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Status Updates posted by BluObieZ

  1. .....

    1. Triller


      Looks like you have joined quite a while ago!  Any plans to make a new player or are you just browsing?

  2. ....

    1. McWolf


      You're straight up obsessed with us is the thing

    2. Tyler
  3. a twisty retirement is coming tonight

  4. Retirement pushed a few days. Speech is a long one. Also I need to prepare the twist. Till then fuck you. 

    1. Banackock
    2. NotAVHLM-GM


      Thanks for the entertainment the past years, it's been fun

  5. Retirement announcement coming today. Finally. But there is a twist ;) like usual with me

  6. I'm still here! Doing PT for absolutely no reason. Thought I would have gone away by now? Lol you were wrong. I'm sorry that you are stupid. Wait... no I'm not sorry. Fuck you!

    1. Walter Fizz
    2. ColeMrtz


      “your are”

    3. BluObieZ


      Typing and not pay attention when you are calling others stupid may make you stupid. Sadly I look dumb here. Oh well. I regret nothing

  7. Oops I did it again! I the free agent have answered questions in the Calgary Shitties Press Conference. 

    1. BluObieZ


      ^Hilarious should have seen my inbox when they could start talking to free agents. Next time do research instead of posting dumb shit

  8. Yes. Yes I did just answer questions in Calgary press conference ;)

  9. Fuckerycast EP2 coming tomorrow. On the docket will be can I actually stay active even though I am a free agent? Why should people follow my lead and how the CoronaVirus can fuck right off plus a few other things sprinkled in for shits and gigs


  11. Fuck being on a team. That's overrated. Free Agency is where it's at. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BluObieZ


      I chose to be a free agent. For you guys to be "free" of me I would have had to have left. Which I didn't. Actually I will still be doing my normal things around here. Gaining TPE and posting annoying status updates, vhl.com articles and maybe I'll go back to doing some MS's. Why keeping earning TPE if I'm a free agent? Simple. Because I can. There is no rule that a free agent cannot earn TPE.

    3. Banackock
    4. pennypenny


      Can I win Robbie's Big Bucks 

  12. OH.MY.GOD! I have the greatest plan. It will unravel over the last two season. HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL this will be epic

  13. Had a few convos. Had a few "would you consider" and "hows this for term" etc at this point I think Orion will finish his last 2 seasons a free agent. But we will see. Things change

    1. Banackock


      "Orion sucks real bad. "

      - some fan from Seattle

    2. BluObieZ


      Probably the fan I drop kicked on the way out of the arena after cleaning out my locker

    3. Banackock
  14. Film shutting down for at least two weeks because the virus. Which will make me more active around here. You guys can consider yourselves lucky

    1. NotAVHLM-GM


      What movie you currently working on?

    2. BluObieZ


      TV show. See season 2

    3. NotAVHLM-GM


      Haven't gotten that show yet over here, but definitly looks promising

  15. Hey what's that smell? Smells like something is burning. Must be the Bears next season if Orion picks up his PO and sends them into Cap HELL!!!!

  16. All I need is a time and place buddy boy

  17. Dead Idols 3 TONIGHT!!!!!

  18. Man I could go for some kobe beef right about now

  19. Helicopter Prices have really plummeted

  20. Hold your anger. Don't bust your load now. "Dead Idols" MS drops tonight. 

  21. Am I the only person alive giving 0 fucks about Kobe dying?

  22. Talks between @Banackock and Orion Slade's agent Robbie Zimmers have broken down. No where close to a deal. But hey they talked. That's positive right?

  23. I've heard a shot in the dark. But Seattle wasted a pick on trading for Slade. Seattle holds a 1% chance in signing him. This seems to be anger stemming from "the vote" last offseason. Orion and agent have ignored any and all attempts by the team to contact him

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