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  1. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem #30   
    The process actually changed this game--some of you know this, but Jail Bot is now active! I hope it's been more convenient that @Lemorse7, our JAILOR, doesn't have to switch Discord accounts every night.
    @Adrest245 has drawn lots of attention, and he's also drawn lots of votes. Claiming to be a DOCTOR is a fine claim for a HYPNOTIST that was even believed for a bit, and it's farther than many get in this game. At this point, though, Adrest was the MAFIOSO and the last surviving member of the MAFIA.
    Our neutrals were mostly a non-factor. One of our JUGGERNAUTS killed the other (yes, it's a unique role and this was my error in creating the list. I think having two could be lots of fun though). Our WITCH was investigated early and fell victim to a unique situation that I'll have to make a VHL guideline for over in our updates thread--yes, we're still learning new things about this game thirty times after we started it.
    With that being said, I don't want to take away from the achievement of a game well played by the uninformed majority.
    I will be the first to tell you that this game was not the best one I've ever modded. Some of you dealt with unfortunate circumstances that never should have come up, and for that I apologize for taking away from your right to a fair game. But I also consider it a compliment and think it's a great testament to the VHL's understanding and forgiveness that lots of you have already asked when we can play again. It will happen soon--I promise!
    The game's spreadsheet is here for anyone curious.
    Thanks for playing as always!
    @Adrest245 - HYPNOTIST
    @Advantage - LOOKOUT
    @Alex - JUGGERNAUT
    @Berocka - JUGGERNAUT
    @Dadam30 - GODFATHER
    @Da Trifecta - TRACKER
    @Doomsday - DOCTOR
    @eaglesfan036 - WITCH
    @jhatty8 - INVESTIGATOR
    @Lemorse7 - JAILOR
    @omgitshim - FORGER
    @Ptyrell - BODYGUARD
    @Ricer13 - MAYOR
    @rory - TRANSPORTER
  2. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to rory in Town of Salem #30   
    You were attacked, but someone fought off your attacker!
    You were attacked, but someone nursed you back to health!
  3. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in Town of Salem #30   
    Confirmed maf

