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Everything posted by Cornholio

  1. 1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak, is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now? There is some frustration in the locker room, which I completely understand. We were doing pretty well through the first third leg of the season -- then the front office folks and the coach decided to make the switch at the goaltender position, which seems to have instantly put us out of the postseason picture. Winning and losing does mean a good amount to me, but ultimately -- our team is built for the future, not the present moment. 2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play? It's easy to just point the finger at the rookie goaltender -- but it takes a team to build a village and earn a championship cup. So, I'd have to say our defense leaves a lot to be desired for. We're simply letting our rookie face too many shots, and that's something we need to improve on as a team. 3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford? Man, can we talk about something else? Solomon Crawford is a pretty good sport and he knows his place in the locker room. He doesn't say anything to challenge anybody 'cause if he does, that's going to open a whole can of worms onto him. I think I, as well as the rest of the team, need to do a lot more to help him out. 4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? I don't drink. I like a good old full cup of milk. 5. What is your typical pre-game ritual? I like to eat four chicken wings, and seven chicken legs. Or is it the other way around? I've been switching back and forth between the two a lot more this year than I did last year. I think it's cause the expectations for our team has been raised, and we're sort of underachieving at the moment. 6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500? That's probably out of the window. We just have to aim to finish close to the postseason picture. Try to beat D.C. - that's our primary focus at the moment.
  2. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/43378-unofficial-s42-sbdl-finals-preview/ +6 SBA
  3. Second year defenseman Wolf Stansson, Jr. of the Prague Phantoms seems to be going through a sophomore slump. Through 39 games this season, he is well off the pace established during his rookie season. Even though the team swapped goalies in favor of a younger netminder, WSJ still isn’t doing enough. “I’m not sure why or what is the difference this year. I feel like I’ve progressed since last season, getting better and all that. But my game isn’t quite showing up on the box score. Even though I might have the most TPA on the team, it somehow doesn’t seem to matter at all at this point. I’m simply not producing and that’s not okay for the team. our offense is okay, that much I could care less about. But our defense has been severely lacking and we’re simply allowing too much goals and shots to penetrate the net. That’s an area for improvement in my opinion and I’m going to have to work on helping our goalie out more than what I am right now. Got to keep my +/- ratio in the positives.”
  4. 175 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 176 Prague Phantoms @ HC Davos Dynamo 177 Calgary Wranglers @ Moscow Menace 178 Riga Reign @ Vancouver Wolves
  5. Wolf Stansson Jr. and the rest of his Prague Phantoms teammates were caught by surprise when they all came into work today. The surprise? A change in the lines on the white board in the locker room — a new name inserted at G1 for Prague - Solomon Crawford. “Owen May was good for us through the first 24 games, I mean we have a winning record and w43 giving DC a run for their money in terms of expansion supremacy this season. But I understand the swap. Owen May has been virtually nonexistent this season other than games. That’s not good team and chemistry building maneuver. Solomon Crawford May be a rookie and not as polished as May, but the dude has been busting his ass since Day 1 here in Prague. It’s only fair that he gets his shot. I mean, he is the long term goaltender for the team. Why wait? Give the man his shot, let him go through growing pains now rather than next season when we’ll surely be even better as a team. That might mean we’ll have to bust our asses off even more on defense, but that’s okay. Defense wins championships and we might take a step back this season, but we’ll take three steps forward by next season.”
  6. L1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up? I think we will eventually regress back to the norm as we play more and more often against opponents. I just hope we can remain close to the .500 Mark this season as a strong sign of progress and our development as a team. 2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings? i think DC is a little better than us this year from a team standpoint. But that’s not going to stop us from giving them a run for their money and bragging rights. 3.Who will finish last this year? wheoevers at the bottom right now, that’s going to be where they will remain at. I think that’s HC Davos right? 4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer? I think I’m a better shooter as I pack plenty of power and speed in my slap shot, but that’s better utilized on the power play. I’ve been working on my puck handling and passing so I can contribute better in full strength play. 5. What are some personal goals for this season? I want our team to pick up more wins compared to last year. If we can finish .500 or better - greaT! As for myself - I want to improve my play and my +/- rating. My points are always going to fluctuate and my stats too - it’s all about that plus/minus rating. If it can be positive, I’ll be happy. 6. Who do you think our MVP will be? i think Erik Draven. The guy has been putting in work this offseason and I expect his hard work to pay off.
  7. 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 98 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 99 Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers 100 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans
  8. The second year Prague Phantoms franchise has actually put up a bit of a fight this time around compared to last year. Through the team’s first 10 games, Prague has posted a record of 5-4-1. That’s a big step compared to last year, although Prague struggled as teams started to figure them out and outwit them. Will this year be the same, or has the Phantoms taken a legitimate step forward? Wolf Stansson, Jr. has posted 5 points through the first 10 games, which isn’t too bad. The big difference though? WSJ’s +3 goal differential, compared to last year. That means he is a positive player when he is on the ice which is what every hockey player should strive to be. That’s all I got for today. in other news, DC Dragons are also 5-4-1. Gotta hustle if we want to outperform them two years in a row.
