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    Tagger got a reaction from Doomsday in DAV/CGY ; S39 off-season   
    It was always going to take a lot to get a player with the PIM potential of Yumalapotino, the Season 38 PIM Champion. In truth, we tried to get around 200 of Davos PIMs in the trade in addition to Yumalapotino, but in the end we were happy to be offered Landry instead. 
  2. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in DAV/CGY ; S39 off-season   
    It was always going to take a lot to get a player with the PIM potential of Yumalapotino, the Season 38 PIM Champion. In truth, we tried to get around 200 of Davos PIMs in the trade in addition to Yumalapotino, but in the end we were happy to be offered Landry instead. 
  3. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from CoachReilly in DAV/CGY ; S39 off-season   
    It was always going to take a lot to get a player with the PIM potential of Yumalapotino, the Season 38 PIM Champion. In truth, we tried to get around 200 of Davos PIMs in the trade in addition to Yumalapotino, but in the end we were happy to be offered Landry instead. 
  4. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Doomsday in New stat to be introduced to VHL?   
    In a move that would make what is already a super-long stat-line even longer, a movement has been proposed by current Calgary Wranglers defenseman Edwin Encarnacion (who is still employed somehow) to introduce a new statistic for the VHL’s fortieth season. Below is the proposition as written by Encarnacion:
    The idea has actually gained support from Davos Captain Thomas Landry, who said:
    “This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard…let’s do it!”
  5. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in New stat to be introduced to VHL?   
    In a move that would make what is already a super-long stat-line even longer, a movement has been proposed by current Calgary Wranglers defenseman Edwin Encarnacion (who is still employed somehow) to introduce a new statistic for the VHL’s fortieth season. Below is the proposition as written by Encarnacion:
    The idea has actually gained support from Davos Captain Thomas Landry, who said:
    “This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard…let’s do it!”
  6. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in 3XPIM KING!   
  7. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Will in NA Quarter-Finals GM 1: Calgary vs. Seattle   
    Sure I got the winning goal, but if we're going to have any sustained success in these playoffs I'm going to have to improve in the PIM's dramatically.
    Though considering I was tripping balls the entire game, I don't understand why I was only penalized for it once, these refs are shit. 
  8. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in GM 354: Calgary vs. New York   
  9. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in 15 Is The Magic Number   
    With just five games remaining in the season and a place in the playoffs already secured, the Calgary Wranglers look set to help a man achieve his lifetime ambition of recording the highest number of PIM’s in one season in the last twenty years. Edwin Encarnacion, the worst hockey player ever to play the game, has to this point recorded an incredible 255 Penalty Minutes, which on its own puts him in the top 20 of most PIM’s in a season. However, he lies just 14 penalty minutes behind James Lefevre’s 269 PIM’s recorded in season 33. If Encarnacion can average 3 penalty minutes over the last five games, he will have recorded the most amount of PIM’s in one season since Patrick Bergqvist’s incredible 289 PIM season from Season 19. While Encarnacion is unlikely to break Bergqvist’s total this season (which would require over 8 penalty minutes per game), Encarnacion will undoubtedly be delighted with his PIM performance this season as he has all but sealed his third PIM Championship. The question lies though as to whether Encarnacion could in fact seal a fourth PIM crown. Encarnacion is currently in the prime of his PIM career and looks set to regress, although hopefully that will actually help rather than hinder his spectacular PIM-ability.
  10. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Doomsday in 15 Is The Magic Number   
    With just five games remaining in the season and a place in the playoffs already secured, the Calgary Wranglers look set to help a man achieve his lifetime ambition of recording the highest number of PIM’s in one season in the last twenty years. Edwin Encarnacion, the worst hockey player ever to play the game, has to this point recorded an incredible 255 Penalty Minutes, which on its own puts him in the top 20 of most PIM’s in a season. However, he lies just 14 penalty minutes behind James Lefevre’s 269 PIM’s recorded in season 33. If Encarnacion can average 3 penalty minutes over the last five games, he will have recorded the most amount of PIM’s in one season since Patrick Bergqvist’s incredible 289 PIM season from Season 19. While Encarnacion is unlikely to break Bergqvist’s total this season (which would require over 8 penalty minutes per game), Encarnacion will undoubtedly be delighted with his PIM performance this season as he has all but sealed his third PIM Championship. The question lies though as to whether Encarnacion could in fact seal a fourth PIM crown. Encarnacion is currently in the prime of his PIM career and looks set to regress, although hopefully that will actually help rather than hinder his spectacular PIM-ability.
