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Everything posted by Acydburn

  1. Yes, 5 minutes less average ice time and playing on the second line compared to the first, but only being behind by 3 less points and having more TPE means I go behind MGS.. makes sense
  2. 1.) The finals are Ottawa vs Philadelphia, who do you think is going to win? Philadelphia, they have more depth. 3.) What was your favorite moment of the season? Going on a 19-3 run and seeing how excited the LR would get. 4.) Are you happy with the results from your player during the regular season? I believe so, I had a rough start but pulled it through by the end of the season. 5.) If you have been drafted already move to 5B A.) If you haven't been drafted, what is your top choice for VHL teams? My top two would have to be either Vancouver or Seattle. 6.) What are your goals for next season? To make an impact on the team like I did this season. 8.) Do you think Thran should win GM of the year? Why do you think that? Absolutely, he took a team with very few draft picks to the final 4. The big players on the team were waivers, multiple players capped out after starting after the draft.
  3. 1.) The finals are Ottawa vs Philadelphia, who do you think is going to win? 2.) What do you think was Halifax's defining moment in the season? 3.) What was your favorite moment of the season? 4.) Are you happy with the results from your player during the regular season? 5.) If you have been drafted already move to 5B A.) If you haven't been drafted, what is your top choice for VHL teams? B.) If you've already been drafted do you think the extra season in the M has helped your player? 6.) What are your goals for next season? 7.) What is one thing you would have changed this season? 8.) Do you think Thran should win GM of the year? Why do you think that?
  4. Discord unavailable for anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Steve


      I don't know what to tell you then. I am on with my work pc atm. I just tried on my phone and it gave me the global outage message, so they have a server issue that they are working on. Not the first time with Discord 


    3. Esso2264
    4. fonziGG


      Well, it should be fixed now

  5. Halfiax’s playoff hopes came to a close during the second round, getting swept by the Ottawa Lynx in 4 games. “This was unfortunate, but they were a good team and pulled it off during the OT periods. They had more depth and were able to keep their energy up through the entire series. It could have easily gone either way.” said Burn. This series concluded with 3 games in OT, one of which went into double overtime. This shows that even though it was a sweep these two teams were pretty close. Acyd Burn had a hot start in the playoffs with 5 goals and 2 assists in the first 3 games and then held off the sheet in the fourth. In the second series had 3 goals and 1 assist in the first two games before moving to the first line to alleviate some pressure on Halifax’s top line. In the end the 21st couldn’t secure a win and move on to the off season, what’s next for Acyd Burn is declaring for the VHL draft.
  6. I would like to apply for this position . I am a newer member, but I have been extremely active from the time I've joined. I've helped Hali in anyway that I could, and I think that shows with becoming the AGM. I have sths experience and can provide references if needed.
  7. Acyd Burn Forward Assists - 51/12 = 4.25 Points - 81/10 = 8.1 8.1+4.25 = 12.35 + 3 = 15
  8. Based on what criteria? Is there an award for best rookie? This award is for outstanding player, not best rookie.
  9. lol you used everyone's logo except Halifax..
  10. You're my hero man. You're right the text is the hardest part.. have to work on mine =/
  11. If you do it this week with playoffs.. so do an article and graphic/media spot you get the uncapped this week plus you can claim the capped for next week. So you're just doing the work one week early.
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