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Posts posted by Grape

  1. 7 minutes ago, Spartan said:

    Yeah can't let the 4th worst team in S89 have success in S90. Rig the sim baby!



    9 minutes ago, Spartan said:

    Can't read the numbers that say 1, 7, 30 days? I have more messages in the public channel for everyone in the last 30 days than you have lifetime in Moscow smh.

    Apex Legends counts as negative interaction, therefore I beat you out pretty dominantly.



    9 minutes ago, Spartan said:



  2. 21 minutes ago, Spartan said:



    Sim was rigged against me and I couldn't do anything about that. Simmers just hated me that season because I had so much success.


    23 minutes ago, Spartan said:





    You have a 3 year lead on me and focus on the other channels. Sorry, I only focus on the team-related channels, not Apex Legends


    14 minutes ago, STZ said:

    twists just wants him because they both like cartoon pr0n

    It has a name. Use it.

  3. The Trade Deadline has come and gone, and now, deep into the season, where the standings are beginning to be set in stone, we look at one of Moscow’s rookies, the defenseman Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage. Over 50 games into the season, while he has not necessarily impressed, he also has not seemed completely out of place. With top pairing minutes night in and night out, Bocage has been able to put up 25 points, 5 of them goals, 20 assists, while also sporting a -17 rating on a pretty awful Moscow team. Looking at the more physical side of things, Obuz has 126 shots blocked and 84 hits. While the stat lines are not necessarily eye popping, they are respectable for a first year defenseman.

    Upon being drafted 12th overall, some question marks were immediately raised at the selection. Some said that this was a reach, as at the time, there were more developed, better players still available, even in the defenseman position which Moscow really needed to address. Obuz did choose to spend an additional season in the VHLM instead of moving on up to the VHLE, putting him well behind in the draft class. Yet, as of now, Bocage sits 11th in terms of overall TPA in his draft class and third for defenseman in the class. Suffice to say, when Moscow came up to make that selection, Obuz has become the best selection for the team at that time.


    Throughout the season, Obuz has been seen as the guy on defense, even being made assistant captain in his rookie year. While there hasn’t been a real mentor on the blue line to help OBSC develop and hone his game at the VHL level, Obuz has continued to grow and develop through trial by fire, and his game has been getting better and better as the season goes along. The hope is that Obuz continues to develop and eventually become a top defenseman in the league, although it will take some time to do that.


    The eventual hope for Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage, as stated, is to develop into a top defenseman in the league. Moscow is a young team in the midst of a rebuild, and because of that, most players are at or around OBSC in terms of development. This matched development with the players has really brought the locker room together and helped maintain a light, entertaining, and overall accepting group for all rookies, Bocage included. Success is for the future. The main focus in Moscow is development. Bocage is fully dedicated to the plan Moscow has in store, and while his freshman season has not been overwhelmingly exciting, it is expected that he will make massive strides in the coming seasons and truly fulfill his top pairing role with the Moscow Menace.

  4. Coming into his office this morning, the Ottawa Lynx GM notices that there’s a message on his answering machine, from a 495 number. He listens to it, and surprisingly, it was from Vladimir Putin. The message was short, basically praising the GM for the job he’s done with the minor league team, putting up great numbers in a relatively short amount of time, complimenting the roster makeup, and so on. Then he segways into his displeasure with the current standings of the Moscow Menace, the VHL team that’s basically in his backyard. Overall, he is very upset at the path @Spartan is taking, and believes, while the team cannot always be the best, that the team should never be the worst in the league.


    “It is an embarrassment to all of Russia, and needs to be remedied!”

    Putin goes on to allude that a shift in management may be occurring for the Menace, albeit not voluntarily. He advises the Ottawa GM to have his bags packed and be ready for any sudden movement in the GM world, and that a spot in the big leagues may be opening up soon.

    All this comes after @twists' article about Moscow being the worst team ever, and could mean that Spartan may be out the door very soon. Ottawa has been known to make big moves when going in for a push, and with all the assets Moscow has, that might be what’s needed to get the Menace out of the basement.

  5. The season 66 draft was one of the largest to date, due to a massive recruitment drive, mainly through YouTube. Out of that draft, there were 224 new creates, which considering how small the league was at that time, was absolutely massive. Recent drives already led to expansion of the league, and this one would lead to it again. Season 65 led to the introduction of one VHL team, Moscow Menace, and two M teams in Houston and Philadelphia. Season 66 saw another VHL team in Malmo and three new M teams in Mexico, Mississauga, and San Diego. There were a handful of others that came into existence a season or two later as well, due to a good portion of the new players sticking around for at least a season. However, as is the usual for recruitment drive, a massive percentage left within a month of creating. All players created between January 2019 to March 2019 were part of the Season 66 draft class. Of those 224 new players created in that time, only 77 were active in April, a little over one third of the recruits. As the months ticked by, that number slowly but surely whittled down more and more. As of today, only 11 of the 224 new players are still around and active, just under 5%.
    I would say, that’s half decent. Obviously, you’d want more people to stick around, but at the same time, this was during a period of constant, active recruitment. Season 65 was pretty big, and going into the 70s and 80s, especially because of Covid, the league had no problem with these types of numbers. A lot of people drop out, sure, but the league was still able to, not only sustain itself at its current size, but continue to expand. The guys that stick around are quality individuals, in which all of them have made significant additions to the league in their own ways. Let me list out the 11 people still kicking around:

    Plate, myself, MexicanCow123, Gustav, DMaximus, FrostBeard, ThePerfectNut, jblock3, okochastar, McLovin, and zepheter


    If you’re even somewhat active on the forums or discord, you’ll recognize some of these names. Without the heavy lifting done by the recruitment team, none of these individuals would be around, and countless others from other classes would be missing too.

