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Everything posted by Samurai7

  1. 116 Iron Eagles 117 Bears 118 Reign 119 HC Dynamo
  2. Sad when my highlight is 9 hits, haha. Good game Bears.
  3. Nice work. Not much help from Yojikoji though.
  4. Nice game Wranglers. Good showing Helsinki.
  5. Ouch, that hurts but good game Cologne.
  6. Riga no gud Just kidding. Great game for us but probably not the norm against great teams. Thanks Riga.
  7. 61 Iron Eagles 62 Titans 63 Americans 64 HC Dynamo
  8. I showed mercy, mainly because I predicted you for a few season 39 awards.
  9. I see why some people do copy other peoples predictions, but it could depend on your knowledge of the league I suppose. If you have been in the league for any period of time, you can generally get to know the elite and rising stars of the VHL and those in situations that potentially see them set to succeed. For formatting, I copied someone, but changed several selections according to who I thought has a better chance to accumulate stats.
  10. Wow, some of the best hockey sigs I've seen. Amazing.
  11. Leaders of the present AND the future. Nice selections and congratulations.
  12. Player Name: Koji(yes Jardy, Koji) Yamazaki VHL Team:Calgary Wranglers Cash you have:$11 million Purchase Name: 2 Attribute Points Cost of Purchase:$5 million Cash Left:$6 million
  13. Unfortunately, I have learned to live with the "Yoji" situation. I am just thankful that Seth is not in charge of entering names as it would be "Yoshi" instead. Thats even worse!
  14. I am very sorry to hear this. I hope you and your family are OK and know that you'll be in my thoughts.
  15. My searching paid off. Great, now just have to wait and see what the new store has on offer.
  16. I know a lot of this is based on need, but I would certainly take him before me. He's proven capable of making good to great players before, unlike myself who could flake out at any moment.
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