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  1. Fire
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Ricer13 in HOU/YUK; S70   
    The Rush gonna regret trading me!
  2. Haha
    LittleRiDog reacted to Bushito in HOU/YUK; S70   
    I regret you going inactive after I drafted you to Calgary, to be fair it was likely a bit before I drafted you. lol
  3. Ugh
    LittleRiDog reacted to MexicanCow123 in HOU/YUK; S70   
    Goodluck in Houston boys. Loved having you here but the waiver guys gotta go ?
  4. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to FrostBeard in HOU/YUK; S70   

    Wasn't a truly long journey for both of you guys on Houston but here I go - thanks for playing and our beautiful city will remember all of you for ever! Thanks @Elias Östling and @KillaScrilla! Good luck in that cold place called Yukon!

    Welcome to Houston! @LittleRiDog, @Legend0985 and @Zetterberg! Hope you like the warmth of the sun as we have plenty of it! Now, lets go and win Houston another cup!

    And thanks @MexicanCow123, you are a beautiful human being!
  5. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to jhatty8 in Cash [1/2]   
  6. Like
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Ricer13 in Welfare/Pension (Jan 27 - Feb 2)   
    SBA +6
  7. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Victor in Stepping down as Trivia Head   
    The announcement last night (or this morning for me) about outlawing trivia answer sharing has caught me off guard. When I first read it I assumed that I had somehow slept through February and March and it was now April Fools Day but reading further I realised it was not a joke. The decision seems to have been taken as a snap decision within about an hour last night on Discord. I did not go onto Discord last night so was completely blindsided by it, but although a word of warning would have been nice given I created and run the thing, that lack of consultation is not why I am stepping down.
    No, I am stepping down because I do not want to be associated with such a draconian measure. I have never outlawed anything other than people literally replying to the thread with the answers because that completely defeats the point. If people want to rely on their teammates or friends, it never bothered me.
    The spirit of trivia for me is effectively twofold. You have a group of people who genuinely enjoy finding the answers and will do so regardless of how easy it is to get them anyway. That's the real target audience. But then you have most of the league who don't necessarily know or care about finding the answers and just want the TPE. And there is nothing wrong with that. I am a firm believer that even by blindly filling out the form every week without doing the research, a member who does that for many weeks and seasons will pick up some VHL history they wouldn't otherwise know. And that to me is still a win and helps carry the league's legacy as the longest lasting sim league because we still have an appreciation for long-gone players and seasons.
    So with that in mind, effective tomorrow I will be stepping down as head of trivia after paying out the week 2 answers for S70. If the league's stance changes I will be happy to resume the role, but if not it's been a good ride but you've made a mistake.
  8. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to ThePerfectNut in R.I.P Kobe   
    I heard the news when I was legit playing a college basket-ball game. Everyone knows and should know what's going on. A Legend is gone.
    I'm not going to write a full article since words can't express how the world of basket-ball is truly feeling right now, but I know each of us are strong and won't let our emotion get the better of ourselves right now.
    Playing basket-ball from now on will be very tough for me now since I was used to say Kobe each that my shot went in and when I look at a basket-ball. It reminds me of him.
    To keep it short, we will truly miss you Kobe and her daughter Gigi (Which she had a truly bright future in front of her. I truly can't even imagine how she was feeling when it was happening on the spot)
  9. Haha
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Zyrok in S70 Fantasy Group 16   
    Is there a way for me to auto pick lol, I don't know any players
  10. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Acydburn in VHLM Fantasy Zone (S70W1)   
    Here we are again! A new season and some new fantasy zone.
    As always this is for VHLMers only. 
    VHLM Fantasy Zone Rules
    Questionnaire <---- Submit answers
    Responses < --- Can see others answers
    If I have tagged you and you're not in the VHLM please let me know. If you're not tagged and would like to be tagged, please let me know. 
  11. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Zyrok in Pre-season Paintball!   
    Hey, I really need to tell what happened this evening with the Yukon Rush roster, it was so fun!!! We went paintballing for a special team bonding excersice and we were divided into two teams, I was on the @Krice13 team and we decided to attack suddendly, we caught them while they were still planning how to attack us @MexicanCow123 tried to shoot at us but he still had the gun lock on. It was so fun, I think I really got to know my team mates better, now for example I know @LittleRiDog is a multi-sport athlete, and that he knows how to throw a football... but he doesn't know how to dodge a paintball bullet. I really think this was a well spended evening with my team mates and that helped us get along better and it is going to help us in the ice, let's see how this season goes for us
    Word count: 157 words
  12. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Zyrok in Q&A W/Yukon AGM   
    In this Questions and Answers I have with me the known @Krice13 the assistant manager of the Yukon team, I think this is a very good interview as it gives us the point of view of someone who sees evrything that happens inside a team and he is as familiar with the players as he can and he does work for the GM so he is the perfect balance between boss and workers;
    1) What is the favourite thing about being a AGM?