    People bring up YouTube advertisements as pretty much the main way to bring in new members, because it gets a ton of bodies into the league. Critics bring up the turnover, and that they are largely ineffective in sustaining the league. Yes, that’s true. But there’s never going to be a method in which you get quality and quantity. You’re simply not going to find something that will bring in a boatload of super dedicated long-standing members. In order to find your dedicated members, you have to acknowledge that you’re going to bring in a lot of people who will up and leave after a day. You can’t strike gold on every swing, you need to sift through the dirt to find em. YouTube, simply put, is the best method for recruitment, full stop. You get an influx of life and activity for a few weeks, and when that fades down, you find a large handful of members who are going to stay dedicated for years to come.

  6. There has been a lot of talk about Recruitment, both the failures and how to improve upon it. There have been many suggestions, however, nobody has even mentioned the most obvious and simplest one. In the S60s, we grew from a massive recruitment drive, while in the S70s some of the 80s, it was due to Covid. Pretty much everyone had free time since everything was shut down, so why not do a sim league. While there are talks about a large recruitment drive happening this season, what is going to bring us more members in the future? Advertisements can only be done so many times until they are no longer effective, but, what’s something that will always be effective? The answer is simple: Another mass pandemic.


    While our recruitment committee has been hard at work planning a YouTube advertisement, me and a group of my colleagues have been busy in the lab, synthesizing an incredibly infective, albeit not very lethal, that once it’s stabilized and tested on all current vaccines to ensure it is not easily and immediately cured, will be released into the wild. I have established ties with the Saudi Arabian government as a liaison for the United States, in which for allowing the virus to be initially released in their country, the United States will establish a favorable trade deal with the Arabian country. Once the virus is released, due to the vast amount of trade going through the country, it will spread rapidly, mainly hitting 1st world countries first and causing a shutdown to start. With that shutdown, comboed with some well placed ads, the VHL will be given a resurgence in members, and the E can go back up to eight teams. Some may struggle and suffer, but that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make.

  7. 9 hours ago, rory said:

    stopped reading after the BASELESS insult towards the VHLE. I've had ONE player go inactive when on the Bratislava roster. Most of them go IA in the M!

    That is a FALSE and BASELESS accusation. The reason the E had to go down to 6 teams were due to IAs in the league. Players get through the M just fine then get leave once they're in the E. #owned #factsdontcareaboutyourfeelings

  8. Before the VHLE, both VHLM and VHL rosters were pretty stacked. When I first joined the league, I remember basically being buried on the 4th line of my VHLM team due to the sheer amount of players on the team and in the league in general, although much of that is due to the massive recruitment drive done that led me to join in the first place. Even after the usual fizzles, pretty much every team had at least six forwards, 4 defensemen, and a goalie, with many teams having even more. It was a time of expansion, with multiple teams popping up, both in the minors and the majors. It eventually got to the point where there was a need for a new league, and from that the VHLE was birthed.


    The VHLE addressed two issues in the league:

    1. Rosters being overly full, causing lower TPE players to being forced to remain in purely bottom six roles

    2. TPE discrepancy on the rosters, where the higher TPE players were way better than lower TPE players, to the point of unfairness


    Both these issues discouraged new players, and by remedying that, it made the VHLM a very beginner friendly league, allowing for new players to come in, learn the system, build their player, and make an easy jump up to the level when they’re ready. But while the VHLE fixed these problems, it revealed another that was somewhat hidden before the creation of the league.


    The TPE range of 200-400 that the VHLE encompasses is a massive filter for new players. While choosing and staying somewhat dedicated to their original VHLM team and grinding it out, since at the start, that 200 TPE mark is very much attainable, going any further requires a lot more commitment than the average new user is going to put in. Most people have a feeling out period of 2 or so months, before they decide to either continue doing so or drop it and look for something else. Most players can get past 100 TPE within that time span and become a top player in the VHLM, but the average person doesn’t go any further than that really. That TPE range of 200-400 is where a lot of new players end up going inactive, not due to anyone’s fault, but simply because of a lack of interest. That’s why, pretty much ever since the VHLE came to be, they have had a problem with inactives. Before the VHLE, this dropout still occurred, but since those inactives were sandwiched between new players and recreates, we didn’t necessarily notice it occurring. 


    This is why the VHLE is good and important. It has brought notice to this glaring problem that’s been around for years and years. The only way this league stays alive is by bringing in new members and retaining them. We know that players fizzle out after leaving the VHLM, having to endure a team shift and multiple offseasons. The question is, how do we resolve this? What do we need to change or do to keep players engaged after the initial honeymoon period? I guess it’s simply another thing Recruitment needs to put on their plate and do instead of posting poorly cropped photos on instagram.

    (543 words)

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