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Posts posted by Elmebeck

  1. ixPcmzG.png
    (Photo by Associated Victory Press, @Steve)

    After technical problems with the venue, ice being way too soft and another French strike by the Union of Zamboni Drivers the WJC got moved from Palais de Sports in Sorbonne to Eis Arena Wolfsburg in Germany.

    The delay of the start of the tournament seems to have benefited Team Europe even more, if they were the slated favorites earlier they have pulled away even more now.

    VSN expert talking head explains, "They now have several player near, or even over the 350 TPE, but the roster stands as it was picked. So it is indeed a formidable team, perhaps one of the best in WJC history."

    Fredrik Elmebeck, who only got picked because his father runs the team, a filthy display of nepotism, celeberated on Twitter that he was "Going to tear shit up for Europe, I'll probably hit 350 too!"

    Due to insurance and cost reasons the VHL were ready to pull their players from participating, but after negotiations the world organization managed to come to an agreement by having the VHLM logo on all jerseys for the tournament.

    (Bold everything, underline the rest)

  2. @Goliathus, I will tell you the same thing as I have been telling the others. 15 games left. You want a cup with no playing minutes, wait for other offers, if you want playing minutes go for us at the bottom. Despite our position we have a great support for our locker room, so you will not miss out on player development; and the draft if a few weeks out, so in the end it probably doesn't matter that much unless you want playing time over laurels. :) 

    But anyway, Saskatoon Wild, the door is open for the last few games.


    GM @Peace(Discord: MrZPeace#0598)
    AGM @Elmebeck (Discord: VerloreneSiege#9910)

  3. Just like in two weeks or so. You're perfect timing as you can get some TPE, but you can't choose your team for next season.

    I would say just go for it, get in TPE for these two-three weeks and hope a decent team drafts you (I think basically all in VHLM are good to be honest... even Halifax).

    Right now you can choose how to end this season... which again, you can go with some later offers from the top runners, or go with us at the bottom. :) Anyway, offer is still open to check us out on Discord, we have pretty good support for our players I think.

    (but no guarantee where you go for next season, I guess, draft and all)

  4. Hey @AnthonyOuellet, you seem to know how this goes so I won't post a wall of pre-written text. You can possibly be "on a team" to win a cup, without playing minutes, or you can explore teams that will be great in the future, and one of those is definitely Saskatoon Wild. who probably has the best picks for the upcoming draft.

    So check us out, either just our picks and players, or come check out our Discord.

    GM @Peace (Discord: MrZPeace#0598)
    AGM @Elmebeck (Discord: VerloreneSiege#9910)

  5. Press conference for week ending Oct 20th.

    I don't know if these In Character and Out Of Character worked how I marked them, I'll fine-tune it in the future. Let me know how you feel. 

    Ten questions but you only have to answer six!

    [INC/OOC - your choice]
    1. How do you feel for next season, regarding the picks we have, the players that will stay, the players that will leave?
    2. Going back to next season, and particularly the draft, any draftable players that stands out to for Saskatoon to try to catch? If you're already drafted, any players that you'd like for your new VHL team to have a look at?

    3. @PotatoKing and @STZ (LVA) leads the VHLM in points and are neck to neck, but who will be the most valuable player during the playoffs? Someone else, or one of those two?
    4. Who wins the VHLM final?
    5. Who wins the VHL final?

    6. With playoffs closing in, any interest in following a specific team or player now that Saskatoon likely won't reach them?

    7. With only fifteen games left on the season, how do you look at your own performance and output? Statswise or development wise. 
    8. Do you have any changes in mind for next season in either focus or goals?
    9. Are you actively rooting against Halifax 21st?

    10. Lottery has been talked about starting up, it has been touched on in a previous press conference. The "problem" according to some people that earlier it kind of encouraged spamming the forum, as your chance to get picked was in relation to the amount of posts you had. If you could start from scratch and design a lottery system, what do you think would be a good way to do it? Or should it be abandoned altogether even?

    (edit: forgot that @name doesn't automatically link when pasting)
    (a few edits later: better structured and a few spelling mistakes fixed)

  6. I think the tasks that are generally looked at a bit more harshly, and also demands more time to complete, should be the showcase of the forum and the league.

    Now it looks like some engineer created this, "Point tasks should be here, and the simple stuff there." Which is perhaps logical in how you claim points, but not how you present content.

    6 pts graphics, articles and podcasts should be the first you see after a newbie guide. 


    In my humble opinion.

  7. I am complaining about the recent change to the structure of the forum layout, not the rule changes.

    E: I have some ideas, if anyone running the forum is open to listening I'd love to present them. But quite obviously having Articles as a top topic and serious point tasks buried two levels down doesn't make much sense. It's not about the gaming... to me, but about the content clever people put out. So let them shine.

    (and no offense, most Articles are shit, I love those who give it a bit extra)

  8. I realize rules are changing and all that, but how does it make sense to bury Media Spots and Podcasts two levels down while Articles is a main item?

    Just put all creative work top, front and center and let the updaters worry about whether it is 2 or 6 points. Make sure all this content is read or seen, don't make it less accessible.

  9. All these sister league stuff, 6 pts Welfare instead of 4, etc, and stuff like this lottery is a kind of blight though. The old boy's club you have to be a member of.

    Maybe it is not, but it comes off like it's that way it works.

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