for ? 


    6. Are you happy here in Calgary ?  


    7. Is there something we could do to make your experience better ? 


    8. At this current time, would you be for or against a 2 team expansion ? 


    9. Jordan Tonn @MexicanCow123 played his last game for Calgary yesterday. Do you have any kind words for him: 






    @Bushito  @Ricer13 @Big Mac @Tagger @DMaximus @MexicanCow123 @Beketov @Jubis @diamond_ace@SlapshotDragon







    1. I fucking love it! you guys lost and it's because of the person who runs the team

    2. LOL NOPE! till he "runs" this team you guys are pretty much fucked

    4. Vancouver since they beat you

    7. Make dumb ass step down as GM

    8. Against because the league doesn't need anymore teams. Unless one is in Vegas or Denver


  6. You would think that a player with no team would kind of just fuck off and not poke his head around. Well... You would be wrong! Orion Slade while not around as much as you would call a person who is "active" but he still is around to make you know that he is here to piss you off. Orion lately has been locked down in Las Vegas due to the shitty Covid-19 that is fucking up every ones lives. But being locked down is different compared to you going crazy in your little house going crazy. Orion Slade since he has no more hockey to play, has made the most of his lock down. How? Well continue reading you dumb shit. This will be five hundred fucking words so you know for a fact that you will be finding out.


    First off, he is "holed up" at the Bellagio Hotel Villa Suite which he had booked for six months. Something that he did prior to all this mess. But you would think that he would go crazy if he cannot go to the strip bars and gamble but that is where you are wrong. You take away the clubs, casinos and everything else that Vegas has to offer Orion will just make best of his situation. Orion created his own "speak easy" Casino which The Bellagio seems to know nothing about. The casino is named "Legend" and guests are "snuck" into locked Bellagio and are ushered up to the the top floor. You would think this was stupid because we do not want to be spreading the shitty virus but Orion has naked women waiting for you on the top floor with tests to make sure that you do not have it. If you pass that test, the next line of security is to make sure you deposited the required one million dollars that is required to enter the casino. There is not paper money at the casino or chips. It is all digital. The games themselves are live but that is it. Orion said "We maybe operating a illegal casino here but we are safe. Not with our money because the house always wins. But also with our girls. You can only have sex with them if you have a condom. Oh and pay the fee of fifty thousand dollars to fuck one of them. You have to understand that if we want people to come back we have to be safe. The type of person that plays here is a rich person. Not hockey player rich, but really stinking rich. You would think that I would be begging to play again but I in fact am making tons more money this way and I don't have to play hockey ever again. So why in the flying fuck would I try to come back for one last season?"


    You would think breaking Social Distancing rules/laws, operating an illegal casino would be enough illegal activity but not for Orion Slade. He also operates an illegal strip bar in the villa across the hall which he paid for easily from profits off one hour of operating his casino. Not only is this guy living on top of the Vegas world, he is also living large and doing right under the watchful eye the Bellagio and law enforcement. One would think that he is paying them all off because this way the Casino can make money and the law enforcement gets bribes which we all know there is always dirty cops. A lap dance at the strip bar which Orion has named "Mythical" is a hefty five grand, a private show is ten grand. But you cannot make it rain dollar bills here. You can tip dancers digitally in a strip bar app that allows you "make it rain" digitally. But not in ones. It will be in hundreds. Which the bar takes a cut of. 


    If you think that you are holding up well in your little home with your thumb right up your ass then that’s nice but you will never be living large like Orion Slade who is operating a Casino within a closed Casino. Enjoy your quarantine.


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