  11. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Kendrick in 15 Is The Magic Number   
    With just five games remaining in the season and a place in the playoffs already secured, the Calgary Wranglers look set to help a man achieve his lifetime ambition of recording the highest number of PIM’s in one season in the last twenty years. Edwin Encarnacion, the worst hockey player ever to play the game, has to this point recorded an incredible 255 Penalty Minutes, which on its own puts him in the top 20 of most PIM’s in a season. However, he lies just 14 penalty minutes behind James Lefevre’s 269 PIM’s recorded in season 33. If Encarnacion can average 3 penalty minutes over the last five games, he will have recorded the most amount of PIM’s in one season since Patrick Bergqvist’s incredible 289 PIM season from Season 19. While Encarnacion is unlikely to break Bergqvist’s total this season (which would require over 8 penalty minutes per game), Encarnacion will undoubtedly be delighted with his PIM performance this season as he has all but sealed his third PIM Championship. The question lies though as to whether Encarnacion could in fact seal a fourth PIM crown. Encarnacion is currently in the prime of his PIM career and looks set to regress, although hopefully that will actually help rather than hinder his spectacular PIM-ability.
  12. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in www.PIMTheShitOutOfShit.com   
    Edwin Encarnacion continues to be the single greatest player in the history of the VHL as he looks set to seal his third PIM Championship in just five years, as he currently holds an absolutely amazing 49 PIM advantage over his nearest competitor, Dimothensis Vlasis of Cologne, and with just 22 games left in the season, it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that the Dominican has the title secured even with all these games left to play. The big test for Edwin now though is to try and eclipse not only his previous season best of 246 PIM’s from his rookie season, he also has his sights on setting on highest PIM total of the modern VHL era (S20 onwards). To do that, he’d have to break James Lefevre’s record of 269 penalty minutes. With Edwin currently at 193 PIMs with twenty two games to play, Encarnacion has to pick up just 3.5 penalty minutes per game to secure his place among the all-time greats such as Lefevre, Renomitsu and Angelo.
  13. Like
    Tagger reacted to scoop in Hi. My name is Sam Helberg.   
    I am not Streetlight, or Hustles. Right now, in this thread, I am Sam Helberg, a 22 year old living in a small town (<800 people) in Minnesota.
    I apologize that this thread will be a bit more than just an introduction.
    I used to be a kid. Those times were great, because I didn't have to care about anything. Growing up, baseball was my favorite sport (still is). I used to watch the Minnesota Twins every chance I had. I enjoyed playing baseball even more, playing on a summer rec league every year from when I was young up to the 6th grade. I played for my school team from 7th grade to 10th grade. I wasn't that great, and that's part of the reason I stopped. That, and also I didn't want my parents to have to pay a $150 activity fee for me to be able to go to practices and get a single at-bat and a few innings in the field during games.
    I was always a (school) smart kid. I got A's all the time. I graduated 3rd in my class of ~120; tied for first was my best friend and my middle school crush. Some of my favorite times back then were riding the bus back to town (the school was in a city ~10 miles away) with the two of them. I wouldn't say I was unpopular during middle/high school, but I definitely wasn't part of the "popular" crowd, though I had some friends who were. From 7th-12th grade, I participated in something called Knowledge Bowl. It's a team competition for "nerds." Knowledge Bowl was awesome, and I was much better at it than I was at baseball.
    So much more stuff I typed out and considered posting, but I probably shouldn't. I'll try to just make a short version. Here's some stuff about me:
    -I've never had a girlfriend. I've never kissed a girl. I've never asked a girl out. I'm too scared to shit of rejection that I would never. It sucks. Plus I just become interested in girls that I am already friends with (or who I believe I am friends with), and "friendzone" excuse bullshit, etc.
    -One of those ladies in whom I had an interest is still someone who I like to talk to more than others about how I am and feelings and stuff like that. She's a good friend, but the ship has certainly sailed on anything more ever happening. And since I'm sure this thread will be more interesting if I somehow bring up nagger, during High School when I had a crush on this girl, I talked to nagger about it.
