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Posts posted by studentized


    1. How do you expect us to place at the end of the season?

    Close to where we are now. The possibility of playoffs is slim. If we squeak in, we will give it our best.


    2. Which team looks the most dangerous on the ice?

    Vancouver looks like they want to repeat. Super potent in all phases of the game


    4. Gunnarson and A Red Guy are out with the flu, who straps on the pads?

    Not me. I barely block shots as it is. Probably whoever blocks the most would get designated.


    5. If there was a NYA Fight Club who would be the defending champ?

    Still yet to be in a VHL fight but it will come eventually. I'd win a fight club against these guys though


    6. Who are the real surprises in terms of performance this season league wide?

    Toronto going through a massive plummet. Look similar on paper to last year, so I was surprised.


    7. How are you doing?

    Exhausted. Just got back from 1 month vacation. Lots of work to catch up on.

  2. 15 hours ago, ColeMrtz said:

    For the week of the 29th:


    1. After a relatively good start to the season we've been in a bit of a skid, what do you think we need to change to get out footing back?

    2. What's one area of your game you think you need to improve?

    3. With 19 games under our belts, S68 2nd overall pick Lance Flowers has shown his ability to hang with the pros. How does it feel playing with one of the most prolific picks of the S68 draft?

    4. Who do you think has been our season MVP so far?

    5. The D.C. Dragons and the Prague Phantoms have been scraping the bottom of the bowl all season, do you think they will break out of the bottom 2 spots by the end of the "year"?

    6. The program recently tacked on a new AGM to upper management, is there anything the players want to see from him?

    7. If you could change one thing about the league, what would it be?

    8. If you follow the NHL, what team(s)/player(s) are you most excited about this upcoming season?

    9. Have you ever played Ice Hockey outside of the VHL?

    10. What kind of questions do you want to see next week?


    1) Keep things simple. Don't try to be too fancy and over think things. If we apply good fundamentals, things will work out.


    2) Lots to improve for me. I want to shoot more, score more. Need to be better at both ends too.


    3) Guys a stud. Defence looks pretty solid for our group going forward. That makes your job as a forward a lot easier.


    4) Guy Legrande. Really smart offensively and just being a good pro in the locker room and on the ice.


    5) Neither. I still think Prague is more talented this year, but D.C has some great players taking advantage of their ice time. Both will be better in time, much like our group.


    ? San Jose because I'm a fan and they had an interesting off season. Lots of departures, not a lot of adds. A bunch of their youth will get a chance and if the past is any indication, a couple of those guys will contribute in a big way out of the gate. Excited to see who makes the cut.



  3. 1 hour ago, Quik said:


    you should know that 1) he had only been given 3 hours before you posted this, and 2) it being his 2nd skip meant auto-draft.


    Golding takes Jerwa and Smitty. Every pick that should have gone after is now deleted, @studentized you're up


    Okie dokie. 


    Rylan Peace for me this time





  4. Not sure I was fully prepared for the huge changes that take place during the jump from VHLM to VHL. It was a wild off-season and it moved fast. 


    There is a bit of a bitter taste left in my mouth from getting ousted from the VHLM playoffs with Halifax, mainly around the fact that we don't get to try again. The minors are done and that team is gone. It was a wild ride, one I enjoyed a ton, but within the next couple of days I knew I would be drafted somewhere else. I was excited to move up to the VHL, in part because I knew there, we would be able to keep the group together to try again when things don't work out in the playoffs.


    The expansion teams announcement added a different wrinkle. Two more teams meant a couple more available player spots, and I was optimistic I'd end up in a good situation with good playing time. My thoughts towards playing for an expansion team were always positive; it would be cool to be part of a team's founding history. But at the end of the day, I couldn't be more satisfied where I ended up. New York has a core of young players that is unmatched in my opinion. Everyone in the room genuinely believes we'll be one of the top teams in just a few short seasons. To be a part of that is humbling and I can't wait to see how our development grows throughout this season.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Steve said:

    Week ending on 9/22


    1. How has the team and/or the league been for you so far?
    2. If you could start your player over, what would you change?
    3. How do you feel about your own performance this early in the season?
    4. We have played a handful of games so far, do you think we're performing over or under expectations? 
    5. At the end of the season, if eligible and not under contract, would you retire and re-create a new player?
    6. What team mate do you think will score the most points this season?
    7.  Do you feel there is something that should be changed, either with the team or how you claim TPE?
    8. How do you feel about the expansion teams now that the season has started?
    9. Which of the two expansion teams do you think will win the cup first?
    10. We have a promising roster that should be good in the future, do you agree?


    3. I've had only 1 game where I put up points. Need to be more consistent, and be better against better teams.


    4. Hitting expectations. Hanging around that 5th spot in the NA conference with the chance to grab that 4th one. I fully expect us to be one of the teams that gets better throughout the season this year


    5. I plan on always playing full careers. Depreciation doesn't bother me and if you keep to one year contracts layer on, then you can always try to swing your way to a competitive team.


    6. Our captain Dalton Wilcox. We seem to be getting a ton of points from defence so far, but that will normalize and forwards will catch up. I think he will be the guy leading the way.


    8. I honestly was hoping the expansion rules would allow them to be somewhat competitive out of the gate, but looks like that didn't happen. Still cool for all those guys to be a part of a brand new team.


    9. Prague will probably make the playoffs first, and once your in you have a shot. DC might end up with the higher peak, but can't really say when they might reach it. Probably a while. 


    10. Super excited for our future in NY. I think this past S68 draft will look really good in hindsight, and the returning S67 guys will lead the charge.





  6. I would like to throw my name in for this as well. Definitely not the most qualified member who has applied, but I log into the site regularly and am sure I could provide fair and frequent updates for everyone. 

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