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Everything posted by Cornholio

  1. Wolf Stansson, Jr. has gotten used to the lengthy offseasons. Ever since WSJ came to the VHL/VHLM universe, his team has not made it out of the first round to date (if they did qualify, which happened both VHLM season and finally in the third year of the VHL). It kind of sucks if you’re not still in the running. It sucks even more if you’re ousted early because that leaves a lot of idle time on your hands. There isn’t much reason to check in other than to do PTs and see if there’s anything important worthy checking out. I don’t know what to do with him really. I guess I could make up some kind of story about WSJ going back home ice fishing and spending time with his loved ones. Yeah, nothing too spectacular, far fetched or eye-catching. As for his build? I guess I’ll probably work on that skating attribute. Maybe a little more checking and strength so he racks up more hits and have his numbers be a little more attractive for those defenseman awards.
  2. I believe it’s just a rock throw away from Bangkok
  3. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/45467-defenders-of-the-s44-sbdl/ +6 (too late for last week, might as well claim this week)
  4. It was quite a thriller down the final stretch as the Prague Phantoms’ faithful held on to postseason hopes for their team. In their third season of existence, Prague has started the season strong, only to cool off for a bit too long. Then the Phantoms had to battle Helsinki Titans and the Malmo Nighthawks for the final two postseAson berths in the European Conference. “It was quite a thriller. We almost knocked ourselves out for the count when we hit that midseason slide. Sure; our inexperience could have killed us, but our veterans helped to keep our heads into the moment and not worry too much. We were finally able to right the ship and notch some huge victories to lock in our berth. That was fun, yeah. The actual postseason experience.. eh, I think that could have gone better for us. I mean, we knew that it was going to be a gauntlet going up against #1 Moscow but we did decent against them toward the end of the season... so why not? Then we just up and got swept. That wasn’t cool at all. Kinda defeats the purpose of going into the playoffs if you know what I mean? I hope that the management is able to keep all of us together and we just got to you know, keep on working and hopefully we’ll do better next year.”
  5. Well this series was anticlimactic hope we’ll be better next season
  6. Let’s hope this one carries over to the playoffs
  7. It’s theme week which means I sort of have to force something as to which I have limited knowledge of. To keep it simple on me- I’m gonna focus on the player with the best chance of the HOF on the Prague Phantoms organization. Brick Wahl. Yes you heard me right. Wahl has been an outstanding stopper between the posts for the Phantoms this season. Not only between the posts has the giant lady been awesome - she has also been an outstanding mentor for Prague’s struggling young goaltender Solomon Crawford. There might be other goaltenders out there with prettier numbers or beneficiary of playing on stronger teams... but nobody goes out there and gives it their all better than Wahl I can assure you of that! I mean after all, Wahl did stop Toronto stone dead in the very last game of the S70 regular season when it came down to a shootout and we needed certain victory to clinch a postseason spot. Oh, and she’s been super awesome Against Moscow lately so we might have fighting chance! oh and not to mention Wahl has been an outstanding wall hugger. /discussion @BladeMaiden
  8. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/45220-s44-sbdl-per-leaders/ +6 SBA
  9. Third year defenseman Wolf Stansson Jr. and the rest of his Prague Phantoms teammates are under intense scrutiny now. After hovering near the top of the European division for the first third of the season or so — Prague has been slowly but steadily dropping games and falling down the standings. Through 52 games, Prague now finds themselves a single point shy of the postseason. “Man that isn’t cool. I understand that we’re struggling at the moment and trying to tinker around with some things. But we’ve been on an awful slide lately and if we keep it up at this pace, we’re gonna miss the postseason... again. That’s some thing we really cannot afford this year as an organization. Not after the great start we had. Right now it’s crunch time. 20 games left in the season and we need to have the best of our players out there on the ice rink right now. No more games, tinkering around with stuff. We need to be all like, guns blazing through the final stretch and I hope that our coach/front office is aware of this.”
  10. 1. 20 more games are left, what do you want to accomplish during those 20 games? We need to regain our traction. We started off this year strong then I think we sort of got ahead of ourselves and now we’re struggling. Sliding down the standings real fast. I want to play in the postseason this year, so that’s what I am hoping to accomplish here. 2. We're currently in a position to be the last team into the playoffs. Do you think we can surprise a team come playoff time and win our first round series? If we continue to play like we have been, I’m not sure if we make it into the postseason with how competitive the back end of the pack is. I think we will have a better shot next year. 3.We got one 20 goal scorer so far, who do you think will join Fizzlebeef in the 20 goal club next? I think WILLIE Dredge is next. He has been solid with his play on the rink and he definitely deserves the 20. I’m not sure if we’ll get a third guy or not considering how uninspired we have been playing lately. 4. Who's going to hit 50 points first do you think? Definitely Fizzlebeef. He has been awesome as the centerpiece of our offseason acquisitions and the first line leader this yeAr. 5. Who would you say is this year's most improved player? Seabass definitely. I might be biased here because I’ve been playing with him and we share lockers sometimes - but the guy has been awesome this year playing alongside me. We’ve played off each other fairly well and his game has taken strides to the point where we’re competing on offense not just defense! 6. Who has been your favourite addition so far out of our new players? Either Fizzlebeef or Wahl. Both of them have been nice solid additions both from a talent and LR standpoint. Wahl’s been sitting and letting Solomon Crawford play lately - that’s how nice she is. But now with crunch time coming up — it’s her time to get back on the ice and stop shots like she did earlier in the season.