    Confirmed neutrals

    Confirmed townies
    Just guesstimating the numbers here, I'm betting that among the remaining 5 unconfirmed, we definitely have 1 more mafia and then either the rest townies or another evil
    I know that I am a townie and it'll be confirmed with the adrest results, Rory is basically confirmed. 
    If the game doesn't end with the Adrest lynch, here's what I'm thinking:
    Jail and exe me/advantage
    NSG shoots me/advantage
    Then if the game doesn't end after that we lynch and jail whoever's left alive between us 3
  4. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to Beketov in [2024 April Fools] An Unfortunate Announcement   
    Normally this would just go to the ban thread but given the circumstances I think it's best that everyone know what's going on.
    It has unfortunately come to the attention of myself and @Acydburn that @Josh has been embezzling league funds for his own purposes. Via his access to the league PayPal he was stripping donation funds as payments for portal, forum, and domain hosting with amounts far higher than were actually needed. Because the line items were things he was paying for we had no reason, for a number of years, to think anything of it and were unaware that the costs were actually far less than what he was reimbursing himself which amounts to potentially thousands of dollars; we're still working out the total figures.
    Obviously we are completely shocked at this behaviour and have immediately stripped Josh of his role as commissioner pending potential future legal action. We have always held firm that the league funds are used exclusively on league related activities so I am quite frankly pissed that a member of the blue team would take donation money for their own uses; whatever his excuses may be. Please be aware that we will be launching a further investigation and audit of all our costs and funds to be sure that no one else has done anything of the sort in the past.
    Edit: In case any future people see the is and don’t see the date; it was purely an April Fool’s joke, Josh was in on it (in fact it was his idea) and the donation money is not only safe but audited.
  5. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem Updates   
    Some notes from last game and a cool new stat update:
    Dead chat, moving forward, will only be usable during Night phases. This is to reflect the real game's mechanics more accurately and to prevent multiple exchanges of info between dead chat and the game thread during the same Day phase. I hope this will also cut down on some metagaming. Speaking of which, I'm going to start disallowing non-game-related modes of confirming a Medium. Any game-related info is 100% OK to use, but personal info (i.e. "Eagles knows what my middle name is; if you can tell me my middle name from Eagles in dead chat I'll believe you're Medium") is not--it is simply beyond the spirit of the game and outside the role's intent. I am not sure yet what I'll do to enforce this, but please just make that part easy on me by not participating in that.  
    This was also Medium-related in the last game, but it applies to any role. Please don't directly copy-paste Discord messages. If you'd like to copy the words of a message...I don't like it, but I don't really care. This crosses the line, though, if the copy-paste contains names and time stamps (and this is especially so if everything is still in Discord rich text formatting). At the very least, I will delete your post for this (even if you're taking the time to fake it), and I reserve the right to modkill over this if it's game-swaying enough.  
    On the cooler side, I updated the role sheet! It now has a cool overview tab at the start that will make asking (and answering) some trivia questions a lot more convenient--and is also just cool to look at in my opinion. Did you know that Jailors have recorded over double the number of kills to any other Town Killing role, but have a lower winning percentage than two of the other three? I didn't before today. Also, if you're assigned a Mafia role, your chance of winning is slightly higher than with a Coven role (so far). Plus, Guardian Angel is the only role that's still active that has never lost. The more you know!
    Have fun with this update, and I'll see you in Game 30!
  6. Love
    jhatty8 got a reaction from rory in Town of Salem #29   
    Ill leak the video
  7. Sad
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Adrest245 in Town of Salem #29   
    Ill leak the video
  8. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to der meister in Der Meister's Writing (and YouTube!) Thread: Live from the Waiting Room!   
    Never heard back on the most recent queries. Lame. It's been a tough start to the year in the Meister household; my older child is turning 17 in March so there's a lot of activity with that, and college tours and whatnot. Still, need to send out EVEN MOAR queries.
    On the YouTube front, thanks to those who helped me reach the 150 sub mark! If you missed it, my VHL holiday auction was won by Baozi, who picked Leisure Suit Larry. The video is live on my channel, just about an hour of hyper-phallic gameplay. It's a surprisingly fun adventure game, though.
    Finally, if anyone is at all interested in designing me a better YT logo, give me a shout in my messages. I've been thinking the AE thing is cool but could be much better, and y'all are the best graphics people I know 
  9. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to Gustav in All-Star VHL Moments of Vandelay's Career   
    Good evening VHL!
    I thought about doing a few different things for all-star week, but none were really clicking for me. Could I do an article where I try to select my own dream team? Sure, but I'm sure everyone else is doing that too. Could I make one where I select a dream team out of players past or present? I have done that three times already. Really, anything to do with players is an idea that's bound to be worn out.
    But what's more valuable than our players? We're a community of individuals and a community of friends. That's bound to make some moments happen. And with Vandelay gone for good after this week (and that's weird, isn't it?), there's been some stuff in the past almost-two years (which is even weirder) that's worth remembering.
    That's right, we're not talking about all-star players but all-star moments. The types of things I'll remember long after Vandelay and all the ways the league has changed over his career. Let's name a few.
    The Great AI Takeover: In one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen, many of you have approached the task of cheating on your submissions with unwavering determination. It's a stain on the league to constantly watch people get punished for this, and it's also a slap in the face to the idea that you earn well by applying your mind to creating content that people enjoy. Don't be part of this. Town of Salem #27: possibly my favorite one ever. For those unfamiliar, this one featured @omgitshim winning with a role that doesn't usually win, in a game that went right down to the wire and had one big play after another. We also saw something we'll probably never see again in @jhatty8 waking up from surgery and telling everyone he was evil while under the influence. Delete the E: My favorite incentive. This wasn't even the point of the thread I linked, but it did spawn some productive discussion on a controversial subject. More specifically, and not related to the title, GMs who don't scout their players are stupid. The Very First Vandelay: I've spent basically my entire career thinking that I came up with the art of writing Vandelay in game threads--most of the time, if I go 2-0 in a given sim and/or record a shutout, I'll simply comment "Art Vandelay" under the sim thread. I've also known @jacobcarson877 to follow suit this whole time, which consistently flatters me--but imagine my surprise when I found that he was the first one ever to comment my player's name, and only his name, on anything (at least on the forum). Regardless of origin, I'm glad that Vandelay has something that makes him more visible (and hopefully more likable). Town of Pallet: an incredibly in-depth Pokemon game created entirely by @Ptyrell, this ultimately failed because it required 100% participation from all players and was also even more incredibly work-intensive from the game mod end. It was fun while it lasted, though, and was a huge testament to one person's creativity and drive to have fun. Hybrid Attributes: Easily the league's largest change since I created Vandelay, this dropped a week after he first hit the ice in Ottawa. I was part of the planning for this and partly created a goaler because I wasn't sure what to think, but it's worked well enough since it was (against my wishes) implemented that I think it's been a positive change. Nothing is ever perfect, so we'll see how this holds up in S192, but everyone needs to know the context behind this and understand why it's important.  
    I didn't even know before I created this article that I created Vandelay before I'd left undergrad. That feels like forever ago. Since then, I've moved, started earning my own living, gone through all my grad classes, wasted all of last spring semester on a side project that went nowhere, talked about my research at a big conference, started working out (and still stayed single, dammit, I'm 23 and it's February tomorrow), and made tens of new friends who not only are amazing people but who also come from all over the world and have taught me lots of things I never knew. I'm excited and worried and overall really interested in what the next almost-two years are going to bring real-life Gustav. But I think the VHL has grown just as much, and I think it's important that we feel the same ways about it. It's time for a whole other player, and hopefully it's going to be an all-star one.
  10. Haha
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Grape in Grading Picks 11-16 of the S90 VHL Draft   
    I suppose he's right in the end
  11. Haha
    jhatty8 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Grading Picks 11-16 of the S90 VHL Draft   
    I suppose he's right in the end
  12. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to InstantRockstar in Put your sunglasses on!   
  13. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to AJW in VHL New Year’s Resolutions - 2024   
    Add in a TPE checklist so noobs can see what tasks they can do each week!!!
  14. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from v.2 in GFX Tutorial #2 - Lighting Tips   
    Back when I was tryharding sigs, I learned a lot of techniques about how to improve lighting, such as using the original image to find light sources and adding outlines of light to the render. However, in my opinion, those and a lot of other strats aren't really that necessary. I think it's really cool to get realistic lighting if you're on a massive canvas, i.e. a poster, but for a 400x200 or whatever size graphic, smaller details don't hold the same weight. You still can go crazy if you want to get some good results and DM me if you need help taking that step, but I'll just be focusing on the basic stuff that I pretty much do for every sig.
    (I'm using Photoshop but go to photopea.com for the same tools)