  9. 49 Prague Phantoms @ Moscow Menace 50 Calgary Wranglers @ Vancouver Wolves 51 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 52 HC Davos Dynamo @ Malmo Nighthawks
  10. 1. How have you improved over the off season and how do you think that will effect your play? I have been working on my offensive game and I think that will help the team out a lot. I hope that I haven't forgotten how to play defense though! We'll see how this translates in the sim engine although I do still think I need to work on my skating and puck handling to better compliment my talents. 2. What's your favorite thing to do in-between game sims? Probably check out Discord / our team LR if you're talking about sim league stuff. I wish I had more time to invest into league-related stuff, but time isn't quite on my side and this isn't my primary league either. 3. What player are you looking forward to seeing how they progress this year? I don't really pay attention too much to individuals other than my own player, but I look forward to seeing how our team progresses / develops from last year to this year. 4. What is your favorite thing about our GM? I think the fact that he is a rhino. And pretty cool, probably down to earth. That's what I like myself. 5. If we had a team dinner where would you take us and what would you recommend getting? Any pizza places. I could chow down a whole three-topping large pizza pie to myself. 6. If you could rename you're character what would it be and why? I think I would probably get rid of the Jr. part of my name. 'Cause I'm like 6'8 and 250 pounds and it's kinda funny when people call me Junior. I want to be called Wolf. But WSJ has a nice ring to it though.
  11. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/43070-s42-sbdl-mvp-award-race/ +6 sba
  12. Wolf Stansson, Jr. wrapped up his offseason by representing Team Scandinavia at the S68 World Cup international hockey competition. While the team didn’t do great, they weren’t terrible either, finishing 4th out of 5 teams in round robin play. WSJ posted 2 goals, 6 assists and 8 total points while playing alongside many new faces. “It was a good experience and a fun one too I think. Going from the WJC where I was among the finer players in the game and winning gold— to the big bad boys in the WC is a whole different experience. But I’ve really enjoyed myself and I think I learned a thing or two from my fellow Scandinavians, which I am grateful for. I look forward to bringing back some things I’ve learned at the WC, back to my Prague Phantoms. I think we have the potential to be a lot better this time around than last season with everybody gaining another year of experience under their belt. I’m already looking forward to the next World Cup competition! And eventually brining home gold for Scandinavia.”
  13. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/42887-s42-big-men-strong-performances/ +6 sba
  14. Second year defenseman for the Prague Phantoms, Wolf Stansson Jr. appears to be having a nice offseason. After going through the knocks his first season (which is to be expected when you’re a rookie defenseman thrown on the first line on an expansion team and all)... WSJ appears as if he’ll be better off heading into his second season. Winning WJC Gold with Team Europe was a big thing. Improvements to his game has him amongst the TPA leaders on his team already. And now... WSJ was recently named to Team Scandinavia roster for the upcoming World Cup tournament. “I definitely did not expect this honor at all. I mean I am fresh off WJC -/ so I fairly assumed it would be some time before I got a chance to play in the big WC tournaments.. but I guess my play impressed some people on Team Scandinavia and now they’ve got me amongst their top-four defenseman. I am deeply humbled and I will try my best to represent the True North well.” The future is bright for this Icelandic D-man... what’s next?
  15. Looking forward to representing the True North!
  16. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/42735-s41-advanced-statistics-leaders/ +6 SBA Affiliate PT
  17. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 4 -Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks - Malmo Nighthawks 4-3 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Matt Thompson Series leader in goals: Matt Thompson Series leader in assists: Ryan Sullivan Jr Who has the series PIM lead: Matt Thompson Who scores the series winning goal: John Frostbeard
  18. Wolf Stansson, the Icelandic giant of a defenseman, had his rookie season with the Prague Phantoms end early due to being on an expansion team devoid of groomed veterans and a competent goaltender. “I haven’t even spent a single minute of my time checking out the VHL playoffs to be honest with you. Everything is just a blur man, you know? 72 games goes by really fast, I can’t recall any particular moments from my first year. I think I was really busy just taking in everything and experiencing the lifestyle of a VHL player. I’ll tel you this much - there are some hardcore MF’ers out here in the world. But anyways, I’m off to prepare for Year 2. I would ideally like to focus on my passing, scoring, and strength. Just get myself into the hang of everything and become more involved in Prague’s offensive scheme carrying the back end of the rink. I think the future’s real bright here in Prague and we are building something positive here for the team and for the fans as a whole. Just gotta keep on grinding and good things will come.”
  19. 1. In your opinion what do you need to do/change the most this offseason to be able to improve come next season? I would have to say my offensive game - both passing and scoring. I had a nice rookie season but now that everybody has a year worth of film on me, I have to continue to evolve and grow. I’d probably also say I need to hit the weight room a little more. 2. Where do you hail from? and name me one thing you like about your hometown. Im from Reykjavik, Iceland. One of the most beautiful and generally the happiest country on Earth because of the community that we have created in Iceland. 3. Are you happy currently with where the team is going? Like everybody has been saying - I think we are a team that’s on the right path. We are very young but there’s talent and potential on our side and I look forward to seeing us grow together. 4. Do you feel like you deserve more ice time next season? I was a first-liner last season - don’t get me wrong, it was a honor and a pleasure to get this immediate playing time. But my +/- leaves a lot to be desired for and that is something that I need to work on going forward. I’ll let the coach decide how much playing time I get. 5. Who was your favourite personality this past season in your locker room? Id probably say MEE6, the guy is persistent with his reminders and telling everybody that they’ve leveled up. At the same time, I kinda think MEE6 needs a life 6. Any big plans for the offseason? Will you be attending to any event? (ex: charity golf tournaments, festivals, parties, concerts, sports events) i am not an exciting person at all so just going to spend time with my family and practice with my old hockey comrades. There’s no time for fun when you’re trying to help your expansion team get off the ground and improve in Year 2.
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