    My favourite thing about being an AGM is that I get to be apart of actually helping build a team that could potentially win a championship. It also gives me a chance to build relationships with players in different way as an Assistant GM rather than a teammate. I care more about the team than myself which is pretty cool.
    2) What is your least favourite thing about being the AGM?
    My least favourite thing is that all the GMs think being an Assistant GM isn’t a real job hahaha. Nah I joke, I honestly don’t have anything to dislike about being an Assistant  GM
    3) Is it too difficult to get players to keep active?
    It can be troublesome to try and keep people active. A lot of people join because they like the idea of fantasy sports. The unfamiliarity of how it all works is what I think scares people off. Once you get the hang off it and figure everything out it is actually a lot of fun. As GMs and Assistant GMs it’s our job to help these new players transition easier so that they decided to stay active and have fun.
    4) What tips would you give to someone who is aplying for that job?
    Be persistent. You aren’t going to get the first ten jobs you might apply for. Staying consistent and constantly putting your name out there is key in people remembering who you are. Being active in the forums and Locker rooms is also very important. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets a chance and consistency is key.
    5) How much hours a day do you have to work for the GM to be happy?
    That is an interesting question. I probably spend way to much time as it is on here. I don’t think time is necessarily what the GM cares about. The GM gives you certain tasks and if you get them done in 5 mins or 60 mins it doesn’t matter as long as you get the job done! 
    6) Are you planning on being the GM anyday soon?
    I just started as an Assistant GM so I would like to get a couple seasons under my belt before really considering that. It is definitely something I would love to do one day but for now my goal is to help MexicanCow build a team that’s going to win a championship,l and in the process I’m going to learn as much from him as I can so that one day I can be a GM too.
    I think he gave us a perfect point of view about how it is to be a AGM, I hope this helps you if you had any doubts
  13. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Victor in S70 Trivia Week 1 - New Year, New Trivia   
    Hello  @Members
    New decade, slightly new trivia! We are introducing True/False question in S70, enjoy! Otherwise, same rules as before....
    Fill out the form linked below.
    2 correct answers = 2 capped TPE
    1 correct answer = 1 capped TPE
    Uncapped TPE based on season leaderboard handed out at end of season.
    I am always taking question suggestions via PM, with 1 uncapped TPE going your way for each question that ends up getting used.
  14. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to rjfryman in Live S71 Draft Class Rankings   
    Live S71 Draft Class Rankings