    I got a sig started and I think it's time to add some lighting. I picked a pretty basic background just for the purpose of this.
    Tip #1 - Use your background
    Duplicate the background layer (ctrl + j) and move it above the render. Change the blend mode of the new layer (drop-down box on the right that currently reads "Normal") to something that will accentuate the lighter parts. I typically go Lighten or Screen but you could fuck around and go Color Dodge or something else. On that layer, hit the Japan flag button (bottom right) to layer mask, make sure black is your main color on the palette, and do alt + backspace to completely fill the mask layer. That duplicate layer should be invisible now.

    Switch the main color to white, grab your brush tool and put it at 0% hardness and 200-300 px give or take. I change my brush size frequently during this - a lot bigger for a big light source or smaller for specific details. To quickly alter your brush: ctrl + alt + right click and drag. Drag left to increase size, right to decrease, up to increase hardness, down to decrease. With your brush, you'll want to click (not drag) at certain spots around the render to brighten it. You kinda just play it by vibes, but I tend to lighten areas where one part of the render meets the other. For instance, where the shoulder and helmet meet, or where the torso and bottom of the sig meet.

    You can change the opacity of the brush/layer to give it more or less boldness. I would probably spend more time touching it up and experimenting, but for the sake of the tutorial this looks fine. 
    Tip #2 - Overhead lighting
    In most cases, you'll want to add some sort of lighting coming from above the head of the render. It draws attention to where you want the viewer to look and it just looks more natural to me. You'll want to make a new layer (plus button in bottom right) and drag it above the render. Get the brush tool again at 0% hardness and roughly the same size (maybe a bit smaller). For the color, I'm probably half and half on using plain white or using a color from the background, it depends on the situation and how you're feeling. Either way, position the brush so that the majority of the brush circle is in that dark gray outside of the canvas - you don't want too much bright light on the face, and click once or a few times.

