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Everything posted by BluObieZ

  1. You as a fan who has been tuning in to every heart stopping, shocking, noodle throwing moment of the smash hit series "The Front" are truly saddened that the first season's season finale is tonight. But have no fear, the show has been picked up for a second season that will air in about a month or so. But here is your chance to say what you want to see happen to your favorite and most hated characters. Let your voice be heard. What do you want to happen in tonight's season finale?
  2. If I get a player2 player VVA will be the initials you will be seeing soon 

  3. Just imagine if SWC3 would have refused to play for USA. Now we goin' the ship
  4. MOTHER FUCKER! I i would have loved to do this. But just got home and I didn't get drunk enough as i would liked
  5. Hey Jardy stop making road measurements and give me LR access
  6. Ok everyone else shut up and listen. I the king of everything Sir William Covington III am... an asshole... well I am but that's not the reason I gathered you here today. I gathered you people because everyone wants to know where I am signing this off season and we'll the answer is simple. I think... I mean I know that they have a great shot at the cup. So why not join them for a fun little ride. How fun? Um does cocaine hooker parties sound fun? I think so. So I Sir William Covington the third will be signing in Dav... I kid I kid. I am signing in Riga where the team name is fucking royal. So why in the fuck wouldn't i sign there? I'm not insane.
  7. I understand why Calgary retracted. I was not signing there this off season. Maybe next off season. But this off season I'm staying in Europe
  8. Lol who's to say antics won't continue with my next guy. To the people expecting my decision here. You have to wait a little more.
  9. SWC3 decision incoming in 5min

  10. Well this makes my decision easier
  11. What? SWC3 decision made? Major announcement impending? This can't be true

  12. SWC3 nearing decision. Atm Riga looks like the most likely spot but Seattle a Stockholm are close behind

  13. SWC3 taking his time with free agency. Will narrow teams down a bit tonight. Get messages and pitches in. Or you maybe cut tonight if he hasn't been impressed by your offer/pitch

  14. Guess I'm not worth a shitty 3mill offer and a sig

  15. So the games a foot. Offering sigs to FA'S and not me... okay message received. 

  16. It was not a shot at you. I just saw the 7mill offer on you. I dId not ask for 7mill. I'm fine with 4mill. I just saw people getting 4.5-5.5 offers and I got started at 3. Just want to get a more realistic number then the 3.
  17. Sorry guys unless you talk to me and I say I'll take a cut to 3-3.5 it will take 4mill at least to get me. I am understanding if you need it sign others that's fine. But if you are throwing 7mill at someone and me 3-3.5 it won't look good for you.
  18. And... we're off to the races. SWC3 no where near a decision. He wants more then 3mill teams have offered him. Also so far no team interested has been told no he won't sign. This maybe a lengthy wait boys and girls.

  19. All good offers. But I want more money. I'll be 500tpe next week. 3mill seems low.
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