    Rank Δ Player Name Position TPE Team Nat. Member 1   Kyl Oferson C 260 SDM BN Nykonax 2   Roque Davis D 257 SDM PT Josh 3   Erik Killinger LW 240 HOU CA Peace 4 ↑ 1 Stone Wolski G 231 HOU US DollarAndADream 5 ↓ 1 Ola Vikingstad C 230 OTT SE Dil 6   Jim Bob LW 227 OTT AL jRuutu 7 ↑ 2 Thomas Landry II LW 187 SDM US Doomsday 8 ↓ 1 Hugh Jass D 180 HOU CA TheFlash 9 ↓ 1 Uhtred RW 172 SDM GB leafsman 10   Joakim Bruden G 150 OTT SE PadStack 11   Alex Burrows RW 135 MIN CA Gaudette 12   Adam Syreck LW 120 OTT US Spade18 13   Xavier leFlamant RW 103 PHI MQ BarzalGoat 14   Jeff Blaze RW 93 HOU US NyQuil 15 ↑ 2 Richard Penisson C 76 OTT IS bluesfan55 16 ↓ 1 Kendall Rasmussen C 72 MIN CA Connor mcdavid 17 ↓ 1 Dax Lewis RW 61 SDM US Daxoftheflame 18 ↑ 1 Nicolas Konig LW 58 YUK CH Daniel 19 ↓ 1 Jon Vinson LW 56 SSK US Bamz 20 ↑ 6 Bennet Dahl G 53 YUK KP Nothing but goals 21 New Kazimir Komarov LW 52 SDM RU Gooningitup 22 ↓ 1 Domonique Williams RW 52 LVA BR Domkey 23 ↓ 3 Trey Nets C 52 HOU US KillaScrilla 24 New Zyrok12 D 51 YUK ES Zyrok 25 ↓ 2 Big Chungus LW 50 OTT CH Ferda 26 ↓ 2 Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder D 48 OTT CH Weretarantula 27 New Gavin Harris D 47 MIS US BigIrish 28 ↓ 6 Hex Valentine G 46 HFX DE DrHexDex 29 ↑ 7 Xavier Hills LW 44 PHI GD inflastud 30 ↓ 3 Cummins Aulhovere C 44 OTT CH BoucherFan12 31 ↓ 3 Apple D 43 OTT CH apricot 32 New Gino Alkamino LW 42 FA CA ChaceT 33 New Gary Neal LW 41 YUK CL LittleRiDog 34 ↓ 9 Blake Bridges RW 40 SSK US Blake Bridge 35 New Derek LW 37 FA CA Dérek 36 New Seth Fish RW 36 MIN US Insomnia 37 ↓ 7 Matt Sovick G 36 FA US matt sovick 38 New Giles Rigel RW 36 MIS US Giles Rigel 39 ↓ 10 Tyler Green C 36 LVA US wild_soup97 40 New Jason Goeson D 36 YUK CA Legend0985 41 ↑ 14 Mickey Dickson RW 34 YUK US Brewins15 42 ↓ 9 Carter Fetterly G 34 SSK CA Boltzy 43 ↑ 6 Dean Big Chungus G 34 FA CA Big Dee 44 ↓ 12 jimmy butler C 34 MEX CA butler0509 45 ↓ 4 Peter Louis RW 34 PHI CA CosmicStorm 46 ↓ 11 Raiens Grasis RW 34 MIN LV raiens 47 New Bob Helminen LW 34 HFX FI Bob Helminen 48 ↑ 2 The Boi RW 34 LVA CA Jackson 49 ↓ 10 Hunter Harrison D 34 OTT SE I'll change this later 50 ↓ 13 Brenden rose RW 34 OTT CA btown03 51 ↓ 17 FuzzKins RW 34 YUK CH FuzzKins 52 ↓ 21 evan gardner LW 34 MIN CA Evan Gardner 53 ↓ 11 Reuben Peterson C 34 HFX CA doubl3 54 New Tommy Sorensen RW 32 FA SE D-Note 55 ↓ 10 Robin Banks RW 32 FA JP No Regretzkys 56 New Randy Stewarts LW 32 MIS US Hawkins309 57 New Pavel Friskinov C 32 FA RU Justin Frisk 58 New Kalle Pohkola LW 32 FA FI ahmantti 59 New Ian Not So Short RW 32 FA AF Ian Not So Short 60 New oscar kalvain C 32 FA CA p91 61 ↓ 14 Scott Sharman D 32 HFX CA ScottySharms 62 New Blaze Delhomme C 32 FA US Shadowbeast 63 ↓ 17 Ryder Pyatt C 32 MIS NO Battlepopcorn 64 ↓ 3 Maurice James RW 32 MIS CA Thunder70 65 ↓ 6 Nathaniel Cherry LW 32 FA CA Leafsfan328 66 ↓ 9 Noah Louis G 32 PHI CA Imanowl 67 ↓ 11 Jordan Ross LW 32 FA US Jross 4 68 ↓ 14 John Shally LW 32 SDM US John 69 ↓ 18 Mason Burns D 32 OTT CA Itsyaboyburns 70 ↓ 18 Derrick Fonza LW 32 FA US Vectorboss 71 ↓ 18 Joaquin Ventura RW 32 FA CA ChiefKeefe 72 ↓ 14 Adren LW 32 FA CA Andren 73 ↓ 13 Weston Hamann LW 32 FA US CarlUnts 74 ↓ 12 Fat Beast C 32 OTT SE kiddingsoda 75 ↓ 12 OneAndOnly StoneHands C 32 FA CA Huntsy41 76 ↓ 12 Logan Burke C 32 MEX CA fr0sh 77 ↓ 39 Joe hofer LW 32 FA CA Joe 78 ↓ 38 Bobby Tables RW 32 FA MX Tables 79 ↓ 36 Cole Caulfield C 32 FA US Nasher4 80 ↓ 32 Semaj Leir G 32 FA JP RiochousOne  
    Includes all players entering the S70 VHL Draft who have added TPE to their player. Once your player has had an update approved by updaters that puts you over 30 TPE, you'll be added to the rankings. 