    I did a bit of everything - a bit of orange and blue on the respective sides of the helmet then some white coming in from the top. The effect isn't too profound, but it works. I do this exact overhead lighting in like 90% of my sigs.
    There you have it, hopefully this helps your future endeavors. I'm gonna be using this graphic as TPE too, so here's a before/after:



    lmk what else you want to see in a tutorial
  15. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to hylands in GFX Tutorial #2 - Lighting Tips   
    thanks hatty u da best
  16. Cheers
    jhatty8 reacted to Tetricide in GFX Tutorial #2 - Lighting Tips   
    Dude, yes. Thank you. 
  17. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Gustav in GFX Tutorial #2 - Lighting Tips   
    Back when I was tryharding sigs, I learned a lot of techniques about how to improve lighting, such as using the original image to find light sources and adding outlines of light to the render. However, in my opinion, those and a lot of other strats aren't really that necessary. I think it's really cool to get realistic lighting if you're on a massive canvas, i.e. a poster, but for a 400x200 or whatever size graphic, smaller details don't hold the same weight. You still can go crazy if you want to get some good results and DM me if you need help taking that step, but I'll just be focusing on the basic stuff that I pretty much do for every sig.
    (I'm using Photoshop but go to photopea.com for the same tools)

    I got a sig started and I think it's time to add some lighting. I picked a pretty basic background just for the purpose of this.
    Tip #1 - Use your background
    Duplicate the background layer (ctrl + j) and move it above the render. Change the blend mode of the new layer (drop-down box on the right that currently reads "Normal") to something that will accentuate the lighter parts. I typically go Lighten or Screen but you could fuck around and go Color Dodge or something else. On that layer, hit the Japan flag button (bottom right) to layer mask, make sure black is your main color on the palette, and do alt + backspace to completely fill the mask layer. That duplicate layer should be invisible now.

    Switch the main color to white, grab your brush tool and put it at 0% hardness and 200-300 px give or take. I change my brush size frequently during this - a lot bigger for a big light source or smaller for specific details. To quickly alter your brush: ctrl + alt + right click and drag. Drag left to increase size, right to decrease, up to increase hardness, down to decrease. With your brush, you'll want to click (not drag) at certain spots around the render to brighten it. You kinda just play it by vibes, but I tend to lighten areas where one part of the render meets the other. For instance, where the shoulder and helmet meet, or where the torso and bottom of the sig meet.

    You can change the opacity of the brush/layer to give it more or less boldness. I would probably spend more time touching it up and experimenting, but for the sake of the tutorial this looks fine. 
    Tip #2 - Overhead lighting
    In most cases, you'll want to add some sort of lighting coming from above the head of the render. It draws attention to where you want the viewer to look and it just looks more natural to me. You'll want to make a new layer (plus button in bottom right) and drag it above the render. Get the brush tool again at 0% hardness and roughly the same size (maybe a bit smaller). For the color, I'm probably half and half on using plain white or using a color from the background, it depends on the situation and how you're feeling. Either way, position the brush so that the majority of the brush circle is in that dark gray outside of the canvas - you don't want too much bright light on the face, and click once or a few times.

    I did a bit of everything - a bit of orange and blue on the respective sides of the helmet then some white coming in from the top. The effect isn't too profound, but it works. I do this exact overhead lighting in like 90% of my sigs.
    There you have it, hopefully this helps your future endeavors. I'm gonna be using this graphic as TPE too, so here's a before/after:



    lmk what else you want to see in a tutorial
  18. Fire
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Tetricide in GFX Tutorial #2 - Lighting Tips   
    Back when I was tryharding sigs, I learned a lot of techniques about how to improve lighting, such as using the original image to find light sources and adding outlines of light to the render. However, in my opinion, those and a lot of other strats aren't really that necessary. I think it's really cool to get realistic lighting if you're on a massive canvas, i.e. a poster, but for a 400x200 or whatever size graphic, smaller details don't hold the same weight. You still can go crazy if you want to get some good results and DM me if you need help taking that step, but I'll just be focusing on the basic stuff that I pretty much do for every sig.
    (I'm using Photoshop but go to photopea.com for the same tools)

    I got a sig started and I think it's time to add some lighting. I picked a pretty basic background just for the purpose of this.
    Tip #1 - Use your background
    Duplicate the background layer (ctrl + j) and move it above the render. Change the blend mode of the new layer (drop-down box on the right that currently reads "Normal") to something that will accentuate the lighter parts. I typically go Lighten or Screen but you could fuck around and go Color Dodge or something else. On that layer, hit the Japan flag button (bottom right) to layer mask, make sure black is your main color on the palette, and do alt + backspace to completely fill the mask layer. That duplicate layer should be invisible now.

    Switch the main color to white, grab your brush tool and put it at 0% hardness and 200-300 px give or take. I change my brush size frequently during this - a lot bigger for a big light source or smaller for specific details. To quickly alter your brush: ctrl + alt + right click and drag. Drag left to increase size, right to decrease, up to increase hardness, down to decrease. With your brush, you'll want to click (not drag) at certain spots around the render to brighten it. You kinda just play it by vibes, but I tend to lighten areas where one part of the render meets the other. For instance, where the shoulder and helmet meet, or where the torso and bottom of the sig meet.