  11. Third year defenseman Wolf Stansson Jr. recently signed a contract extension with the Prague Phantoms, essentially committing to the team for the remainder of his career. This follows a pattern of several VHL players who have committed to their existing team long-term and opting out of any chances at free agency. “Well it was a no-brainer for me really. Prague has been so good for me, both the organization and the people on the team. I’ve really enjoyed my time here and I couldn’t imagine taking my talents elsewhere. The fans have been awesome too, sticking with us through the inaugural season to today, growing with the team as a whole. When diamond ace approached me about the possibility of an extension, my eyes just instantly popped out and I had to take advantage and commit for whatever long the team wanted me. I’m a team player and I want to help us win a title or die trying. Not only that but the Phantoms took me with their first ever rookie draft pick, #12 back in S68. That means virtually every team decided to pass on me and that hasn’t slipped my mind. I want to reward Prague for their faith in me by giving them my loyalty and 100% in return.”
  12. Like everybody said - this was an awesome article and I enjoyed reading this. Hopefully Prague’s best case scenario plays out
  13. 268 D.C. Dragons @ Riga Reign 269 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 270 Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears 271 Helsinki Titans @ Calgary Wranglers
  14. 240 Prague Phantoms 241 Moscow Menace 242 Riga Reign 243 Vancouver Wolves
  15. My thoughts are with his family. Enjoyed sharing the same Discord with him when he had me on Team Europe for the WJC and we won gold. That discord was fun - he’ll always live on here in the VHL in spirit
  16. After a promising start to the season, it appears that Wolf Stansson Jr and his Prague teammates have hit some sort of a rut. They’ve fallen to fourth place in their European division over the last few games. Is this a worrying sign or just an inevitable factor of the long regular season? ”We are trying our best. Nobody ever said it was going to be a walk in the park. You’ve got to keep on grinding and go with the good times and the bad times. The great teams have both of them from time to time, but what makes them different from the rest is their ability to minimize the bad times and revert back to the good. We’re going through this right now and maybe it’s time for some adjustments. I don’t know. We just got to keep our faith in our coach as well as in each other. Riga, Moscow and Helsinki all can play. If we want to hang around, we’ve got to play better than them. That’s not even including the teams in the American division so yeah - we gotta hope we can reverse course on this ship before it’s too late and we end up with an unfavorable matchup in the first round or worse.”
  17. +6 SBA https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/44776-s43-advanced-stats-leaders/&tab=comments#comment-765023m
  18. 1. How do you feel about your team's start to the season? it is a nice feeling. After struggling to find traction on a consistent basis the first two years we seem to be doing a lot better this time around which is great news. We’re doing a lot of good things and I hope we can maintain this even on Brick Wahl’ days off. 2. Owen Nolan has now fought Edward Vigneault in every game the teams have faced each other. Is this now a personal rivalry and does this paint a target on Nolan's back for future games? I think Owen Nolan is a dipshit and I don’t even know who he is. He thinks he can take on Vigneault? Why not pick on somebody like Gert Frobe? That tells you a lot about Nolans’ character and I’m done talking about him. Next question please. 3. The team has had a total of 7 fights which is now a franchise high in only 10 games played. Why has the team start playing with such an edge? We are asserting ourselves and maintaining our edge in all aspects of the game. You know, teams have kind of been pushing us around the last two years and we told ourselves not this year. We are the alphas and we need to make our mark. 4. Newly acquired Edward Vigneault has starred 4 of the team's 7 fights. Why do you think Vigneault is so angry this season? We needed somebody to do that and it appears Vigneault has taken on the role of the enforcer so that’s nice to know. I think this stems from his sexual frustrations so I guess we should make sure that his drought continues throughout the season. 5. Who's our MVP of the week? Brick Wahl no doubt about it. We go as far as the sexy vixen takes us. Sure our offense is decent and we have strong defenders but ultimately you go as far as the goalie takes you. 6. How awesome was it to see Brick Wahl shut her former team out in her first game against her former team? Brick looked like she wanted this one really bad and I think coupled with her women’s day happening - it was a double whammy and we just couldn’t disappoint her. It was a tough task but I’m glad we stepped up to the plate and hit a homerun for her.
  19. Correctly predict all four winners for 2 uncapped TPE 85 Prague Phantoms 86 Calgary Wranglers 87 New York Americans 88 Malmo Nighthawks
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