    -I graduated college last May.
    -During spring break, I went on a service trip with 28 other students. We rode a bus to a few cities, performing service projects at each stop, and growing to be good friends. On one particular night, I was feeling shitty, and then later that night I wasn't. In the time between my feelings changing, I told this group of people some things about myself that I had told only a couple people in my life (and some things that I'd never mentioned to anyone). There was a thing that actually happened before that as well, which was probably more important in my turnaround, but if you care to know, you can ask. I don't know if there is anyone reading this anyway. So that trip, I like to think, had a pretty big impact on me in ways that if you care about, you can ask me.
    -Nowadays, I'm living with my parents. I don't own a car. I work at Walmart (I just recently started; I'm hoping for 32 hours/week, because new associates can't work 40).
    -Yeah, I'm working at Walmart after graduating from college with a degree in accounting, magna cum laude honors, and ~$32,000 in student loans. I wouldn't care about working at Walmart so much if it weren't for the debt that I have. Part of me wishes I didn't go to college, because I don't care too much about having a great job, but I'd rather not have this debt.
    -I'm better than I used to be, emotionally. I don't feel as worthless as I used to, I like to think I'm becoming more open, and I'm looking forward to the future. There are things that I want to attain (for starters, I want to earn enough money to get a car, then hopefully get a better job and move out).
    I like to juggle. I'm decently good at juggling three balls, but I can't juggle four very well. Nor can I juggle clubs or fire or swords (I can juggle spoons, though!).
    I play League of Legends and am on the VHL way more than I should be.
  14. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Toast in CGY/COL ; S39   
  15. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Doomsday in Burn BoG   
    As someone with an interest and history in the burning of VHL property, I support your notion.
  16. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in Burn BoG   
    As someone with an interest and history in the burning of VHL property, I support your notion.
  17. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from BOOM in General Football Discussion   
    Although my favourite club will always be Manchester United, that's also how I have gotten more willing to put support into other teams, e.g. I managed Crystal Palace in 14 so was happy to see them do well this year. Have always had a soft spot for Everton as well through a FM2012 save I had where they were dominant. 
  18. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from STZ in Edition 203   
    Sweet, I got infinitely more mentions than usual AND I got 3 free TPE using the tried-and-tested 4-4-2 formation!
  19. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Victor in Edition 203   
    Sweet, I got infinitely more mentions than usual AND I got 3 free TPE using the tried-and-tested 4-4-2 formation!
  20. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from diamond_ace in The Shootout King   
    Is Edwin Encarnacion good at hockey? That is the question we will be asking today, and the answer will be:
    “OH JESUS CHRIST NO! Are you fucking kidding me? Edwin Fucking Encarnacion? Dear God no! It’s good that he’s got such a permanent hard-on for the penalty box, cause we’re so much better off with four skaters on the ice than five.”
    All of this may be true, however there is one non-PIM related stat where Edwin Encarnacion is considered ahead of his peers. It turns out that when we get to the shootout, there is only one man this season who has had multiple shootout attempts and converted on every single one of them, and that man is Edwin Encarnacion. Not usually one to take part in a shootout at any of his previous teams (He had actually only ever had one shootout attempt in his previous four seasons), Edwin showcased his unexpected talent against Helsinki, where he was the only one of the fourteen players to have a successful shootout conversion. After this, General Manager Jason Glasser moved Encarnacion up to #3 in the Shootout Order, and he just missed his debut at the position after a Shootout loss to Riga as both of the Latvian team’s players scored while both of the Calgary players missed their attempts. However, it was a return trip to Cologne that eventually saw him make the debut at the #3 spot, and he yet again was the only player to convert his shot, making him 2 for 2 on the season, and 2 for 3 in his career.  
  21. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from solas in CGY/COL ; S39   
  22. Like
    Tagger reacted to BOOM in EE   
  23. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Squinty in CGY/COL ; S39   
    Hmm, well I gave it a check on Word and I guess you're right, doesn't recognize it.

  24. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Squinty in CGY/COL ; S39   
  25. Like
    Tagger got a reaction from Kesler in CGY/COL ; S39   
    Hmm, well I gave it a check on Word and I guess you're right, doesn't recognize it.

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