    You can change the opacity of the brush/layer to give it more or less boldness. I would probably spend more time touching it up and experimenting, but for the sake of the tutorial this looks fine. 
    Tip #2 - Overhead lighting
    In most cases, you'll want to add some sort of lighting coming from above the head of the render. It draws attention to where you want the viewer to look and it just looks more natural to me. You'll want to make a new layer (plus button in bottom right) and drag it above the render. Get the brush tool again at 0% hardness and roughly the same size (maybe a bit smaller). For the color, I'm probably half and half on using plain white or using a color from the background, it depends on the situation and how you're feeling. Either way, position the brush so that the majority of the brush circle is in that dark gray outside of the canvas - you don't want too much bright light on the face, and click once or a few times.

    I did a bit of everything - a bit of orange and blue on the respective sides of the helmet then some white coming in from the top. The effect isn't too profound, but it works. I do this exact overhead lighting in like 90% of my sigs.
    There you have it, hopefully this helps your future endeavors. I'm gonna be using this graphic as TPE too, so here's a before/after:



    lmk what else you want to see in a tutorial
  19. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Triller in GFX Tutorial #1 - Text Help   
    Yeah I don't really have any ideas so I'm just going to help out with GFX until I get burnt out.
    Text is arguably the hardest aspect of creating a sig. It needs to: look cool, fit in with the vibe of the sig, and be readable. It's difficult to get all three down consistently, but in this tutorial, I'm going to show some cool ways of making your text more readable.
    I am using Photoshop for this, but it can also be done on PHOTOPEA using the same tools. It's free and it's a website, go use it if you can't get Photoshop. 

    Alright we have a nice start here, got our render and a cool background with some other work to blend it together a bit. But now I think I want to add some text.

    I like this font and I think it's positioned pretty well. But it could be a lot cooler and it doesn't exactly fit in with the sig, it kinda just stands out over top. I also want to keep the readability of the name.
    Strat #1 - Render/background color shift
    Duplicate the text layer (ctrl+j), move the duplicate to below the render and change the color (I'm using a lighter color from the background). Select the render layer (ctrl + click on the layer icon), then click on the original text layer, and hit the rectangle with the circle button in the bottom left (layer mask). Should look something like this.

    Strat #2 - Warp tool
    This is probably my favorite cheat code, the warp tool. I could write a whole college essay about what you can use this for, but for now: select everything (ctrl + a), copy and paste everything (ctrl + shift + c, make new layer over everything else, ctrl + shift + v). You'll generally want to do this at the end cause you can't edit anything underneath this layer. Take the warp tool on the left, click around the text, and drag it slightly in some direction so there's a bit of blur and distortion.

    Both of these are good starts, but you should definitely try to combine techniques and sizing and color and other stuff to get the best results. I have some other text strats but I got too many words already.
    Let me know if there's anything you want to learn and i'll do it next week
  20. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in GFX Tutorial #1 - Text Help   
    Yeah I don't really have any ideas so I'm just going to help out with GFX until I get burnt out.
    Text is arguably the hardest aspect of creating a sig. It needs to: look cool, fit in with the vibe of the sig, and be readable. It's difficult to get all three down consistently, but in this tutorial, I'm going to show some cool ways of making your text more readable.
    I am using Photoshop for this, but it can also be done on PHOTOPEA using the same tools. It's free and it's a website, go use it if you can't get Photoshop. 

    Alright we have a nice start here, got our render and a cool background with some other work to blend it together a bit. But now I think I want to add some text.

    I like this font and I think it's positioned pretty well. But it could be a lot cooler and it doesn't exactly fit in with the sig, it kinda just stands out over top. I also want to keep the readability of the name.
    Strat #1 - Render/background color shift
    Duplicate the text layer (ctrl+j), move the duplicate to below the render and change the color (I'm using a lighter color from the background). Select the render layer (ctrl + click on the layer icon), then click on the original text layer, and hit the rectangle with the circle button in the bottom left (layer mask). Should look something like this.

    Strat #2 - Warp tool
    This is probably my favorite cheat code, the warp tool. I could write a whole college essay about what you can use this for, but for now: select everything (ctrl + a), copy and paste everything (ctrl + shift + c, make new layer over everything else, ctrl + shift + v). You'll generally want to do this at the end cause you can't edit anything underneath this layer. Take the warp tool on the left, click around the text, and drag it slightly in some direction so there's a bit of blur and distortion.