    Last Updated: Jan 20th
    @Josh  @Joe @kiddingsoda @fr0sh @I'll change this later @Domkey @KillaScrilla  @jRuutu @Peace @Nykonax @DilIsPickle @TheFlash @Gaudette @Bamz @PadStack @Doomsday @leafsman @DollarAndADream @Connor mcdavid @Daxoftheflame @Tables @CarlUnts @Nasher4 @Spade18 @BarzalGoat @DrHexDex @NyQuil @Blake Bridge @CosmicStorm @Huntsy41 @bluesfan55 @Daniel @Ferda @Weretarantula @Nothing but goals @BoucherFan12 @apricot @wild_soup97 @matt sovick @Evan Gardner @butler0509 @Boltzy @FuzzKins @raiens @btown03 @CosmicStorm @doubl3 @Zyrok @No Regretzkys @Battlepopcorn @ScottySharms @RiochousOne @Big Dee @Jackson @Itsyaboyburns @Vectorboss @ChiefKeefe @John @Brewins15 @Jross 4 @Imanowl @Andren @Leafsfan328 @Thunder70 @Gooningitup @BigIrish @ChaceT @LittleRiDog @Dérek @Insomnia @Giles Rigel @Legend0985 @Bob Helminen @D-Note @Hawkins309 @Justin Frisk @ahmantti @Ian Not So Short @p91 @Shadowbeast
  15. Fire
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Zyrok in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Rush Offer: Accepted!
  16. Fire
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Ricer13 in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Rush Offer: Accepted!
  17. Like
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Ricer13 in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Thanks to all, I'm just taking in offers now, I'll make a decision in the next few days!
  18. Like
    LittleRiDog got a reaction from Elmebeck in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Thanks to all, I'm just taking in offers now, I'll make a decision in the next few days!
  19. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to rjfryman in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    @LittleRiDog Welcome to the league. If you have any questions about the league or the process let me know and I will do my best to get you the info you need to be the best that you can be.
  20. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Elmebeck in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Saskatoon won the league last season with a record breaking season, and we would love to have you join us to make a good showing this season too. We're actually looking pretty decent despite losing a big part of our core to VHL in this off-season.
  21. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Motzaburger in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Welcome back to the league @LittleRiDog!!!
    I am the GM of Mexico City Kings! I can offer you first/second line minutes with us as long as you're active!
    We don't have too many players so it will be easy for you to get points and claim the top spots on our roster!
    We'd love to have you on the squad and be a part of the Cartel once again!!! 
    If you want to join the Kings again just quote this and say "Accept".
    Glad to have you back. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime
    - Motza
  22. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to zepheter in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
  23. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Ricer13 in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    Welcome to the VHL. I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush. We are interested in signing you on to our roster. The Rush aren’t going to be competitive this season but we can guarantee top line minutes. If you’re interested in signing with our team please comment below “Rush offer: Accepted.” 
    Thank you for your consideration and Goodluck!
  24. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Rayzor_7 in (S71) LW - Gary Neal, TPE: 30   
    join minnesota
  25. Like
    LittleRiDog reacted to Enorama in Triple Draft Recap - D.C. Dragons   
    Yesterday marked my third VHL Entry Draft since being named GM of the North American expansion franchise the D.C. Dragons. Now that I've got a decent sample size down, I figured I would do some base level analysis on how my picks have looked thus far, starting with our inaugural draft in S68.
    Round 1, 5th Overall: Luciano Valentino @Kekzkrieg
    I used a S69 2nd round pick to trade my S68 12th overall pick to 5th overall because I had my eyes on some specific guys in the 3-6 area. I couldn't be happier that Valentino is who I went with in the end. He's been a great member of the leadership core of our young team, and he just signed himself a career contract to stay a Dragon through to retirement.
    Round 2, 14th Overall: Kaspars Claude @Bruins10
    A first gen member that I thought had a ton of potential because of the way his graphics were getting pumped up left and right, but life got in the way and he dipped out fairly early into his rookie campaign. I've heard that he's since returned to other leagues, but has not been active here in quite some time. This was really early for me to be landing my first major bust.
    Round 2, 18th Overall: Ricky Johnson @Midnite
    Johnson has done well for his draft position. As a SBA welfare member, I was afraid that the split would scare him off, but instead he's been just as active since then. Just recently, he put pen to paper on his first regular contract and he's in a position to be a solid #3 dman for quite some time.
