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Posts posted by studentized

  1. 1. Who on the team would you want to host a summer barbecue and why?


    Flowers has the weight so probably knows how to eat like a king.


    2. Who on the team would you keep as far away from the grill as possible?


    Hugh Jass has a tendency for knocking things over.


    3. What would you toss on the grill as your own contribution?


    Corn on the cob, asparagus, peppers. Grilled veggies for days.


    4. At this summer barbecue, what's your go-to drink?


    Been crushing margaritas lately so why stop now.


    5. What's one food item you absolutely hate seeing on the grill and why?


    Put whatever you want, just keep it away from my veggies lol.


    6. If you had a hot dog eating contest at this barbecue, who would win?


    Its always the small guys that win those, so Ryo maybe.


  2. 1. Han Solo/Chewie tandem for sure. 


    2. Following the rest of the playoffs. Not really rooting for either team but it's still hockey.


    3. I feel like Ryo has outgrown his gear for some time now.


    4. Interacting with people (obvious answer). Quarantining has been peaceful. Not fully enjoying it, but has its perks.


    5. The Strokes new album was great (and overdue). Been on repeat for a couple weeks now.


    6. Something with animals probably. Or a coach. Or both. Can dogs play hockey

  3. 1. Nah. Wasn't much of a chance. Though good to see us rebound late in the season


    2.  I Ihink Seattle has the best team, but I would like to get some S68 revenge. So probs vancouver


    3. Preparing for old age i.e banking. Pretty happy with type of player I am so looking forward


    4. How to get anyone to drop the mitts with me. Still no losses in my career so want to fight more


    5. Could use a good winger to play with now that I'm at C. No idea who will be available


    6. I set a 30/30 goal and hit it, so pretty content with the year. I think everyone performed well this year so sucks we can't go further.


    1. What are your thoughts on the new AGM hire?


    Good to get a fresh face in the room. Glad he got to see us play at our best instead of the crap we played early on.


    2. Do you think we can make a push to sneak into the playoffs this year?


    Not mathematically eliminated, but I don't think we should get our hopes up. Very strong NA conf this year


    3. If you had to be stuck with one player on this team during quarantine, who would it be and why?


    Nightmare scenario. They all smell. I'll go with former captain Boris the Forest


    4. Which player/GM would you absolutely not want to be stuck with during quarantine and why?


    I feel like GM was included just to to bait me into saying esso, so esso.


    5. With the upcoming All-Star skills competition, who would you nominate to go from our team?


    Wilcox on fire lately. Fared decently last year in skills comp iirc


    6. Lastly, if you could prank one player on the team, who would it be and why?


    Why settle for one. Get em all at once. #RetireNolan



    1) Big disappointment. Personally another meh season. At least it gives hope that we can do better next year with a worse roster 


    2) 60 points would be nice. On track-ish. Team goals were more important though and we failing miserably lol.


    3) Stir crazy. Can't even go golfing this off season


    4) Sell our souls. Never say never ... but like... never gonna happen 


    5) ARG because I feel bad for him but he's stuck through. Peppered with shots and he deserves better 


    6) 15-15-4, with Nolan getting to 30/30



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