    Both of these are good starts, but you should definitely try to combine techniques and sizing and color and other stuff to get the best results. I have some other text strats but I got too many words already.
    Let me know if there's anything you want to learn and i'll do it next week
  21. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Frank in GFX Tutorial #1 - Text Help   
    Yeah I don't really have any ideas so I'm just going to help out with GFX until I get burnt out.
    Text is arguably the hardest aspect of creating a sig. It needs to: look cool, fit in with the vibe of the sig, and be readable. It's difficult to get all three down consistently, but in this tutorial, I'm going to show some cool ways of making your text more readable.
    I am using Photoshop for this, but it can also be done on PHOTOPEA using the same tools. It's free and it's a website, go use it if you can't get Photoshop. 

    Alright we have a nice start here, got our render and a cool background with some other work to blend it together a bit. But now I think I want to add some text.

    I like this font and I think it's positioned pretty well. But it could be a lot cooler and it doesn't exactly fit in with the sig, it kinda just stands out over top. I also want to keep the readability of the name.
    Strat #1 - Render/background color shift
    Duplicate the text layer (ctrl+j), move the duplicate to below the render and change the color (I'm using a lighter color from the background). Select the render layer (ctrl + click on the layer icon), then click on the original text layer, and hit the rectangle with the circle button in the bottom left (layer mask). Should look something like this.

    Strat #2 - Warp tool
    This is probably my favorite cheat code, the warp tool. I could write a whole college essay about what you can use this for, but for now: select everything (ctrl + a), copy and paste everything (ctrl + shift + c, make new layer over everything else, ctrl + shift + v). You'll generally want to do this at the end cause you can't edit anything underneath this layer. Take the warp tool on the left, click around the text, and drag it slightly in some direction so there's a bit of blur and distortion.

    Both of these are good starts, but you should definitely try to combine techniques and sizing and color and other stuff to get the best results. I have some other text strats but I got too many words already.
    Let me know if there's anything you want to learn and i'll do it next week
  22. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Banackock in (S93) D - Enn Jinn, TPE: 71   
    Player Information
    Username: jhatty8
    Player Name: Enn Jinn
    Recruited From: Returning
    Age: 50
    Position: D
    Height: 75 in.
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Birthplace: Comoros

    Player Page
    @VHLM GM
  23. Like
    jhatty8 got a reaction from Gustav in (S93) D - Enn Jinn, TPE: 71   
    Player Information
    Username: jhatty8
    Player Name: Enn Jinn
    Recruited From: Returning
    Age: 50
    Position: D
    Height: 75 in.
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Birthplace: Comoros

    Player Page
    @VHLM GM
  24. Fire
    jhatty8 got a reaction from AJW in (S93) D - Enn Jinn, TPE: 71   
    Player Information
    Username: jhatty8
    Player Name: Enn Jinn
    Recruited From: Returning
    Age: 50
    Position: D
    Height: 75 in.
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Birthplace: Comoros

    Player Page
    @VHLM GM
  25. Like
    jhatty8 reacted to Kisslinger in Quitting Marijuana for good :)   
    Recently a trip to the hospital and a few doctors appointments opened my eyes and i received a few diagnoses (nothing super serious i will live!!) but one of them was a thing called CHS, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Basically for the last couple of months I’ve been having uncontrollable vommiting, sometimes up to 20-25 times a day and i finally have had enough. It got to the point I was calling into work, putting off important things because i couldn’t even function. I could barely eat or keep things down, I was taking multiple super hot baths and showers everyday as that is the only thing that would help the feeling go away.
    I always thought it was something else, another underlying issue but all along it was the thing i used to chill out and relax, weed. Little did i know not only did i grow a dependency on it but it was slowly hurting me and it was just only gonna get worse and worse. I honestly at one point didn’t know if i would be able to make it one day without smoking as i was a really heavy smoker, multiple joints, bongs or thc carts to keep me “happy”. 

    I know it has only been 3 days but holy hell i can’t believe i haven’t touched it since. I know it’s super early but i just wanted to share my progress to hopefully inspire others to maybe quit or lean back. I know @Banackock has a thread documenting his journey from quitting cigarettes and it really inspired me to start my own journey and bring this awesome community along with me. I intend to stay sober and make better life choices moving forward and I can’t wait to show you all. 
    Cheers guys and here’s to being sober!

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