    Round 2, 25th Overall: Balentine Kidd @TukTukTheGreat
    This was looking like a steal of a deal right after the draft and I thought I would be able to pull his max potential out of him due to us having ties from EHM leagues, but he quickly lost interest in the league shortly into his second VHLM season, and has gone entirely active since. Another bust for me.
    Round 3, 31st Overall: Mac Hooper @MacH
    I thought Mac would have an easier time than others would staying active due to how his articles and graphics were more inventive than what you would normally see from a first gen member in their draft year, and this proved to be true for the first year following the draft, but this didn't last for long. He has since fallen off the face of the earth, and due to how deep this draft class was, this marks another bust.
    Round 3, 37th Overall: Liam Rooney @elrune1988
    Same story as Kidd up there, but he was slightly less active in the lead up to the draft, hence his lower draft position. The third of the EHM league trinity, Telker @Telkster, was who I had pencilled in here, but @Victor had to go and yoink him earlier.
    Round 4, 46th Overall: Block Buster @Banana2311
    Buster was poised to be the steal of the draft when she restarted updating the day after picking her up in the 4th round. At this point nobody being taken had updated within the past week or two, so to even get a single update out of Buster would be considered a win. The young goaltender went even further, claiming ~10 TPE every week solidly for a couple seasons, even making some solid VHL starts to the tune of .908 SV%, but then she up and retired, citing a lack of time to visit the site.
    Round 4, 49th Overall: Julian Blackthorn @LattimoreIsland
    This is the first attempted steal of a pick based on affiliate members. Latti is a GM of mine in the EFL, so I knew I could drag him over here occasionally. He updated a bit following the draft, but has since fallen to inactivity once more. Can't call this one a steal nor a bust, more of a "eh".
    Round 5, 61st Overall: Raleigh Ritchie @DangerGolding
    Remember how I almost called Buster the steal of the draft? Forget that. This man returned from the coma that sidelined him for a full season before the draft and has now surpassed 300 TPE and will be starting on the second line of the Dragons for S70. I picked him based on recognizing the name from an active member in the SBA, so I knew that he could get some easy TPE every week should he be convinced to re-join the VHL. In a re-draft, you'd likely see Ritchie going somewhere in the 2nd round, making him not only the steal of the draft, but potentially one of the biggest draft steals of all time.
    Round 1, 2nd Overall: Benny Graves @STZ
    Pretty obvious choice at 2nd here, and he was who I had pegged at 1st overall anyways, so I was ecstatic when he fell into my lap. Since draft day he's already cemented himself as our 1C for the foreseeable future and has earned himself an A on his chest. 
    Round 4, 47th Overall: Igor Trice @jakejohn17
    45 entire picks later we finally hit our second and final pick of the draft. By this point everyone that had updated within the past several weeks had been off the board for at least 10 picks, so I picked someone based on name alone (Igor is fun). Much to my surprise, jakejohn is actually an active member of the SBA. I was able to contact him the day after the draft, but he wasn't interested in returning, such is life. As an aside, the person I was angling for at this slot was @LittleRiDog, but he went two slots earlier to Calgary. He's since retired and recreated, so there's a possibility I could have dragged him back with his OG player, who knows.
    Round 2, 14th Overall: Derek Eriksson @DirtyDerek
    After trading away our 3rd overall pick to add some firepower to our offense now (named @FrostBeard), we enter the draft early in the second round. I was always angling towards a forward at this slot (had @JDGraves in mind before he went to Helsinki at 10th) or goaltender (had @ROOKIE745 in mind before his unfortunate BPA to Davos at 9th), but Eriksson was on my short list of three from the beginning as well. He'll be easy to harass to update going forward because I can be at his door in 14 minutes or so, so he'd best turn into one of the best performers of the draft class or he'll answer to me.
    Round 4, 42nd Overall: Crush Cile @Savoire Faire
    Similar pick to Ritchie in S68 and Trice in S69, I picked Cile based on him belonging to an affiliate member, Savoire Faire is better known as KWally in other leagues, and I knew he was still active in these other leagues, so I shot him an invite to our LR this morning after drafting him late last night. He's since joined the LR, sent in a few updates, and has expressed a desire to stay active via affiliate welfare for the time being, if we were to re-draft this today, we'd likely put him somewhere in the late 2nd or early 3rd, making this mid 4th round pick an early contender for the steal of the night.
    1,220 words, claiming for Kastelic for the weeks ending 1/19 and 1/26
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